weekly astrology forecast | january 27th to february 2nd, 2025 - surprising reveals, the conversation changes, feeling new frequencies, New Moon in Aquarius, second chances to shine and expand, our date with destiny (through April) starts now

Another BIG week with some big reveals and changes of conversation and direction. It's a time to be intentional with our words - to notice what we are listening to, saying and thinking. We want to be taking responsibility for the energy we bring to the space we occupy. Center yourself. Where we are -maybe not so much physically, but in our headspace and spirit - at the end of this week is going to MATTER. 

Let's jump right in and I will come back with the New Moon post!

MONDAY - Mercury enters Aquarius

WEDNESDAY - NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS, Mercury conjunct Pluto

THURSDAY - Uranus stations direct, Taurus, Sun trine Jupiter

SATURDAY - Venus conjunct Neptune, Venus conjunct the North Node

MONDAY - Mercury enters Aquarius until February 14th. The conversation changes. Words are more free/unpredictable and unconventional. 

We can see the information we need to see from a more detached space. We can say what needs to be said with less emotion. We can hear what we couldn't hear before when maybe the words triggered us too much emotionally. Words can be rebellious, off-the-wall, genius. We get more logical and, also, more innovative. Mercury in Aquarius is about clear-headed, dispassionate thinking focused on the future. Aqua clarity is generated from space. We mentally step back a little bit and the pictures in our head get a little clearer, our words get a little sharper. 

Mercury can also focus us on what "the crowd" is doing. Maybe so we can join in, maybe so we can opt out - again, be intentional - but also so we can think about what the crowd hasn't thought about yet! Aquarius is fixed air, so everyone will think they know everything. It's time to get out and talk to peopleVirgo and Gemini people, especially risings, are most greatly impacted when Mercury changes signs, but everyone will feel the shift in the pace of information as Mercury leaves earthy Capricorn for airy Aquarius.

WEDNESDAY - BIG New Moon in Aquarius as Mercury catches up with Pluto while Aqua's ruler Uranus is just hours until direct station. This one will have its own post.

Mercury with Pluto speaks of powerful words and truth. What is hidden/stuffed in our Aquarius house is being talked about. Secrets come out. Bottom-line truth is spoken.

Happening at the New Moon pulls the Mercury/Pluto into everything that happens over the next two weeks. Words are powerful. Can transform. Can empower. Can kill. In Aquarius, the focus can be on groups, tech/the internet/social media, AI, the future. Words can be surprising and unexpected. 

The New Moon chart is all over John F. Kennedy's natal chart. Mars retrograding over the midheaven, the North Node on the chart's Chiron, transiting Chiron on the Descendent, Uranus exact on the chart's Jupiter as it stations direct, the New Moon trining JFK's Sun. And this New Moon is EXACT on the Venus (in the 3rd house of communication and ruling the 12th house of what is hidden, done behind our back, what we have been gaslit about or gaslit ourselves with, the distant past) of December's Gemini Full Moon when the New Jersey drone story was peaking in the collective news. Expect news. 

THURSDAY - After five months retrograde, Uranus, the planet of change and disruption - starts moving forward. 

HERE IS THE CHANGE THAT WAS POSTPONED. Here is the breakthrough that was postponed. This is about radical reversals of fortune.

Certain delays will end. In Taurus, this could be about financial shake-ups, weather, environmental or resource events. Our stability changes. People with planets or points in the fixed signs near 23 degrees will feel this most strongly. For all of us this is about changes with our values, resources and self-esteem. Expect the unexpected. This is lightning strikes and flashes of genius. Happening as Mercury moves over Pluto in Aquarius - both answering to Uranus - will likely pull some events into this week even though

Uranus will not actually MOVE from 23 Taurus and reach 24 degrees Taurus until March 10th. 

24 Taurus is Trump's midheaven and Uranus is one of his most important planets with his natal Sun/North Node/Uranus conjunction. This was the degree of Mars when Trump was shot during the assassination attempt in July. 

Today is also the day, the Sun, at 11 degrees Aquarius trines Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini. An opportunity can come back around with this one. Have confidence. Shine. DO YOUR SUN. This could be a light on some goodies we missed the first time Jupiter covered this territory last summer or some gold that is much older. Optimism. Opportunity. Something is falling into place. Ideas spread. This trine/portal gives us access to what we need to move forward. This is supportive and connecting and with Gemini involved more than one opportunity can present itself. 

SATURDAY - We talked about this in the Venus retrograde post HERE. This is a repeating aspect as Venus meets Neptune and then the North Node. This is the first of three. We get the final Venus/Neptune with sober Saturn in April. So, this one is about the DREAM and April is the REALITY/RESULTS.

From now until then THIS IS A DATE WITH DESTINY. 

What is your dream for yourself? What is your dream for the world? Venus/Neptune speaks of a HIGHER PURPOSE. Venusian themes - women, money, relationships, our self esteem and values, our resources - unite with both the future and an energy that transcends what is REAL and what is personal. There are no limits.  

This is an excellent time to release unhealthy attachments in order to create room for something else. Keep in mind - we cannot own anything that Neptune offers us. If we attract money under this transit, there will be a PURPOSE behind it that is bigger than ourselves.

The same can be said for relationships and for whatever falls under our own Pisces house theme. Also keep in mind, we are going to be here THREE times. 

This is a PROCESS. 

Venus's connection with Neptune pulls past-life energies into the story. What is behind us. What has been done in secret. 

Sometimes the energies of very old sacrifices, even of our ancestors and our prior incarnations can bear fruit. What stands between us and what we are meant to attract can dissolve. 

It's the time to do something you want to do MORE OF, to feel something you want to feel MORE OF.

This is an excellent week to make a vision board, make art, make music, connect with people. Forgiveness, compassion, prayers OPEN DOORS. Some people will see their 'dreams coming true' over the next few months. 

Life is giving us free rein. Just remember the whole 'bigger than ourselves' vibe with this. Be intentional. 

xo all - back with the New Moon where we will really dig into all of this!

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