Friday Finds - going to the chapel ...


1. nesbitts soda
2. diy fabric backdrops
3. sundance diamond-kissed stack of rings
4. vintage vw bus
5. seychelles joan wedge sandals
6. fiber optics dress
7. kayrock wedding invite
8. photobooth
9. passionate about baking pie
10. jcrew bride
11. jcrew groom
12. paws up resort in montana

Another amazing stack by the incredible wedding photog and stacker of all things stackable; Kella Macphee!


Tonya said...

I absolutely LOVE the seychelles joan wedge sandals! Great pick!

sheila at shecological said...

Woah! Those wedding photos threw me off at first because they look very similar to my own! except I wasn't wearing a long white dress. We were in our backyard and had a low, single-story blue-green house! :0)