The Moon continues her journey through intense Scorpio today, touching all those retrograde big-boys as she goes. Trining (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune at 6:01am EDT, sextiling a retrograde Jupiter at 11:05AM EDT, sextiling a retrograde Pluto at 11:19AM EDT and finally going void for JUST ONE MINUTE off a sextile to a retrograde Saturn at 9:20PM EDT (who, you guessed it, will be back in his home sign of Saturn by that time).
Great for solitary work and getting things accomplished. A smooth day.
I wonder if that brief one minute void will allow us to really feel the Moon's move into boisterous/self-righteous and spirit-lifting (booyah!) Sagittarius at 9:21PM EDT? We shall see ...
Mercury (at 9 degrees Cancer) slips into his square to Chiron (at 9 degrees Aries). In Cancer, Mercury is answering to that intense Scorpio Moon (making good aspects to the outer planets but in her fall) and, in Aries, Chiron is answering to as fiery Mars in his home sign. Maybe a family conversation/disagreement triggers an old emotional wound. Maybe it becomes necessary for us to speak up/stand up about something.
The key with Chiron in Aries, and it will be easier to do this now that Mars is in Aries, is to have COURAGE. This is a repeating aspect, but on June 5th, when we had this the first time, Mars was kind of wallowing in Pisces. We are older, wiser and stronger now. No longer a victim. If something needs to be said or confronted - and we don't need to go all ninja warrior on this - here is the energetic set-up to do it. It will be more uncomfortable to just stay silent or sit something out - and I know Mercury in Cancer wants his/her words to be soothing, but with Mercury answering to the Moon and the Moon in Scorpio, and that Scorpio Moon making oodles of supportive aspects to the "structural planets" AND our hopes and dreams - we can go deeper than we are usually comfortable going. Just don't expect it not to hurt.
The BIG NEWS today is Saturn retrograde's return to Capricorn for a final clean-up in aisle six (and seven and eight and, well, the rest of the aisles, too). He will be back here until mid-December when he moves back into Aquarius and meets Jupiter.
With Saturn retrograde in his home sign (so now we have Mars, Neptune and Saturn all in their own signs) we could be stepping back into an old responsibility. Old limits. Old rules. This is NOT a permanent situation - we are getting another chance at doing this RIGHT/getting it finished it up/getting our ducks in a row, before it is OVER. In some cases before the rug gets pulled. In other cases, where we are already sliding around on the bare floors and looking at bare walls, to make adjustments/re-visions before the paint dries.
Reality check time.
For those in the midst of 2019/2020's collective HUMBLING, there is something to be FINISHED before Saturn returns to Aquarius in December, not to be back home to Cappy for 28 years.
Maybe we've lost a job. Maybe we are feeling older (keep in mind we are as young as we will ever be). Maybe the good health we took for granted is failing - Saturn rules not only old age, but our bones, teeth and knees (as he brings us to ours). Maybe we are feeling the squeeze/weight of expired contracts we have literally been dragging around for lifetimes. Maybe some of those "10,000 hour" skills we have always counted on, or thought we could, are slipping away or other people's need for them is gone. Maybe we've lost resources/money we thought we could count on. Maybe we've lost a parent. A support system. A plan for the future. Maybe we have a really big freaking mess to clean up. Supported by this weekend's final monster of a Capricorn Eclipse on America's birthday - this is a reminder of this last chapter. A confirmation of what is ending. This is us, moving through our fears. And with Pluto joining Saturn, this stuff is no joke.
Whatever this is for us personally, we can SEE what this is collectively (with the collapse of things we collectively count on, which is really not a collapse but a reality check). This is the part of the unwinding of the patriarchy that everyone clamoring for the 'fall of the patriarchy' needs to be slapped in the face with. Not because we don't want to unwind the patriarchy - it is happening ready or not - but because anyone who thought they would skate through this unaffected probably haven't been. Or won't be.
Saturn's return to Capricorn is NOT bad news.
In Capricorn he strengthens our resolve (and our backbone). Big girl/boy pants on.
We can step into our authority more easily.
Do what needs to be done.
Remember he is only the authority outside of us, if we are avoiding our own.
xo all
photo by the amazing sollenafotografie