Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of June 8th | POTENTIAL

We start the week with the Sun and Mars hugging it out

(both in Gemini making us all feel like an "action Jackson" Aries)

sextile Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries. Sextiles may be the least potent of the harmonious aspects but with everything else that is happening thrown in we have a really nice sized nugget of POTENTIAL here.

(let's just say if this was Gold Rush, Parker Schnabel and his grandpa would be two very happy miners)

Jupiter (opportunity, expansion) plus Uranus (new, revolutionary) could feel like whatever is happening is too big to handle, maybe some opportunity we think we are not quite up to or maybe some change that feels like too much.

owning our gifts | part I

pandora by mary pohlmann
"One person who did not listen was Pandora. Her story comes from Ancient Greece and her curiosity brought a whole heap of trouble."

When I googled Pandora's story this was the first couple sentences to pop up. And it's pretty much the way most people remember the story - the first woman on Earth, made by the Gods, she wasn't satisfied and wanted more, more, more, had to open that damn box and it unleashed untold agony on the world. 

She is the ancient Greek's version of the Eve story and a key foundational block of the patriarchy paradigm we've been living.

Now that the sacred feminine is rising (and the sacred masculine) this isn't about the feminine energy taking over - we had a matriarchal society prior to patriarchy - this is about the merging of the two.