Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 4th - starts and surprises

that's when I'll come home by vampire-zombie

OK, this week we are full steam ahead.

We kick off with a New Moon in nurturing and home/family oriented Cancer. See my New Moon post here.

This Moon has an opposition to Pluto and trines Neptune (in Pisces). Meanwhile Mercury (also in Cancer) is inconjunct Saturn (in Sagittarius).

I like a Cancer Moon (it's my natal Moon after all) even though this one, hanging out with a somewhat debilitated Mercury, feels a bit anxious. There could be some red tape or vague feelings we have forgotten something. Saturn is present to show us our limits and Neptune is present to show us other possibilities. 

It's up to us to not be looking backward and miss them.

Cancer season leaves all of us emotional (for some people this kind of collective overload results in an inability to feel anything). Since our emotions literally create our reality and future reality we want to stay checked in (hiding out occasionally is totally allowed, of course).

When too many people check out at once and we start to drift off-course life will often find bigger ways to bring us all together emotionally. We've got Mars (masculine war) inconjunct Eris (feminine war) and Uranus (anything can happen, rebellion) so there is continued potential for collective violence and the loss of prominent people. Big explosive news in the collective also means big explosive news in our individual lives ... keep this in mind.

On Tuesday, our New Moon home themes continue. The Moon moves into Leo in the afternoon and our focus expands to include love, fun, children and creativity.

On Wednesday, after a void Moon morning, the Sun and Mercury meet up in Cancer then the next day they both oppose Pluto (in Capricorn). This is a continuation of our New Moon Cancer story. Maybe a new conversation or communication comes in now.

We also have Venus (love, money, women) squaring Uranus (unexpected, rebellion, new) mid-week. We could have a breakthrough. Sudden events or unexpected urges could challenge relationships. Issues about freedom and independence could surface now.

Remember what we don't deal with inside we meet outside ourselves. If we are trying to resist some change or something new or exciting this could be a time our partner expresses this energy for us by doing something unexpected. This doesn't mean we want to have an affair so our partner has an affair. Maybe we are sick of our job and our partner quits theirs! Most likely it is something smaller and less impactful though. This transit can also make unusual people (and things) more attractive. I plan on introducing my own unusual things to a few new people on this day - that's a positive way to work with this energy. Not a good day to go shopping if you can't afford a few impulse purchases!

On Wednesday, the Moon is still in Leo and the last aspect it makes is a trine to Uranus - making this a good launch day for a new or revamped project!

Beginning Wednesday (thru the following Monday), we have a gentle Grand Water Trine forming. This is a fortunate transit. Trines remove stop signs and get things moving. We have Mars (direct!!) in Scorpio trining Chiron retrograde in Pisces and Venus cuddled up to Mercury in Cancer. This is action (Mars) and ideas and communication (Mercury) getting us what we want (Venus) and it's healing (Chiron) for all parties. This is great energy to create win-wins! With Mars setting the agenda we will need to take action - sometimes with trines things move so smoothly we don't really take full advantage. It's like having a beautiful day and we get busy and never go outside!

On Thursday the Leo Moon is void most of the day (good energy for practiced work and to get much done, not a good launch day) there could be an important talk or decision possibly involving a financial or 3rd party matter (this could also have happened yesterday) - whatever this is it continues to evolve the situation. With Uranus still square Venus some kind of curve ball could be thrown at us here. The core of whatever is happening is still Cancerian (or related to our natal Cancer house) - home, security, family, real estate, mom, country. It feels like we need to take whatever comes up seriously. We could also see legal, educational, foreign, political, travel or wedding stuff kicked up a notch here.

This same energy continues on Friday, but today our Moon is in Virgo and we have a nice aspect between Jupiter (luck, expansion) and Mercury (communications, ideas, siblings, neighborhood) so this is a good day to get lucky with whatever we are selling, writing, deciding or talking about. Remember Jupiter is still in Virgo - so focus will still be on day-to-day activities, paperwork, our health, our job, employees, pets and organization. If we work at home this can also impact our business. On Friday the Moon is in Virgo and the last aspect it makes is a sextile to Venus - making this another good launch day!

xo all

New Moon in Cancer | don't look back - we're not going that way

Cancer is all about looking back - family, country, home, mom and apple pie. But with Monday's New Moon (in Cancer) opposite Pluto (transformation, karma) looking backward is maybe not such a good idea.

(plus the Moon is conjunct asteroid Eurydike, namesake of  the wife of Orpheus who was saved from Hades only to be lost again forever when Orpheus could not resist the urge to look back)

Anything gone now is gone.

The good news if Pluto makes it heavy - with all this water ie the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in Cancer, plus an easy trine (brakes off) to Neptune in Pisces, letting go should be like water running through our fingers.  

The next steps unfold naturally. 

This New Moon is in the nurturing and emotional mama bear sign of Cancer.

This is an excellent time to begin a self-care regimen. This moon is all about family, security, our home and intimacy (and your natal Cancer house!). 

This is powerful energy to focus our intentions and make affirmations for new beginnings and goals with Cancer stuff : mothers, motherhood, self-care, nurturing, home, family, real estate, home business, food, breast health, stomach and digestive health, gut health, security ...

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write 10 affirmations down by hand, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.  

Know these things are already yours.

Cancer is a water sign so this is a great day to be near and in water! 

I'll get the weekly post up by Monday night - have a wonderful holiday everyone in the U.S. and Canada - everyone else enjoy your Monday! xo

the jumping off place | Mars direct

crystal mark photography
After seventy days (!) Mars (our energy, initiative and drive) has picked up his normal pace and what we thought we began back in February or March finally resumes its development.

After many weeks of waiting, preparing, and planning - new activities, projects (and elusive answers and situations) will propel us forward now.

We are ready (trust me on this!) now that we've undone or redone something or had to wait for something else to be done or catch up with us before we could pick up on whatever we've had to postpone since Mars began to slow down radically in late March.

All things Scorpio and Sagittarius are full steam ahead! Some people will feel these energies more than others, but whatever has been lagging will now be leading.

It's still old stuff because Mars won't be covering new ground until late August - but with Mars in direct motion we can finally get it done, get it right or get it going!

There are also multiple positive aspects right now and everyone is probably feeling at least one of them. So from here we go on ... again.

With Jupiter still in Virgo - let's be focused, clear, and willing to allow whatever inspires us (Jupiter) to transform our everyday life (Virgo).

Let's enjoy whatever accelerates, with a positive focus much that was promised earlier this year, will leap forward dramatically between now and late August. Be confident, we are prepared for whatever comes next.

We'll finish whatever is being reshaped with this and start the next chapter at the end of August! xo all

use what you know | part II - Mars goes direct!

miss halfway by holunder

On Wednesday, Mars finally moves direct (in Scorpio) and we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus all snuggly and simpatico in the same sign (Cancer). Many people will feel some kind of relief or movement pretty quickly.

(keep your head for  a while longer - remember the candle analogy and whole angry Martian thing)

Since someone the other day mentioned Brexit we'll touch on it briefly here.

Remember the background story to everything right now is Saturn in Sagittarius - thru December 2017 - Saturn (restriction, authority, time, hard work, structure, no) in Sagittarius (the higher mind, long distance, anything foreign, higher education, philosophy, our beliefs, adventure, travel, open, exploration, big picture).

During the time Saturn is in Sagittarius he is working through multiple squares to Neptune (home in Pisces) and aspects to Jupiter (in Virgo) and Uranus (in Aries). There are many, many ways this could play out based on the characters (archetypes) and signs involved.

A big part of Saturn's square to Neptune is about letting go of preconceived ideas about what structure and security is supposed to look like so we can build a new (Uranus) reality (Saturn) before/when Saturn comes home to Capricorn in 2018.

This is the work we are all doing without even realizing we are doing it. 

OK, so the United Kingdom (in a very close vote) voted to leave the European Union. The European Union was started on 11/1/1993. On this date Mercury was retrograde in Scorpio. Mars and Pluto were conjunct in Scorpio at 24 degrees - which is pretty much exactly where Mars is now sitting as he prepares to move direct tomorrow at 23 degrees. Remember when we talked about transits impacting natal energies. Entities like unions (and businesses and countries) have natal charts just like we do. In some ways saying corporations are people is not that far off the mark. An organization started with all this Scorpio - especially Pluto, ruler of Scorpio and Mars, Scorpio's ancient ruler conjunct - has some real darkness, secrets and fear connected to it. 

And we still have Jupiter going through Scorpio in 2017 and we have Venus going retrograde in Scorpio shortly after that. So even though I wrote last post that by the end of August we will have some closure with the Mars retrograde piece of the puzzle (as the baton gets handed back to Saturn) - the story is far, far from over. We're not even in the middle part yet!

What this means for the European Union is no doubt major changes ahead! And those changes will transform alot of fear the collective is carrying as the fear comes to the surface for us to "see" it. Just google 'observation effect' - this still blows my mind. We don't need 12 years in psychotherapy to work this crap out. We often just need to really "see" something to shift it.

So what do we do now? For all of us the next step is to 'use what we know' - we really do have all the information needed to work this out by now -  and do 'what is right in front of us'. Roadblocks will start to clear, our energy levels will increase and our Mars ruled initiative will get us moving! We still need to do the work. And when we can't see what we need to do, we'll just do that sink full of dirty dishes - it's a start. Whatever is missing will come to us over the next few weeks as Mars makes his final pass over these same degrees!

Breath work is very helpful now. With Gemini (ruler of our lungs) the odd man out in the mutable t-square we've been working through this year - deep breathing, no smoking, time outside in clear, clean air, aromatherapy (yes, I have a dog in this fight, but she's only a small dog), singing, eliminate the babble, say what we mean, no double negatives (don't say "isn't this great?", "don't you just love it?" - toss the nots!), no lies, no gossip.

We have a New Moon on the 4th of July (on the United States birthday, so we know it's important) - we are all going to get some traction to move forward!

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