I wrote this post back on December 22nd, but, somehow with the holidays, and my swiss-cheesy memory, never put it up.
A friend reminded me of this recently, so here I am digging it back out.
I may have missed the boat/mother-ship timing wise with this one, but since Monday's Full Moon (January 12th, 2025) is exactly conjunct asteroid Arrokoth (Algonquin for sky with Algonquin being our local Native American language here in New Jersey) and tightly conjunct New Jersey's natal Mars AND with the drone ban expiring next week - this could be back in the news during this Full Moon cycle (over the next two weeks), so let's get back to it.
The post from December 22nd follows and then I will update at the end:
As an astrologer and person living in New Jersey who can say for certain that I spend a good many evenings LOOKING UP - there is a reason this blog is not called Jersey Girl Looks Down, after all - I may be uniquely qualified to offer an opinion on this "Jersey drone thing".
Which, in case, you haven't heard about this, and maybe you haven't, boils down to something like - lots of stuff flying in the skies of New Jersey (and other places).
Reports of drones the size of SUVs. Reports of glowing and shifting orbs. Reports of dozens of drones coming off the ocean in formation, drones going dark when approached, drones following Coast Guard ships, etc.
The local police and local governments don't know what to make of what is happening, and I think they are telling the truth about this, although they are honestly not a group that inspires much confidence when you listen to them.
So, is something unprecedented really going on?
Or have the local citizens gone cray-cray or in the case of New Jersey folks cray-crayer?! And, of course both of these things happening at the same time is also possible.
Has everyone been looking down for so damn long that the skies are like an old town where we used to live and we go back for a visit and don't recognize the place anymore because we can't believe how much things have CHANGED -
and, yes, I think absolutely some of it is - THIS!
I have been looking up for years and things have definitely changed.
The federal government says, "we have nothing to do with this and don't know what this is" and at the same time, "there is nothing to fear", which, of course, contradict each other because how can you know there is nothing to fear if you have nothing to do with it and don't know what is going on.
This has only increased panic - although NJ people are, in general, not really the panicky sort. You will have to trust me on this.
The idea among people here that they are being 'gaslit' by the authorities has been strong.
Recently the FAA closed some skies over NJ and NY to drones and lent some monitoring equipment to local agencies - this is after saying "nothing to see here". It's not really possible to know if this is to appease people, cover their own asses in the event of trouble or to provide protection.
My natal Mercury in Cappy leans toward trust in authority, in the sense that I believe they mostly mean well, not in the sense that I think they know what they are doing or that they are telling the truth.
I think that they almost certainly believe there are things the public shouldn't know, so if something was going on I think it is highly unlikely they would announce it unless they were totally boxed into doing so.
Part of this "lots of things flying in the skies" is surely simply the unfolding of one of the unwritten rules of life on Earth - what we focus on expands. Things we don't normally notice, because we aren't looking for them and sometimes because they aren't even there for us because we aren't energetically lining up with them - well, now we are and so we do. This is a good reason to not over-focus on this, especially since we don't know and we are in a New Moon cycle that is literally saying to us to allow things to be revealed and not think we know what we don't (update - keep in mind this paragraph was written during the Full Moon in Gemini cycle last month). Because on the one hand we can freak ourselves out for nothing, and, on the other hand, because we are creating/making this whole thing up as we go!
And quantum science's well-studied "observer effect" has found that observed systems CHANGE through the act of observation.
Some of the flickering orbs that are not celestial bodies, which I have seen many times, could be clusters of energy, portals, maybe even what we might think of as spirits which would almost certainly be impacted by ATTENTION.
Life is magic and much more is unknown than known.
When I started looking up over a decade ago it was much easier for me to see stars, planets and constellations than it is today. The skies are definitely busier and there is definitely ALOT more cloud cover and alot less clear nights to see anything at all.
Let's see if the natal chart for New Jersey has any answers!
We will work with the date that New Jersey became the third state of the United States in 1787, although we know this area is much older than that. NJ was settled around the year 1000 by native Americans called Lenape (other people were already here surely, but this is where the history starts for local school children, so we will start with this since we have to start somewhere). Traces of their Algonquin language remain scattered throughout the town names and places within the state including my local Manasquan Reservoir, where multiple drone groups have been spotted and where I walk my dog most mornings.
European contact began in 1524 with Giovanni Da Verrazzano (the famed New York bridge guy). In the early 17th century, New Jersey was under the control of the Swedes and Dutch, but by 1664 the English had seized the area and named it the Province of New Jersey. New Jersey was one of the original 13 colonies that broke from Britain in the American Revolution and the third state to ratify the Constitution (more than six months before New York) becoming the great State of New Jersey on December 18, 1787 - so exactly 237 years ago from the day I am writing this. Although I might not finish tonight.
(The joke in my family is that when our ancestors got off the ships at Ellis Island from England and Ireland and Norway instead of looking at the huge expansive real estate and heading west, they said to themselves, "this ... looks ... good enough". And unpacked.)
I am estimating the time of signing at 10AM EST, but since I haven't rectified the chart and I don't know this for certain, we will avoid the houses and angles.
My eyes right away go to the 7 degree Sagittarius Mercury in the New Jersey natal chart - we just talked about the importance of 7 degrees Sag in the last post about the United Healthcare CEO murder. This no doubt contributes to the 'NJ drones' being part of the current zeitgeist, too, ie where our collective attention is right now.
New Jersey has an EXACT Sun/North Node conjunction on the Galactic Center. WHAT the heck?! That is powerful folks. Who would have guessed that New Jersey is such an important place!
I could certainly see the Sag Sun - "bigger being better" here, and I am not just thinking about hair,
but, also a kind of exuberance and optimism, and, well, I'll just say it - LOUDNESS that kind of comes with the territory. Who knew we were so special :)
There is likely an early Aries Moon (the people) which is where the North Node of Fate is now. This does look like an important time here in New Jersey with ramifications for the future and with that Aries Moon/the people conjunct the IC/roots of the United States chart (which is 1 degree Aries), well, the way the NJ people go is the way things go for the U.S. and the way things go for the U.S. is the way things go for the NJ people, which sounds like commonsense, but maybe it isn't so commonsense with every state.
Early Aries will be very important in 2025 and 2026 with Neptune/Saturn scheduled to catch up with each other here.
New Jersey has a retrograde Mars/Uranus conjunction in Cancer (with Mars exact on the U.S. Mercury) - so this is, yes, exactly where aliens/ai/energetic anomalies/tech enemies, if they wanted to make an appearance, WOULD MAKE THEIR APPEARANCE
(Mars - action and, of course Martians, Uranus - aliens, unusual, sudden, Cancer - home - and they did show up here in the 1938 radio broadcast)
and, of course these degrees are part of the 'the war comes home' Mars retrograde story currently playing out and will be REPEATED over the next few weeks and months. The Sun is about to catch up with the chart's Sun/North Node bringing more light/illumination to the WAY FORWARD (note - this happened on the day the FCC closed some skies to drones and the military announced some supportive technology).
At the time of the Gemini Full Moon when this story was kind of 'peaking' within the collective, my title of that Full Moon was something like -
seeing double, second chances, rain-making, the need to allow things to be revealed and not imagine that we already know, more info and more talk probably won't help, forward movement and a change of direction or change of mind quickly approaching
So, this is where my December post ended when I wandered into my holiday haze and forgot to publish it, so let's finish and update this thing.
When I wrote that Gemini Full Moon post, with the Moon conjunct a native American Rain God, I was thinking about drones and cloud seeding. We had an unprecedented three month drought here, had started having our own wildfires, and all that changed exactly two days after the first drone reports when it started to rain, and, well, it has pretty much never stopped. Hard to say what is up there with all the cloud cover of the last few weeks (and my area has a drone ban).
What are the possibilities?
1. The people are seeing things. Lots of things. Things in the sky, but nothing really 'out of the ordinary'. The pros to this are - the people are not used to looking up and don't know what they are looking at (and I will say in everyone's defense that I AM used to looking up and often still don't know what I am looking at)
AND the whole 'seeing what we are looking for' rule of the universe which is the same, although on a different level, as quantum science's evidence based - attention changes energy. And, everything is energy, scientifically speaking and meta-physically speaking, too.
The cons to this are - well, this is exactly what the government would want us to be thinking if this was not what was actually happening. New Jersey does have a super-exact Neptune/Jupiter trine, so being gaslit or gaslighting ourselves is always a possibility .... then Saturn in Aquarius makes it a Grand Air Trine and pulls in some intellect/detachment/stability. The Saturn kind of comes AFTER the delusion/gaslighting which is kind of what the drone bans imposed by authority (Saturn) are doing. And Mars, retrograde in Leo, would have been opposing New Jersey's Saturn - it would be hard to know what is real.
With New Jersey's Saturn in Aquarius both distance and intellect would help - which is kind of where we are now, as I write this, with the drone ban still in place, and I would guess, monitoring equipment results being analyzed.
2. Govt secret program drones - maybe looking for something important and lying about it as was reported at one point, but, why are the drones only being seen between the hours of 5pm and 11pm - that doesn't sound like an important search. The search thing by our government/something missing - sounds unlikely.
Maybe drones are doing cloud seeding for rain - there are news reports online of both China and Dubai doing this. So, why would this be a secret? Probably because of the chemicals being used that would be raining down with the water. This would line up with the peak collective news cycle intersecting with the Gemini Full Moon conjunct the Rain God that we talked about HERE. The weather changes line up with the timeframes and drones have been seen over reservoirs where they could be measuring the success of what they are doing. If they could geo-engineer rain though, wouldn't they be doing that right now over California? Well, maybe this 'cloud-seeding' thing doesn't work through smoke, etc, or maybe this geo-engineering of rain isn't really happening or, well, there is some other reason it isn't used for fires. I don't know.
3. Enemy drones - surveillance or something worse. When the New Jersey Representative said he had top secret info about Iran 'mother ships', I immediately tossed up a chart and the astrology looked something like "this is truth". But, this guy seemed a little less than 'firing on all cylinders' if you know what I mean and the government quickly discounted him. Still, there was good astro at that moment for 'truth'. And, if the government did suspect enemy surveillance (or worse) and did not want the public to panic, they would almost surely plant this info with someone as odd as this representative knowing he would leak it and be easy to discredit.
And we do have transiting Mars retrograding back and forth over New Jersey's natal Mars/Uranus in NJ's house of open enemies ...
If there is going to be anything even slightly resembling a "mother-ship" popping back into the picture, it would surely be during the next two weeks mega Full Moon in Cancer (mother) lunar cycle.
4. Aliens. Since the drones greatly decreased with the drone ban - although some of this is weather related/the skies have been mostly cloud-covered over the last month - either the aliens are abiding by the drone ban or the aliens are gaslighting us, too. New Jersey has a natal Mars/Uranus conjunction in Cancer so Martians showing up during this whole long "war comes home" Mars retrograde transit is totally possible. And, with Uranus set to leave Taurus in a few months the timing would be spot-on, too. I don't know. The charts are unclear, although I am not sure what I would expect to see.
I suspect the aliens are already here (artificial intelligence going to be replicating itself). Maybe some are just passing through. New Jersey is home to a pretty diverse group including latest estimates of 900,000 undocumented immigrants, so everyone is pretty much already here. If Uranus leaves Taurus without some definitive proof of life on other planets then we can be assured the aliens we have to worry about are the man-made ones silicon valley is working on.
The Neptune/North Node transit RIGHT NOW at the very roots of New Jersey's natal chart makes everything suspect. Could some of this be holograms? Could people be lying or mistaken? Could the government know exactly what is going on and be gaslighting us? Could we be gaslighting ourselves? Could this be aliens or enemies (the Mars/Uranus contacts toss this stuff into the mix)?
I believe more and more people are seeing things because more and more people are ABLE TO SEE THEM and I also suspect something TERRESTRIAL is going on here.
At the Full Moon in Gemini on December 15th when this story was peaking in the collective news - the Sun was conjunct the Galactic Center. The Galactic Center is the black hole/homing signal at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. This is also conjunct NJ's North Node and Sun. And the Sun on December 15th was conjunct asteroid Photographica. Photographica is key to what was happening because it was the photos/videos and, sometimes, the lack of, that was spotlighted and allowing the story to BE SEEN.
I looked at other UFO event dates for astrological connections and didn't see anything definitive. I looked at the 'clown in the woods' timeframe to confirm some kind of mass illusion. Nothing definitive. There is often Neptune/Uranus stuff active - which would make sense for anything out of the ordinary anyway.
I looked at two secret military operations (alot of Mars/Neptune and Sun/Jupiter). We had a Mars/Neptune square (out of sign) during the first reported drone sighting and transiting Jupiter conjunct New Jersey's Jupiter and the transiting Sun exactly inconjunct New Jersey's natal Sun/North Node and the North Node exact on New Jersey's Moon. The NN/Moon would make the people (the moon is the 'people' in a mundane chart) very intuitive and attractive (ie able to attract). The deep past would be integrated with the present and the path forward. This was happening in the sign of Aries that rules things like action and men and war. And New Jersey has a natal Sun/North Node EXACT conjunction on the Galactic Center that is sextile the United States Moon. This NN/Moon is a big deal and tells me there is almost certainly SOMETHING is going on.
Until Saturn gets out of Pisces, and GETS PAST NEPTUNE, up is down and down is up and it will be hard to know what.
I did have an inside scoop from an old customer of hubs' who owns a gravel/stone company that there were dozens of large drones in a field at a military base that his employee had seen while making a delivery. This was a couple weeks or so before all the stories were breaking. This is third party info, but has hubs fixated on some kind of fishy military/private industry stuff. It gave him and his night vision binoculars and telescopes a 'December to remember' :)
My best guess astrologically and instinctively - multiple things are going on and that 'peak' at the Gemini Full Moon supports this.
Mostly terrestrial. Maybe weather engineering. Military testing. Maybe something covert involving another country that the United States is tracking. PLUS more people looking up - the skies have been busier and busier for years with satellites, planes, drones, orbs, anomalies, etc, plus the thinning veils/change of Ages, and the NN/Moon conjunction happening at that time allowing us to see more than EVER. Gaslighting by others/ourselves. Lies/exaggerations. Needing something to think about other than the ELECTION. Probably an actual UFO/UAP or two tossed in also.
Trump has said he will make an announcement immediately after his inauguration and with the Sun/Pluto conjunction on that day - maybe he will. He takes office during the Full Moon in Cancer conjunct Mars - war comes home - lunar cycle, so if something is going to come out about 'defense of the homeland' this would be the time for it.
Let's see what happens here when the drone ban expires and we have a couple clear nights.
I will be out there and report back.
xo all
I have decided to add this - what the hell.
I had a crazy experience with a celestial orb, some time ago, that I had zeroed in on very late one night using hub's old telescope and that I am pretty sure told me I was from Lyra and when I asked if I would go back there one day, it said "no, it is gone" and I saw an explosion. I cried out very suddenly and sharply and felt a pain in my stomach. And no, I hadn't been smoking any of hubs 'plants'. Later I googled Lyra and read (how accurate any of what I am about to say is I cannot say) that, among other things, Lyrans love cats. I don't love cats. The cat from my childhood was my mother's worst nightmare and the cat from my daughter's childhood was mine. My brother and sister both love cats. My brother has had up to seven at a time. I thought about this for about a day, when I finally realized, "hey wait a minute", I am a Cat :)
Back with the Trump inauguration post next.
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