Today's astrology forecast | Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - daddy comes home ... with one final mission

The Moon continues her journey through intense Scorpio today, touching all those retrograde big-boys as she goes. Trining (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune at 6:01am EDT, sextiling a retrograde Jupiter at 11:05AM EDT, sextiling a retrograde Pluto at 11:19AM EDT and finally going void for JUST ONE MINUTE off a sextile to a retrograde Saturn at 9:20PM EDT (who, you guessed it, will be back in his home sign of Saturn by that time).

Great for solitary work and getting things accomplished. A smooth day.

I wonder if that brief one minute void will allow us to really feel the Moon's move into boisterous/self-righteous and spirit-lifting (booyah!) Sagittarius at 9:21PM EDT? We shall see ...

Mercury (at 9 degrees Cancer) slips into his square to Chiron (at 9 degrees Aries). In Cancer, Mercury is answering to that intense Scorpio Moon (making good aspects to the outer planets but in her fall) and, in Aries, Chiron is answering to as fiery Mars in his home sign. Maybe a family conversation/disagreement triggers an old emotional wound. Maybe it becomes necessary for us to speak up/stand up about something.

The key with Chiron in Aries, and it will be easier to do this now that Mars is in Aries, is to have COURAGE. This is a repeating aspect, but on June 5th, when we had this the first time, Mars was kind of wallowing in Pisces. We are older, wiser and stronger now. No longer a victim. If something needs to be said or confronted - and we don't need to go all ninja warrior on this - here is the energetic set-up to do it. It will be more uncomfortable to just stay silent or sit something out - and I know Mercury in Cancer wants his/her words to be soothing, but with Mercury answering to the Moon and the Moon in Scorpio, and that Scorpio Moon making oodles of supportive aspects to the "structural planets" AND our hopes and dreams - we can go deeper than we are usually comfortable going. Just don't expect it not to hurt.

The BIG NEWS today is Saturn retrograde's return to Capricorn for a final clean-up in aisle six (and seven and eight and, well, the rest of the aisles, too). He will be back here until mid-December when he moves back into Aquarius and meets Jupiter.

With Saturn retrograde in his home sign (so now we have Mars, Neptune and Saturn all in their own signs) we could be stepping back into an old responsibility. Old limits. Old rules. This is NOT  a permanent situation - we are getting another chance at doing this RIGHT/getting it finished it up/getting our ducks in a row, before it is OVER. In some cases before the rug gets pulled. In other cases, where we are already sliding around on the bare floors and looking at bare walls, to make adjustments/re-visions before the paint dries.

Reality check time. 

For those in the midst of 2019/2020's collective HUMBLING, there is something to be FINISHED before Saturn returns to Aquarius in December, not to be back home to Cappy for 28 years.

Maybe we've lost a job. Maybe we are feeling older (keep in mind we are as young as we will ever be). Maybe the good health we took for granted is failing - Saturn rules not only old age, but our bones, teeth and knees (as he brings us to ours). Maybe we are feeling the squeeze/weight of expired contracts we have literally been dragging around for lifetimes. Maybe some of those "10,000 hour" skills we have always counted on, or thought we could, are slipping away or other people's need for them is gone. Maybe we've lost resources/money we thought we could count on. Maybe we've lost a parent. A support system. A plan for the future. Maybe we have a really big freaking mess to clean up. Supported by this weekend's final monster of a Capricorn Eclipse on America's birthday - this is a reminder of this last chapter. A confirmation of what is ending. This is us, moving through our fears. And with Pluto joining Saturn, this stuff is no joke.

Whatever this is for us personally, we can SEE what this is collectively (with the collapse of things we collectively count on, which is really not a collapse but a reality check). This is the part of the unwinding of the patriarchy that everyone clamoring for the 'fall of the patriarchy' needs to be slapped in the face with. Not because we don't want to unwind the patriarchy - it is happening ready or not - but because anyone who thought they would skate through this unaffected probably haven't been. Or won't be.

Saturn's return to Capricorn is NOT bad news.

In Capricorn he strengthens our resolve (and our backbone). Big girl/boy pants on.

We can step into our authority more easily.

Do what needs to be done.

Remember he is only the authority outside of us, if we are avoiding our own.

xo all

photo by the amazing sollenafotografie

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - second chances, questioning our beliefs, stepping into our power, getting to the root of a home/family situation, winners gotta win

We talked about some of the possibilities for Tuesday/Wednesday in the weekly HERE

There is alot going on. Let's flesh it all out a bit by adding in the Moon. The Moon is in Scorpio now - we are nurtured through intimacy, intense experiences, getting to the bottom of things, truth, solving puzzles, merged money, empowerment issues, powerful (maybe spooky) women.

She will trine the Sun at 10:19AM giving us this month's Waxing Trine - Scorpio/Cancer. The waxing trine - brakes off - is building on last week's Eclipse in Cancer and finishes up with the Eclipse in Capricorn at the end of this week.

(Keep in mind information/a conversation/whatever comes to light now - because the Sun is meeting Mercury and squaring Chiron - can be painful - keep moving through this! It is OK to be vulnerable/ it's helpful, but we don't want to be wallowing. We aren't victims here.)

Scorpio/Cancer is emotional intensity.

Getting to the root of a family/home/security situation. Psychological insight. Maybe understanding or feeling a need for power. In water signs, we are feeling all the feels here.

The Scorpio Moon moves on to oppose Uranus (in Taurus) at 11:21AM EDT. This can lead to breakthroughs/breakdowns/break-ups. Unexpected stuff. Changes. Keep in mind, a retrograde Mercury is sextiling (opportunity) Uranus for the second time. New ideas. Fresh conversations. Re-think it. A second chance (and this is supported by Jupiter/Pluto) at something serious.

Their money/our money. Their resources/our resources. Their values/our values.

Try again. Say it AGAIN.

Just a few minutes later, the Moon will trine (brakes off) Mercury retrograde.

So, the Moon is supporting everything else that is happening (kind of repeating everything written for TUESDAY in the weekly and giving us the Jupiter/Pluto intensity through the Scorpio Moon). The old/new information/conversation/idea (for some this will be about a sibling, transportation, tech or local community issues) is smoothly integrated.

Pay attention to what is said - and with Scorpio involved - what is not said!

Reconnect. Revive an old idea.

And, of course, we are in the energy of Jupiter/Pluto (for most of the year really but very strong right now). Expansion of power. This isn't the Saturn/Pluto that stopped time. This is our other Pluto transit. The three-peating one. And this is the re-peat part where do the "re's" - re-vise, re-do, re-think.

We are questioning/re-imagining Jupiter - and Jupiterian people/situations (Sags, our beliefs, religion, the media, publishing, politics, legal issues, travel, education, weddings)

We are questioning/re-imagining Pluto - and Pluto people/situations (Scorpios, intimacy, finances, divorce, life/death, third party situations, reproduction, power, control).

And, of course, happening in Capricorn this pulls in all the Cappy situations we discussed in the weekly, which again is HERE.

We ARE NOT standing still while we do this.

Mars is in Aries, there is no standing still. The skies offer courage/confidence. The Moon is waxing (growing). 2020 is halfway over now. This is the last day of Saturn in Aquarius until the end of the year.

What do you want to do with the rest of 2020 - not all of this is in our hands, but some of it is!

In a year focused on small moves (that Gemini North Node) this is the energy to make a BIGGER one.

This isn't a leap off a tall building, there is too much retrograde energy for that, but a brave and confident STRETCH!!

We can have deep emotional insights today. Where is your POWER? What do you need? Reach for it. Reach further. Reach AGAIN. 

(not in a grabby way like a demented octopus, but it's yours - STRETCH )

xo all

photo by the talented Jaime Ibarra

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, June 29, 2020 - relationship tension, seeking balance and fairness, long Void Moon, Jupiter/Pluto the re-fining of power part where we might get eaten

This is going to be an important (should we say wild?) week for many people.

We start the day with the Moon in partnership and balanced/beauty focused Libra making some tense aspects early in the day (EDT) - she squares a retrograde Pluto at 8:55AM and then goes void off a square to a retrograde Jupiter at 9:02AM (with Jupiter and Pluto backing into the same space late tonight). The Moon is void until she dives into Scorpio at 6:48PM EDT. She squares a retrograde Saturn at 7:01PM EDT. Old roadblocks. Authority, power issues. But mostly the almost all-day Void Moon rules the show. Use it for production/process (ie things we do all the time, so we don't have to do things over again when the Moon is direct, which can happen with new things). Time can get stretchy. Expect some twists and turns. This would not be the day to start something you want something 'to come of'.

As if this wasn't enough potential for tension/frustration within relationships - the Sun (in Cancer) is squaring Juno (in Libra). Relationship imbalances/power struggles will be felt. If one partners feels all Cancer-comfortable (cared for and safe) and the other doesn't - this is no longer going to work. If one partner is 'mothering' the other partner - this is no longer going to work. If one partner is acting like a big baby - this is no longer going to work. And by 'no longer going to work' what I mean in Libra is that pink paint cannot be tossed over a partnership/contract problem and it called cotton candy. Because the amusement parks - those are closed, too.

In the meantime, the drumbeats in the background will be late tonight/tomorrow's (EDT at 1:48AM) exact meeting of Pluto and Jupiter (24 degrees Capricorn), in play all week and all year - the second of three we have throughout 2020.

This is the one with both planets retrograde. 

Collectively Capricorn rules structure/security in the world, the underpinnings of society, our careers, authority, responsibilities, goals, ambitions, your boss/your father, bureaucracy, the process of putting our 10,000 hours into something and getting good at it. The ladders we climb, fall from and lean against the wrong buildings.

We are making our own luck (Jupiter) with this one through intense (Pluto) efforts - the kind of efforts that are 'like our life depends on it' and sometimes it might. Push too hard and take things too far though and there could be a reckoning with an equally strong opposition force. So think - confidence/energy/stepping into our own authority. Some things can expand and others can meet the demolition ball. We have to trust life here. Have faith. This energy is good for SECOND CHANCES with goals/ambitions.

How are your plans for world domination going? Or are those someone else's plans? This is powerful energy and there are forces in the world who think the world is a better place when we (the masses) can be controlled. When those with the power get to keep it. The North Node is in Gemini - ask more questions, listen, look for facts. Real facts, not media manipulated information. And this isn't about conspiracy theories. With Jupiter/Pluto there ARE actual conspiracies!

Keep in mind we are still in the Eclipse spin cycle with the final Eclipse this weekend. Mercury is retrograde. Venus is direct, but still covering old ground. Mars is full steam ahead in his home sign of Aries. Most of the outer planets are retrograde (minus Uranus).

This is a "re-doing, re-viewing" time, but Mars is clamoring for some new action.

And new action there will be!

More about Jupiter/Pluto in the weekly HERE and through a wider lens HERE and in a bunch of other posts.

xo all

photo by the amazing sollenafotografie

Weekly Astrology Forecast | June 29th - July 5th, 2020 - second chances, eat or be eaten, daddy backs into the garage and lands in the barcalounger, the beginning of the end of that two year Capricorn situation, smart moves, change is good

Sooo - this is the week Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn for the second time (of three) - the middle transit of any three-peat with Pluto is the one with the decimated landscape, but we know that already because in some space in our lives we are standing on it. Ground cleared.

AND this is the week of the final Eclipse on the Capricorn/Cancer axis (last of nine over the last two years!).

AND the week daddy Saturn comes back home to Capricorn for basically the rest of the year.

It's Cappy on steroid time!

So what did last year (and 2018!) and the first six months of this year teach us that we can use in the last half?

Something about resilience maybe ....

It will roll out something like:

TUESDAY - Jupiter conjunct Pluto (24 degrees Capricorn - this is the 2nd of 3), Sun conjuncts Mercury and squares Chiron, Mercury sextiles Uranus
WEDNESDAY - Sun sextiles Uranus, Mercury squares Chiron, Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn, Pallas conjuncts Pluto
SUNDAY - Capricorn Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (13 degrees) - FINAL ECLIPSE of NINE (Cancer/Capricorn axis) over the last two years. 

Yes, we have alot going on this week. Again.

On TUESDAY, Jupiter meets up with Pluto (the 2nd of three conjunctions in 2020) at 24 degrees Capricorn. They first met on April 4th, so an issue from that time period is RE-ENERGIZED.

And keep in mind all three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions are also conjunct asteroid Pallas - wisdom, courage, smart moves, recognizing patterns, creativity, sometimes father/daughter stuff ...

This could be a SECOND CHANCE for success with our career/goals/the structure of our life in the world (or with our natal Cappy house theme). With BOTH planets retrograde in Capricorn we might be returning to old employment/old responsibilities as we re-vise, re-imagine how we feel now about success and power.

Jupiter/Pluto can support the powerful work we do to understand our role in our life and grow into it. It can support, sometimes via challenge, our ability to fight for justice, our personal ambitions and our potential to thrive under adverse circumstances. Keep in mind it is up to us to re-frame, to translate our experience into something we can work with and negotiate from there.

On the other hand we could just get steamrolled.

Or maybe we have taken in too much and now face near self-destruction trying to get rid of it?

There will be cats and there will be mice today and it might be best to avoid getting eaten. Meow!

This will also be about our Capricorn natal house theme. Where is 24 degrees Capricorn in our natal chart? You will know this area because it has been a strong focus of your life for the last couple years!

Before Jupiter and Pluto met in April - they had last met in December 2007 (in Sag) and before that in December 1994 (in Scorpio). Do those dates sound familiar? What was going on for you back then?

This is such a fortuitous aspect in a natal chart

(and Bill Gates has one and will be back in the news no doubt or is that already happening?)

it was once hard to wrap our minds around the negative collective potentials. Not so much anymore.

Although in some ways they are just too enormous to be considered. Collectively this is an expansion of power. In Capricorn, most likely - traditional structures of power. This aspect takes us back to the "time runs out" January palaver, when Saturn/Pluto met at 22 degrees, but not as exactly as the final one at the end of the year will. For some, financial gain (especially with Venus recently direct), maybe for others the realization that our hands in someone else’s pockets or theirs in ours will not stand for long.

There could be some kind of major impact this week on the world as we know it.

Expanded and powerful ambitions realized? The destruction of truth/faith? Financial shake-ups.

Whatever this is - it's a catalyst for enormous change.

In the meantime and at the same time, the Sun meets a retrograde Mercury - shining a light on a conversation/idea/information. Clarity. Mercury is sextiling Uranus - pulling us forward into the future, a new story, change is good. The Sun is also squaring Chiron, so something that comes to light here is going to hurt/trigger an old wound. Bring something painful to light.

With the Sun in Cancer this could be about a collective Cancerian matter - home, family, mother, mothering, home business, family business, safety, structure, what feels like home, who feels like family, patriotism - or a matter regarding your natal Cancerian house theme. 

This pulls us back to June 6th - maybe when we heard these words, had this conversation/this idea/ received this information the first time. But we know alot more now than we knew then, that's for sure.

For some people this will be about a local community issue, a transportation issue, tech issue or sibling situation.

On WEDNESDAY, it is the Sun's turn to sextile Uranus. Keep in mind every Uranian event arises from coercion to maintain the status quo, which ultimately produces a personal earthquake. In this case - we have this Uranian opportunity - midweek. A spotlight on change - a smooth move into something new. A new way of being ourselves/making money/working with existing resources. The Sun is in cancer, so again Cancerian themes can be highlighted (or our natal Cancer/Taurus house themes).

At the same time, a retrograde Mercury, who has just moved off the Sun and his/her own sextile to Uranus, squares Chiron - the conversation/idea/words hurt. This could, of course, be all part of the same thing as yesterday and happen yesterday. Or maybe today we are re-thinking it. Talking about it (this is not a new issue) again. Hard conversations. Hearing what we don't want to hear. Words hit a tender spot. Ouch.

This is also the day Saturn moves back into Capricorn. With Saturn (limits) out of Aquarius (the people) - and with the quarantine restrictions hitting just as Saturn moved into Aquarius we could have seen a lessening of the virus restrictions/quarantine, but the opposite is happening in some of the U.S. (and this makes sense with the astro now, too - it's complicated and alot is happening).

With Saturn back in Capricorn, we return to March 20th.

Keep in mind, we are still moving backward - revising, reworking, etc - our careers, goals, father issues, old responsibilities, commitments. If Saturn ie authority/the old power structure thinks this is the same Capricorn he/we left back in mid-March he is sadly mistaken though (and will find this out on this weekend's Eclipse!).

Wise warrior Pallas meets Pluto (she'll meet Jupiter on Saturday, so this could be all the same thing or what happens now expands then). Strategy, courage, expansion, power. Smart moves. Re-analyzing the situation. Dots connected in new ways.

A focus on what we can control.

Pallas and Pluto are both retrograde, so this won't be an entirely new battle - this is more about revising the battle plans - and keep in mind they met back in early April. 
Back later in the week with the Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse post - those Cappy loose ends and our two year Capricorn house storyline is getting wrapped up ... expect a big post by sign!

Let's be gentle with each other (yes, even the people we don't agree with). Get enough rest. And move your body because Mars has come home to Aries people!

xo all

photo by the talented Kistyna Vyslouzilova