The Sun moves into his polarity sign of Aquarius - a draining time of year and Mars retrograde could see us doubling down on this feeling. We will have to see how powerful Pluto impacts our energy-level this year. Venus is exalted. Mercury is moving forward through sober Capricorn and will give Mars a wake-up call this week if needed.
The United States gets a new/old President on Monday.
(Crazy literal astrology that we have the Sun/Pluto with a retrograde Mars in Cancer - the king is dead, long live the king - as Trump takes office for the second time with the flags at half-mast for Jimmy Carter. This feels like not a good omen for Trump. And, these frigid cold temperatures. At his first inauguration you might remember Trump was obsessed with crowd size and this one will be held indoors, although, I am sure he will go outside, too. Hopefully this is symbolic of a change of priorities. It's all so symbolic and honestly it hurts my heart a bit to think about how well this could all work if we just open our hearts a little bit more to the people we disagree with. We really are all in this together.)
Let's unpack the chart!
MONDAY - Mars retrograde trine Juno
TUESDAY - Mercury squares Chiron, SUN CONJUNCTS PLUTO
THURSDAY - Mercury opposes Mars retrograde and trines Uranus retrograde in Taurus, Mars sextiles Uranus
SATURDAY - Venus trines Mars retrograde
SUNDAY - Mercury sextile Neptune, Venus sextile Uranus
MONDAY - Mars, retrograde at 24 degrees Cancer, trines Juno in Scorpio.
A close relationship DEEPENS as we revise old actions. This aspect is going to repeat itself in April when Mars is direct and Juno is retrograde, so is part of a PROCESS. This could be a process of commitment or intimacy. This could be a process involving a loan, insurance, inheritance, merged resources. The trine brings a smooth flow. The brakes are off.
TUESDAY - Mercury, at 19 degrees Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries.
Words hurt. Conversations, maybe especially related to career and goals or with authority, are not what we want to hear. We might feel disrespected or not heard. Happening with that Sun/Pluto in play could pull in themes of control - and we won't want to be. Neither will anyone else. READ THURSDAY because this could all be part of the same thing.
At the same time, we have the Sun meeting Pluto for the first time in our lifetime in Aquarius.
A new story in the Aquarius house of your chart kicks off. This is about Aqua EMPOWERMENT via some kind of purging, revealing of something hidden or total wipe-out. A LONG CHAPTER begins. Personally, this will be about your Aquarius house theme.
(For example - if you are a Scorpio rising with an Aquarius 4h house, this is starting a long chapter designed to empower you through your home/family/roots. Secrets can come out. Issues with your foundation - literally and figuratively. Clean your closets. Toss what isn't needed. If you are a Scorpio rising you are probably dragging around a lot of DEAD stuff. When it comes to home/family Pluto will make sure you let go or be dragged. You are only as powerful as your home, family, root system. Water these things Scorpio.)
Collectively this is about our relationship with technology, groups and causes. The goals that bring us into connection with other people. Our POWER comes from working together/common goals. From reaching our hand down to pull another person up. Unusual friendships can develop. How we are viewed by the public/people we don't know becomes more of an issue. Our tech is either building us up/empowering us or wiping us out. The kids call what comes from mindless scrolling - brain rot. This will become a real thing now. Keep that in mind.
These two planets will make a semi-sextile (like an inconjunct, rock and hard place) in late February with the Sun in Pisces, so whatever is starting now will hit some kind of uncomfortable challenge then.
THURSDAY - Now Mercury (words and conversations and ideas) has just squared Chiron and maybe had an uncomfortable conversation that made us feel vulnerable and now -
Mercury, at 23 degrees Capricorn opposes Mars, retrograde in Cancer and trines Uranus retrograde in Taurus as Mars, retrograde at 23 degrees Cancer now, sextiles Uranus (plus there are multiple lunar transits today)
This is the energy of - your boss says something disrespectful, you quit your job in an emotional SCENE and run off to Tahiti to start a smoothie bar.
Or more likely simmering anger at work is brought home and an argument ensues or vice versa.
A better way through, although as I sit here awaiting a snowstorm, Tahiti sounds pretty nice - might be to understand that hard and uncomfortable conversations happen. Mars in Cancer can be acting on really old instincts/kind of 'being a baby' at times, re-running an old playbook, so maybe this hard conversation (Mercury in Cappy) is HELPFUL. Don't swallow the anger/words but give them a grown-up voice and then DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Maybe start working on those smoothie recipes. Maybe realize you need to knuckle down a bit more at work, etc. Change is the way through this thing.
(For example - if you are a Virgo rising with Mercury is in your 9th house and Mars in Cancer backtracking through your third. Maybe you have said something or expressed something or put something out there locally or done something and this triggers old vulnerabilities. So, you are already strung a little too tightly with the Mercury/Chiron and then something happens and you SNAP. Maybe with that Mars in your 9th house your anger/your voice is HEARD in a bigger way than you would have intended and people are SURPRISED (Uranus). Now, Uranus in Taurus is trining your Sun/friendly to you - wanting you to cut loose a little bit. The Uranus trine is saying as long as you handle this in a new way you have done a good job with this. Uranus is looking for change, not perfection.)
This day should get better and will likely end much better than it started. Friday looks a lot lighter.
SATURDAY - The Moon's many aspect makes this day a bit of a mixed bag, but we do have Venus, at 22 degrees Pisces - a power number in her power sign - trining Mars, retrograde in Cancer. As Mars backs through Cancer he gets this powerful smooth connection with an exalted Venus. Love is comfortable. It feels good to be home. This is good energy to MAKE PEACE WITH THE PAST/your mother. This has a little bit of a strong feminine/weak masculine vibe, so more about what we are attracting than what we are taking direct action with. And that's ok. Keep in mind that Mars is retrograde, so we might be getting a SECOND CHANCE with something here.
(For example - if you are an Aquarius rising, Venus in your 2nd house here is helping your wallet/self-esteem, attracting more resources through this 'second chance' Mars in your 6th house - taking care of your day-to-day responsibilities, your work, your health. Pluto has just moved into YOUR HOUSE Aquarius - are you ready for this?)
SUNDAY - Mercury, at 27 degrees Capricorn now sextiles Neptune as Venus, at 23 degrees Pisces sextiles Uranus
The Mercury/Neptune is EXCELLENT for dreaming, visioning, creative work. Add in the Venus/Uranus and we have the perfect energy to MAKE A VISION BOARD. Dream about the future. Put your dream into words. Think about new ways to make money. Make art. Make music. Connect with other people/different people. Tell someone you love them.
The North Node is in Pisces now - this is the way we move forward.
As Dave Chappelle said, so well, in this week's SNL opening monologue (I am paraphrasing here) - "whether the people are in Palestine or Palisades - have some empathy and compassion for displaced people" - and that sums up the North Node in Pisces with Mars retrograde in Cancer - the war comes home - much, much better than I have in my gazillion word posts.
A powerful week.
Just watch for that Mercury/Mars blow-up and use that Uranian trine and our exalted Venus to handle it from a higher place, do it differently. And if you quite literally BLOW IT - know this is life kicking you back to something a little more liberating that you missed the first time through.
With Pluto meeting the Sun in Aquarius we will all start to be empowered in new and unusual ways. It's like we unplugged the lamp from our office socket where it has been powered up since 2008, although the power did go out briefly in 2020 and it has never really been the same lamp since that outage and now we have plugged our lamp into a socket in someone else's house and we don't even know what room it is in and they will probably move it anyway. AND, DID I SAY - WE ARE THE LAMP.
(and this may not make any sense at all, and be the worst metaphor I have written, but I think I am going to leave it in here anyway)
It's a brand new world folks and we are just getting started .... don't be too hard on yourself or anyone else this week. In the collective Mars/Mercury sometimes pulls in gnarly situations. Road rages and worse, so pay attention to where you are and what is going on. Drive safely. Park in that spot a little bit farther away. And, of course, the Sun/Pluto might just color everything. Notice what is being EMPOWERED this week because it is really going to matter. Take yourself seriously.
Heads up - next week the conversation changes and we have a big New Moon in Aquarius!
xo all
NOTE - this is the week Trump takes office here in the United States for the second time. I wrote about it HERE, but the energy of this week is pretty much setting up his term:
Mars retrograde - going backward over home, country, security, real estate situations, a goal of making America - a Cancer country - great again
Mars opposing Mercury and sextiling Uranus - arguments and disagreements, new (not totally new with Uranus retrograde) and unexpected/even chaotic action makes progress and creates opportunities
Mercury squares Chiron, opposes Mars and trines a retrograde Uranus, Mars sextiles Neptune - arguments and fighting triggered by old wounds and vulnerabilities, new words and ideas and technology is the way forward, dissolving or triggered endings, it will be hard for Trump to finish this term
Mars retrograde trines Juno (I just added this to the Inauguration post, I keep thinking Mars is still squaring Juno from Leo, so had to edit!) - repeating aspect, long story around imbalanced partnerships, deepening of relationships and commitments, old security/real estate situations progress through partnerships, secret deals and big money situations
Venus trines Mars - Mars focused on old home, security, real estate situation is aided by this empowered Venus - compassion, the power of attraction, love, harmony, feminine and masculine working together
Sun meets Pluto - truths come out, empowerment through the public, through technology, through groups of like-minded people, through change and chaos, ego-deaths, the king is dead - long live the king
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