astrology forecast for creatives | week of May 2nd - May 8th, 2022 - into the eclipse spin cycle we go!



We are in between two powerful Eclipses now.


Getting a cosmic reboot. 




The promises/possibilities of last weekend's Solar Eclipse - we talked about that HERE - begin rolling out right out of the gate with Venus's move from watery Pisces to fiery Aries on Monday. 

Even with Mercury slowing to station - things are going to start moving faster and faster. 


We are going to get itchy - want to MOVE/DO SOMETHING.

This is also the week Jupiter sextiles Pluto. Saturn isn't making ANY exact aspects to the outer planets in 2022 and Jupiter's biggest aspect, his connection with Neptune, is behind us. The Jupiter/Pluto is the ONLY other middle to outer planet aspect this year. It matters. Truth can come out. Secrets can be exposed. Opportunities are here to heal very old wounds. 

We also have MULTIPLE aspects to change-maker Uranus this week. 


Remember the Solar Eclipse was conjunct Uranus and promised the opportunity for CHANGE. This week's Uranian aspects are soft/smooth (I'd say easy, but you might shoot the messenger when they aren't). 


The Solar Eclipse New Moon's assurances of the BENEFITS OF CHANGE begin to come into focus. 

SUNDAY - Venus sextiles Pluto

MONDAY - Venus enters Aries

TUESDAY - Jupiter sextiles Pluto

WEDNESDAY - Mars sextiles Uranus

THURSDAY - Sun conjuncts Uranus

FRIDAY - Mercury sextiles Venus

SATURDAY - Sun sextiles Mars

SUNDAY - First Quarter Square Moon (Leo)


SUNDAY - Venus sextile Pluto


Venus, at 28 degrees, makes her final aspect in Pisces with a smooth sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. 

Love/relationships/our finances. Pluto brings intensity, but the intensity is made easier to handle. Pisces will dilute power struggles. Venus will make things feel BETTER. Sextiles are smooth aspects, creative opportunities, but require some efforting on our parts to make the most of this. Venus in Pisces is about ALLOWING more than direct action. Compassion, forgiveness are TRANSFORMING. Commitments are connecting. With Pluto, something might need to be released/the past be ALLOWED to die/not be dragged into the future to make the most of this one. Jupiter is following in Venus's footsteps and will get here Tuesday. Venus rules the Taurus North Node and Pluto the Scorpio South Node, so this aspect is made even more important and impactful.


MONDAY - Venus enters Aries 

Aries Suns and Aries Ascendants become more attractive - both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want. All our natal Aries houses become more attractive, too. Attracting both what we want (Venus) and what we line up with energetically - as the house itself gets woken up by attractive and loving Venus.

In Aries, Venus functions best when she puts herself first. In Aries, Venus will be thinking, "what's best for me?". In Aries, Venus is a WARRIOR (and love is a battlefield ... cue Pat Benatar).

Something to keep in mind as we give ourselves permission to go after what we want (always that fly in the ointment) is the impulsive nature of Aries. If Venus was always in Aries our relationships would last 15 minutes and the things we bought/valued would very quickly fall out of favor and we'd be on to the next thing. 


Maybe not such a good long-haul energetic, but as a transit, ie transitory, I think Venus in Aries can get on with the business of getting us what we want in a very effective manner.


TUESDAY - Jupiter sextile Pluto


Jupiter, at 28 degrees Pisces (Jupiter will enter Aries on May 10th, so heads up, we are approaching the end of his days in his old stomping ground) sextiles Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn 

Sextiles are creative opportunities, but require some action/efforting on our part. This one is water and earth - think about making clay, making something solid/practical, making the dream real. Jupiter is expansive, confident, faith-full and this brings LUCK and success. Pluto is raw POWER/destructive and this brings transformation and truth. Pluto rules Scorpio and the South Node, so maybe we need to let go of something to have something else. Sextiles are smooth aspects, makes this easier. Or maybe it is Jupiter bringing luck/optimism/faith to a crisis situation. With Pisces, this can be all happening in the background/behind our back. It can be pulling the past into the present to be HEALED. This might not be an obvious thing because from our perch in the 1st house we can't see what is happening in the 12th (Pisces realm) but it IS happening. 

Faith/optimism (Jupiter) is empowering (Pluto). 


WEDNESDAY - Mars sextile Uranus

THURSDAY - Sun conjunct Uranus


Mars, at 14 degrees Pisces, sextiles Uranus in Taurus. The Sun, at 14 degrees Taurus, meets up with Uranus and then sextiles Mars (on Saturday)

Mid-week is when a new opportunity/change can COME TO LIGHT. 

Again, sextiles are smooth aspects, so this change likely won't be forced. With Mars in drifting Pisces one thing will lead to the next thing. We are using our intuition/maybe imagination. Change is good. Stay flexible.

FRIDAY - Mercury sextile Venus


Mercury, at 4 degrees Gemini, sextiles Venus, at 4 degrees Aries. Communications/conversations/news can be beneficial for our relationships/self-esteem/finances. Here are new choices. New words. New ideas. This isn't about some deep conversation, but this is a good time to talk/keep things light. Meetings can go well. Be out and about.


SATURDAY - Sun sextiles Mars


After their conversations with change-maker/chaotic Uranus, now the Sun (at 16 degrees Taurus) is sextiling Mars (at 16 degrees Pisces). 


The fog lifts. Our intuitive/maybe drifting actions are supported by focused practicality. This is a gentle push/drive toward something more stabilizing/realistic/simple. The dream being made real. Keep in mind, sextiles are smooth aspects so this is something we are ALLOWING, we aren't being forced into this, but this also means the opportunity can be easy to miss/drift right on by us. Pay attention to what comes to your attention. Move in that new direction.

SUNDAY - First Quarter Moon


We finish up the week with the first lunar square to the Sun after last week's New Moon Solar Eclipse. Our first challenge/obstacle of that New Moon's story. The Moon, at 18 degrees Leo, squares the Sun at 18 degrees Taurus. Here is our need to shine, have fun, our desires/ego at odds with the reality of the situation/our resources/our security. Security/safety vs putting ourselves or our heart center stage. Squares are tension/frustration. What's safe will be unsatisfying, what's satisfying will feel unsafe. First squares require action. This one isn't a gentle push. What we do with the square is up to us, sort of. The Moon's last aspect was a square to Uranus (maybe the changes this week are not so easy on our egos/hearts), her next aspect will be a final square to sober Saturn tomorrow, so responsibilities, maybe to the group, will need to be taken into consideration. 


Hope something here is helpful. 


xo all 

artwork by the amazing Alise Hirvonen

the meaning of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in taurus | April 30th, 2022 - blessings come out of nowhere, change is good, risks pay off, fresh starts with what really matters

The Taurus Moon meets the Taurus Sun at 10 degrees Taurus at 4:28 PM EDT on Saturday, April 30th.  Happening conjunct the Moon's North Node makes this a New Moon Solar Eclipse. 

This is the first Solar Eclipse (a partial since the nodes are only widely conjunct the Moon) of 2022 - the Moon blocks the Sun and the flow of energy to planet Earth is interrupted - focusing our attention on that point. We get a cosmic reset, much like a computer being turned off and back on and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before.

Eclipses change us, and we, (vibrating differently), change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self lines up with.

Eclipse events don't often happen on the actual date of the Eclipse. One tricky thing with eclipse energy I have found from personal experience as well as other people's charts is they often work backward. The thing the eclipse is "eclipsing out" or "bringing to light" can happen days or weeks before the physical Sun is overtaken by the Moon. Often almost exactly one week or one month before (or after). Then they play out over six months to several years.


Let's dive right in and unpack the chart!


The Moon is conjunct the Sun at 10 degrees Taurus and conjunct Uranus at 14 Taurus. The Moon is in a productive/opportunistic sextile with Mars (in Pisces). Venus, ruler of this lunation as ruler of Taurus, is exalted in Pisces and conjunct Jupiter EXACT. 

The conjunction to chaotic/change-maker Uranus - this is applying, so hasn't happened yet (although it might have, because keep in mind, eclipses are kind of a time out of time), speaks of changes that come OUT OF THE BLUE. Probably not totally unexpected, but it could be. The changes push us (coax us maybe with Venus in Pisces) toward SOMETHING ELSE. Away from what is dead/dying and toward something new and growing. Uranus in Taurus has spent the last few years shaking us out of our comfort zones, prying our fingers from the stuff that is no longer needed/no longer valuable for our highest GROWTH and this New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse can kick changes, over the next few weeks and months, into a higher gear.

There are many reasons to be VERY HOPEFUL with this one.

The Moon's most exact aspect (other than the solar conjunction) is an opportunistic/creative sextile to Mars in Pisces. Mars isn't particularly strong in Pisces and it may take until Mars is past Neptune and Jupiter and gets into his home sign of Aries toward the end of May, that things really GET GOING, but GET GOING things will. Events will conspire that require ACTION. With Mars going from Pisces to Aries during this lunar cycle - this might be something about the 'dream' spurring us toward starting something new. 

The ruler of this lunation is Venus, exalted in Pisces, and EXACTLY conjunct expansive Jupiter. When Venus meets Jupiter in Pisces (with Neptune nearby!) - pretty much ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. This is likely to be very BENEFICIAL.

The Venus/Jupiter is in the Piscean realm (spirit, dreams, our ancestral inheritances) AND the Moon's energy in Taurus pulls in tangible results - things that make sense/cents - more/new money, more/new resources, more/new values, more/new self-esteem. 

Being a Solar Eclipse amplifies the goodie potential and extends the play of this. 

Keep in mind that applying conjunction to Uranus speaks of the goodies coming through a CHANGE/something unexpected and potentially disruptive/liberating. 

The sextile to Mars speaks of action, with Mars in Pisces this will be kind of drifting/intuitive/creative (maybe restful in some cases) action, probably not directly focused until Mars gets out of the Piscean waters in late May. In this case Pisces takes us to Aries, so we won't want to neglect the drifting, dreaming, intuitive, creative, restful stuff! No skipped steps even if the steps look like a nap. 

Keeping this one short and sweet, since we will talk about most of this stuff in the weekly and I am just back from a very Pisces-style trippy trip and need to adjust back into reality a bit. 

I hope something here is helpful - back tomorrow morning with the weekly and we will get caught up with everything BIG PICTURE in some other posts next week!

xo all

weekly astrology forecast | April 25th - May 1st, 2022 - UPDATED - and Venus is her name, magical possibilities, love and money luck, unexpected starts, Eclipse season begins with a bang



What magic is this week?! 


Some pretty potent magic folks!

I am away this week, so will fill in the week as we move along - I will add to THIS post, so pop back in - and I will get up a BIG Eclipse post, too, of course. 


MONDAY - Venus sextile North Node

WEDNESDAY - Mercury sextile Jupiter, Venus conjunct Neptune

THURSDAY - Mercury trine Pluto

SATURDAY - New Moon in Taurus Eclipse, Venus conjunct Jupiter

SUNDAY - Venus sextile Pluto

MONDAY - Venus, at 22 degrees Pisces sextiles the North Node in Taurus

Venus, exalted in Pisces and ruler of Taurus, sextiles (opportunity) the North Node in Taurus while she squares Ceres in Gemini at 22 degrees. 

Ceres in Gemini is smart nurturing, talking things out, having choices/multiple ways to feel better. Imagine the funny, fast mom multi-tasking with her phone (hands-free of course) while driving the kids to school. They are nurtured through her AIR. Her ability to pivot, do two things at once - her smarts.  Maybe there aren't any homemade cookies on the table awaiting the kiddies after school, but there is a probably a box of Oreos and some lively CONVERSATION.

As Venus moves into her square with Ceres she is also sextiling the North Node - way forward - and trining the South - where we are/what needs to go. Something about the tension/frustration of this square allows what needs to go to leave smoothly/unwind and the best path forward to open up. This is Pisces/Gemini, so maybe something about compassion, forgiveness, universal/unconditional love, magic, God - rubbing up against our need for logic, answers, to make a decision. Ceres can stir up mother/daughter issues, season of life situations, the need for complicated compromises. There is something uncomfortable/challenging here that allows us to release old baggage/dead weight and open to something more new, simple, GROWING. Note- trines to the South Node make it easy - and Pisces is extra slippery - to slide back into something old and comfortaable that is no longer working/isn't good for us anymore instead of letting it go, maybe something kind of self-sabotagey (not a word, of course, but it should be). Keep this in mind. 

At the same time we have the Moon, at 5 degrees Pisces sextling the Taurus Sun - this month's Waning Sextile as we prepare for this weekend's BIG Solar Eclipse in Taurus. Pisces/Taurus. Water and earth. 'Making the dream' into something realistic/practical or adding some magic to the realistic, practical nitty-gritty. Taurus pulls in our money, values, resources and self-esteem. Sextiles are subtle. Easy to miss when the portals are open and they are happening, but provide potent CREATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. 

Things fall into place naturally. 

TUESDAY - UPDATED - The Moon joined the Pisces party yesterday. In Pisces we are nourished by our imagination, spirituality, art, music, the past, going with the flow. Our boundaries are more porous, so we are more likely to pick up other people's moods, thoughts, colds. Her only aspect today is an opportunistic sextile to change -maker Uranus (in Taurus).

Changes are more easily integrated. We are merging with the future.

Pallas, nearing the end of Aries squares Pluto, nearing the end of Capricorn. Even with all this Pisces, can you feel that? The need to assert/start/win/maybe even OVER-POWER. That last one being the extreme end of this. We could be acting more obsessively, compulsively. 

Or will Pisces dilute this, too?

Pallas/Pluto, powered up by a tense/back against the wall square, is good energy to make plans/strategies to deal with something we have been avoiding/maybe even something that scares the hell out of us. 

WEDNESDAY - UPDATED  - Mercury, at 27 degrees Taurus, sextiles Jupiter in Pisces, Venus meets Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces 


The Moon, finishing up in Pisces today, meets up with Venus, Neptune and Jupiter. Then sextiles Mercury (in Taurus) and goes void off a sextile to Pluto (in Cappy). Everything is FLOWING/blending now. 

We are likely to be very EMOTIONAL.

Before the Moon sextiles Mercury, Mercury will sextile Jupiter. This is optimism. Confidence. The dream and the practical words/ideas to make the dream REAL, working TOGETHER. 

Words are BIG, expansive, connecting.

This is also the day when Venus meets up with Neptune. 

Love. Unconditional love. Lost in love. 

Psychic abilities. Not knowing where one thing ends and another begins. Here is where sacrifices can pay off, but we need to be clear on what we want, so we are lining up with the right things - not toss ourselves onto a burning pyre. Today's Taurus and Cappy should ground this somewhat, at least for more lunar-leaning people, but the Piscean waters today ARE DEEP. 

Be compassionate. Forgiving. Create art. Listen to music. Inspiration is EVERYWHERE. We are attracting what we have lined up with without the usual limits. 

The impossible is possible. 

Just keep in mind idealized versions of things are what we are seeing now and everything won't pan out to be exactly as it appears. That's OK and as it should be. 

We have to dream the things into being FIRST. 

THURSDAY - UPDATED - Mercury, at 28 degrees Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn

Mercury is walking degrees he/she will re-walk during her upcoming Gemini/Taurus retrograde. 

We are having conversations/communications/situations/ideas we will be going back over and dealing with AGAIN. Things aren't settled, even if they look like they are.

Today he makes a smooth trine (brakes off) to powerful Pluto in Capricorn. 

Conversations/information can feel intense. We are looking at what is really going on beneath the words, the balance sheet, the hood. Conversations/ideas become more powerful. REALITY can be transformed. Collectively we are talking about our money, our values, our resources, our self-esteem  working with our goals, voice in the world, responsibilities, authority. Personally, this is about your Taurus house having a direct line to your Capricorn house. Trines are a smooth flow. No beating our head against the wall, exhaustive effort with this one. Something just slips into place. CLICK. We've got it. We know it. 

These are earth signs, so keep things practical/do-able. Taurus is the sign of our North Node - best direction forward now - and Mercury is STILL answering to an exalted Venus in Taurus, but not for much longer. 

How can something be made more simple? Where is the new growth? What seeds need to go into the ground?

FRIDAY - UPDATED - Mercury into Gemini, Pluto stations retrograde

Mercury (communication, ideas, local life and travel, transportation, sibling issues) moves into his/her home sign of Gemini. We will feel a difference in the days ahead as information and communications switch from turtle pace to rabbit. Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow. We can CHANGE OUR MIND, SO CAN EVERYONE ELSE. We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be rather chatty, so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable. Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be sometimes too quick and unreliable. But easy, adaptable conversations, suitable for the moment, can pull everything forward now. 


On May 10th, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini - we are already walking degrees he/she (we) will walk two more times. He will get to 4 degrees Gemini, and stop - WAIT, WE NEED TO RETHINK THIS - then get all the back to 26 degrees Taurus on June 3rd. On June 18th, Mercury will be back where she started - 4 degrees Gemini - and the retrograde cycle will be over. We'll have decided/chosen. We'll know what we know. 

Mercury's retrrograde in his home sign of means  technical/paperwork/communication/transportation situations - whatever we have going on will be subject to this back and forth kind of REVIEW, it won't be a one and done. That's OK - this is synchronistically timed and as it should be. Work the retrograde process. Don't rush things.

Life is about to get very BUSY, anyway, and Mercury retrograde means we will be doing some things OVER AGAIN, this can't totally be helped, we will talk about this more in the weekly on Sunday.

Pluto stationing retrograde is a BIG collective deal, but not always a big personal deal, unless you are a Scorpio rising or have planets/points very near 28 degrees of Capricorn or the other cardinal signs. We will talk about this in its own post next week.

The Moon is in Aries - we are nourished/nurtured by action, physical movement, taking the initiative, time spent alone, time spent with men, passion, anger. She will sextile Saturn this morning - good for goal-oriented action, getting things FINISHED, stepping into responsibilities, working with authority. 

The Moon will go void at 5:38PM EDT off an intense square to Pluto, who, remember has just stationed retrograde and is very powerful, so no dark alleys. You are not a cat. We may get an infinite number of lives, but not nine this go-round. Argumentative-type of situations can flare up out of nowhere, so keep this in mind. This is a kind of CLEAN-UP before tomorrow's powerful Solar Eclipse as the Moon meets the Sun, which we will talk about in a BIG post on Saturday night.

SATURDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus with ruler Venus conjunct Jupiter!!!

SUNDAY - Venus, at 28 degrees Pisces, trines Pluto in Capricorn

xo all

artwork by the amazing zemotion

Today's astrology forecast | Tuesday, April 19th, 2022 - a test of faith



The Moon moved into Sagittarius Monday night - maybe you could feel the energy shift/lift a bit. 


Now we are nourished/nurtured by adventure, by what is foreign to us, by making something bigger/taking something further. 


Her only aspect on Tuesday is a frustrating square to Mars (in Pisces) at 3:29AM EDT. There is the possibility for expansion here, maybe a breakthrough when we confront what looks impossible. But we might be overly idealistic or aiming our sails in the wrong direction. Our faith could be tested. The Sun will be in earthy/practical Taurus by nightfall - reality check time. Pisces tends to weaken Mars and the Moon in Sagittarius is answering to Jupiter, who is in Pisces, too - it will be easy to drift off-course and likely hard to focus, so give your schedule a little wiggle room. 

With all this Pisces we will need extra rest AND we have the Mercury/Uranus conjunction - exact yesterday - asking us to pay attention to something ELSE/NEW. New skills/new dreams are being stirred, maybe slowly, maybe unexpectedly AWAKE.

It's also a good time to receive some surprising (Uranus) news (Mercury).


The Sun moves into Taurus tonight - we talked about that in the weekly HERE


Keep it simple. Pace yourself. Time is on your side.

xo all

artwork by the talented Kerantenita