new world ... part II

Elle voulait voir (she wanted to see) by Leona Snow

Part I is HERE

Let's finish up this look at the inauguration chart by comparing it to Trump's natal chart.

The first thing I see is the Aquarius Sun in the inauguration day chart is conjunct Trump's 6th house cusp. The 6th house rules our health and work. This could give him energy and vitality with his daily work and also a focus on jobs, but also shine a light on his health (also the country's healthcare issues!) or bring to light issues with his health. I don't know if he ever had a complete physical - I remember his doctor was very vague on the papers that were released. Hopefully as he focuses on his day to day activities he will also focus on his health. He will certainly be focused on the 6th house issues of jobs and healthcare. 

His natal Sun and natal Uranus (2nd house - values, money, security) oppose the inauguration day Saturn (8th house - death, transformation, karma). Gemini Suns have been dealing with Saturn opposing them since Saturn moved into Sagittarius over a year ago and have another year to go. He has certainly faced many obstacles and succeeded. In this chart the opposition is pretty exact though. Saturn is time, work, restrictions. This shows obstacles, roadblocks from authority - he will need to focus and clarify his purpose

His Mercury (communication, information) is strong in the 3rd house (which it rules) of the inauguration chart - it will be hard/unlikely for him to stop tweeting! It opposes the inauguration chart's Mercury in the 9th house. Since the 9th house rules the media, legal issues, the courts, higher truth, foreign issues, foreign trade, immigration, higher education - his communications will continue to be at odds with these themes - no big news here.

There is an astrological configuration called a 'mystic rectangle' when we compare Trump's natal chart with the inauguration day chart. This is a connection with four planets. We have two planets in opposition to each other and separated by a sextile - it looks like an envelope. 

When found in a person's natal chart the envelope contains a gift - from the person to the world. When the person gives their gift to the world, they are rewarded in kind. 

In this case it involves Trump's 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses. We can make a word sandwich with these house themes - (2nd) money, values, security, personal resources (6th) health, daily activities, work, (8th) death, rebirth, transformation, other people's resources, karma (12th) illness, lies, hidden enemies or alliances, stuff put away, secrets, self-sabotage, escape, addiction, imagination.

We'll have to see how this plays out.

There is also a T-Square here involving Trump's natal Venus/Saturn conjunction and the inauguration chart's Uranus and Jupiter. This one also involves the 6th and 12th houses and the 4th house of home, family, country. Since Venus is the ruler of Trump's mid-heaven (career, public reputation, life's goal) Taurus and his "home" is now The White House (his place of work) this year's Uranus/Jupiter opposition - one of the big ongoing aspects in 2017 - will be impacting him big time.

(and with his natal Uranus/Sun conjunction I think whenever I say "Uranus" in the weekly forecasts - and you can pronounce this either way, long a or short a, depending on your feelings about the President and these could change, too, as we move along - anyway, when I write Uranus, you can think Trump)

He has many challenging periods over the next year (through October 2017 at least) including the fact our total solar eclipse in August - what astronomers are calling The Great American Eclipse because it will be so visible in the United States - will be conjunct his ascendant (first house cusp, his physical self). Eclipses are giant cosmic resets and eclipse something out. This one will last for two minutes, so it's effects will be felt for two years.

He needs to be cautious, but I don't think he can/will be. Whatever he is here to bring us, he is going to bring us.

Asbury Park NJ Women's March

Think about Sunday's Women's March with millions of women marching around the world and the kind of energetic shift we will see over time from this - is there any other person who could have created this?

If Hillary had been elected I don't think we would have seen this. And not if Bernie had won either.

We are ending centuries of patriarchy and moving into equality. It takes what it takes. It won't be pretty.

And truly Trump's chart, as ugly as it is sometimes, also shows a larger than life energy for change and transformation, a passion to win and a deep caring for family and country. There are always diamonds - hopefully he/we will unearth them. Also as he changes us, we change him, too. The Universe is never static and free will is always present in all situations. We will hope, and work, for the best outcome for all of us.

People keep asking me if it looks like he will finish out his term. I think there are indicators he might not. Maybe if he makes it through October, he will finish. But when we look ahead to the inauguration of 2020 (2020 is going to be a HUGE year astrologically) his chart still fits right in with where we will likely be then. 

With Trump's natal Uranus/Sun conjunction his actions and outcomes really can't be predicted and now that his chart is enmeshed with the U.S. chart, the United States can't be predicted either. We also have the North Node moving into Leo in May - people who are not stepping into their own spotlight and responsibility might be looking for a "King". It's hard to say.

I have tried to write these two posts in as unbiased a manner as I could. 

 Here is a post I wrote about both Clinton and Trump before the election. But the astrologer is always present in any astrology forecast (and if you are a regular reader you know I am a bit of a negative thinker). I'm going to leave these posts in the feed for a week and then bury them a bit. They will still be searchable by subject. I want to keep this blog as nonpolitical as I can - although obviously sometimes events factor into the weeklies.

I don't want anyone to feel unwelcome here. We are all in this together and we need to remember whoever won the 2016 election would have been stepping into very similar landmines!

xo all

new world .....

new world by ceecore

I try not to talk politics here, but thought it would be interesting to look at the new administration's chart to see what we see. This post won't be here for long - I don't really want it in my blog feed, but a few people have asked me about it so I'll leave it searchable if you look for it another time.

Trump took the oath of office at exactly 12 noon. An astrology chart set up for precisely that moment in Washington D.C. - we'll call it the inauguration chart - will tell us alot about what he/and we will be dealing with for the next four years. We also have the ingress charts as he moves through his term - the chart for the day the Sun moves into a cardinal sign and ushers in a new season - but today's chart provides a good overview.  

Remember this chart would apply to whoever won the election, assuming they were sworn in at this customary time.

Then we'll add Trump's natal chart to this chart and we'll have something personalized to his Presidency (comparing two charts in astrology is called synastry).

First, let's see what the skies looked like at noon in D.C. We know alot about what is happening from this week's forecast and dailies. We know the Sun has just moved into Aquarius and the Moon is in Scorpio today.

Scorpio and Aquarius are both fixed signs that square each other. Since Trump was born with his Sun conjunct Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) he is the Sun in this chart - he would be anyway, but damn it is so, so accurate. The Moon in a mundane chart represents 'the people' or 'the public'. We have Trump squaring the people or the people squaring Trump. And we have the Sun and Moon in fixed signs so everyone's positions are pretty dug in and rigid. This is also the 'mommy and daddy are fighting' aspect that will probably represent the two political parties.

We have all planets moving ahead (no planets retrograde and this is VERY unusual) so he will be off to the races right out of the gate! No looking backward - he will only be looking ahead.

Noon puts the Sun in the 10th house at the top of the chart - the house of career and government. This is why I should have known the inauguration (moment he takes the oath) is precisely at noon - our founding fathers, many Freemasons, knew astrology and knew what they were doing here.

This year the ruler of the 10th house (Uranus) is in the 12th house in Aries. This shows Trump using initiative and energy and yes, anger or impulsive action (Aries) to change and revolutionize (Uranus) government, business, societal structures (10th house). Even though his recent appointments don't look much like he is "draining the swamp" - this configuration gives him the focus and power to create fast and maybe unexpected changes. With Aries in the 12th house, much of this work will be 'behind the scenes', maybe 'clouded in secrets, maybe even deception', somethings might just disappear or drift away or he could drift off purpose. He could have hidden enemies and secret alliances.

Aries is ruled by Mars (war, action) and Mars is in the 11th house of friends. And the 11th house, Pisces in this chart, also houses Mercury, Venus and Chiron. Remember we have alot of Pisces right now - why it's hard to tell what is real from what is not real. This will continue with this administration - hard to tell what is true.

Pisces in the 11th house makes friendships rather unreliable and mutable. If you are born with Pisces here you can't always count on your friends and they can't always count on you. With so many planets in this space our relationships with other countries will be a focus and will be subject to change.

Mars is conjunct Chiron - this could be some wounding to masculinity or the military (maybe the Navy since it's in Pisces, but I might be stretching things) over the next four years. Mars is also making a tense aspect to Jupiter in the 6th house which rules 'health' and work. Maybe something happens militarily that has a negative impact on our nation's health or ability to work. The Moon is also in that 6th house and represents 'the people'. This is probably not good news.

You might remember we talked the other day about Mars squaring Saturn (that was the live to fight another day post). The inauguration chart has Mars (military, action) in that 11th house (friends) squaring Saturn (authority, limits, walls) in the 9th house in Sagittarius (religion, foreigners, legal issues, the media). Squares denote tension and conflict. You can kind of see where this is going.

The U.S. is a Cancer country - born on the 4th of July, after all, and Cancer rules the 4th house of home, family and patriotism. In this chart we have Cancer strong in the 4th house and we have the ruler of Cancer, the Moon, in the 6th house of the nation's health (healthcare?) and our day to day work. This is a good indicator that Trump's focus will be on the health of the nation and getting people working. This is good. Now this is what we usually see in these inauguration charts (since they are always the same day and time). Every President wants to do good for the health of the nation, Trump does, too.

The good news - the Moon is sextile Mercury so Trump will have easy conversations with 'the people' and his words will make people feel listened to and comforted. Venus is sextile Pluto (my post from this morning) - this should be good for women's issues and money. I know that sounds unlikely at this moment, but I think tomorrow's marches for women around the country will make a difference! This is also about the country being passionate about what we love and loving what we are passionate about.

With Capricorn ruling the 10th (government) and answering to Saturn (Saturn rules Capricorn) in the 8th (death, rebirth, other people's assets, karma, transformation) in Sagittarius much of the government's focus will be on foreign policy, immigration, legal issues, religion, maybe the media.  And with Pluto - the planet of transformation and karma, in Capricorn in the 9th house squaring Jupiter (in Libra/6th house) and squaring Uranus (in Aries/12th house). Well, that's a whole lot of tension.

Some of these challenges are not so dissimilar to the ones Obama faced.

Jupiter (in Libra/6th house) has multiple aspects. Many astrologers see Jupiter as always beneficial, but I know from my own life that Jupiter's expansion (not to mention being literally full of hot air, well gases anyway) expands both positive and negative things. I am not liking Jupiter all squished up here in the 6th house and squaring the Sun, Pluto and the chart's mid-heaven and opposing Uranus. It feels like whatever expands will not be for the best or what needs to expand will get squashed.

It could be the 'expansions' of his administration run into a lot of roadblocks or are just not good for society.

The biggest challenge with the inauguration chart is a T-Square between Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto - all power players. Uranus opposite Jupiter in Libra - feels to me like unexpected, unbalanced and/or unfair actions that are either overblown (overstated by the media, maybe) or create big tension. Alliances can change quickly. This T-Square is challenging. We'll look at it again.

Well, I'm getting a headache and going to call it a night. There is alot more to look at. Hopefully will polish this off over the weekend by adding his natal chart to the mix!

Going to the Women's March tomorrow in Asbury Park, NJ. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

xo all

Venus Sextile Pluto | passionate about the things we love

Ashlin I by surabhiguptaphotoart
Venus in Pisces sextiles (opportunities) Pluto in Capricorn today.

Venus ruled women, art, money and beauty can be the catalyst for change and transformation now. Sextiles are gentle aspects - things can fall into place so easily that opportunities can be overlooked. This is feeling passion about what we love or falling in love with what we are passionate about. Fated relationships - personal and business - could begin now.

Back this afternoon with the inauguration chart once we see what time he actually takes the oath of office. We have the Scorpio Moon squaring the Aquarius Sun - so big changes ahead folks, but we probably don't need astrology to tell us that! xo all