the astrology of the New Moon in Aquarius | January 29th, 2025 - breaking free from what has been hidden, old gold and opportunities come back around, dealing with what we know and can't unknow, multiple warnings about flying too close to the sun and believing our own hype, second chances for some and karma biting the asses of others

On Wednesday, January 29th, at 7:35AM EST, the Aquarius Moon catches up with the Aquarius Sun at 9 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in fixed-air Aquarius. The New Moon is part of Luna's natural rhythm of waxing and waning. It's the time each month the skies are dark. The seed goes into the ground/the egg. The idea starts to germinate. 

Aquarius Moons are always kind of uncomfortable. This is fixed air. The ground is cold. It is harder for even the hardiest seeds to take root 

(some advantages of this 'hard ground' include the survival of the sturdiest plants/less weeds to complete for the soil nutrients - think about this in terms of your ideas now).

And the Moon rules our roots/our past and Aquarius rules uprooting/our future. This year, like last, we have Aquarius's modern ruler Uranus changing direction in Taurus within hours of the New Moon amping up the New Moon's need to break established patterns (breaking patterns, not something the Moon really wants to do). 

This is the first New Moon in Aquarius with Pluto in Aquarius since the late 1700's. 

Although all Aquarius New Moon will have certain things in common, the real DNA of the seed this New Moon actually IS, is found in the chart/contract/promise of the skies as the Moon meets the Sun, so let's unpack the chart!

This New Moon is a TRIGGER POINT for March's BIG Solar Eclipse. This one is happening exactly two months to the day before and in a tight sextile, so events can be BIGGER than this chart looks like they will be. 

The Moon meets the Sun at 9 degrees Aquarius., trines Jupiter (retrograde) - applying, is widely conjunct Pluto and Mercury who are tightly conjunct each other, opposes asteroid Karma EXACT, squares the conjunction of asteroids Hekate and Vesta EXACT and sits between and is tightly conjunct asteroids Apophis and Icarus. 

The Moon is ruled by Aqua's modern ruler, Uranus, and ancient ruler, Saturn. Uranus is within hours of stationing direct after his five month retrograde in Taurus. At 23 degrees Taurus, Uranus is conjunct asteroid Lempo EXACT and opposes asteroid Narcissus EXACT. Saturn sits at 17 degrees Neptune. Saturn is conjunct asteroid Nessus EXACT. 

Notice the unusual amount of asteroid action with this New Moon!  

So, the Moon meets the Sun in Aqua at almost the same time that Mercury in Aquarius meets Pluto. Mercury/Pluto is about some kind of DEEP TRUTH. We are getting to the bottom of something. This is about IMPORTANT words and ideas and conversations and thoughts. Words can be scary. They can be said with a shaking voice, but they will be said. And whether we are the one doing the talking or we are the one doing the listening/uncovering -

once we know we can't unknow. 

The Moon is past her own meeting with Pluto and Mercury, so this new Moon has this kind of AWAKENING energy baked right into it. The words have changed us. We are past the death. 

The Moon is trining - brakes off - a retrograde Jupiter. This is expanding what should have expanded before. This is about gold that we missed the first time through. Jupiter is back to his position from last summer. Maybe something that got held up then is getting kick-started forward during this cycle. Maybe old blessings come in and answered prayers through the CHANGE THAT WAS POSTPONED that kicks into high gear during this lunar cycle.

The Moon opposes asteroid Karma. This is about the RESULTS - cause and effect - of our prior words and actions and thinking. The Moon is opposing the reaping of what we have sown. What starts now will have this strong connection to karma built into it. Understand this. Karma is in Leo, so there is something here about our heart, our ego, the 'royal roots' of our circumstances (which can be connected to what we think we deserve, sometimes what we did or didn't do because we felt above the need to do them). With Saturn in Pisces very old chickens are coming home to roost. The Hindu concept of 'karma' relates to reincarnation and the balancing of energies over the course of many lives. 

The Moon squares the conjunction of Vesta and Hekate in Scorpio. Vesta in Scorpio is consuming. A sacred focus that is deep/intense, feels like life and death. Sometimes actually is. She MUST keep these fires burning. Hekate is a way shower energy. A sorceress and guardian of crossroads and doorways. She is intimately linked with the Moon. This feels like a powerful devotion to something hidden during the dark days of the New Moon. Something we don't want to come out/be discovered or something taboo. This 'focus' is creating tension/frustration with whatever is starting. 

The Moon is wedged between asteroids Apophis and Icarus. We are walking a razor's edge here. Apophis is dangerous/maybe even could be called 'evil'. Chaos/disorder. And we know the story of Icarus, the ill-prepared son whose flight too close to the other sun, causes his deadly plummet. This speaks of falls from the sky/from grace, about sons that are not prepared - we talked about Icarus in some detail HERE. The sabian symbol for this New Moon at 9 degrees Aquarius is echoing this whole falling off a pedestal thing, with its meaning being "a person who had for a time become the embodiment of an ideal is made to realize that as a person, he is not this ideal". 

Let's look at the rulers and then we will tie it all together as best I can. 

Uranus is back to 23 degrees Taurus for this lunation. He will station direct, after five months retrograde, TOMORROW. This lunar cycle is when THE CHANGES THAT WERE POSTPONED are going to happen/start. Happening within a lunar cycle that Uranus rules - the planet of chaos and change and disorder and tech and THE FUTURE - makes this whole thing more power and that trine to Jupiter will expand what is happening. Uranus is conjunct Lempo EXACT. Lempo is a Finnish chaos God (although prior to Christianity coming to Finland, Lempo had a less malevolent nature). We could see him here as re-inforcing Uranus's power. More chaos. More change. More tech. Uranus is opposing asteroid Narcissus EXACT. We can kind of see where this is going/what this is talking about. Uranus trines Pallas in sober Capricorn and is the smartest energy in this chart. Stay sober. Play the long game.

(with Uranus back to the degree of Trump's shooting PLUS the March Eclipse tied into this New Moon, he needs to be careful, other solar figures/leaders/fathers do, too)

Saturn is back to 17 degrees Pisces. He is direct now, but his retrograde in 2024 took him from 12 to 19 degrees Pisces, so he, as we, is covering old ground. Old responsibilities. Old limits. Old rules. Saturn is conjunct asteroid Nessus EXACT. Nessus is about entrusting important things to less than trustworthy people, betrayal, things coming back around, but his story is much more complicated than this. I wrote about Nessus in some detail in this post HERE. More warnings.

There are more warnings baked into the cake of this New Moon than I can ever remember!

With everything eventually landing, through dispositorship (who is answering to who) with Neptune and with a HUGE Pisces stellium approaching - it is hard to know what is real. Things can look better/worse than they actually are. MARS IS STILL RETROGRADE and hasn't even gotten back into Leo yet. By that third week of April when Venus gets back to the North Node and this time has sober(ish) Saturn with her instead of dreamy Neptune it will be easier to separate the real from the ideal. 

To bottom line this New Moon cycle - this is a fresh start and a new chapter keyed into the Aqua themes of intelligence, detachment, group causes, tech, the future and LIBERATION and comes off the unveiling of 'what we know and can't unknow'. What begins over the next two weeks GROWS and can benefit us. This growth and benefit will have its feet in the PAST. Old lessons bring advantages as we break free from what has been hidden. There can be more than one way forward. More than one opportunity. Fast change is possible, but we won't have to push for it. Let's allow what is unfolding to unfold.  

Standing in the way of this new start? Any obsession or over-focus on what is hidden or private, on death, on power, on what we are afraid of, on sex or merged monies. The words, 'we are only as sick as our secrets', comes to mind here, too. Old karma, sowings and unfinished business get in the way. If something never gets off the ground at all - this will be the reason. 

There are warnings about flying too close to the Sun, trusting untrustworthy people or situations and maybe on amped up change that strokes the ego. Mars is still retrograde. Slow down. The higher we go when we are unprepared, the more we have to lose/the more our fall is going to HURT. With everything answering to Neptune in Pisces at the end of the end of the zodiac, at the end of the day even this New Moon is about powerful endings. 

There are so many caveats with this one and we are coming off the Mercury/Pluto - standing on a plot of scorched Earth via news or what we have heard or said and Mars is retrograde and Venus is about to be. Don't push. Slow down. 

A perfect example of this New Moon storyline is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr who is having his confirmation hearings for Secretary of Health, right on this New Moon. A controversial figure, RFK Jr's natal Moon is conjunct the United States Sun (a true son of the U.S.) and his natal Sun has been dealing with Plutonian destruction/empowerment of his reputation for years. Transiting Chiron is exact on the mid-heaven of his chart as all his wounds/vulnerabilities are on public display. Transiting Mars is retrograding over his natal Uranus in Cancer, the Hekate/Vesta focus is tight on his natal Saturn - in Scorpio (dead father), and transiting Saturn is on his natal Vesta. Vesta/Saturn very active for him right now. Focus on obligations and his calling - which is a real thing for him. Going for him he has transiting Jupiter applying to his natal Jupiter and the whole 'second chances' theme strong in the Inauguration chart plus maybe his mega Cappy stellium in his 6th house of health. Going against him as a poster child for this New Moon is old karma and narcissism plus Icarus's connection to a son ill-prepared by his father. This New Moon is tightly conjunct RFK Jr's progressed Moon, which is in an exact square to his progressed Saturn, and sextile his progressed Sun at 8 degrees Aries and that Sun is within 1 degree of the BIG March Eclipse - eclipse events often occur 1 or 2 months exact to the day of the actual Eclipse and his hearing is EXACTLY TWO MONTHS TO THE DAY before the Eclipse. That one is a Solar Eclipse and can take a solar figure out, or maybe if he is lucky here (and a retrograde Jupiter says he might be tied into old luck), eclipse something out of his way. An 8 degree Solar Eclipse in Aries was also in play in 1968 when his father was assassinated, so this is all very KARMIC for him, his family and for the United States. It also says, to my way of thinking, that this New Moon and the Eclipse in March is asking us to look at how we treat our sons/Suns.

I want to look at China and Deepseek, China's AI program publicly announced with the Sun/Pluto on their country's natal Moon (!) and certainly the reason for the Trump admin's own AI announcement and his 'tech-bro' crew, so maybe we will look at that in the next post or I will go right into the FINAL 2025 'pull it all together thing' that maybe I should get to!


As we work with the Aquarius positives - innovation, genius, advancement, the new/modern, the power of groups, the power of the individual (yes Aquarius has both!) and eliminate the Aquarius negatives -  too much detachment, too many distractions, our feelings of alienation and our need to get lost in the crowd and hide out in the audience - if we do our work - and we are not required to do our work perfectly - we are left with a cool head, an open mind and enough emotional distance from whatever we are creating to allow the magical forces in play to work for and through us RIGHT NOW! 

AFFIRMATION TIPS for your monthly New Moon:  always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud.

Then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known.  

Know these things are already yours.

xo all

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