Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, January 22, 2020 - steely nerves, being ourselves, shake-ups and break-ups as we move forward, healing through groups, getting things done

The Moon moved into industrious/ambitious Capricorn at midnight EST last night.

She trined (brakes off - did you jump out of bed ready to get going?!) Uranus at 4:59AM EST and will sextile (opportunity) Venus at 8:52PM EST.

The Moon is considered "in her fall" in Capricorn, since she is at home in Capricorn's polarity sign of Cancer, but if you have something going on that requires steely nerves and dogged determination - a Cappy Moon is your friend.

A good day to make things happen. Get 'er done folks.

The Sun, in Aquarius now and doing this week what Mercury did last week, is sextiling Chiron and squaring Uranus.

Maybe shining a light or energizing/culminating last week's surprise/wake-up call information or conversation. The sextile (opportunity for healing) is Aries/Aquarius so something here about independence/innovation - the ability to be ourselves, maybe stand up for ourselves or do it our own way. The square is Aquarius/Taurus so a shake-up/change (doesn't have to be a bad thing) that is somehow either liberating/innovating involving our resources/values/money/self-esteem.

And, of course, these are collective themes, and we have our personal house themes that will shape this a bit differently for each of us.

(A little example from last week in my own life - hubs and I were out to breakfast during Mercury's - communication, information - walk through this minefield.

I don't know what I was saying to him - chatting up the news or something, but he was looking at me for a long time and then said, "you really are ... a piece of work".

Now most of the time, knowing his Aries Moon/Aquarius Sun very well by now and being an Aquarius Sun myself, I might have responded with a "damn right" and gotten on with things,

but, partly because I was prepared to hear "you really are ... so beautiful" or something like this, even though I would have doubted his sincerity knowing my messy bun and mouth full of bagel, -  I was very hurt. 

Not drama-mama hurt, but actually hurt. And he felt it, too.

So, we had hubs feeling the liberation from what he valued and me feeling my own weirdness detaching me from what I valued. His words triggering all the times I haven't fit in for me and for him, via my reaction, his words triggering all the times he has 'opened mouth/inserted foot' and said something distancing. Somehow these words are still ringing in my ears ...)

Venus is moving toward her square to Mars - there is tension here, and probably the need for movement and decisions. Venus in Pisces doesn't really want anything. She is exalted/has it all in Pisces - this could make us a bit lazy, so I think the Mars square could be a good thing.

The Moon is dark/balsamic (desiring rest) as we build toward Friday's 'change-bringing' New Moon, but in Capricorn she is made to continue to push. 

If something is not moving forward with us in 2020 - and this upcoming New Moon square Uranus speaks of us needing to face this - we can use this energy to fuel whatever needs to be completed/wrapped up.

xo all

More in the monthly HERE

Photo by the amazing Natalia Ciobanu

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, January 20, 2020 - fresh air, energized to try something else, stay flexible, inspired thinking and positive action

The Moon moves through fiery Sagittarius today - we are nurtured through and maybe our attention is on - travel, what is foreign to us, politics, the media, higher education, ceremonies, legal issues.

She will sextile Mercury at 4:39AM EST (brilliant and optimistic ideas, what did you wake up thinking about?). She squares Venus at 8:20AM EST (cat fights, what is nurturing vs what is loving, the Sag/Pisces square - truth/dogma vs intuitive knowing, maybe there is some tension with a Taurus or Libra person, this is mutable energy, so adjust). Stay flexible. The Moon is fast-moving.

The Sag Moon connects with Mars at 2:46PM EST - passionate action - we can do it! and finally goes void off a square to Neptune at 11:45PM EST. She will be void all day tomorrow.

The Sun exits the Cappy party and moves on to humanitarian Aquarius. Fresh air. Change.

We are energized through groups and the goals that bring us into connection with other people. By seeing where and how we fit in and where and how we don't. Accepting differences.

During Aquarius season events will conspire that give us a chance to step back a little bit. Sometimes we are too close and too enmeshed in a situation to see clearly what is happening. Stepping back is good and needed. We can see what is happening with less judgment. We can see past societal rules (Aquarius is the rebel, genius, criminal). We get a new set of eyes to see the world. As always with Aquarius all detachment is helpful until it isn't

As we move through our days with the Sun in Aquarius, looking ahead, we are energized to try something else.

At the same time Venus (exalted in Pisces) trines the North Node (in Cancer) - we are creating a beautiful future where everyone has a home. Our attractions pull us forward. We are magnetizing our best and brightest future - have faith!

Know we are all (personally and collectively) in the midst of creating something truly amazing and unprecedented - but it is probably not recognizable/visible from where we are now, and that's part of our unsteadiness. We have to train ourselves to get comfortable not knowing until we do. Keep in mind Uranus in Taurus - separating us from what we think we need. Life on planet Earth isn't for sissies. Saturn is in Capricorn for his third January - (yes, this is one long f'n winter) our big girl pants should be on all the time by now.

I am going to talk about this in the next 2020 post, but if we compare ourselves to an avatar in a video game - we would be (Saturn past Pluto) past the death. We died and we died and we died trying to get to this level and here we are. At this new level. We've never been here before.

So take a breath. We have a new Moon square change maker Uranus this week - change that won't be stopped is on its way.

xo all

More in the monthly HERE

photo by the amazing the firebomb

Today's Astrology Forecast | January 17, 2020 - addressing imbalances with work/goals/authority, avoiding verbal vomit, resource issues, unexpected news, unexpected emotions

Sorry I forgot to schedule this post for this morning!

The Moon in Libra squared Saturn and Pluto while we slept and then goes void off a square to the Cappy Sun this morning (7:58AM EST).

So, here we are already at the lunar month's Third Quarter Square (!) - tension/frustration, maybe challenges, between balance, fairness, our relationships, maybe a client, someone we hire or maybe even a competitor and the rules, limits, work, our goals, authority, responsibilities. Maybe something just isn't fair. An imbalance needs to be addressed.

Work issues, goals, long-term decisions, our responsibilities. Maybe compromises with other people are needed now.

The Moon is void until 1:20 PM when she deep dives into Scorpio.

Now we are nurtured by getting to the bottom of things, solving puzzles, merging, looking under the hood - our attention/focus could turn to Scorpian themes over the next couple days - the money/resources we have merged with other people ie loans, taxes, inheritances, spouse's income, etc and physical mergers - sex, fertility, life and death issues, power, control - anything we don't really want to talk/think about!

The Scorpio Moon will square Mercury at 4:36PM EST and then oppose Uranus at 5:55PM EST - so expect some unexpected news and changes. Things can get stressful.

Something to keep in mind - because now we have the Moon (an emotional, water Moon now) involved in yesterday's Mercury/Uranus/Chiron stuff - we really want to check ourselves if we are shocking just to shock and we really need to have a process we can use for times when the sh*t hits the fan and we need to detox our emotions without spewing them all over other people.

Here is what we talked about yesterday:

"Now, almost as soon as Mercury gets into Aquarius she starts squaring Uranus (in Taurus). This could bring SURPRISING NEWS - maybe around what we value, our resources, our money, our values or self-esteem. He will quickly move into an opportunistic sextile with Chiron- so there is something healing here, too.

With this square to Uranus our own language could be chaotic and out of character if we aren't feeling heard or maybe someone is coming at us from this space of challenged self-esteem. Lean into innovative ideas if it feels right, but don't be shocking just to be shocking."

Stay open to new ideas and keep in mind we are operating at a level we have never operated at before. So let's be more gentle with each other. Take care of yourself - which means knowing the needs of your natal Moon!

The energy is just all over the place today - build in some extra time for yourself. The Moon's aspects are much easier tomorrow.

xo all

photo by the talented Tanja Moss

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | January 16, 2020 - surprising news, disruptive information, impulsive words, unexpected answers or decisions, fresh ideas, a time to think outside the box

The Moon continues her journey through "nurtured through balance" Libra. She squared Jupiter at 3:45AM EST - tension/frustration around our commitments to other people/to women/to making something more beautiful, more balanced.

Are we ready to decide/commit?

Mercury (our thinking, information, communication) FINALLY gets into an air sign this afternoon (1:31PM EST) with his/her move into detached and future-focused Aquarius. Yes, it's fixed air, so people are not always flexible, but at least we've got some air!

One less planet in cardinal Capricorn. We step back a little so we can think clearly. We view our situation from an observer position.

Does what we are saying/signing/thinking/writing MAKE SENSE?

Some people think Aquarius represents independence (Aries), but more accurately Aquarius represents individuality. There is an independent spirit here, yes, but since Aquarius rules the 11th house of groups, it shows people bound together by a cause.

So, in Aquarius we find a better way to work together so it benefits everyone or else we go our own way.

These are the only two outcomes for Aquarius. Aquarius is the space in your chart where it's never going to work to follow the crowd just for the sake of fitting in, you will always have to do things differently. Our rough, uncomfortable rebel edges are there for a reason.

Three things happen when Mercury changes signs.

1. Mercury changes (the conversation changes, our thinking changes, we are more innovative, we can detach emotionally from our thoughts, there is more air in this room so maybe we can breathe easier).

2. The house Mercury exits changes (Cappy house slows down and our attention shifts a bit).

3. The house Mercury enters changes (Aquarius house - gets busy and even busier when the Sun gets there in a few days).

Fresh ideas, new ways of thinking and communicating are possible over the next few weeks (Mercury is in Aquarius until February 3rd). 

Our thoughts gets ahead of us/ahead of our time. Outside the box.

We are thinking/planning with an eye on the future

Aquarian detachment allows us to consider things we might have previously discarded as too far 'out there'. 

Keep in mind the Merc in Aquarius downfall - fixed air creating a sense we already know-it-all and a tendency to reject the status quo just because it is the status quo - the whole "rebel without a cause thing".

It is not our job to fix everything/the entire world all at once and all by ourselves, but it is our job to stretch ourselves outside our comfort zone to fix the part of the world that is within our reach.

Now, almost as soon as Mercury gets into Aquarius she starts squaring Uranus (in Taurus). This could bring SURPRISING NEWS - maybe around what we value, our resources, our money, our values or self-esteem. He will quickly move into an opportunistic sextile with Chiron- so there is something healing here, too.

With this square to Uranus our own language could be chaotic and out of character if we aren't feeling heard or maybe someone is coming at us from this space of challenged self-esteem. Lean into innovative ideas if it feels right, but don't be shocking just to be shocking.

Merc's square to Uranus and sextile to Chiron will be in play for a couple days.

Keep in mind the Libra Moon is building toward her squares with Saturn, Ceres and Pluto - exact tomorrow at her Third Quarter, so everything isn't going to flow so smooth and easy.

That's OK.

This is a BUILDING year where we get to develop our gifts of discipline, tenacity and inventiveness. We are privileged to get to be a part of the collective on planet Earth at this time. We were born to do this. Don't doubt yourself. You have risen from the ashes hundreds and hundreds of times!

Stay flexible and centered.

Take care of your physical self.

Back with more 2020 postings!

xo all

photo by the talented eulalievarenne

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