Today's Astrology Forecast | August 26, 2019 - small moves that create big changes, innovating with love and money, attracted to something else, hitting the wall again, the plot thickens

The Moon is in her home sign of Cancer today - we are nurtured through home, family, mom and apple pie. By 4:37AM EDT she will have sextiled Venus, Mars and Uranus. She has her monthly opposition to Saturn (authority/boundary issue) at 5:45PM EDT and trines Neptune at 11:27PM EDT.

Venus (in Virgo) trines a retrograde Uranus (in Taurus) at 6 degrees. Mercury squares Vesta. Pallas moves into the deep, dark water of Scorpio (until early November).

Venus/Uranus indicates change with our money, love, self-esteem, resources, values, women or beauty. Expect the unexpected this week. Doing something differently pays off. We are leaning into the future. Be out and about. Meet new people.

Venus is in Virgo and wants organization and practicality. Uranus in Taurus (Venus's sign, but I see Taurus at least co-ruled by Ceres) is showing us the ways our self-esteem is connected to our pocketbook/to our resources/to the things we can attract based on how loved and valued WE feel.

Focus on the small things now. Small changes. Take action.

What isn't working within your relationships? With your finances? With your health or work? With your pets or daily activities? What change is needed? Small changes can move us quickly forward now.

Earth trines allow things (that are already lined up on another plane) to happen. The brakes are off. Impediments removed. Uranus speeds this whole thing up and adds innovation and liberation. Virgo makes small things into big things (which can be good, but not always, right?).

Small problems/mistakes can create big issues and then sometimes we just put up with them/learn to live with them. We think the thing that needs to be fixed is some big thing, and maybe it is, but some tiny step in a new direction makes big changes possible. The error (maybe in our thinking) that started the ball rolling was tiny.

The solution can start tiny, too.

(Think about when you put together an Ikea bookcase and maybe early on you notice some peg is not quite in there right or screw not exactly straight. Maybe it doesn't seem to matter so you keep working. Maybe you don't even notice it because you are so focused on all the things this bookcase will hold and how nice it will look next to your new red sofa. Then before you know it, you are stuck. Something isn't fitting. The whole thing is crooked. Or maybe you manage to get it put together, but it's not quite right and so you can never really trust it with the potted plants you bought it for in the first place. Sure it would have been easier if you had fixed that faulty peg or crooked screw three hours ago, or three years or thirty years but you didn't and here you are. We can only be here now. So what do we do now? Are we the kind of person who shrugs and puts up with it, and some things are not so important and a shrug is a good thing and maybe this bookcase is a shrug. But maybe it gives us a pit in your stomach every time we see our plants all scrunched up on that table and we need to fix this. One screw at a time.)

Pallas into complicated Scorpio changes our strategy. We can see the stuff that was covered up all pretty when she was in lovely Libra - like that crooked bookshelf, except the stuff that is unbalanced may be more important than a bookshelf. To solve problems we are going to need to look under the hood. We are going to have to delve into the details and get our hands dirty and know things more intimately.

With Pallas out of Libra there goes our air (thinking)! And with Mercury (at the end of fiery Leo and hurrying to get home to Virgo) at odds with Vesta (what we hold dear) - let's be careful we don't say the wrong thing and damage something we care about. Stay intentional. Less talk. More action.

Avoid over-thinking today.

The Moon opposing Saturn could add stress around a home, family, real estate, home business, mothering, career, goals, authority situation. Depending on what else we have going on this could overshadow the good energy, so let's not let that happen. Something is falling into place here for all of us. Know THAT.

Trust your instincts. The Moon is waning - what can you release? What needs to be finished up?

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 26, 2019 - change is good, new ways to make money, new love, changing the conversation, sudden insights, new solutions, something stabilizes, a new way forward

Here's some of the aspects for the week ahead:

MONDAY - Venus trines Uranus
WEDNESDAY - Mars trines Uranus
THURSDAY - Mercury into Virgo (now ALL the personal planets are in Virgo), Sun trines Uranus
FRIDAY - New Moon in Virgo (6 degrees)
SUNDAY - Mercury trines Uranus, Venus trines Saturn

Look at all those trines (brakes off) - something has to fall into place for everyone this week!

MONDAY and WEDNESDAY (in play all week really) we have Venus (our love, money, resources, values, self-esteem, women) and Mars (action, passion, what we do to get what we want, initiative, anger, men) moving very closely together through practical and grounded Virgo now trining (brakes off) change-maker Uranus (in Taurus, so answering to Venus).

CHANGE is the buzzword this week, and it's the kind of change that moves us step-by-step toward something BETTER.

This isn't the tornado that lands us on our ass in a field somewhere. Promise.

It's the time to try something NEW. We are attracted to unusual people and things now. Our values are changing. We want different things. We have the courage to try new things.

Get out and meet new people. Moves with money could pay off now. Action will lead to liberation.

Improved health, advancements with our work, with our daily activities, our pets - all of this is possible - it will take action and movement on our part though, we don't want to be idle this week, unless this idleness is within some healthy space of "taking care of ourselves", since Virgo rules our health - trines ALLOW things to happen and with Uranus this active now, change is good!

It could also be a bit anxiety-producing as Virgo increases the pressure to do things "right". If you feel a tension build-up TAKE A BREAK. There is nothing perfect about perfect. Ask for help if you need it.

What are the themes of your 6 degree Virgo and Taurus houses? How can they work together now? What can you do to get the most from these energies?

On THURSDAY - now the Sun trines Uranus - this is POSITIVE CHANGE. A light is thrown on something different. Innovation. Time to take advantage of unusual/unique opportunities. Try something else. Uranus starts a new cycle with the Sun - start something different!

Mercury (communication, thinking, ideas, local neighborhood, siblings, transportation) joins the other inner planets in Virgo. She/he is quite happy to be back in Virgo - a sign he rules.

In Virgo, our thinking, writing and communication will be more practical and commonsense. We will be all about the details. Nothing gets by Mercury in Virgo. But lots of things get dismissed. If it's not real, if it doesn't work - it's gone.

This is an excellent transit (Mercury will be in Virgo until September 14th) for organization, cleaning, paperwork, working on the tedious trivia we have overlooked during Mercury's days in star-studded Leo.

The curtain gets drawn, the crowds go home, the star of the stage (us!) hones his craft without an audience, without applause. This is the work that gets done right because it needs to be done right. This is also excellent service energy - for taking care of our health, for taking care of other people, for taking care of our animals.

The Virgo house in your natal chart gets a visit from active Mercury - this is where the solutions will be. This is where we can drill down the details and become more efficient.

This is where we will be walking our talk.

The shadow side of Mercury during this transit is that we can't always see the forest for the trees. We might get so caught up in the details the big picture gets away from us. We could forget/lose sight of why we are doing the thing we are doing in the first place. Or we get so caught up in something being so perfect, that it never gets finished. Or maybe we pare something down so much that in the end we end up with nothing .... keep an eye (yes, we need three eyes now!) out for this stuff.

On FRIDAY we have a super-powerful New Moon in Virgo that encompasses all these energies and propels us through the next two weeks as the inner planets move through some powerful and supportive trines to Saturn and Pluto. I am loving this Moon. Expect a post!

On SUNDAY - Mercury trines Uranus - yes he/she is that quick! New ideas. Fast thinking. Shocking, unexpected news. Sudden insights. Maybe our siblings surprise us. Our words (and the words of other people) can be erratic, unexpected and spontaneous. Our brains and tongues will be restless.

The information we need or our next great idea could literally drop right into our lap.

AND THEN we have to do SOMETHING WITH IT. Remember this is Virgo, we don't have to do some huge something with it. We get to the huge something by working the step-by-step process.

New solutions come in now. To get the most out of this transit - talk to different people. Change the conversation.

On the same day, Venus trines Saturn. Here is our money/love/resources getting stabilized. Maybe the work we have previously done pays off now. Good for dealing with authority. Investing for the long-haul. Here is where facing reality pays off.

We could make a commitment (Saturn) within a relationship (Venus) now. We could make a commitment with our money. We could make a commitment to valuing ourselves. We could commit to the hard work of being more beautiful (ie Venusian) or birthing something beautiful. We could beautify (Venus) our career (Saturn). This would be a great time for cosmetic changes within a business. Spruce ups now will pay off over time.

What a week!

We will flesh the whole thing out daily when we factor in the Moons, which other than some challenges on Tuesday (with authority/limits, etc) and Friday (with escape or rose-colored glasses), look pretty good, too.

This week is a HUGE kick off to what will be a very productive Virgo season. Don't let it stress you out - change is good and we are easing into it!

xo all

photo by the amazing sea-of-ice

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 24, 2019 - doing things together, taking care of the stuff we care about, starting that new diet/health routine, coming together through service, love is a verb

The Moon is in busy and communicative Gemini now. We are nurtured through information, through humor, through words, teaching and story-telling through commerce, our local community and our siblings. 

She will oppose Jupiter at 1:53PM EDT (watch that urge to splurge) and square a retrograde Neptune at 7:17PM EDT, finally going void off an opportunistic sextile to ruler Mercury at 2:58AM EDT. Not the best Saturday-socializing energy.

The big news today is we have Venus meeting Mars at 4 degrees Virgo while squaring Ceres in Sagittarius.

Mars (action, passion, anger, our dynamic masculine energy) and Venus (attraction, love, money, balance, our receptive feminine energy) meet about every two years and start a new cycle together.

Does this new cycle in fussy Virgo mean men and women (really our masculine and feminine energies, but this sometimes does play out as men and women) will be picking each other apart for the next couple years? Or coming together to find practical solutions? Fixing what is fixable?

We love each other (and ourselves) - through taking care of business/a beloved pet/the bottom line/sweeping the floor/fixing the place up. We do the work together. We come together through service. The one who has our back will be the one who picks up the drying cloth and takes care of the dishes. We have our own back by doing the same thing.

For the next two years LOVE IS A VERB.

When the God of War and the Goddess of Love meet - the warring factions inside of us and outside of us (what we want and what we have to do to get what we want) come into HARMONY. This cycle, and it kicks off now, will be about taking care of the details, tending to the quality of something, the stuff we take care of on a daily basis, our health.

Excellent energy to start a new health regime.

To get organized. To clean up our mess and keep it cleaned up.

I see the potential for more people to fall in love with co-workers (the people you spend your day-to-day time with)!

That square to Ceres makes me think there is still tension/frustration here that is outside our control. This could be a season of life situation (something ending/something starting), disagreements over how to nurture/grow something, maybe some authority over us that ties our hands somehow.

Virgo is practical and realistic energy. It does what needs to be done. If we focus on THIS now, on this thing that is right in front of us - we can move mountains over the next few weeks.

For today - doing it together is the way to go. We will be able to see the ways we undermine ourselves, maybe by thinking "we can do this better" or "this is the way it should be done". Let that go. Also let's try weeding out any thinking/feeling that makes "the authority, or something outside our control" an enemy/adversary - this is the surest path to never getting our own hands on the steering wheel.

xo all

Heads up the Moon will be void most of the day tomorrow. 

photo by the talented Indie Child 19

Today's Astrology Forecast | August 22, 2019 - coming out of the closet, commitments, what our heart needs, let's stop blaming/regretting the past or what we don't have, choices, decisions, iron your shirt, showing up ready or not

‘Mountain Peak with Drifting Clouds’ By Caspar David Friedrich c1835 {{PD}}  We see our options and our problems quite clearly, and the question becomes, will we succumb to some negative message from the past that we still carry of our unlovability or lack of assets, or will we take what we’ve learned in the past, filter it through a current ‘power role’ (even if that’s just your individuality), apply ideals, creativity, and spiritual character, and come up with an idea or three about what we should do today? Either we we embrace ultimate responsibility for what we can do with our lives, or we sit back and blame the past–today there’s no in-between.

The Moon continues her journey through Taurus (a space she LOVES)

- she will trine Saturn at 4:57AM EDT (our resources and goals in sync, flow with authority, mastering our emotions), square Mercury at 9:22AM EDT (stressful conversations around money/resources, frustration), sextile Neptune at 11:22AM EDT (dreams, spirituality, that behind the scenes agenda, healing, hospitals, art, escape) and finally go VOID at 5:32PM EDT off a trine to Pluto (solid manifestation energy, transformation, power). Other than that testy square with Mercury early in the day, the Moon does pretty well today in Taurus.

The big news today is the Yod (finger of God - so we'll pay attention) between the South Node, Neptune and Mercury - pointing at Mercury with Mercury inconjunct Neptune exact. At the same time the Sun, at the very end of Leo and so very powerful in his home sign, meets Juno (relationships, partnerships, commitment).

The Sun meeting Juno in fiery Leo speaks of a time when maybe we are bringing a relationship/commitment out into the light.  

Maybe what our heart wants/needs from other people has become clear to us.

On the other hand Juno, philandering Jupiter's long suffering wife (not that she always sat idly by and let him do whatever he wanted, but she almost certainly looked the other way at times to preserve the relationship and her position), meeting the light could force us to acknowledge - maybe publicly in Leo, but at least to our own egos - a space in our lives where we are avoiding dealing with something (maybe our own heart) in order to preserve a relationship/position.

Coming at the same time as the Yod from Neptune/South Node to Mercury (in Leo) might suggest confusion, blaming something in the past for keeping us stuck now, wanting to avoid the truth - whatever this is, Mercury is the focal point - we see the problems, we see our options, we have creative ideas. We see the ways our avoidance of looking at /dealing with something back THEN has brought us to THIS PUBLIC MOMENT.

Taking responsibility for where we find ourselves NOW will open up an incredible flow of opportunities/choices.

Blaming/shaming/regretting the past will keep us stuck in this endless loop.

We may have to show up when we aren't ready to show up and that's OK!

Let's iron our shirt and show the f*ck up!

This is the last day of the Sun in Leo (his home sign) - we have the Moon exalted in Taurus, Saturn in his home sign, Jupiter in his home sign (and direct!) and Neptune in his home sign. Mars and Venus are in Virgo encouraging us to make hay by focusing on the nitty-gritty details.

Sometimes we think we are waiting for life to make a move when life has already tossed the ball to us. The Moon will move into Gemini tonight - more choices, more chatter, more BUSY - life is complicated and messy and that's part of the fun of it all or at least part of the point of it all. Keep in mind that Finger of God pointed to Mercury in loud and proud Leo - what needs to be SAID/decided? How is the past or maybe our exhaustion/need to escape/an addiction fueling the conversation? What needs to change?

Can we learn from the past AND move on from it?

Of course we can!

We aren't the people we were a few years or even a few minutes ago.

By tomorrow the only planet left in Leo will be Mercury - courageous thinking, believing in ourselves, knowing what is in our hearts. By tomorrow, with oodles of Virgo energy encouraging practical action - Mercury will be all the Leo we need.


Let's use this last day of the Sun in Leo to love a little harder and shine a little brighter!

photo by the talented Jalmelbarra