Astrology forecast for Creatives | Week of January 18th - January 24th, 2021 - curve balls, explosions, giving something some space, new ideas and information, reality checks and lalaland no vacancy signs


We talked in an earlier post about how January would bring the explosive changes/steps forward and February the 'clean ups on aisle six'/steps backward. 


This is one of those EXPLOSIVE weeks.


With Mars meeting Uranus (this happens every couple years) it is a time of shake/rattle/roll. Also DANGER, so stay frosty. No dark alleys. No wooden nickels. Respond instead of react.


Expect some curve balls.


Breakthroughs. Breakdowns. Breakups. 


If something in our Taurus house (the space we hold that very precious - to us - stuff) needs to come unstuck, well here comes Mars to unstick it. If we have wanted to do something different, here is the energy/push to do it. If we have wanted to say something radically/authentically unpredictable, here is the energy/push to say it. 


Keep in mind, we can burn bridges and alliances that will take a long, long time to rebuild. Be a grown-up. Another week of risks and rewards, but we need to balancing this all out, so we don't take anything too far because the energy is totally ripe to take something WAY TOO FAR.


This is also the week the Sun joins that Aquarius pile-up and meets Saturn - reality checks, responsibilities, results. 


Let's unpack the week and we'll toss in the Moon with a couple dailies!


TUESDAY - Sun into Aquarius

WEDNESDAY - Mars conjunct Uranus, Mercury trine North Node

SATURDAY - Sun conjunct Saturn, Mars square Jupiter, Venus sextile Neptune, Venus inconjunct North Node


TUESDAY - the Sun enters Aquarius until February 18th. Aquarius is advancement. Access to brilliant ideas (through a connection the higher-mind/hive-mind). A chance to be ourselves. In intellectual Aqua we get the opportunity to step back and take a less emotional view of something. It energizes us to move outside the box and try something else. It allows us to put some space between us and that challenging, draining situation. As always with Aquarius all detachment is helpful until it isn't.

Sometimes we are too close and too enmeshed in a situation to see clearly what is happening. Stepping back is good and needed. We can see what is happening with less judgment. We can see past societal rules (Aquarius is the rebel, genius, criminal). We get a new set of eyes to see the world.

Of course (that fly in the ointment thing again), if we step too far back we are like an outsider in our own life and this is not a good thing. Detachment can create dispassion. Problems with loving 'people' in general (or a cause/group) more than we love the person lying next to us in bed ... or the person looking back at us from the mirror can come into the light over the next month. 


WEDNESDAY - Mercury trines the North Node as Mars meets Uranus


Mars is our passion, our initiative, our action, our anger. Uranus is fast change, the future, liberation, something radically different.

This is a lightning strike (or a strike while the iron is hot situation).

It can make us (and other people) impulsive. It can make us accident-prone.

This is the energy of break-ups, breakdowns and breakthroughs. Anything that feels even remotely like a cage or collar is going to feel WAY too small.

Anger and passion can erupt suddenly now and be hard to control. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if something is escalating in an uncomfortable way - take a breath and a step backward. The Sun in Aquarius is our friend. 

THE BEST USE OF THIS ENERGY because we also have Mercury trining (brakes off) the North Node (our future):

1. truly express who we are - this aspect doesn't say we are going to like the outcome, just that we will feel the push to "go for it", if this is something you need to do, this is exactly the energy that will help you to do it

2. make some kind of radical move, do (Mars) something different or differently (Uranus) - this is EXACTLY the energy we need to make a leap from our outdated/stifling crap to new and different crap (ie circumstances).

Again, remember, new is not always better. New is just new. Sometimes new is better though.

Also remember when it comes to change and Uranus - we don't always have a choice. 

This is "shortcut" energy.

Uranus can get us from here to there very quickly. Uranus doesn't really care how this happens or if we land on our ass when we get there.

We have the courage and the strength to put something into action here. Something that smells like authenticity (although nobody actually wants to smell your authenticity - keep this in mind - this is a metaphor). Something that tastes like freedom. 


If this action/move is something you have been thinking about for a long time or fits into your long-term planning - it could be the time to go for it. If this is something that just popped into your head and is risky - it is definitely the time to get your head examined.

(and actually Mars rules your head, so take care of your head now, too).


At the same time Mercury is trining the North Node of Fate. 


A trine is a 120 degree aspect in astrology. Two planets (or points) are forming one side of a triangle. They are working in harmony, stimulating each other toward increased activity and success.

We want (and always have) some of these in our natal birth chart. They are our subtle super powers. We can't see through a wall, but maybe we can see when someone is bullshitting us. We can't leap tall buildings with a single bound, but maybe we can leap over obstacles without getting mired in indecision.

Or we could think of them like a tool we are carrying in our pack for this lifetime. We need a screwdriver. We pull it out without thinking, we use it, it works, we put it back. It's something that's there. And it's helpful.

Today we have Mercury (communication, conversations, ideas, information) in Aquarius trine the North Node (destiny, our collective way forward) in Gemini - and Mercury rules Gemini. This is the voice that urges us forward. The encouraging word that keeps us going. This is the conversation or idea or information that changes or confirms our direction. This is that thing we read at exactly the right time. So pay attention now. Trines don't jump off the shelf and announce themselves, "HEY YOU, yes, you, over here, listen to me!".

They are like that screwdriver.

Except this time it's not in the backpack we were given at birth, it's only available to us for a short time - and if we are not paying attention we'll miss it. The screwdriver will float off to wherever it is screwdrivers go when we don't need them (partying in the junk drawer with the flash light and extra batteries probably).

Keep your eyes and ears open.


SATURDAY - there is alot to unpack here and, of course, this is the day this stuff is most exact, but impacting the entire end of the week and into next - 

The Sun meets Saturn at 4 degrees Aquarius. 


This is a reality check. The Sun is now in his detriment (since he rules Aqua's polarity sign of Leo, ugh, more winter he mumbles to himself) and hasn't met Saturn in Aquarius in 18 years. Conjunctions sometimes bring results/endings. With Saturn in Aquarius, this can shine a light on friendships/social obligations/the goals that bring us into connection with other people. There could be new limits/responsibilities. This can feel heavy/depressing. I was born with this aspect in Aqua - a kind of "report card" lifetime, in a way. The Sun's bright light/attention comes with heavy obligations/rules. In Aqua, we can't feel good in the now without factoring in the future/without factoring in the group/without factoring in our natal Aqua house theme. 

At the same time Mars is squaring Jupiter. Our actions could make us lucky, but there is a certain amount of risk involved and there are no guarantees with this. We might take something too far or overextend ourselves in some way. This aspect can bring enthusiasm, but also impulsivity. Something could get over-the-top - our passion, our anger, our actions, our spending. 


This is also the day Venus (at 19 degrees Capricorn) sextiles Neptune and inconjuncts the North Node. A direct Neptune is back to 19 degrees Pisces now (taking us back to last March/April before his retrograde), so exactly squaring the Nodes of Fate. 

Venus sextile Neptune is a beautiful aspect. Attracting love, compassion, connection (also maybe some lunatic on the subway or a smooth slide from one glass of wine to the entire bottle, so keep this in mind, too). And in Cappy/Pisces - building the dream. 

The inconjunct (rock and a hard place here) is Cappy/Gemini. Gemini (the North Node) wants us to stay loose/be asking questions/not tying ourselves down just yet. And Venus in Capricorn needs to be serious/realistic/attracting what she needs for the long term. And again, we have talked about this before, if Cappy can learn to accommodate Gemini's need for variety and if Gemini can learn to accommodate Cappy's need for structure/long-term planning - these guys can make this work. 


Keep in mind as Venus sextiles (opportunity) Neptune, the North Node is squaring Neptune. So Venus's magic is the North Node's kryptonite. 


There are opportunities for our imagination, compassion, spirituality, healing, but we need to keep one eye on the facts and one foot on the ground at the same time. 


Lalaland doesn't need any more residents/visitors. It's still a quarantine and she's full up.

xo all

Back with a post for the U.S. Inauguration on Wednesday as Mars meets Uranus (!) 


HERE is a post from Trump's inauguration 4 years ago. That mystic rectangle - gift he was here to bring us (and he has) - seems pretty accurate, although I certainly didn't decipher it in any truly useful way back in 2017. With the hindsight of 2020, that rectangle takes on a whole new meaning ...


The Astrology of the disappearance of California brothers Orson and Orrin - a Saturday Night mystery



I was recently asked to look at this chart for a Facebook crime-solving group and it's been awhile since I posted a Saturday Night Mystery, so I thought we would look at it here, too.

This is an extremely sad case happening right now in California. 


Orson and Orrin West, are adorable three and four year old brothers, adopted into the home of Trezol and Jacqueline West in 2019. The family had recently moved, along with their other four children, into a ranch home in California City, California. On the early evening of December 21, 2020 - this was the Winter Solstice/meeting of Jupiter and Saturn and you can see in this chart they are pretty much exactly as close as they got that day - Trezol West calls the police to report Orson and Orrin missing.


This chart is for the time of a video made from a neighbor's door camera which shows the father waiting outside for the police. The father had just called 911.

With a 29 degree Ascendant I might think this chart "too late to judge"/too far from what actually happened to be of use. But with both significators (astrological stand-ins) for the victim interacting strongly with the significator for the perpetrator, I decided to examine it anyway. I usually look at the chart through Saturn first (because if the story can't be told before we get past Saturn, we probably have the wrong story - remember we are always looking for repeating energies) and then I add in the outer planets and any asteroids/fixed stars that are very intimately interacting with either an important point or important planet. 

Trezol, the adoptive father, tells the police, and reporters later (the parents' video is on multiple youtube sites), it was a cold evening. He was going in and out of the house gathering firewood from an empty lot next door. His wife was wrapping Christmas presents and they put the boys outside to color with chalk in the driveway, presumably so she could wrap presents. Their other four children were at their grandparent's house (I believe, this part is kind of fuzzy). At some point - and it is getting dark out now - and he has already said it is getting cold, Trezol realizes the boys are no longer playing in the driveway. The driveway is long and runs back toward the garage in the backyard. He says he checks around the house for them and talks to Jacqueline and she hasn't seen the boys either, so he looks outside again. He then gets in his car, drives around for six minutes (according to the neighbor's camera footage), returns to the house and calls the police. We see him on the neighbor's video camera footage standing still in the front yard waiting for the police (for more than 10 minutes, barely moving). What we don't see is the father or mother running around looking for the children. We don't see any urgency. We don't see the closest road or the lot next to their home searched at all.


Overhead views of the neighborhood on youtube show a lack of trees/woods. It's a very barren landscape. The video of the parents' interview is very strange/feels practiced. They seem more focused on getting their story straight and thanking searchers than finding the children (my opinion). The father speaks of "when it all went down" and describes the boys as "rambunctious". The police and volunteers search multiple times over the next couple weeks. There is no sign of the boys. At some point the birth mother comes to the house. She tells reporters she thinks the adoptive parents did something to the children. Neighbors tell reporters they've never even seen these boys at all and wonder if the brothers ever moved to California City with their family in the first place. That same neighbor's same video camera shows four children getting in and out of the van some days prior ... not six children.


So, what happened? Where are Orson and Orrin?


Can an astrology chart cast for the time of the 911 call/the video of the waiting father - tell us anything?

Let's unpack the chart.

The chart has a 29 degree Gemini rising - a late degree/possibly too late/something's already happened/already decided/already done. But this is in Gemini, the sign of fast movement, children, young people, pairs, siblings, so perfectly suited to represent (because the ascendant will represent the victim) these two boys. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, at 1 degree Capricorn in the 7th house - the perpetrator's house, so basically right where the perpetrator is (his house, territory, etc), closely conjunct the Sun (a male, could be a father), so under the Sun's beams - grave danger. Mercury in Capricorn is answering to Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in the 8th house. The victim's final dispositor in the 8th house is not good news


(in this type of chart, this is a strong indicator the victim/victims are no longer alive).

The other significator for the victim is the Moon. 


The Moon is in Aries (the sign of young men) in the 10th house - the father's house, authority's house, also telling us what is happening now can become known/public (the 911 call, the video tape/the boys' disappearance). Mars, ruler of Aries, is in Aries and exactly conjunct Eris and squaring Pluto. Volatile. Dangerous. So, we have a loop between the 1st house, the 7th house, the 8th house, the 10th house, the 11th house and the 6th house.

The perpetrator in this chart is represented by the Descendant (in astro, the open enemy). Planets in the 7th house can show us details of the crime. There are two planets here - the Sun (male/father/authority) and Mercury (the children/the pair). In Capricorn, this feels cold/calculated, maybe done with some kind of goal in mind. Or maybe this just shows the authority the perpetrator has over the victim. Also an older (older than the victim) perpetrator.


Here we have 29 degrees Sagittarius exactly conjunct dwarf planet Ixion (the first murderer in mythology) and closely conjunct the Sun (the father) and Mercury (our stand-in for the boys). The ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter - a Jupiter/Sag appearance might represent our perpetrator and would be a person who is kind of larger than life, with a well-proportioned body, strong, brown hair or possibly bald, brown complexion, oval face, high forehead, handsome, well-spoken. Maybe a big talker/restless/reckless. This seems to fit the adoptive father from the video. 


Jupiter is in detached Aquarius conjunct Saturn (the final dispositor of the boys' stand-in Mercury) maybe showing 'wisdom blocked' in the 8th house of death. Saturn is the ruler of Aquarius and in Aquarius, but Aqua's co-ruler Uranus is in the 11th house in Taurus. This might speak, Uranus/11th house/Taurus, of a financial plan involving the public, maybe an idea to get money through the children's disappearance (kickstarter, etc) or it could just be speaking of the perpetrator's shaky finances or new resources (the new house). And keep in mind something is never just one thing. Uranus in Taurus is answering to Venus (ruler of Taurus) in the 6th house in Sagittarius. 


Venus in the 6th could represent a woman in their daily life (and both the victims and perpetrator are pulled into this 6th house Venus, so maybe a woman in both their day-to-day lives). Venus is often very soft in forensic charts - she doesn't always have to represent a she, although I believe she does here. And we can see although this loop takes some time to get us there, a woman is pulled into the perpetrator's story. Maybe after the fact since that 8th house is more immediate than the 6th or maybe into the "financial plan" after it is hatched, since the 6th follows the 11th. With both Venus and the Descendant in Sagittarius the perpetrator and this woman (we can assume she is the adoptive mother, since who else is in all their day-to-day lives and obviously the father can't get away with his 'children wandered off' story without her) seem similar in the chart so maybe the Sag strengths and weaknesses could apply to both of them - self-assured, idealistic, open-minded but also boastful, reckless, a preacher-type, quick tempers - or maybe she is pulled into his "big ideas". So, here we have a loop of 7th house (the perpetrator), 8th house (death), the 11th house (sometimes the mis-fit house, meaning a missed fit/the other/maybe public money through Taurus/new resources) and the 6th house (the people we see everyday).


Nothing is this chart looks like stranger abduction or kids wandering off and getting lost to me. 

All roads lead to Aquarius (and note the 8th house holds Saturn - victim's dispositor, Jupiter - perpetrator's dispositor - and Pluto and we could just see him here as death itself, but also maybe indicating some financial part to this story) and through Aquarius we move to that 11th house co-ruler, erratic Uranus in his natural house (Aqua's natural house, too). This made me think of the kind of idealism/sense of humanity that makes it seem like a good idea to adopt so many children, but it is also a sign that is detached, so people are loved, in general, but maybe not the particular people right in front of us. It's not so warm and cuddly. Uranus/11th house also speaks of mis-fit situations and he is squaring the Sun (the father) and Mercury (the boys). And too much Aquarius, like we see in this chart, a kind of shadow that creates a repressed longing to be 'special'/need to be liked and admired/inability to see the paradox in its behavior, so things get squeezed out sideways in extreme/chaotic ways.


And Aqua/Sag is a tricky combination - you can start to believe outlandish things/your own bullsh*t and certainly you expect other people, who aren't nearly as smart as you think you are, to believe you, too. Which is how their story can sound ridiculous to everyone, but them.

When we add the dwarf planets/asteroids into the chart, the chart tells an even more complete and complex picture. We do have to keep in mind, we want to use these newer energies in support of the other energies since their characteristics are not as well-known/studied. 

There is an asteroid named Orsin and an asteroid named West. Orsin is sandwiched between and conjunct the Moon (a significator for Orson and Orrin) and Chiron. Chiron is our wounded-healer centaur, abandoned by his mother and adopted by Apollo (the Sun, shown here in the perpetrator's house, can also be a stand-in for 'the father'/father-figure). 


Asteroid West is conjunct that Ceres/Nessus conjunction on the midheaven. 


So, we have the grieving mother Ceres EXACTLY at the top of the chart (a stand-in for the birth mother and in Pisces - the birth mother has said she lost custody of her sons due to drugs use, so this is likely her) conjunct Asteroid West and dwarf planet Nessus. Nessus was the centaur who rapes or attempts to rape Hercules's wife after she is handed over to Nessus by Hercules to carry across the river. Some astrologers link Nessus to rape themes, and that might be true sometimes, but more often I find him in prominent placements speaking of - the bad things that come of trusting precious cargo to untrustworthy people and third party situations that go bad, sometimes, as here, terribly, terribly bad.

With centaur Chiron ruling adoption and Nessus in play, I checked the chart for the other centaurs (there aren't many centaurs and I was surprised to find two on major points of the chart and one conjunct a major planet). Not much is known about many of the centaurs and so much of their known mythology is about the way they died.


Asteroid Pholus - of the 'cork out of the bottle' fame, when a small action causes a big event/something that starts and then can't be stopped is closely conjunct Mercury, a stand-in for the boys. Asteroid Echeclus, very closely conjunct the Ascendant - known for his death via a spear that had lost its point, so through numerous blows to his head. Something that should have been quick/almost painless becoming something else. Asteroid Aphidas, very closely conjunct the chart's IC - known for his death while he slept. So although asleep and not causing any trouble (as the myth goes), he was 'not spared'. His discovery chart (at the 27th degree of Cancer, is the sabian symbol for 'a violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes', sounds like what is happening now at the base of this matter/the neighborhood). 


This might be too literal an interpretation of these centaurs/asteroids and I hope it is.


One thing to keep in mind is this isn't a 'last seen' chart. This is the 911 call chart. And it represents this, too. The ruler of the chart is Mercury (communication) - here in Cappy (serious communication) in the 7th conjunct the Sun. So the father (Sun) calling (Mercury) the police (Cappy). With Neptune in Pisces in Cappy's natural house (10th), the call could be a lie. Mercury rules the 4th (home) and 12th house in this chart (endings/lies/the past and with the North Node here, fate playing its hand, too). The zero and one degrees, seem to say the course is set with this call or as the father himself says, "this is when it all went down".


I wish we had a chart for the time the children were last seen - this always seems to me a more complete rendering than the 911 call chart. With that maybe we could get a clearer picture of how events proceeded and where the boys are now. Maybe a last seen time will come out.


Let's hope and pray for a better outcome for these beautiful boys than this chart appears to offer :(


xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, January 14, 2021- let go or be dragged, stepping out of someone's power and into our own, moving forward, a very long void moon



While we slept (EST) Uranus stationed direct (3:36AM EST), the Moon went void (4:28AM EST for the next 36 HOURS) and then, at 9:19AM EST, the Sun will meet Pluto. Wow!

Let's break this down. Uranus has been retrograde since the middle of August 2020 - retracing the degrees of 10 thru 6 Taurus. Something here was very stuck. Needed multiple hits to allow us to SWERVE. Now, he is back at 6 degrees and moving FORWARD for the final pass. We won't be covering new ground for a while, but this is Uranus, and forward movement here (like Aquarius, the sign he co-rules) looks like ADVANCEMENT. 

The Moon goes void in Aquarius. She is not interacting with any of the other planets due to all those early degree planets right now, which she has now passed - so all these early degree planets (starting energies) are going to get us these long voids. This one is a doozy. We have had long voids, but I can't remember anything quite THIS LONG in the nine years I have been writing these astrology posts.

In astrology, the Moon is thought to transmit the energies of the planets to the Earth/act as a kind of conduit, so when the Moon is Void-of-Course - not connecting to any energies, she has already done her job/delivered her goods - she is thought to not have the energy to create anything lasting. Nothing will come of what we start (and I have found this to be true, and even more commonly I have to do whatever it is I am doing all over again later), so it's best for routine matters (things we do again and again anyway) and doing things we want to be done with. Taxes, ending matters, paying bills, etc. Superstition tells us we meet soulmates ONLY during Void Moons - ha! not sure about that one! For now, it would be best not to start anything brand-new today or tomorrow and give yourself some extra time in your schedule because sometimes things get wonky.

The Sun meets Pluto today (an annual conjunction) at 24 degrees Capricorn. This is the darkness/what has been done in secret being brought into the light. Power illuminated. Pluto is the 'grim-reaper', he rules the spaces we merge/purge - the power of life and death. We might confront something we don't want to look at - maybe a TRUTH, maybe something hidden/embarrassing - we might be stepping into our own power here and away from someone else's influence/control. Either way with Uranus moving direct at the same time, this ending/result is pulling us into the future.

It's let go or be dragged time, people. 


A 'big picture' post coming!

xo all

More energy to have a brilliant idea!

photo by the amazing anyaanti

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, January 13, 2021 - facing the change, facing the music


The next couple days - and weeks, but maybe especially the next couple days - have the potential for IMMENSE ... - what is that Chinese symbol for both crisis AND opportunity? That.


We are in the portal of last night's INTENSE New Moon in Capricorn (on Pluto - life and death). With so many planets in the early degrees of signs we are going to have some very unusual and SUPER LONG Void Moons which will likely only add to any unease right now, but is also encouraging us to slow down.


The Moon met the Sun at midnight and then she went void after meeting Pluto at 2:22 (!) AM EST. She will be void until 11:44AM EST this morning when she moves into Aquarius. She is going to be void AGAIN at 4:28AM tonight (early tomorrow morning) and then stay void until 5:17PM on FRIDAY! I have been writing these daily forecasts since 2012 and don't think I have ever seen this before?! And involving Aquarius! Home of Saturn and Jupiter and Mercury! And our future! And with co-ruler Uranus strong and stationing to go direct at the same time! And with Mars in Taurus squaring Saturn! What cosmic sorcery is this?!

Last night's New Moon on Pluto at the end of Capricorn is kind of like having a Scorpio New Moon that takes us right into Aquarius (!) - that feels de-stabilizing enough and then the Moon is going to meet Saturn (5:10PM EST today), square Mars (5:29PM EST), meet Jupiter (9:54PM EST), square Uranus (still retrograde at 11:28PM EST, is this day Trump's unprecedented second impeachment) and finally go void AGAIN at 4:28AM EST off her meeting with Mercury.


The New Moon chart hinted that rash behavior wouldn't get us anywhere and these Aqua squares to Taurus might be saying alot of our problems are stemming from an inflexible or overly-invested relationship with the material world (and expecting that Taurus house of ours to stay the same and give us comfort when that house is in a long season of change via its lengthy visit from Uranus from 2018 - 2026) - we need to be focused on/appreciating what we do have and not what we don't have. And not in the way we are hanging onto what we have for dear life - because what we have/need is changing - we don't want to be like one of those gun bumper stickers about our cold/dead fingers because life can oblige this, too.

We have Mars squaring Saturn. This is pressure/responsibilities. Results of our prior actions. Stop signs. Limits. We have to work with this. We can't plow through. Saturn rules time and authority and boundaries. If you are trying to buck authority/beat the boss it isn't going to work. The piper will be paid. If you are stepping into your own responsibility/taking responsibility for your own actions - this is what is going to work and even this is only going to work over time.  


Uranus is about to station direct - this will bring greater freedom/liberation as he gets up to speed. 

This is also the day Venus trines Uranus. So we have Mars in Taurus answering to Venus (in Cappy) and she is in smooth flow with the future/change. Mars is stuck, but she isn't. Change your focus! And keep in mind the differences in the way Venus and Mars operate. Venus gets what she wants by attracting it - no effort, she lines up with what is hers. In Cappy this will probably be very practical things. Our goals. Ambitions. Mars gets what he wants through action, but he is squaring Saturn, so can't get what he wants through action right now. This doesn't mean he (as us) gives up - we keep working/have patience knowing -


the way through Saturn right now is Venus - diplomacy, tact, cooperation, balance, women.  She's in Cappy, so serious/sober/traditional and playing by the rules. She is trining (in a smooth/easy flow) Uranus - change/the future/detaching our happiness from an outcome - change is only chaotic when we are resisting it!

There is alot of crisis/opportunity energy right now and, like we talked about HERE in the New Moon post - we want to be careful/cautious. Stay flexible.


It's possible for a collective event to toss everyone off their game now because the energies are very BIG. 


And the Moon in Aquarius uber active and coming off what feels like a Scorpio New Moon, is highly, highly unusual and these long voids are tricky. 


Stay in your magic people. No dark alleys. Drive safely.

xo all


photo by the talented sirbion