Venus into Capricorn | women get to work

Old city 3 by Natalia Ciobanu

Venus (love, money, women, values) moves into Capricorn today.

Capricorn is the sign of structure and discipline. In Capricorn season (winter) these are the qualities that kept our ancestors alive. When Venus visits this space of the heavens these are the qualities that help us attract what we want and need.

Capricorn Suns and Risings get more attractive now (more able to attract what they want and easier on the eye). Our Capricorn houses (natal) become more attractive, too.

This is the time to get serious with Venus ruled themes.

Time to balance our checkbook. Make a budget (even if it means we give ourselves a cash allowance each week and stop spending when it's gone). Check our insurance policies - do we need more insurance? Do we need all this insurance? Can we find our insurance policies if we need them? Do we have the right paperwork in our car?

Where are we investing our resources - time, esteem, money? What are we getting back? Are we putting a whole lot of time into one thing, but all our revenue is coming from this other thing? Sometimes this is ok, but maybe it's not. It's time to check in with ourselves.

Venus in Capricorn is an excellent time for organizing our finances so we can attract more money that sticks.

I used to be a Bank Manager and noticed that how a person attracted/earned their money usually correlated to how sticky that money was. I once wasted a ridiculous amount of money on something I hadn't done enough research on because the money had come to me in a way my self-esteem wasn't connected to. Venus in Capricorn allows us to recognize we attract what we earn (ie if we've attracted it, we HAVE earned it), so this doesn't happen.

We only have to earn everything by the sweat of our brow if we believe we do, although with Venus in Capricorn there will be sweat!

Tradition will become a focus - the way something has always been done. This doesn't mean we have to continue doing things the way we've always done them, but these things will come to our attention now.

We get more serious about love, too. If something isn't going anywhere, this can be the transit we cut it loose. Our focus returns to what is real. We attract stability and longer lasting success/love/money by finishing what we start and honoring our commitments.

Venus will be in Capricorn until December 7th - it's time to get to work.

xo all

Super Full Moon in Taurus on Monday | we either own it or we don't

untitled by oprisco

I am going to write a post on the election/weeks ahead this Sunday.

I've been busy with work and also working through my own feelings to detach from them.

The reason almost every (every?) well-known astrologer predicted a Clinton victory is that we all bring ourselves to whatever we are looking at. All I can really see in you is the place in me that vibrates to it.

(I think this is true of everything not just astrology charts)

His victory (and there are twists and turns ahead before Inauguration Day people so stay tuned) shows to me the power of Uranus and the power of our progressed charts. Next year, or the end of this year, we are going to focus on our progressed charts here and regular readers will learn to work with their progressions.

I think we'll all feel a little better if we prepare for Monday's Full Moon in Taurus. The Moon loves Taurus (the sign of Mother Nature) and this is a "stop and smell the roses" moment.

Sometimes not getting what we want let's us see very clearly what we already have.

The Full Moon is at 22 degrees Taurus. People with planets or points 20-24 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will feel this energy strongest.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and rules the 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't. She rules finances, love, stability, security and comfort. She rules our values and also represents Mother Earth. Taurus energy is nurturing - it brings us back to ourselves.

It also represents fear based thinking when our security is threatened (real or imagined) focusing us on all the reasons something we want to do won't work or all the reasons we can't have what we want. Taurus energy is stubborn (like the bull) or passive (like the cow).

We either own it (whatever "it" is) or it doesn't belong to us.

Like all Full Moons, this a Sun/Moon opposition. The Sun is in deep, dark, transformative Scorpio and the Moon is in earthy, grounded Taurus. Full Moons represent fullness, peak power, endings - that moment of our breath when our lungs are full just a second before we begin to exhale.

Oppositions are just what they sound like and often at a Full Moon we might find ourselves working with the polarity

(and speaking of Polarity - warning shameless plug ahead - have you seen my lockets?)

of the two energies involved. With Scorpio, some transformation comes to light (Full Moons bring things to light) maybe we have to surrender, there could be a loss of control - with Taurus, we turn toward the present moment - what already exists. We take solace in what brings us comfort - nature, food, our physical senses.

So, all of that applies to every Full Moon in Taurus which happens around this time every year. There are also some energies that apply specifically to the Moon next week.

Remember that Venus (ruler of both Libra and Taurus and ruler of this Moon) is in Capricorn - the sign of business; the energy of 'just get 'er done'. This Moon isn't about any pie in the sky dreams for the future, this is about what we can hold in our hands, see with our eyes - stuff that is real and practical. She will have us focused on our money and on our relationships. If we are a positive thinker we will see clearly what is working. If we are a negative thinker we will see clearly what isn't. Either view will show us what we need to see.

The Moon and Sun will trine (brakes off) Chiron (the wounded healer) and Black Moon Lilith (female taboo energy). A light can be thrown on something hidden. The taboo female energy of Lilith is threatening to existing power structures (male and female). The healing salve of Chiron can make disappointments easier to handle and make us more compassionate for those who are disappointed and for whatever this Full Moon illuminates.

Something simmers here .....

We'll talk more about this Full Moon on Monday. I had some of this post written a couple weeks ago and decided to post it now .... hang in there everyone.

xo all