weekly astrology forecast | May 1st - May 7th, 2023 - Mercury meets the Sun, Pluto stations retrograde, big lunar eclipse in scorpio opposing uranus, clarity, death postponed, fated And surprising endings


weekly astrology forecast | April 24th - April 30th, 2023 - the eclipse spin cycle and mercury retrograde, fated and amazing week ahead, what are you planting? what are you fired up about and losing sleep over? we are drawn to the future like a moth to the flame


the astrology of the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries | April 20th, 2023 - a second chance to make sure what we start and who we are becoming will not be a "has-been" before it's even a "been", the Eclipse spin cycle begins

weekly astrology forecast | april 17th to 23rd, 2023 - eclipse season comes in with a bang, aries new moon brings a second chance to start, mercury stations retrograde


today's astrology forecast | wednesday, April 12th, 2023 - lightning bolt moments, the future is right in our face, home and family matters, are, yes, slowing us down for a reason

I didn't get back for a weekly, so it looks like a couple dailies will have to do! This is the week before next week's SECOND...

today's astrology forecast | Monday, April 10, 2023 | faith, hope, a time of action and motivation and beginner's luck

I didn't get a chance to get to the weekly this weekend, hopefully I will have it up tonight. The end of the week looks challenging,...

Full Moon in Libra | April 6th, 2023 - a change of heart, new ways of finding peace, RELATIONSHIP EYE-OPENERS and conclusions, RESOLVING VERY OLD BATTLES with ourselves through other people, learning to live and love in an unstable time


weekly astrology forecast | April 3rd - 9th, 2023 - communications and information, money talks, power struggles, creative opportunities, hurt feelings, signals about the future, big full moon in libra focused on our relationships
