a quick look at the astrology of China, the Corona-Virus and the Saturn/Pluto Conjunction - major changes through the world's workforce as our patriarchal unwinding continues

In the middle of January when I was writing about the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn (the first time in more than 500 years)...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, February 29th - relax, do something pampering, the eye of the storm, feeling more inspired and optimistic

The Moon, exalted in Taurus (so functioning at her best), sextiles dreamy Neptune at 2:50PM EST and trines expansive Jupiter...

Today's Astrology Forecast plus the last few weeks of Cancer/Capricorn - allowing ourselves to just not know and how everybody wins in the end

The energy is quite stressful for the next couple days, so I thought I would pop back in from looking at March charts and toss...

Weekly Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 24th - a mystical fresh start, avoid overdoing it, more building the dream, fated endings, a karmic story is unwinding, a light on our path forward, power struggles, surprising news and ideas, something comes back around

Another important week and a karmic storyline playing out! I am going to take blog break after this post. I'm getting burned...

New Moon in Pisces | February 23, 2020 - endings, healing, an old dream re-imagined, an ancestral inheritance re-invented, leaning into the future, genie out of the bottle, divine inspiration, watering our own roots

On Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 10:31AM EST, the Pisces Moon will meet the Pisces Sun at 4 degrees giving us this year's New Moon...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, February 21, 2020 - painful actions, take care with accidents, lean into the future, a green light somewhere, new ways to make money, surprising resources

The Moon, is in Aquarius now - so nurturing us through our groups, friendships, through technology and detachment, through creating...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, February 20th - longish void moon, making the dream real, establishing a ritual practice, working for what we want, going back to old information

The Moon in sober Capricorn met Pluto while we slept (EST) and goes void off her meeting with Cappy ruler Saturn at 9:08AM EST....

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - going back over our plans, re-dos and re-visions, finishing up, a nudge toward something else, making the dream real

After the Moon, in serious and work-motivated Capricorn, and a tense square to Venus in Aries this morning (in the mood to start/to...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, February 18, 2020 - get to work, wrap it up, a little elbow grease, something unexpected, easing into the future

The Moon, in serious and earthy Capricorn since 5:37AM EST, is goal-focused now and ENERGIZED. We have the Moon, Mars, Jupiter,...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 17th, 2020 - a dream starts to grow legs, a push in a new direction, Pisces on steroids

SUNDAY - Mercury station retrograde in Pisces, Mars enters Capricorn TUESDAY - Sun enters Pisces THURSDAY - Jupiter sextiles...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, February 16, 2020 - Mars into capricorn, Mercury stations retrograde - swimming with the sharks, dreaming backward

Big changes in the skies today as Mars moves into Capricorn (through March 30th) - a space he is exalted, but also this year,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, February 15, 2020 - dream, rest, some frustration later on, logic vs passion, going deeper with something, and a mystery solved

Tonight (5:20PM EST), we have the Moon in deep and probing Scorpio squaring the Aquarius Sun (this month's waning square) and...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, February 13, 2020 - choices around love and money, what new passion is pulling us forward, life is like #allcaps "look over here"


The Moon continues her journey through Libra - squaring Pluto at 9:20AM EST, trining the Sun at 10:15AM EST, squaring Saturn at 1:46PM EST and going void at 4:40PM EST off a sextile to Mars.

So we have a nice trine to the Sun mid morning just as the Pluto tension starts to unwind (power play, transformation, issues with Plutonian themes - sex, death, birth, rebirth, taxes, insurance, inheritance, other people's money/resources, the ways and things we merge with others). Then we move into that Saturn square - this could bring limits, the feeling of being overloaded/out-of-time, or stressed over goals, with authority, etc.

Her final move is a sextile to Mars, at the end of Sagittarius. Adventure, going wide with something - maybe that square to Saturn helped us get clear on what we need to do to get what we want.

The Moon will be void from 4:40PM EST through 7:37PM EST when she dives into Scorpio.

Today, is also the day Venus, moving through early Aries, squares the North Node in Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn.

This is us, stumbling across one of those paths that divide in the woods, or coming up on one of those freeway mergers where just a one lane change will land us in a whole different state. Squares brings tension, frustration and challenges. Squares to the nodes bring choice points through tension, frustration and challenges.

And keep in mind, not making a choice is still making a choice with this aspect. 

Maybe a new passion (Aries!), a new sense of ourselves, the antsy need for a fresh start will bring us to the point where the old, although maybe somewhat comfortable because our bodies are made to crave what is familiar above all else and Venus in Aries is very much in her physical body - but maybe here is where we come to the space where we feel so blocked in and desirous of something ELSE that we can make a more authentic, self-nurturing choice. It feels less secure to go with what is new - but if that new is more home-centered/more emotionally driven (and not driven by our ambitions), then the nodes tell a different story.

BML is in early Aries, too and we had the Libra Moon move through these degrees yesterday and Mars is soon to conjunct all our Cappy ambitions - we don't want to have our ladder leaning against the wrong wall!

What do we want? What do we need?

What is happening in our life and within our hearts RIGHT NOW is letting us know what we can expect with the future of our relationships/finances - is our current trajectory still working?

The waning Moon (and Mercury walking his retrograde degrees) tells us it is not really the time for big changes, but it is the time for thinking/planning - what are our values now? What are our priorities? What do we want? What feels good? Imbalances  are being made visible. Are we taking care of ourselves?!

An inner planet's contact to the Nodes is a time to take note of what is going on/being said/read, etc, there are clues we might have missed before, adjustments needed - and this is a square, so our attention here comes through tension/frustration/challenges - which sounds like a bad thing, but actually makes it less likely to be missed and more likely we will take action! 

Everything counts here. Everything matters. 

With Mercury in Pisces for the long slog, not everything will be above-board, visible or in our hands. But this also means we have access to our ancestors, to magic, to the stuff we have forgotten, to what that guy standing next to us knows, but doesn't even know he knows.

What is going on with our relationships, with fairness and balance in our life, with our money and resources, with our values and self-esteem, with our physical appearance? What needs a change here? A change that will move us toward something more comfortable (not because it is familiar, but because it is soothing) and more authentic. 

Life is speaking to us through our present circumstances. 

It's a time for flexible plans, giving our attention to what comes to our attention and making choices.

xo all

photo by the talented gHopson

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - needs vs wants, the old vs the new, too much or too little, keeping our balance, a turning point

The Moon continues her journey through Libra - nurtured through balance, fairness, love, peace. She opposed Venus at 3:06AM EST...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - get it done early, practical and ambitious action, afternoon void moon after some tension, bringing everyone to the table

Get up and get it done early.  The Moon is in earthy, organized and level-headed Virgo, a sign that is making nice with...