Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | July 27, 2020 - August 2, 2020 - finding the solid ground, bursting bubbles, challenges and opportunities, covering fresh territory, a long story kicks off, changes and shake-ups


Here' s a look at the aspects in the week ahead (minus the Moons, other than Monday):

MONDAY - Jupiter sextiles Neptune, Venus squares Neptune and inconjuncts Jupiter, Mercury squares Mars, Quarter Moon - Scorpio/Leo, Mercury opposite Pallas (WTH!)
THURSDAY - Mercury opposes Jupiter and trines Neptune, Venus inconjuncts Pluto
FRIDAY - Sun trines Chiron
SATURDAY - Mercury opposes Pluto
SUNDAY - Sun squares Uranus

I am writing this pretty late and pretty fast and there is a cray-cray amount of aspects to unpack - so when I say 'unpack' you can kind of picture the clothes strewn all over the hotel room and know we are going to have to iron them out later in the dailies!

This is a powerful week and pulls us toward next week's Full Moon in Aquarius.

Mercury is walking new degrees now and by mid-week Venus will be, too.

So, multiple story lines are wrapping up and we are moving FORWARD. By next week Venus and Mercury will both be in new signs, so this week we may have some uncomfortable loose ends to work through/tie up before we get the hell out of Gemini and Cancer!

Mars, on the other hand, starts walking the degrees in Aries - starting at 15 degrees - he will walk two more times between now and the end of the year. So whatever we are doing now, taking action on, have going on (in our personal lives and collectively) with our natal Aries house theme is GOING TO BE A LONG, BACK AND FORTH PROCESS - keep this in mind.

There is a heads-up with this that will come in now, this week (actually starting last Friday), so pay attention - although with all these aspects - life will certainly have our attention!

There will be plenty of reshuffling of the cards as we move forward. Venus and Mercury try to hash out with Pluto their positions with the old power structures, while Uranus threatens to tip over the poker table, if people just continue to play the same old games by the same old rules.

So, here we go!

MONDAY - let's start with the Moon - in Scorpio now, so nurturing us through truth/depth/getting to the bottom of things even when the bottom is kind of gunky. She will square the Leo Sun (8:32AM EDT at 4 degrees). The shadow vs the shiny outside coating. What we do in the light of day vs what we do in the dark. Squares are tension/frustration. Maybe we want to roar/have some fun and we have this serious other thing to deal with.

(collectively in the U.S. this Quarter Moon as the follow-up to last week's New Moon in Cancer where we talked about, yes, uh, porpoises shooting from our fingers, but also about the government stimulus programs during the virus/and its ramifications - changes to which are being ironed out by Congress today - Leo/Scorpio - a spotlight on important financial decisions, with Leo - the Sun, also the father, standing in for the New Moon's Saturn - I would expect some serious behind the scenes scheming)

Jupiter sextiles Neptune - this is a repeating aspect and takes us back to late February when both planets were direct. Maybe an old opportunity re-presents itself. The fly in the ointment here - always a damn fly - is we have Venus (in Gemini for only a few more days) squaring Neptune and inconjunct Jupiter at the same time, so we are going to have to really look at the details/facts here. Something could look better/bigger than it actually is. This is the third of three for the Venus/Neptune square, this is the one with Venus direct and Neptune retrograde, so we should be clearer on what we want now. This is mutable energy and squares bring challenges, we are going to need to be flexible.

Mercury squares Mars for the second time (first was in early June). This speaks of the possibility of tension/frustration/arguments around family/home/real estate/mothering/security/foundational situations or your natal Cancer house theme. Our thinking is at odds with our actions. Cutting words. Verbal conflicts. With Mercury opposing Pallas - it can be hard to see the smart move/to see the patterns we need to see. Negotiations are challenging. We could feel like we are walking on egg shells. THE FLOOR IS LAVA.

The smooth energetic - the sextile - is Jupiter/Neptune, so Cappy/Pisces - building the dream stuff. Both planets are retrograde, so we have been here before. Reality and our imagination working together. Earth and spirit.

THURSDAY - Mercury (covering new ground in Cancer) opposes a retrograde Jupiter while trining (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune. So, now conversations, ideas, family, home, real estate, mother, home business, family business, security issues are pulled into the Jupiter/Neptune "opportunity".

Maybe we are thinking (Mercury) big (Jupiter) and having lots of ideas. But not everyone is in agreement here/not everyone is on the same page. It will be easy to slip into a Neptunian delusion, so keep your feet on the ground. Meditate. Create. Pray. Ask your ancestors for guidance. 

We are looking at the trees, but the forest is pressing in on us, too. Or we are looking at the forest and a tree branch hits us in the eye. We might have misinterpreted something because we have been glossing over the facts to make everyone comfortable and we can't not see them. We could have over-promised and now that is biting us in the butt. We could easily over-promise now. We (or someone else) could be all talk and no action.

At the same time, Venus, out of her retrograde shadow now and covering the last few degrees of Gemini for the first time, inconjuncts (rock and a hard place) powerful Pluto, retrograde in Cappy. Gemini/Capricorn is the difference between keeping things light and flexible and getting serious/committed. So how do we make that work? Adjustments are needed and then not everyone will be happy anyway.

Or maybe situations conspire to remind us of the dead values/relationships/resources we are carrying around or have hanging over our head.

I said in 2019 that anything 'dead' we were still carrying in 2020 was going to feel like it was eating us alive ... have you checked your ankles for bite marks lately?

FRIDAY - the Sun (in Leo) trines Chiron (in Aries). Courage/following our heart/being generous/stepping into our own white-hot spotlight are healing. Fun is healing. Kids are healing. Romance is healing. Expressing ourselves is healing. Our vulnerabilities. Our ego. This light on our weaknesses is maybe not such a bad thing after all.

SATURDAY - Mercury opposes a retrograde Pluto. Our words/ideas/information is challenged. Mercury squared Pluto back on April 25th just as Pluto stationed retrograde. Pluto has backed up one degree and Mercury has finished up Aries, traveled through Taurus, Gemini and Cancer (some parts of Cancer three times) and now they meet again - this time by opposition. We want to take care with pushing our ideas on other people/manipulation. Obsession. Power struggles. We will probably be overthinking everything. Maybe a home or career situation reaches a culmination.

SUNDAY - the Sun in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. Something unexpected. Maybe our Leo pride gets shaken up. Or we go way out on a limb seeking attention/applause/risk/following our heart. This is a square so change brings tension/frustration. Changes with money, resources, our values. Bridges could be burned with this one, folks.

xo all - back with the dailies on Tuesday and a big picture post this week! please excuse any typos!

photo by the talented Fanny-Schwal

Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, July 26, 2020 - the one where things start out smooth and easy and then get heavy and complicated, the galactic year begins


The Moon is in Libra now - nourished through relationships, balance, fairness, peace. She will trine Venus at 6:44AM EDT and then things get more tense as she starts squaring that Cappy pile-up (all retrograde) - Jupiter at 8:41AM EDT, Pluto at 1:12PM EDT and goes void at 9:08PM EDT off a square to Saturn. Squares speak of tension/frustration (and lead to the opportunities for growth that come as we work through them/experience them).

She will be void until she deep-dives into Scorpio at 12:11AM EDT.

So, something can start out smooth and easy and then get more complicated/heavy/uncomfortable fast (maybe our expectations are too high to start with). Clashing beliefs/power struggles when that Moon just wants everyone to play nice/keep things civil. 

That final square to Saturn, a limit/wall/rule - what we can't do/can't have.

Venus/Saturn can make it hard to feel the love. The love feels conditional - maybe it is hard to live up to certain standards. It can make it hard for us to connect to our own sense of worth.

Ending in Scorpio, maybe we get to see what's really going on under the hood (if we dare to look).

We merge. We purge. Whenever the Moon dives into Scorpio after a Libran square - especially late at night - it makes me think of the powers of make up sex, but also the ways it keeps things unresolved sometimes. All these planets are retrograde, so we are working the process with whatever we are dealing with.

Figuring out how to get along with other people/keep things in balance during very complicated times.

Yesterday was "the day out of time" based on the lunar/Mayan/galactic calendar system - 13 lunar months with 28 day cycles leaves that one day every year at loose ends - think 'hanging chad' here. Today, July 26th, starts the Galactic New Year and with the Moon in Libra and Venus (Libra's ruler) moving out of her shadow this week and answering to Mercury (out of his/her shadow tomorrow and ruler of the North Node this year) through Gemini - choices/changes/fresh conversations seems especially well-timed. This new year, will have its emotional roots in our relationships, our finances, our values (Venusian themes).

The New Year speaks of fresh energy/a fresh start and so do the ending of those retrograde shadow periods - both Venus and Mercury start walking fresh degrees.

Whenever the astro shows us the same thing in multiple ways - we can trust it. Things are changing. BIG choices are coming.

Keep this in mind.

Ultimately, Venus and Saturn are great friends. And relationships with people whose planets hit our Saturns are incredibly potent opportunities for growth. Such people don't fall for our "performance" and require we learn to be more honest. And then in the end, because we can't fool other people, we have to take up the problem ourselves ....

xo all - back with the weekly tonight!

photo by the talented WonderMilkyGirl

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Covid-19

Let's try something different this week. Let's look at the charts of a couple people (whose charts we can access) who have contracted Covid-19 and see what we might discover.

Not all researchers are in agreement of what is happening in our bodies if we contract this, but some believe when the virus reaches our lungs, it most especially impacts the alveoli - tiny air sacks where oxygen transfer takes place. For some people, the body's immune reaction gets exaggerated and in an attempt to kill the virus, kills the cells the virus is in. The cells fill up with all the mucus and gunk the immune reaction causes, grow in number, and, sometimes rapidly, overwhelm the lung's ability to breathe.

Astrologically, we would suspect some combinations with Mars (inflammation, fever, aggressive movement, overkill) and Neptune/Pisces (virus, lack of boundaries), 6th houses or Chiron (health), chart angles, Gemini/Mercury (lungs, breathing). 

Here I have also added asteroid Wuhan and asteroid Hygiea - which BTW is the 4th largest asteroid in our solar system, so no joke, AND about alot more than hand-washing.

Anyhoo, back to mid-March and Tom and Rita -

On March 12, 2020, (three days after the Virgo Full Moon that kind of launched everything into the stratosphere), Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, in Australia where Hanks was shooting a movie, announced they had both tested positive for the corona-virus.

The inner wheel is their natal chart and the outer (blue area) show the transits.

Let's unpack their charts!

When Hanks and Wilson announced their positive test results -

Tom had transiting Neptune within a one degree conjunction to his natal Mars (and his Mars was one degree from the Sun during the Virgo Full Moon three days prior). Mars/Neptune in his 6th house of health and would be exactly what you might expect with inflammation (Mars) from a virus (Neptune).

Happening conjunct his descendant - 7th house of partnerships - made it likely it would connect to another person, maybe he would pass it to his wife or she had passed it to him. They would go through this together.

The ruler of his 6th house (health) is Saturn (restriction, something sobering) in his 3rd house (lungs, communication, serious news). His natal Mars in Pisces in the 6th is setting him up for a health issue exactly like this one

(and of course it also represents his uber successful work as an actor - taking action (Mars) through work (6th house) in a Piscean realm - the entertainment industry/the imagination)

and then that Full Moon in Virgo (with the Sun on his Mars) and Neptune in Pisces triggered his natal energies by transit.

His natal Mars (in Pisces) is answering to his Neptune in Libra (partners) and disposited by Venus (partner) in Gemini (lungs) in his public 10th house (what becomes known). His natal Venus is conjunct his mid-heaven (again what becomes known) and asteroid "Wuhan".

Hanks was born with 2020's big three-peating aspect the powerful Jupiter/Pluto conjunction - you will find your natal aspects activated when transiting planets form the same aspect.

They are in his 12th house (our other health house) in Virgo (health). Tom was born with Asteroid Hygiea at 25 degrees Capricorn and sandwiched, at the time of his announcement and illness, between Jupiter and Pluto.

The transiting North Node at 4 degrees Cancer is conjunct his natal Mercury (news/information) in that public 10th house. And Mercury, of course is the ruler of Virgo (health) and Gemini (lungs), AND his first house/Ascendant, so his chart, and his 10th house of public life.

Kaboom - the world is hearing about and talking about Hank's announcement

(his natal North Node in confident and hopeful Sagittarius and natal chart-ruling Mercury and Sun, both in comforting Cancer, allowed him to say just the right thing at just the right time).

I mean you can't make this stuff up folks. It's like one of his jobs during his time on planet Earth was to catch this thing at exactly the time we needed some Forrest Gump-style comforting and announce it to the world -

"life really is like a box of chocolates ...".

Transits are symbolic indicators of the activation of something within us which is demanding recognition and space in our lives, especially if it has been stifled before (he hadn't stifled these energies, he had worked them, and so, in a sense, sailed through this because obviously it could have been worse, but believe me these transits have impacted his life greatly).

We could probably find a few more things, but let's move on to Rita's chart.

They were born a few months apart, so they have some similarities including their Mars in Pisces (inflammation/virus) - his at 17 degrees and hers at 14 degrees, so he must have been born with Mars direct, then Mars went retrograde, stationed direct, got almost back to his degree and Rita was born.

She has transiting Neptune conjunct her natal Mars - again virus/inflammation or aggressive virus - and the transiting Sun conjunct the IC of her chart - which is one indicator for her physical body. This is all opposing her "lucky" and public Venus/Jupiter conjunction. Transiting asteroid Hygeia is in her 6th house (health) in Gemini (lungs) and conjunct her descendant (Hanks/7th house partners) and opposing her natal Saturn (restriction) and answering to her natal Mercury (health, communication) in Libra (partners) conjunct her natal Neptune (virus). Both her natal Mars and transiting Neptune, the Sun and Mercury are in her third house (lungs). To me, this looks physically harder on her and I believe that is what they have since stated. Her natal Asteroid Hygeia is, like Tom's, at 25 degrees Capricorn, so sandwiched between transiting Jupiter and Pluto.

One of the things that is happening in the world

(as the patriarchy falls and the Age of Aquarius is born)

is the total transformation of these final Capricorn degrees, so people carrying the energies of these late degrees, either through natal planets/points in Cappy or by opposition in Cancer or by squares in Aries and Libra - are facing situations where they are dealing with power/loss of power/the great collective humbling.

In order for the new world to rise, a great many people have agreed through soul contract - to fall (ie lose/release in some way, the old-school energies of control/power).

Historically, these degrees carry alot of weight and that weight is being forcibly shifted - this has been going on for the other Cappy degrees, too, since 2008 when Pluto went into Capricorn and especially since Saturn got there at the end of 2017, but most of the losses for the people/structures with the early degrees have already happened.

Very powerful people in history/powerful events whose energies need to be pulled up by the roots lay in late Cappy and so the big 'time runs out' stuff is focused here.

I have a brother-in-law with paranoid schizophrenia. He lived with us during a particularly tumultuous time back in 2012 and his chart, and others with this disorder I have looked at since, have a similar story playing out, but in the mind instead of the lungs (both Mercury's domain through Gemini)
an inability to define boundaries (or friends or foes) and the inappropriate responses such abnormal perception triggers. Something to think about in our lives and the collective as we work through this thing.

One temporary solution, enforcing Saturn/boundaries - ie social distancing/masks, etc, works to an extent, but also creates a whole other set of problems because Saturn as a band-aid for Mars can create a kind of "identity under siege". And depression.

Next week we are going to look ahead to August and I am probably going to do a few less dailies in August to make some space/time for some bigger picture stuff.

We've got at least two more acts to come in this cray-cray year.

xo all

To recap a couple previous mysteries - in the case of the two year old boy missing in Philadelphia that we looked at HERE - the babysitter has been arrested and charged with murder (as the chart indicated, even though the chart was based on her lie). This is a good example of how you need to dig into charts and not just look superficially because remember we had his significator in Cancer (the sign of the mother) and Ceres on the descendent (the perpetrator, also the sign of the mother) - it was only because we dug deeper and looked at Cancer in the 11 house, Nessus conjunct Ceres and all the Virgo - we we able to see past her lies about King's mother to the babysitter's guilt.

Another case we looked at - a woman who went missing on a bicycle ride (which may or may not have happened) on Mother's Day and her husband's tearful Facebook plea - may have some news this week as Venus gets back to the same degree she activated for the 911 call and his social media post, so we'll see what happens - that case is HERE.

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, July 24, 2020 - getting it done and out, making it work anyway, it feels good to get organized/clean things up, comforting words, letting go/saying good-bye


The Moon in practical Virgo is going to oppose a retrograde Neptune at 6:22AM EDT, then goes on to trine a retrograde Jupiter at 6:46AM EDT, a retrograde Pluto at 11:05AM EDT and goes void off a final trine to a retrograde Saturn at 7:07PM EDT. She moves into Libra at 9:54PM EDT.

So, today after we get past whatever this Neptune thing is this morning we move into a smooth channel linking the Virgo - work, health, our pets, day-to-day stuff, paperwork, co-workers, employees and the Cappy - authority, structure, business, career, our goals and ambitions.

Get to work. Get it done. Get it shipped. Great energy for finishing up the work week.

(note this energy can also pave the way for a "control" agenda to be put into action/practice by those in power, so something to be aware of)

If, you, like me, have been dealing with a certain amount of inertia (partly due to this long Venus in Gemini story changing our values/what we want and making it sometimes hard to get fired up over the things we used to) - keep in mind if we always need a square/challenge to get off our ass there are plenty of squares/battles coming and they might be even more challenging than they need to be if we don't make even a small effort now to clean things up/get it out or done while we have these trines.

When in doubt about your next move - clean the house. Sweep the floor. More than dust bunnies are tidied up/eradicated with a broom.

Also today we have Venus (in Gemini) inconjunct Pallas (in Cappy) - so I guess not all smooth sailing - which is a good thing or nothing would ever get done - although I guess that's a very Cappy way to reason through things. Adjustments to our goals/game plans as our values shift. Figuring things out. Making it work anyway.

We also have the third of three trines between Mercury (still in Cancer!) and a retrograde Ceres in Pisces. Comforting words/conversations. Mom can finally say the right thing. Maybe something here about what we are releasing - familial burdens? old stories? We had this aspect on June 7th and then again on June 26th when Mercury was retrograde, so this won't be a new issue. Sometimes Mercury will connect to a sibling, transportation or electronic (computer, etc) issue, maybe this final trine to Ceres in the final/final sign of Pisces can allow us to LET GO.

xo all

In the next post - tonight or tomorrow morning- we will talk a bit about the period between now and 8/8/20; the 2020 Lion's Gate - and especially July 25, 2020 (the Mayan's time out of time, tomorrow - release the old, clearing the ground) and July 26, 2020 - (Solar New Year/ Sun with Sirius, Galactic New Year - bringing in the new) a powerful time to open ourselves to our best/highest path forward. Not so much about setting intentions as being receptive to the unfolding energies - but setting intentions and making vision boards, as long as it doesn't take us out of the moment can be powerful. In this time of being "in-between" worlds and at a time when alot of our 'outer' outlets have been closed off and we are forced back into ourselves - this will be an especially compelling energetic this year ...

photo by the amazing RaphaelleM