Part I is HERE
Part II is HERE
Part III is HERE
In Part I, we talked about the Nodes of the Moon moving into Pisces (North) and Virgo (South) on January 11th, 2025.
The Nodes of the Moon are the points where the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersects with the Earth's orbit around the Sun. When we have a new or full Moon very near (conjunct) these points - causing one cosmic body to move into the shadow of another one -we get our Eclipses.
During these blockages, powerful portals are opened -
we get a cosmic reset, much like a computer being turned off and back on and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before. Eclipses change us, and we (vibrating differently) change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self, ie new vibration lines up with.
Eclipses (similar to a super charged full moon) will eclipse something out or bring something to light or alternately cover it up and then the New Moon seeding will activate the promise of any slow moving transit currently present in our life.
One tricky thing with eclipse energy, that I have found from personal experience as well as other people's charts, is they often work backward. The thing the eclipse is "eclipsing out" or "bringing to light" or "covering up" can happen days or weeks before the physical Sun is overtaken by the Moon. Often almost exactly one week or one month (or two months) before (or after).
The Virgo/Pisces Eclipses actually started on September 17th, 2024 when the future reached back into the present (the Moon closer to the incoming Nodes than the exiting ones) and brought us our first Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.
We talked about it - HERE.
It was the final Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Pisces ruler Neptune in our lifetimes. This was a crazy powerful Eclipse with pretty much all the planetary bodies involved with each other. MAGIC ON STEROIDS. BIG dissolving endings and confusion as the Moon/Neptune held us captive in a world of POSSIBILITIES.
The 2025 Eclipses will roll out like this -
MARCH 14TH - Total Lunar Eclipse - 23 degrees Virgo
MARCH 29TH - Partial Solar Eclipse - 9 degrees Aries (March is a VERY pivotal period and notice how this Eclipse reaches back and pulls the past into the present)
SEPTEMBER 7TH - Total Lunar Eclipse - 15 degrees Pisces - powerful middle degree
SEPTEMBER 21st - Partial Solar Eclipse - 29 degrees Virgo - powerful final degree
The Virgo vs Pisces axis has alot to do with the polarity of our work/rest balance. It is about letting go vs 'battening down the hatches'. Service vs sacrifice. The big picture we can FEEL (inside) vs the nitty gritty details we can TOUCH (outside). Faith and magic vs practicality. Compassion and acceptance vs. criticism. Letting go vs cleaning up our acts. Addiction and self-sabotage vs having a healthy routine. Of course, these 'opposites' are really two sides of the same coin.
The Virgo/Pisces polarity teaches us that we don't get the Pisces "magic" without the daily routines and precision that serve and support it.
Think about the "spells" of old - two dandelion roots, one eye of newt and a spoonful of honey carefully collected under the Full Moon and then set off to bake under a waxing crescent for two nights. You get the idea. Words matter and are uber important, but it's only been solely "abracadabra" at the magic show.
The first 2025 Eclipse is happening on March 14th (keep in mind the Eclipse's ability to work out of time and backward) and is a Total Lunar Eclipse. It is the second of seven Eclipses on the Pisces/Virgo axis. This Eclipse is a Full Moon and the culmination of a New Moon that happened back on September 2, 2024. We talked about that New Moon, which was not an Eclipse, HERE, when we looked ahead to the March Eclipse and its connections.
Eclipses are FATED and bring a FOCUS to certain areas of our lives, AND the very nature of Eclipses says that SOMETHING IS HIDDEN. It is not usually the best time to rush into things because so much will be in-flux and uncertain, but life sometimes has a way of forcing our hands with this. Past patterns that maybe once worked for us, but no longer do, often come up to be worked with.
Maybe one of the BEST things we have going for us in 2025 is happening once Jupiter - the ancient ruler of Pisces - gets into Cancer, the sign of his exaltation, in JUNE. We will then have the ancient ruler of Pisces in the sign of his exaltation for about a year. It won't be without its challenges because he enters Cancer in a square to Saturn and Neptune (Pisces modern ruler), BUT nothing really gets accomplished without squares anyway.
We have not had an exalted Jupiter ruling the North Node (our collective path forward) in our lifetimes!
Personally, we can look back 18 years to the last North Node in Pisces and South Node in Virgo cycle - that would be around 2006-2007 - and go back even further to around 1988-1989, 1969-1970 and look for patterns within your own life and within the lives of your parents.
This year, other than that outlier Eclipse at the end of March (which is extremely powerful and I am not discounting it) the Eclipse degrees are 15-29 degrees of the mutable signs. People with planets/points here will likely be most strongly impacted.
The total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on MARCH 14TH seeks to bring more order and, in general, practical fixes into our life. Eclipses will often ECLIPSE SOMETHING OUT. Stuff that isn't functioning properly is brought to a head or to our attention, sometimes through powerful and emotional circumstances and situations. We can become aware of the ways any over-reliance on escape, addiction, spirituality, relaxation, connection, compassion or anything too 'woo-woo' comes at the expense of living an organized and practical life.
Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, will be very powerful here and is going to station retrograde, the day after this Eclipse, almost to the minute (!) at 9 degrees Aries - the EXACT DEGREE OF THE FOLLOWING ECLIPSE TWO WEEKS LATER that pulls the past into the present.
Our cautious and caring mama-bear Virgo Moon will be quite OUT-GUNNED in the middle of March, facing not only the Sun, but also Saturn and the North Node. There could be some carefully constructed plans falling apart here.
Two weeks later, on March 29th, 2024 - and remember Eclipses are times out-of-time and dates do not apply so exactly - we get another Eclipse. This one is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries - the degree where Mercury, ruler of the South Node, stationed retrograde at the first Eclipse.
And Aries New Moon Eclipse is going to be a strong portal for a new beginning, and, we are kicking off the astrological year here.
March is going to be very powerful.
We won't unpack all the Eclipses now, but we can know ahead of time that with Eclipses on the Pisces/Virgo axis this year - March and September will be volatile months in 2025.
Keep in mind, the Moon that seeded this Pisces/Virgo Eclipse cycle that rules all this year and into next, started last September with a Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces. TOTAL FLUIDITY. Certain critiques and grievances and cravings no longer matter because we are turned into something higher - a frequency of CONNECTION.
There can be profound peace during this lunar cycle as we let go of what no longer feels relevant. How hard those old habits die will be up to us and our natal chart/contract. We will not want to ignore intuitive nudges. They can serve us better than what appear to be cold, hard facts now. We might not be able to control what we are used to controlling over the next 18 months. Situations will work out better when we don't try to. This doesn't mean abandoning ship, but it does mean too much focus on the details/the how's - can really trip us up. Bigger hands have the wheel AND our hands are on there, too.
LIFE HAS DREAMED A BIGGER DREAM FOR US THAN WE COULD EVER DREAM FOR OURSELVES. We just have to get out of our own way during this cycle.
Alot is going to happen from now until June when Jupiter gets into Cancer and we begin to have the ruler of the North Node in a fresh and EXALTED position (for an entire year!). We have not seen anything like this in our lifetimes and this is in ADDITION to the unprecedented number of planets changing signs this year.
It pays to keep in mind everything is happening, and being healed, at multiple levels. Situations in this lifetime conspire to balance and tie-up past life loose ends while at the same time seeding the energetic cords we will need for our next ones. Chance encounters are not really chance encounters. Physical things are not solely physical things and metaphysical things are physical things, too. Luck is not so much good or bad - we have all seen good things go bad and bad things turn out good - as it is OPPORTUNISTIC. We are always in the middle of the story. That's just the way it is. We can never know everything that is going on, and this is a cycle when it will pay to understand this. Faith will move mountains. This 'move mountains' thing assumes they are moving 'out of the way' ('in the way' doesn't sound like such a good thing, but can happen, too, at times, and even end up being a good thing) and 'moving things out of the way' is exactly what Eclipses do.
Sometimes, with Pisces, sacrifices are required - keep this in mind, too.
Next, in this series we will look at the Venus retrograde of 2025 and then pull the year together!
But first this week we are going to talk about wildfires, drones and some other zeitgeist tidbits.
xo all
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