Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, December 28, 2020 - a slow process of fast change



The Moon has been in Gemini for the last couple days - we are nurtured by movement, learning, conversation. She opposed Venus late last night (EST), squares Neptune at 6:58AM EST and then goes void off a 10PM EST sextile with Mars. She will be void until 5:28AM EST tomorrow when her move home to Cancer pushes us toward Tuesday's Full Moon. So, we start today kind of groggy/uncertain maybe with that foggy Neptune and then pick up speed/action/certainty the closer we get to that opportunistic aspect with Mars. 

We are coming off Sunday's Sun/Uranus trine - in play at tomorrow's Full Moon and today, too. The Sun in realistic/sober Cappy making nice with Uranus in Taurus. A smooth integration of the new. Change doesn't always have to be disruptive. 


Today, Pallas moves into a square with Uranus and the Sun a trine with Black Moon Lilith. 


So, maybe yesterday's liberating leaning toward something else runs up against the details/maybe overthinking that complicates it. Or maybe I have this whole thing backward and our intelligent/forward leaning plans run up against some #unexpected #not-totally-unexpected changes. 


Either way it could be what we don't want to see/who or what we don't want to invite to the table that trips us up. That smooth trine Sun/BML will help us integrate what we have been avoiding/not wanting to deal with.


I keep thinking of Uranus on the descendant of both the USA's birth chart and Biden's natal - both major amplifications of 'the other'. And Trump's Sun/Uranus/North Node - all fated to bring our understanding of 'the other' under a magnifying glass/to our attention. Trauma/karma with 'the other' eventually bringing us to the realization that those people/things/situations we mistrust as 'other' are not really our enemies at all, but just splintered off pieces of ourselves.


Where you end and I begin isn't so fixed as we used to think. 


Before the ideas of control/ownership of patriarchal religion and the hijacking of our natural resources engulfed us, we lived in sharing and caring communities. It's rather obvious, or better be at this late date, the so-called civilizing influence of modern societies have been simply a smokescreen for grand theft global, with the biggest losses hitting the pillagers themselves - and their descendants - in the form of soul dis-connection.


Uranus/Aquarius is about to change all of that.

Jupiter and Saturn, as us, have passed through the eye of the needle. Or launched us like a rocket into the stratosphere. Our uncomfortableness isn't so much about our fear of change/the new/the other/our so-called 'junk' DNA being activated as it is about being straitjacketed into something we have outgrown. 2021 won't be the inside job 2020 was, but it will be a hell of alot easier if we actually did/do the inside work. Life has a few more tricks/opportunities for this up her sleeve - one coming as early as tomorrow's potent Full Moon in Cancer which will reverberate over the next couple weeks.

For today, give yourself some extra time. 


The Moon in Gemini is all fast moving go-go-go, but that square to Neptune requires some extra rest or a deeper connection. With smart Pallas in smart Aqua squaring Aqua's ruler Uranus our over-thinking will be on steroids and not apt to be super effective. Just winging it won't be either. So take your time.

xo all

photo by the talented fae-photography

Weekly Astrology Forecast | December 28, 2020 - January 3, 2021 - karmic culminations, fast changes, January is going to be exciting and explosive so enjoy any downtime and rest when you can


 I hope everyone had a nice holiday!


January looks to be quite an explosive/powerful month (December 2020 through February 2021 is massive), so enjoy any downtime when and where you can find it. Aspects from Neptune to our personal planets can make us tired/indicate a need for some extra rest/hydration. 


Life is liberating and has liberated us from old contracts and worn-out timelines. Our Aquarius house is GETTING ALL FIRED UP. It's let go or be dragged time people! 


Although the future is absolutely unpredictable (Aquarius!) - or will be once Uranus stations direct on January 14th - I would guess the next 20 years/200 years will be all about SCIENCE/technology, the integration of "the other" - evolving scientific theories, digital currency, quantum physics, gene medicine, contact with aliens, computers merging with people, changing gender identities, astrology (or will this ancient language of archetypes and patterns be lost to the old world?! I hope not) - what have I missed? No doubt ALOT. Certainly all the humanitarian/equality stuff that is Aquarius, too. And we don't want to miss that!!


The 60's may have tricked us though - I just wanted to hold hands and sing Kumbaya around a campfire, although my Aquarius stellium always told me (because I don't really want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya!) that this wasn't going to be the way the Age of Aquarius was to roll out.


I can and am still grieving the loss of that though. 


Even if I wouldn't have actually been there .... :)


This week looks quieter than what lies behind and ahead, but we do have a BIG Cancer Full Moon which will, as always, get its own post.


TUESDAY - Full Moon in Cancer (8 degrees)

WEDNESDAY - Venus square Neptune

THURSDAY - Venus conjunct South Node/opposes North Node

FRIDAY - Mercury sextile Neptune

SATURDAY - Mercury inconjunct North Node


TUESDAY'S Full Moon in home and family oriented Cancer wraps up our last six month/eighteen month Cancer story (we talked the New Moon in Cancer back in June HERE - that one was also a Solar Eclipse). Since the Moon rules Cancer, Cancer Full Moons are UBER powerful - with this one we have the Sun trining Uranus and the Moon inconjunct Chiron. Powerful/forward leaning changes that trigger or come through very old/familial wounds. Here we go. We must let go of where we've been/who we were. Inheritances are wrapping up folks. This Moon is a definite pivot point (January 4th is another one as Mercury meets Pluto) AWAY from very old contracts that have expired/old kings who no longer need to be satisfied by us. 


We'll talk about this Monday night in a BIG post.

On WEDNESDAY - Venus at 18 degrees Sagittarius squares Neptune at 18 degrees Pisces. 


This is Venus (love, money, women, our values, resources and self-esteem) and Neptune (our imagination, illusion. deception, escape) - this is mutable energy and squares bring challenges/tension. We are going to need to be flexible. Venus/Neptune is dreamy, although often kind of disappointing energy. We will need to be careful with our values, our money, our resources. We could be confused about what we want or what we believe, so this isn't the best time to make an important decision. We could have an urge to escape or martyr ourselves. Whatever this is, something is almost certainly wrapping up because

on the very next day, THURSDAY, Venus meets the South Node at 19 degrees Sagittarius and opposes our Gemini North Node. 


Venus on the South Node is an ending/release. This is KARMIC. This is old. The debt needs to be marked PAID IN FULL and so it will be. Old issues that are still impacting our self-esteem are ripe for disintegration. Weak links snap. The waning square to Neptune can make whatever this is that needs to fade-to-black, a little less painful. Neptune is a natural anesthetic. Venus/South Node can also bring people from our past back, sometimes for a quick (and again that Neptune square is a natural anesthetic), maybe unconscious, cord-cutting. Pay any bill that comes in now. Just pay it. If an apology needs to be made. Make it. Keep in mind this ending is coming through our natal Sag/Gemini polarity.

So, let's say you are a PISCES RISING and Sagittarius is your 10th house of career/Gemini your 4th house of home and family. The culmination hits your career house as Venus crosses over the South Node. The culmination brings changes to that 4th house (home, family) - which remember is your NORTH STAR this year. If you are a VIRGO RISING, this is pretty much the opposite scenario, Sagittarius is your 4th house - so here is where the karmic culmination is happening - as you point your arrow toward that 10th house (new career/work in the world).

On FRIDAY, Mercury, at 18 degrees Capricorn now (and how is that even possible, he is FLYING!) will sextile - opportunity - Neptune.


This is subtle - good for visionary ideas and language. We might wake remembering our dreams. Ideas are AVAILABLE for the right person - the person who can make them REAL - to pick them like apples. This is good for learning (Mercury) through osmosis (Neptune), so would be a good time to hang out with the smartest person you know. Compassionate (Neptune) language (Mercury) is helpful (sextile). Siblings may be illusive or confusing. Mercury in Capricorn is giving a Neptunian dream a structure to work with. Again this whole thing is subtle, but available. Talk to other people. The opportunity comes as one thought/conversation/idea drifts into another. People with planets/points near 18 degrees Capricorn or Pisces will feel its influence most.


On SATURDAY - Mercury - at 19 degrees Capricorn now - will inconjunct the North Node in Gemini. 


So, yesterday we had the smooth Mercurian energy and today's is a little jagged. Mercury in Capricorn is serious. His/her mind is on work. And Gemini needs variety/breathing room/doesn't like the boss breathing down her neck. That Gemini North Node is requiring us to do a little of this and a little of that and to take breaks as needed. If our Cappy brain can bend to accommodate this we can work with this energy/get it done. Otherwise, Gemini cannot meet Cappy's demands, so our thinking like a Cappy isn't helpful to our moving forward. There is a warning here about being too rigid/maybe too bossy. Yes, keep an eye on the bottom line/your goals/priorities BUT don't forget our path forward - GEMINI! - is about having a beginner's mind/asking questions/making conversation. Information needs to move. Mercury rules Gemini and the North Node, so flexibility/versatility/light communication is a key here.

Back with that BIG Full Moon post then we will dive into 2021.


January and February are the keys to the entire year - they unlock the box!

xo all


keep in mind, as always, I am writing about aspects when they are most exact - you can feel/experience them as they are waxing and waning, too

photo by the amazing Laura Makabresku

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, December 24, 2020 - challenges to our habits and securities, ease and practicality, fresh ideas and conversations, surprising news



The Moon, strong and exalted in Taurus now (nurtured through food, touch, creature comforts, a soft place to land) makes her first squares to Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius early this morning EST. She trines the Sun - our monthly waxing trine - at 12:47PM EST, trines Mercury at 6:47PM EST and finally meets a retrograde Uranus at 7:55PM EST.

The squares to Aquarius might speak of challenges to our habits/our securities. The Moon wants to chill/stop and smell the roses/count her pennies/maintain and there is somehow frustration/tension here from the NEW Aqua placements - although a square to Jupiter can look worse than it actually is. 


The trines this afternoon and evening will help smooth things out a bit. An Earth trine from the Taurus Moon to the Cappy Sun can be very practical/productive. And as the Moon is trining first Mercury and then conjuncts Uranus later in - they are trining each other. A Mercury/Uranus trine speaks of fresh ideas and conversations. Innovative thinking/plans. Surprising news.

So a bit of a mixed bag today that looks like stress this morning (maybe just everyone's last minute stuff), followed by a smoothing out and ending with something #surprising, #notsurprising (that retrograde Uranus). Now that we are going to be in Uranian territory more frequently, life will certainly be less and less predictable. Is this possible :)

Hugs and Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas Eve all -


photo by the amazing evenliu

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, December 23, 2020 - hurtful words, pressure, when push comes to shove what do we do, working with power, clearing the decks


The Moon is in Aries now - we are nurtured/nourished by action, time alone, men (among other things, this seems like enough to state - we can all find something here I think). She will square Pluto at 5:26PM EST and meet up with Mars 14 minutes later. Of course, this means Mars is squaring Pluto, too. For the third and final time, and we know this already, but here is its most exactness. 


To make this all even more challenging - Mercury is also squaring wounded healer Chiron, so words/information can hurt (or maybe we get news that someone is sick). Think twice/speak once. We will all be feeling the pressure.

We had a Mars/Pluto square on August 13th and again on October 9th - this one is the wrap-up by virtue of being the last one. The final Cappy 2020 square that finishes up (in a way) these major power struggles. Our actions/independence vs the power structure/the power machinations we can't see. Trump (Mars on his ascendant, his Presidency's activation of the U.S. Mars) vs Congress - in a very literal way today with the stimulus package. 


Mars is powerful in his home sign and Pluto is, well Pluto is Pluto. Expect intense competition and unbridled ambition. Manipulations. Obsessions. Jealousy. Your power could be challenged or you could be the one doing the calling out.

Keep a focus on what you are trying to accomplish and how important whatever is happening actually is. Do you really need to win here? The fight about the parking space will not be a fight about a parking place, but about every other time someone has taken something you thought you should have. Keep this in mind. The other person will be feeling the same energy, too, so things can get out of control quickly.

If you are "waked" this is the time to think about why this situation is "triggering" you. If we are repressing anger/passion/strong urges - here's where the lid comes off and this stuff will get played out through other people.

If your kid is tossing a crazy fit - think about what you are repressing!


Squares denote tension and crisis and create change. Plutonian changes are permanent. The ground has been scorched and there is no going back. Very deep issues can be challenged and put to bed. The bed won't be covered in rose petals, but at least the struggle with this one will be over.


So, if the tension is a minor thing (the parking lot space as an example) - take a breath, channel some higher ground and live to fight another day. Pluto does rule death, folks. And being squashed by an irate driver doesn't sound like how we want to spend the day before Christmas Eve, right?

On the other hand maybe we really DO need to win/stand up for ourselves here - and for many this could be a work/career situation - if this is the case, we will probably not be able to just dis-engage.  

Where do I need to stand up for myself? How can I focus my will? How do I express anger? How do I work with power? When is my anger out of proportion to the situation?

Avoid unnecessary run ins with the boss/authority because THEY WILL WIN. If you are the boss/authority avoid making other people feel threatened because YOU WILL LOSE in the long run. And we are playing a long game here. Keep this in mind.

Anger can be a “negative” emotion,  when perverted into rage or violence or when it is repressed, so that it squeezes out sideways in passive-aggressive responses and actions.

But anger is passion, too. We can't get angry if we don't care. Passion is the energy of creation - passion makes the world. Anger is a similar energy alerting us to the need to remake our world when our creation has gone wrong. Think - Frankenstein. Let's try to stay conscious.

And get some physical exercise. Mars needs to move. If there is something you need to literally rip apart/dismantle - this would be good energy for that.


The Moon will move into Taurus tomorrow and start squaring Jupiter and Saturn - freshly housed in Aquarius - so we will get to feel what that will be. Back tomorrow.

xo all

photo by the talented Nick Sachos