Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - getting comfortable with disorder, new information, new ideas about money and resources, absorbing inspiration and innovation, thinking ahead

Our Gemini Moon goes void off a square to Venus at 9:19AM EST. She will be void until 2:03PM EST when she comes home to Cancer - for the next couple days we will be nurtured through home, family, mom/mothering, real estate, our safety/security, country, renovation, home business, family business and taking care of our physical selves.

In Cancer, the Moon will sextile Uranus at 7:16PM EST and then move into a trine with Mercury (who is also sextiling Uranus) at 8:59PM EST.

Mercury (at 2 degrees Pisces now) sextiles Uranus in Taurus.

This is her/his first of three sextiles due to Mercury's upcoming retrograde - remember we are walking the first pass now, so the information/communications, etc, coming in now are VERY IMPORTANT. Mercury will sextile Uranus again on February 28th (while retrograde) and finally on March 22nd moving direct.

Pay attention to what is happening in your life (maybe especially around new ideas/communications regarding money, your resources, your values) because we will be going back and forth over this. Here's where knowing our natal chart will help us - what is the theme of our Pisces natal house? What is the theme of our Taurus natal house?

These themes are working together now to pull us forward. This can also be very literal/mundane - an Aquarius person and a Pisces person or an Aquarius person (or strong Uranus) and a Cancer person, etc.

The Moon in Cancer sextiling Uranus is all about us learning to be comfortable when things are unstable. The Sun in Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so this sextile is even more impactful. Cancer/Aquarius is not uber compatible because one energy wants to attach and one energy wants to detach. So having this kind of powerful, and HARMONIOUS, connection now is something to pay attention to. 

What are you feeling? What are you thinking?

Mercury in Pisces is literally absorbing information and ideas, and touching Uranus, the planet of our higher mind and the group consciousness, this is some powerful stuff if we can move with the flow of this and not get too jammed up by our need to stay the same (or know what is going to happen) in order for us to feel safe.

Give yourself a break. And give other people a break, too. 

This is good energy to talk about/write about/think about our original ideas, especially in regard to those Cancer or Taurus themes - the home stuff mentioned early on and our Taurean money, resources, values, self-esteem - and most especially if these areas have been challenging because here is some FRESH ENERGY/CHANGE to shake things up.

February is going to be challenging, especially once we get into the middle of the month (and yes, I am doing a monthly) - we are going to need a soft space and some structure to hold onto, loosely, as we move through it.

xo all

With Trump, being Uranus, it looks like good news for him today. Especially now that the Senate vote has been changed, so it is not happening during the void Moon (the impeachment trial did start under a Void Moon, so the 'nothing coming of it' results shouldn't be too unexpected). I think too many astrologers are caught up in his personal chart challenges and not giving enough importance to the zeitgeist of the moment with him. Just keep in mind, Mercury is walking degrees he will walk again, so things here will not be as 'over' as they seem either ... also I would wager, with those crazy Iowa caucus snafus and strange "62%" reporting during last night's Neptune/Mercury lies and confusion (not to mention the fantastical State of the Union address) that those results are not quite what they appear either. I wouldn't be surprised if the 62%, although probably true numbers, were selectively chosen to bring a certain result to the public's attention (using the counties that help the more conservative/corporate friendly Dem). With Mercury about to station retrograde in illusive Pisces - it's going to be a long and winding road!

More in the weekly HERE

photo by the amazing sollenafotagraphie

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