Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of April 1, 2019 - more clarity, knowing it's what we need to know because it's what we know, reminiscing, de-construction, letting go, powerful endings and structural changes, the courage to start something new, trusting the process

A month of permanent change for EVERYONE kicks off this week! Some important aspects are - TUESDAY - Mercury conjuncts Neptune...

A Quick Sky Map | the Astrology of April 2019 | cleaning up the mess, pulling back our projections and stepping into our own power and responsibility, a time of karma and unlimited possibility

April is a MEGA powerful month so let's take a quick look ahead. April amps up our 2019 journey toward the Saturn/Pluto conjunction...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 25th - still some confusion but we are moving forward, emotional endings, honoring our commonality, unexpected love and money situations, irrevocable decisions, karmic slates being wiped clean, your great-great-great-great grandma has your back, too

Here are some major aspects for the week ahead: SUNDAY - Mercury retrograde conjunct Neptune TUESDAY - Venus into Pisces WEDNESDAY...

Full Moon in Libra and the Spring Equinox | March 20, 2019 - moving our relationships into the future, stand-offs, taking a good hard look in the mirror, balance is the new black, shifting values, kicking off a New Solar Year when we have both time and luck on our side

On Wednesday, March 20th, just hours after the Sun moves into Aries bringing the Spring Equinox and kicking off a New Solar...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 18th - Happy New Year, exposure, action, courage, relationship imbalances, owning our projections, tension, unexpected opportunities, uncomfortable changes, thinking things through, keep our eyes on the skies

HUGE happenings in the week ahead as we shift into a BRAND NEW YEAR : WEDNESDAY - Spring Equinox- Sun into Aries, Mars trines...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 11th - optimism, over-confidence, stretched to our limit, a moment of clarity, putting in the effort, making the dream REAL, moving in the right direction, coming home to ourselves

Some major aspects for the week ahead are: WEDNESDAY - Sun square Jupiter, Sun sextile Pluto THURSDAY - Sun conjunct Mercury (retrograde)...

New Moon in Pisces | March 6th, 2019 - a vision of what we hold sacred, concrete support for the dream, divine inspiration, letting go of attachments, releasing expectations, the present of staying present, resistance is futile, watering our own roots

On Wednesday at 11AM EST, we have the Pisces Moon meeting the Pisces Sun at 15 degrees. This is a HUGE week because we also have...

Uranus into Taurus March 2019 by sign | changes that challenge our sense of security, shifts with our values and resources, new ways to make money, the ways our self-esteem connects to our benjamins will become more obvious, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable

Uranus moved into Taurus (after approx 84 years) back in May 2018 - note some of this post comes from that time frame. Then...

March 2019 - Mercury's Retrograde through Pisces | this is our brain on drugs, dazed and confused, visionary ideas, having second thoughts, time to listen, time to remember, time to re-think this thing, feeling other people's words, a divine intervention, our past is given a voice, talking to ghosts

Mercury will station retrograde at 29 degrees Pisces at 9:19PM EST on March 5th. (and yes, this is within hours of Uranus's...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 4th - the week when everything happened at once

This week's major aspects (and they are all SO major, they have their own posts) are: TUESDAY - Mercury stations retrograde...