At 7:29AM EST, the Sun caught up with Pluto at 1 degrees Aquarius. This is their first meeting in the futuristic sign of Aquarius since 1779. This is a LIGHT on the new world of air seeded at the Winter Solstice at the end of 2020 when Jupiter met Saturn. Where we are now, is where our - actions, thoughts, emotions - have taken us from that time.
The Sun/Pluto conjunction - and the next 19 that will follow - carries in its DNA the seeds of REVOLUTION.
It begins a cycle of focused power and committed purpose. Stuff will be buried and STUFF WILL BE DUG UP.
Secrets will come out.
As we DO OUR SUN - and this will be different for everyone, where is your SUN? - we will gain power and we will be required to exercise our power wisely. We can expect to be confronted as we shine because Pluto is deep and complicated - can elicit fear from other people and require that we encounter our own. And, Aquarius is a sign of detachment and intellect, but also a sign of entanglement PLUS we have the Third Quarter Moon in Scorpio, a Pluto/Aquarius square, I mean I can't make this stuff up - happening at the same time!
This Sun/Pluto chapter speaks of liberation and freedom for the first time in HUNDREDS OF YEARS.
The Sabian Symbol - which I often look at, but don't often write about - for 1 degrees Aquarius is - an unexpected thunderstorm.
According to Dane Rudhyar's 1936 book, The Astrology of Personality, the degree indicates "liberation from adverse conditions via a cosmic visitation that will push us to action through spectacular developments".
It is connected to the Tower card in Tarot (and when you get the tower card in tarot - you sh*t your pants, pardon my french). Inner strength and stability are TESTED.
This is a lightning strike. So, this starts as an event we are not prepared for.
(And, I don't think any of us were prepared for Biden's last moments and Trump's first - which weren't really his first because Mars is retrograde. I am not going to focus on American politics here, except to say Biden's pre-emptive pardons, of Fauci/of Biden's family - unprecedented/un-presidented actions have shown the God-like POWER the President of the United States think he has/has. "I can pardon/forgive you before you have even been tried or any crime even uncovered". I understand why he is going to say he did this, which will be very convenient, but think about it. It overrides everything. Biden is a Sagittarius rising, like the United States, playing his last hand as Jupiter. Then we have the techie plutocrats standing in front of the admin, like little Gods themselves. A light on power. A light on the death of any pretense about where the real power lies. The Triumvirate maybe is a Quadumvirate - is that a thing? Well, this is a New World and it is now. Trump, then makes a grand show of signing a dozen or more executive orders, some of which he doesn't have the authority to actually make happen with just the swift action of his pen - but with the Sun/Pluto, well, maybe he somehow does now. Then Trump pardons people who committed crimes arguably on his behalf. More un-precedented/un-presidented behavior. Trump made 30 billion dollars - on paper - with the meme coin he launched the day before the Inauguration and then Melania launched her own coin and made billions. People have received the gift of CHAOS - someone to be loyal to or someone to fight. We will all become more RESILIENT.)
The Sun meets Pluto, here is a LIGHT on power and a light on what is dead/dying.
Then Mercury/Mars and Venus make all these PRODUCTIVE aspects.
Mercury goes into Aquarius. The conversation CHANGES. So fast, our head spins. OUR ATTENTION SHIFTS. Our stomach lurches.
Then on January 28th, the Moon catches up with Mercury and then crosses the 2nd degree of Aquarius - something BIG is happening - and on January 29th we have the New Moon at 9 degrees Aquarius. The symbolism of getting to 9 degrees in just a week isn't lost on us. FAST CHANGE. This motion is intellectual/detached.
By that New Moon, what is set into motion by the Sun/Pluto has its seeds in the ground and is GROWING. The New Moon is the date of the Chinese New Year - the Year of the Wood Snake - wisdom, growth and renewal - this sounds very much like the Sun/Pluto in Aquarius, too!
Then, THE NEXT DAY, January 30th, Uranus - the modern ruler of Aquarius - stations direct.
The revolution has started.
Keep in mind this is all played out so perfectly through American political theater, but happening EVERYWHERE and inside of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
FREEDOM through what elicits our attention and stirs us into action. Prepare to be stirred people.
xo all
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