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in the form of a dream by equivoque |
It's a chapter in our story that would keep the reader up all night - it has a little bit of everything - work, creativity, old passion, karma, new decisions, endings, fresh starts and a plot twist at the end we won't see coming.
The early part of the week will probably be easier to work with. Get a jump on things Monday morning and take advantage of the Aries/Taurus Moons on Monday and Tuesday to get as much done as possible.
On Monday, Mercury (retrograde in Aries) trines (brakes off) Saturn (retrograde in Sagittarius). Any news now will be something we can build on - it will likely be about an old situation. It's a good time to accept reality and be practical. Step into responsibilities. Slow down and double check the facts. Use grown up language and be respectful of yourself and others with the words you choose to use. Communications and conversations with authority figures can go smoothly. A tendency toward negative self-talk could show up now - that inner critic should be respectfully silenced. "Thank you Saturn for bringing this to my attention. I can handle it." Then move on.
There are multiple challenges to Vesta (hearth, devotion) today including a square with Mercury and inconjunct with Saturn. So the smooth energy between them is giving her a headache! Maybe what we know we have to do is creating tension with what we are obsessing about or some 'tribal' matter. Now, Mercury squared Vesta back at the end of March while he was direct, so it could be an old situation/conversation regarding something that 'nurtures us' and/or something we are 'devoted to' is back on the table. Use that Mercury trine Saturn to discuss/work with these old energies in a new, more structured way. We might have to have the same conversation or rework the same idea again.
The New Moon in Taurus on Wednesday is an excellent Moon for planting NEW seeds. With the Sun and the Moon in fertile Taurus and sextiling (opportunity) the planet of our dreams and imagination, Neptune, who is very strong in Pisces - it will be well worth taking the time to set those monthly intentions!
A fixed sign, Taurus loves structure and routine, and the next few weeks will be all about creating new systems in our everyday life that support our highest values. We will have to be willing to leave behind what isn't working for this to happen. Post to follow.
The New Moon's sextile with Pisces is exact it is good energy to be proactive with our dreams and creativity. It trines fated Pluto. The time could be finally right for something. Plant those seeds! This is excellent healing energy. What needs healing? How can we benefit from merging with the collective energies? If we are exhausted this would be good energy to take a mental health day, especially if we can get our body near or into water. A walk in the woods can do wonders now also. Crying or sweating will work, too.
On Friday, Venus moves back (going forward) into Aries. Something finalizes here that has been ongoing since at least February. She is back in warrior mode and we are focused on ourselves (and so is everyone else). On the same day Mercury (information, communication, conversations, transportation) conjuncts Uranus (rebellion, unexpected, sudden) bringing unexpected news and plot twists! This will be a hell of a day! Post to follow.
xo all