weekly astrology forecast | April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - a total 180 kind of week, our focus and direction changes, time to wake up and get ready to smell those May flowers


the astrology of the Full Moon in Scorpio | Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 - all or nothing, what has been stuffed comes unstuffed, uncomfortable truths, painful endings, a chance to strengthen our relationships and relationship to power through honesty, intimacy and facing our fears


jupiter catches up with uranus in taurus | april 20th, 2024 - big changes of direction, breakthroughs, a new kind of lucky, the expansion of innovation and a time to have faith in the future, focus only on the doors that are opening for you, un-buckle up buttercups

Sorry for the delay. I wanted to get this up a few days ago, but I have had vertigo and had to use my stable times to work. Ugh....

weekly astrology forecast | April 15th, 2024 to April 21st, 2024 - painful words and information, new attractions and attracting new things, power struggleS AND THE BIGGEST aspect of the year as jupiter meets up with uranus!


weekly astrology forecast | April 8th - 14th, 2024 - Eclipse week plays out, reality checks around what we have been avoiding or hiding, a light on what we need to do now


the astrology of the BIG solar eclipse in aries conjunct Chiron | April 8th, 2024 - very old wounds, triggers and healing blockages are eclipsed out, cosmic reset to improve our drive, motivation and ability to initiate, the United States wounding of 'the other' and need for roots comes full circle
