Weekly Astrology Forecast | Week of June 15th, 2020 - keep in mind everyone is fighting a hard battle, Mercury retrograde, Solar Eclipse, re-thinking where we come from and where we belong, alarm clocks going off all over the place


This week, and really the next three weeks are some of the most important energies of 2020!

Can things get any weirder? I think they can!

We start the week nearing the mid-point of a protracted and hairy (nah, do you think?) Eclipse season, with multiple pivots we haven't/probably won't see coming - although we should have/could have seen them coming,

with Eris squaring Pluto (monkey wrenches the size of oak trees being tossed into systems, people who are feeling oppressed wanting to tear/burn the power structures down, in general the spaces where we feel we don't belong or feel controlled being uber activated),

with Mars moving over Neptune in foggy Pisces it is hard to know what is real/what is true/what move to make - we need to be seriously prioritizing our mental health AND we might find we are not always acting in our own best interests (babies tossed out with bathwater, bridges burned, our high ground scorched)

(that can start to pivot this week as Mars makes nice with Pluto and Jupiter, if we can take some intuitive action and apply some creative solutions and not try to control everything and overshoot and lose the ball on our neighbor's roof).

By Thursday we will have - Mercury, Venus, Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde. Next week we will toss Neptune onto the list.

We are being asked to clean up our mess. Maybe more than one mess. If we have been letting something play out to see where it takes us, now we know where.

And once we know we can't pretend we don't know.

We can see from the collective news we are not so much coming together as coming apart at the seams. This 3D world feels two sizes too small almost overnight and we are busy pretending those gaping button holes are ok with us.

The shirt's supposed to look like this. Right?

How do we fix it? Probably we don't. Probably we need a new shirt.

With a MEGA New Moon Solar Eclipse coming at the end of the week, within hours of the Summer Solstice, at an Aries point 0 degree Cancer (so with the world's focus on the same thing) opposing the Galactic Center and conjunct the United States' Venus/Jupiter conjunction (7th house of 'the other') - this one determined to bring the collective story-line into our homes ... and hearts.

Hang on loosely. BACK UP YOUR FILES. If you have important stuff to do, or just things you want to do - get it done early in the week before things start to back-shift and pivot.

The week, minus the Moons which we'll unpack in the dailies, plays out like this:

TUESDAY - Sun inconjunct Jupiter
THURSDAY - Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer (backing over 14-5 degrees), Mars sextiles Pluto
FRIDAY - Sun conjuncts North Node
SATURDAY - Mars sextiles Jupiter, Sun enters Cancer - Summer Solstice
SUNDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer (0 degrees), Sun/Moon inconjunct Saturn

Let's look at MONDAY although there are no exact aspects - other than the ongoing Eris/Pluto - since I probably won't do a daily.

The Moon is in Aries today. Busy as we would expect an Aries to be. She will square a retrograde Pluto at 6:21PM EDT, sextile the Sun at 8:10PM EDT and then go void off a square to Jupiter about half an hour later. She will be void the rest of the night.

The squares can magnify Martian qualities, maybe we feel the pressure of our back to the wall and the energy to make enhanced power moves/courage without reason (reason meaning sense here)/over-confidence. Over-doing. The Aries Moon is self-focused when at its best, so keep that in mind now. And Eris/Pluto - stay safe.

We will probably feel an internal push to get moving and, with Aries, maybe start something and it can take the tension/frustration of a square to FORCE US to get going. We can use this month's Waning Sextile - some positive flow between the Aries Moon and Gemini Sun - to START SMART. Stay in the moment. Just keep in mind the Aries Moon is answering to Mars in Pisces, so although we are pushing off (against that wall maybe) actual pushing is likely to be counter-productive. And the Moon is waning, so we are still in a closing cycle.

In a couple weeks Mars will be in Aries and Venus will be direct and we will be through the Eclipses and we will really get moving!

TUESDAY - the Sun inconjuncts (rock meet hard place) Jupiter. This might be something like we over-promise or we stretch the truth or get too preachy or big for our britches. Or someone else does. Or maybe it's us and we just think it's them .... either way maybe think twice before you get on your soapbox ... or hit send. The Moon will be exalted in Taurus now, so things can emotionally settle down/feel more balanced and grounded.

THURSDAY - Mars (in imaginative, compassionate and spiritual Pisces) is going to be making nice with both Pluto (today) and Jupiter (Saturday) both in Capricorn and keep in mind Jupiter and Pluto are going to meet for the second time this year at the end of this month, so this week's Mars transit will pull us toward that.

Here is where our intuitive action can make a powerful impact.

Good for working with our goals, power, authority. For best results just remember to move in the direction things are naturally moving, try not to push - Pisces is our mutable water sign and pushing will just push us right off course.

Also on Thursday, Mercury is going to station retrograde in Cancer - backing over 14-5 degrees between now and July 12th.

This "re-do" will be about your Cancer house theme, and collectively we will be re-viewing, re-visiting, re-doing, maybe re-novating a home, family, mothering/mother, home business, real estate, family business, re-location, security, patriotism (?) situation - for the next few weeks.

With many restrictions lifting, people will be re-connecting with family members they haven't seen in a while. We could find familial dynamics have shifted over the past few months. They say you can't go home again - this transit is probably when we find out! 

This retrograde will also be about our roots and security/what we need to feel safe. "Re"thinking where we come from/how and if we belong where we are.

As always with Mercury retrograde - expect delays, mechanical glitches, over reactions when things go wrong. People and situations from the past can re-appear. It's a good time to read the fine print. Twice. And double check that email before hitting "send".

Rushing ahead while Mercury is moving backward can trip us up, but there are powerful forces moving things forward now, so this transit will be extra tricky. Stay flexible. Keep moving.

This is our first Mercury retrograde since the North Node moved into Gemini (one of Mercury's two signs) in May.

The last two North Nodes, Leo and Cancer, (over the last three years) have answered to planets that do not station retrograde and now we are dealing with the planet with the most frequent retrogrades and a trickster reputation to boot, so we are going to have to get used to this two steps forward and one step backward thing.

Gemini is mutable air - expect to CHANGE YOUR MIND, even multiple times! Thinking we know all the answers assures we will be proven wrong. We don't.

THURSDAY - all work-day Void Moon. Keep this in mind.

On FRIDAY, the Sun (on his way out of town) is going to meet up with the North Node in Gemini (our collective way forward). Just noting the North Node hasn't moved at all since May - no wonder so many are feeling so stuck!

Now a light (Sun) is thrown on our best path forward (North Node).

It could be a bright spotlight we can't miss or maybe it's a tiny flicker that catches our eye and pulls us over to investigate a new direction. We might receive some confirmation we are on the right path or a gentle shove (or maybe not so gentle with the Solstice and Eclipse this week) in a new direction if we aren't. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who has just stationed retrograde, so this could be something from the past or with a connection to the past. Get out and about. Talk to other people. They want to say yes.

On SATURDAY, Mars is going to sextile Jupiter - just like he did Pluto on Tuesday, so this could be all part of the same thing. Go with your intuition/the flow. Expand. You might just get LUCKY.

Keep in mind Jupiter is always asking us, "do you have faith in yourself?" and if we stumble around for an answer, he might ask, sandwiched as he is now between Pluto and Saturn in serious-as-a-heart-attack Capricorn, "is it fair to expect life to supply what you are missing?"

How much evidence do we need to see to know that we are valuable.

The Sun moves into Cancer. Solstice time.

Solstice means standstill. The Summer Solstice is the time when the sun halts its journey over the Tropic of Cancer on its tropical journey north - then after three days, turns in its tracks and begins its journey south. The time of symbolic marriage - we call this period Midsummer (Midwinter down under).

It's time to get up early and absorb the sunrise - at least one of the next three days if you can - there is much magic at play now. Remember our DNA carries the energy of our ancestors who celebrated the solstice all over the planet for CENTURIES.

This is powerful stuff. Set your intention for the new season of your life.

Light a candle and let it burn in the sunlight.

SUNDAY - OK here's the BIG MOMMA event.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer at 0 degrees - remember Eclipse events play out over the following 6 months and often work backwards, too. This Eclipse pulls us back to the last December/January Eclipse cycle - we talked about it HERE - the mama bear standing alone, precursor to the "time runs out" palaver, and, now we know, the day the Chinese informed the WHO of the first death from the coronavirus.

We had a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius two weeks ago and this one now would have most likely been a Solar Eclipse in Gemini - but with the North Node at a standstill at 29 degrees Gemini and this New Moon happening at 0 degrees Cancer - the very next degree - we move BACK into the Cancer/Capricorn polarities for one final Cancer Eclipse - not to see another one for 18 years.

This Eclipse is conjunct the United States Venus/Jupiter conjunction in our 7th house and the last time we had an Eclipse near this degree was the Eclipse in the summer of 2001, prior to 9/11. The Eclipse is opposing the Galactic Center. More chickens coming home to roost. They must be free-range because the coop sure as hell is full-up by now. This one is inconjunct Saturn, so rubbing against the rules/limits/authority, and with everything we have going on right now, it's likely to be MEGA IMPORTANT.

This is a cosmic re-boot, but at its heart - this is a Cancer New Moon, so we commit to nurturing what we want to grow.

We'll talk about this in its own post.

xo all

photo by the talented emptyredhead

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of the Disappearances of Madeleine McCann and Inga Gehricke and a new suspect comes to light - part I

On May 3, 2007 at 8:30PM while vacationing in Portugal, Kate and Gerry McCann, having put their three children to sleep (four year old Madeleine McCann and her two year old twin siblings), left their vacation villa for dinner with a group of other vacationing parents at a restaurant fifty yards away. They planned to return to the room and check on their children every half hour.

They have stated they left the villa's patio doors unlocked, so they wouldn't wake the children when entering through the locked front door. At 9:05PM, Madeleine's father returned to the room, and although noting the children's bedroom door was in a slightly changed position, confirmed all three children were asleep.

At 9:30PM, Madeleine's mother rose from dinner to check on the children and another guest and friend, going to check on his own children, volunteered to go and check for her which he did. He later admitted he never actually opened the bedroom door fully, so could only see Madeleine's siblings and not Madeleine herself.

At 10:00PM, Madeleine's mother returned to the room to check on her children. As she reached for the bedroom door, it slammed shut. Opening the door she noticed an open bedroom window, could see Madeleine was not in her bed, felt the icy terror of her discovery and the nightmare/search for Madeleine began ...

Over the years, there have been a few leads, but nothing that has ever amounted to anything solid. 

Madeleine has never been found.

The parents (especially Madeleine's mother, Kate) and even other dinner guests have been under suspicion at various times, based mostly on media speculation and the inability of the police to see the 'most likely' suspect clearly (we'll see why as we dive into the charts).

Last week, German police announced a man named Christian (they withhold last names for privacy reasons), in prison for another crime, is a suspect in this and another unsolved case of a missing young girl, Inga Gehricke. 

Let's unpack the charts.

We'll start with Madeleine.

(note - there are about 100,000 asteroids discovered to date and about 5000 of them have been named - I have added asteroid Madeline, McCann and Christian - the closest to the names of the victim and suspect - to these charts)

The first chart shows the 'event' of Madeleine's parents leaving the room for dinner.

The Moon is waning from the prior day's Full Moon in her detriment in murky Scorpio and is now Void in the first house - this is important because it helps set the stage for the suspect's invisibility and maybe for suspicion falling on the mother/moon.

The Moon in Scorpio is answering to ancient ruler Mars in the 4th house of home/family and conjunct Uranus - foreshadowing the violent and chaotic disruption that is coming. The base of this chart - that Neptune at 21 degrees in Aquarius - the sleeping group of children, at home, but not really at home; in a strange place. 21 degrees is an important (and not uncommon) degree. Neptune (ruler of Pisces - the final sign, endings) is exactly squaring Madeleine's natal Sun at 21 degrees Taurus.

Mars is at 21 degrees Pisces and ruling the chart (note Mars is at 20 degrees Pisces as I write this and was conjunct the event chart's Mars when the German suspect's story was announced).

Madeleine's Birth Chart
Madeleine's natal Sun (21 degrees Taurus) is conjunct her natal Ceres in the 8th house (death) which at 23 degrees Taurus is exactly conjunct her mother Kate's natal Moon (23 degrees Taurus) in the 12th house of loss and endings, karmic unravelings.

(In the myth, Ceres' precious daughter, Persephone, is abducted and raped by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. And to clarify this would mean the Moon was exactly on top of Ceres as Madeleine was born.)

The Moon in Scorpio is also answering to modern ruler Pluto (dark, hidden, taboo, death/transformation - aka the lord of the underworld) exactly 30 degrees from the Moon from that second house of what we value/have ownership of and responsibility for.

Notice Chiron (that old, deep wounding) conjunct Neptune (endings/the past/karma) and the North Node of Fate conjunct Uranus/Mars (the traumatic action). Note Ceres (mother) in the 5th house of children in Aries, the other house answering to that chart-ruling Mars.

If we look over at the descendant/the perpetrator we see Taurus at 14 degrees (at 14 degrees Taurus we find the fixed star Almach which is the foot by which Andromeda is chained to the rock awaiting her fate at the hands of the sea-monster and the fixed star Menkar, the nose of the sea-monster said to bring "danger from beasts").

The ruler of that Taurus 7th house is Venus (at 24 degrees Gemini - note Venus is in Gemini right now and Mars is in Pisces right now mirroring this chart).

Venus is in the 8th house (transformation/death) and answering to Mercury in the 6th in Taurus, so back to Venus. We have this mutual reception between the 8th and 6th houses. So, the house of death and the house of activities/planning. Maybe the perpetrator has been/is watching. Maybe since the previous day when Asteroid Madeleine moved into semi-sextile with Asteroid Christian. Note the Sun is moving toward an exact conjunction with Mercury - blowing Mercury out/making him combust/invisible. Venus is opposing Jupiter, home in Sagittarius. So maybe our perpetrator is a foreigner, but that Mercury looks like he's a local - so maybe both somehow. Asteroid Madeleine is sandwiched between the perpetrator's two signs - Venus and Mercury. This event/this outside person closing in. Notice the 25 degree Venus on the descendant (the other/the enemy) of Madeleine's birth chart! Saturn at the top of the chart shows us the public judgement that is to come on this moment when these children are left alone - remember we are still on the first chart - the sleeping children left in the villa. 

Now, let's move ahead to the 10:00PM chart - what has changed?

Notice the Uranus/Mars is now at the bottom of the chart/the home/the base of the matter - the chaotic violence has happened. Madeleine is no longer sleeping. Notice the Moon (representing Madeleine now) is in the 12th house at the critical 29th degree of Scorpio - she is gone/disappeared. The Moon about to move into Sagittarius, which rules long distances, so we know she is getting farther away from this chart every minute.

Pluto (death/transformation) has moved into Madeleine's first house of herself, along with Sag's ruler Jupiter (the chart has moved to Sagittarius rising, so Jupiter represents Madeleine here, too) with Jupiter trining Saturn (death, karma).

Reality/fear/sobered up - the authorities are called in.

Venus has moved from 24 to 25 degrees Gemini, exactly sextiling Madeleine's natal Venus on her descendant.

The descendant is in Gemini now - answering to Mercury in Taurus answering to Venus in Gemini. The mutual reception - strength of the perpetrator continues.  

And now the Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury (the perpetrator) - he is combust/invisible. 

I think the power of that Void Scorpio Moon, coming right after the Scorpio Full Moon and that combust Mercury has helped this guy remain invisible and caused the authorities/media/public to be looking in the wrong places/tricked. 

Mercury also rules the top of the chart, that 10th house- he is feeling omnipotent/in charge. Because sadly he is!

Asteroid Christian has moved from the 6th house of planning/preparation into the 5th house of children (stolen childhood, the monster in the closet). Asteroid Madeleine is conjunct the descendant - in the control of the perpetrator. Asteroids Madeleine and Christian - are exactly semi-sextile (30 degrees apart) at 6 degrees Gemini and Taurus.

Asteroids would not be used alone, but in support of planets can paint a clearer picture. I don't know what the random chance of this connection now would be, but I would think rather low.

Of course, we can't know anything with certainty and we would need Christian's birth-chart to tie him in here more conclusively, but his named Asteroid is interacting with this chart and exactly with Asteroid Madeleine. His picture in the news is literally a textbook Gemini appearance - someone quick, chameleon, if male there is sometimes something almost feminine/gentle about appearance, a youthful appearance, well-set body, slim, long hands and arms, piercing eyes, a local person or someone working within the community. He was living in the area. He sold his vehicle the very next day. A very Mercurian/Gemini move to protect himself. The Void Moon in Scorpio, in the lunar cycle of the Full Moon in Scorpio, had strength, hid his horrible deeds and the combust Mercury made him invisible to the Sun (authority/the light). That Gemini could mean multiple perpetrators, or multiple acts/victims.

We have seen these 23-25 Gemini degrees many times in these kind of charts.

After analyzing Madeleine's chart it is easy to see this guy is a good possibility, but it was only after looking at the chart of the disappearance of another beautiful little girl - a five year old girl in Germany named Inga Gehricke who went missing while hunting for firewood during a family camping trip - that his guilt becomes a VERY strong possibility. At the time of Inga's abduction (which we will see next week looks more spontaneous than Madeleine's and happens very near Madeleine's abduction anniversary) Asteroid Christian is exactly opposing Asteroid Inge (the closest asteroid to her name)! He is again living in the abduction area and note these abductions happened in different countries and 8 years apart.

And we have transiting Venus in Gemini at EXACTLY the same degree in both cases.

AND this is the degree of Madeleine's natal Venus.

And her natal Venus is EXACTLY conjunct her descendant - 7th house cusp of other people.

AND we have a retrograde Venus in Gemini right now (as well as Mars in Pisces and Jupiter conjunct Pluto, all mirroring Madeleine's abduction/murder) and Venus will be back to this 25th degree in the beginning of August.

Maybe some long avoided justice?! Let's hope so.

And, God willing, some small bit of peace for these families just by finally knowing what happened to their precious children.

As to what happened to Madeleine McCann's remains we can look to the ruler of the 4th house/the end of the matter - Pisces/water or we can look to Saturn (in Leo) - fire, maybe he put her body into the water and burned other evidence? Maybe we could move the chart ahead and look at what he might have done after the abduction, but if this guy is the monster we warn our children about. The one under the bed. The one we have to think isn't real or none of us would ever sleep ever again. I'm not so sure we really want to know ...

We will look at beautiful little Inga's disappearance chart next week.

xo all

(there is also a theme right now about scapegoating and through Neptune we are back to the days of the witch trials and what happened to Kate McCann and her family has had the feel of the witch trials - let's hope all of that can be put to bed)

Weekend Astrology Forecast | Saturday, June 13, 2020 - Sunday, June 14, 2020 - Mars/Neptune start a new chapter, merging our actions with what the world needs, a wet spark is better than no spark, watch your boundaries


We are between Eclipses (next Eclipse June 20th/21st), between powerful outer planet transits - January 2020's Saturn/Pluto conjunction and December 2020's Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, and throughout the year dealing with the powerful three-peat of Jupiter/Pluto (next up June 30th). Any of these would be BIG and having everything happening at once is earth/life-changing, hence our troubled minds and nervous bellies.

I didn't get a post up yesterday, but we had an overload of Pisces/Neptune -  the Moon (in Pisces) trined Mercury in the morning and met up with first Mars and then Neptune last night. That was a whole lot of water/emotion and this continues into Saturday.

For many of us this could be way too much Neptune/Pisces for our mental health at this point.

We may need to find some solid ground here. Maybe physical work/activity. And give Neptune his due with some time spent with art, music, in water, extra sleep, relaxation, meditation, prayer. Use both. Balance.

Our intuition will be high now (unless we are clouding everything up with addictive substances like sugar) - movements/actions where we come from a HIGHER PLACE are supported - ie forgiveness, compassion, making art, making music, making space for something bigger/connecting to come into your life, making amends, wanting to do the right thing because it is the right thing and not needing credit, reaching toward God/our higher self/our ancestors.

Doing stuff out of guilt, playing a victim/martyr, self-sabotaging addictive behaviors, disappearing/hiding escapist actions - this is the stuff that will blow us off course in these drifting waters because this stuff is supported too, in the sense there is nothing here to stop us, and I know it's the weekend and some steam must be blown off - just use some common sense when navigating all this.

Mars meets Neptune every couple years and ends/kicks off a cycle - so what do you want to do with this? How can we merge our actions/what we do to get what we want with something greater than ourselves/with what the world needs/with what we came here to do? With our Pisces natal house theme?

We talked about Saturday and Sunday in the weekly:

"SATURDAY - Now, we're at the Quarter Square Moon already - Sun in Gemini, Moon in Pisces.

This is the pressure point in between last week's Lunar Eclipse and next week's Solar Eclipse. Maybe we are rethinking information/decisions. Things will not be so cut and dried/black and white now. Questions will just produce more questions. There won't be just one way forward/one answer that will fix everything. With Pisces, sometimes we have to just let go and trust bigger hands than ours are steering this ship.

This is also the day Mars, making his way through foggy Pisces, catches up with Pisces ruler Neptune.

Mars (from Sagittarius) squared Neptune back at the end of January. Something here might connect back to then.

Maybe we are taking action on our dreams. Men (Mars) could be transcending (Neptune) what it means to be masculine - this is the potential for some spiritual warrior high vibe stuff to be happening.  

We might need to turn the other cheek/fall on our sword. 

Sometimes when Mars meets Neptune our actions just kind of dissolve into nothing.

Or we might kind of float into a situation that is dis-empowering. We are diluted by foggy thinking, indecision, our escapist tendencies. We could be self-sabotaging, self-sacrificing. The victim. With Mars in Pisces we can't push, but the Sun's in fast moving Gemini, so we can't move like a slug either.

What house does Pisces rule in your natal chart? What is the 'theme' of that house?

Keep in mind this is a space where your boat is not so tightly anchored to the dock anyway/where it has always paid for you to go with the flow. Now here comes fiery Mars (although he feels a bit exhausted to me) to help you reach for higher ground. Tippy toes. Fingers toward the skies.

Mars may be tired (and a little wet), but he's always got his spark.

And a spark will get us farther than no spark.

Just keep your personal boundaries and prioritize your mental health with this.

And SUNDAY - The Sun in Gemini is semi-squaring Uranus and inconjunct Pluto.

So, we are alerted to some potential future problem as we move the conversation/our ideas (for some people this could be about a local community or sibling or transportation situation) toward something new and maybe liberating and at the same time we have this rock and hard place with a retrograde Pluto - so trouble with authority/power. Maybe someone else is trying to manipulate/put us in our place through information/words. Maybe our choices/decisions are blocked by someone/something more powerful. Pluto always creates the feeling of life and death, so this could be stressful. Try to keep a lid on any words/conversations that might be too far out there and could kick you in the ass later. Be willing to adjust."

Go with the flow, but don't let yourself get lost at sea. You still have that compass your grandpa gave you for third grade Girl Scouts for a reason. Venus is retrograde - we don't even know what we want yet, let alone know what actions to take to get it/get there. Mars in Pisces can't push without just floating away from his intended course, so, of course results that come in now will be hard to pin down. There is right timing with all of this that we just can't see yet. Have faith.

Back with the Saturday Night Mystery - looking at the Madeleine McCann case (recently back in the news), and, also looking at its connections to another case - a missing little girl named Inga in Germany.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, June 11, 2020 - confusion, what we used to love, feeling our way through this, healing conversations, what do we value now, a need to rest and recharge


The Moon is in mystical/magical "I need a nap" Pisces now, turning our focus to less practical pursuits - artistic, spiritual, compassionate/charitable, endings, healing, the past, rest. She will square a retrograde Venus at 10:34PM EDT (avoid things like constructive criticism, passive/aggressive language) and then, if you are still awake, change things up when she sextiles Uranus at 11:20PM EDT.

The big news today, with themes that echo, as important themes often do - we have the Sun squaring Neptune (Gemini/Pisces, 20 degrees) and Venus sextiling Chiron (Gemini/Aries, 9 degrees).

Sun/Neptune can be exhausting, especially if we have been busy/dealing with information over-load. Neptune is like the Sun is seeing through water - so nothing is clear and crisp. Information can be uncertain. This is not the best energy to make a clear-headed decision. Squares are tension/frustration - the necessary kind that causes the energies to wrestle and shift.

Keep an open mind if you are espousing magic to muggles or the nitty-gritty details of something to wizards. And this could be happening inside us - some right-brain/left-brain fighting or fatigue.

The good news, Venus (retrograde) is making her second healing sextile (opportunity) to Chiron.

This is a repeating aspect and Venus is at her second pass here (two of three), so, we are going back to something from mid-April for another look/feel. Maybe we are talking/thinking again about a Venusian issue - love, our money, our resources, our values, beauty, women/a woman, or our self-esteem.

The stuff we are still corded to from the past is pulled back into our life via a conversation/situation/interaction.

Maybe we are reconciling with someone/something we used to care about or maybe an idea from the past resurfaces now to see if it can catch our attention/our heart through better timing.

Just keep in mind tonight's lunar square and keep any conversations/communications light and loving. Venus in Gemini is not looking for a deep commitment now, and we have one more pass at this left in mid-July.

Also keep in mind, with Sun/Neptune there aren't any flashing green lights (well, there could be, but we probably can't see them clearly either) - we can't see how this will all work out/or maybe how to make it all work out, but we know (!) any delays will only prove helpful.

Like fog or heavy rain on a road trip that requires the stop at a diner for a cup of coffee and then we miss the ten car pile-up.

The ways through a Neptune square are - forgiveness, compassion, time/patience (the way water erodes rock), going with the flow, letting go, waiting things out/rest, creative outlets, art, music, meditation, prayer (God, our muses, our ancestors, our past life superpowers are standing by).

Neptune may make facts and details confusing now, but our intuition/creativity is operating at a level something like Superman's x-ray vision. On the other hand, if we are just feeling the wipe-out part of Neptune, and not so much the inspiration - the healing will come through rest and letting things go now. Hydrate. Get in or near water.

Either way, let's be kind to ourselves and each other. We really are all in this together.

xo all

photo by the talented GretaTu