Lather, Rinse, Repeat | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 17th

We start the week with a New Moon in Taurus and Mercury going retrograde in Gemini.

(see more about that HERE)

The New Moon is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle - all possibilities are on the table now.

(This Moon is in Taurus Decan 3 and falls on the fixed star Algol - which is Arabic for "demon's head" and is said to depict the terrifying snake- for-hair head of the Medusa monster chick who could turn people to stone with just one glance. Not the nicest space for our Moon but if we are looking to cut something, or someone, off at the head or making something rock solid this is the time. We just don't want to go overboard with anything right now or we could lose our own head!)

Compromise and Flexibility | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of May 4th

jude mcconkey wildflowers
Did April blow by fast enough for everyone? Well, hold on for more of the same speed in May!

Mercury goes retrograde in a couple weeks and we are moving into the shadow of this on MONDAY so something or someone from the past may be on our mind or our time and attention may be drawn backward today - also communications and mechanical items may start to get wonky.

(time to back up our computers)

Today could give us an inkling of what's in store for us during the actual retrograde, May 19th thru June 11th, so here's to an easy - breezy Monday for all of us!