On Monday, January 13, 2025, at 5:28PM EST, a strong Cancer Moon, at 24 degrees, opposes the Capricorn Sun, giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Cancer.
The Moon is the ruler of Cancer, so with nowhere else to go - no secondary ruler and no multiple dispositors to work through - the Cancer Full Moon is always very potent.
Full Moons are peak energy/culmination points - often endings. Emotions can run HIGH.
We have the Moon (where we've been, what we feel, feminine energy, being) and the Sun (where we are trying to go/be, masculine energy, doing) as far apart in the sky as they can be from our earthly perspective during a Full Moon.
The Moon is at home in Cancer - so very strong. The Sun, quite comfortable in serious Cappy, but answering to Saturn in Pisces who is himself not so strong here or comfortable playing the middle man for Neptune who rules Pisces and is strong right now, but is not Saturn (think about President's Biden deterioration with Saturn in Pisces and the 'middle-men', whoever they are, who are really running things). The Full Moon is happening as the Sun moves into a smooth - brakes off - trine with Uranus/change/the future. We let go and we move on ...
Cancer/Capricorn is the polarity of traditional female/male roles. Home and family vs work and the world. How we care for ourselves (and others) and meet our needs for safety and security vs how we push ourselves out in the world toward meeting goals to obtain safety and security. Really two sides of the same coin.
On some level this is - love/comfort vs money/comfort. Mom vs dad. Food as currency for love. Lots of family patterns and soul group energies are in this polarity - the Cancer/Capricorn axis - and they can come to the surface now, ripe to be FELT, the child will not be seen and not heard.
Nobody puts baby in a corner (except maybe baby herself).
Let's unpack the chart!
The Moon opposes the Sun from 24 degrees Cancer and Capricorn. The Full Moon is conjunct Mars - applying (the action, the passion, the anger is COMING). The Full Moon trines Neptune and Juno forming a Grand Water Trine. The Full Moon sextiles and the Sun trunes Uranus in Taurus EXACT. The Moon opposes Pluto, a bit wide and out of sign. The Moon squares Chiron - separating. The Sun is in an EXACT conjunction with asteroid Arrokoth.
The Moon is conjunct Mars (if you have clear skies you will be able to see the Moon overtake Mars) and has that separating square to Chiron. This is old anger/old hurts coming to a head. Old passion. Maybe old ambitions. Mars moved back into Cancer on January 7th bringing the war/the passion/the old motivations and anger HOME. Keep in mind, Mars is debilitated here and moving backward over old ground - it would be normal to be tired, unmotivated.
(Note - January 7th is the day the Los Angeles fires were first reported. Los Angeles has multiple natal charts bring used online - the first being the earliest establishment of the naming of the city in 1781. That naming is disputed and California wouldn't even exist as a state for another 50 years. Still, that chart looks interesting and has a tight Venus/Neptune in Libra opposing the Moon, which sounds appropriate for a city known for magnetic illusion, movies, movie stars and public attention. Using that chart, although I would suspect it won't be the best chart to use, on the day the fires were first reported, the Sun in Cappy is exact on their natal Mars and transiting Juno - part of the Full Moon's Grand Water Trine now - is exact on their natal Jupiter. The fire became very big news as the North Node moved from Aries to Pisces, the fire igniting our compassionate and collective nature. It can be challenging at times to react compassionately to celebrity culture and I get some of this, especially in light of North Carolina and Maui, but people, regardless of income level or status, having to respond to backlash for grieving their homes being burned to the ground is surely not the best of us.)
The Full Moon, that is conjunct a retrograde Mars is separating from a square to Chiron. Tension. Frustration around old wounds. Familial vulnerabilities. Ancient history. The past is alive and whatever is happening has its feet in very old soil. Chiron is direct, pushing us to move on.
The Full Moon is forming a Grand Water Trine with Neptune in Pisces and Juno in Scorpio. Neptune in Pisces is strong intuition, compassion, forgiveness. Juno in Scorpio might be holding on to old resentments, especially within partnership agreements and keeping things together 'til death do us part'. So, it's likely the Full Moon now is talking about how our childhood woundings are impacting our closest relationships/partnerships/marriages (the ways we connect to outside power and what we will do to keep that connection) and a need to see and feel this and allow the OLD HURTS TO DISSOLVE. With Juno in Scorpio the Scorpio part of our charts is heavily activated with relationship issues.
The Cappy Sun's EXACT trine to Uranus in Taurus as this Full Moon perfects tells us to detach from the 'father energy' in this story. The old structures that maybe didn't support us the way we wanted them to and have impacted our values and self-esteem. The breakthrough, breakdown, breakup is intended to be a 'brakes-off' situation as we slide, almost effortlessly into the future. Keep in mind any Full Moon aspect with Uranus, even the trine, can be SHOCKING, disruptive and unexpected. Changes with our finances/resources is possible. Smooth and easy changes within our career, reputation and goal energies are here, too, and amplified by the Cancer Full Moon.
The Full Moon is happening just hours after Mars retrograde in Cancer makes his second of three trines to dreamy/confusing Neptune. This is a LONG PROCESS that takes us into the middle of April - dissolving old angers, old motivations with its roots in family dynamics that are no longer valid, no longer helpful, old impulsivity, old edginess, old impatience. Old defensiveness that creates barriers between us and other people/us and the future. We have to allow bigger hands than ours to have the wheel here.
The war comes home with a PURPOSE (this whole 'war come home' thing is pretty well represented by the horrific wildfires in California burning - Mars - down homes - Cancer - with its feet, at least in part in a mismanagement of resources - Uranus in Taurus).
There is an opportunity here to release stored energies in our Cancer house - our natal Cancer house theme and the collective themes of home, family, mother, real estate, security, nourishment - BEFORE Jupiter gets into Cancer in June.
In practical terms, with Mars retrograde in Cancer, this is also about GOING BACK TO CANCERIAN THINGS WE MISSED. Things with your children that need to be taken care of, self-care basics, breast and stomach health, mother and mothering stuff, gut health, food, allergies, inflammation, your natal Cancer house theme. There is a HUGE opportunity with the Moon's sextile to Uranus - to take actions here that we should have taken a long time ago (maybe even actions that your mother should have taken) that will lead YOU to a BETTER FUTURE. Health action is especially supported with that aspect to Chiron. Keep in mind, some of Chiron's stuff we must learn to live with - so there can be some of that now, too, and the opportunistic action might be around letting go of the anger/guilt/fear around the "what ifs", etc.
The Sun is making an EXACT conjunction to asteroid Arrokoth (Algonquin for sky with Algonquin being our local native american language here in New Jersey). The Sun is also tightly conjunct New Jersey's natal Mars AND with the drone ban expiring next week - this could all be back in the news during this Full Moon cycle (next two weeks). I wrote a post about it and was reminded by a friend a couple days ago, that I NEVER POSTED IT. I will bring that one up to date and get it posted after I put up the weekly next. Between Christmas and my swiss-cheesy memory I forgot to finish the drones! Forgetfulness is also Neptunian mischief ... my own natal Neptune is tightly conjunct my Ascendant and the focal planet of my gnarly T-Square and I know him well :)
To bottom line this one, although a Moon in Cancer is kind of a never-ending thing and won't really have one - we get an emotional peak or culmination or ending in our Cancer house or within collective Cancer themes. You might find this playing out through the house that holds your natal Moon. With Mars moving backward here and that releasing square to Chiron - old wounds and old angers play a BIG role. The energy is here to forgive, to forget, to allow the old hurts to dissolve or run off your back like water FOR YOUR OWN SAKE. A Cancer Full Moon is an important time to take care of ourselves and maybe to be feeling the repercussions of all the ways we haven't. There is delusion, confusion, maybe disappointment and exhaustion here surely with that Mars trine to Neptune, but also the ability to roll with whatever is happening, have faith and allow those bigger hands to take the wheel. In general, Grand Water Trines pull us into very familiar emotional waters and so does a Cancer Full Moon, so everything here is SUPER-CHARGED. Things can be soothing, but also addictive and permissive and undermining. One thing slips into another thing and then another. Happening with such a strong Moon but allied with this defensive/backward looking Mars, who might be ready to burn the whole place down, is tricky territory. The Moon's final aspect is that dreamy trine to Neptune, so again - compassion, forgiveness, let go and let God. The Sun's trine to Uranus happening as the Moon opposes the Sun tells us to detach and move on. With the Sun in Cappy this could be career, reputation or goal related.
Israel's chart and Palestine's charts are crazy activated at this Full Moon, too. Let's hope for a conclusion/treaty here in this lunar cycle - next two weeks. It might take a miracle, but we do have the North Node in Pisces now! We have an exalted and benevolent Venus right on Palestine's North Node of Fate and their Nodal return activated (North Node in Pisces) and the Full Moon tight on Israel's IC/MC with Jupiter applying to their Mercury and Uranus almost exactly back on their Sun. A solution here is totally possible. Venus is going to go retrograde, so this might be back and forth a bit for the Palestinians as their future firms up and Pluto moves off their Moon (the people) and further and further away from them, never to return.
I hope something here is helpful.
Certainly, get out and walk in this one.
xo all
It's a great Moon to do something with/for your children that you thought you missed doing. It isn't too late. We are all dog-tired, but get on it. I am not speaking of Herculean feats, I am speaking of basic stuff that was missed.
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