today's astrology forecast | Friday, July 8th, 2022 - a light on what we need to turn our attention to in order to heal it



The Moon moves into fellow water sign Scorpio this morning. Now we are nurtured/nourished by power, going deep, knowing something/someone more intimately, sex, secrets, getting to the bottom line, eliminating what needs to go/is dead. 


A great Moon for expulsion. People born with the Moon here are intense! Have intense mamas, too.

Luna opposes Mars at 8:06AM EDT, lessening our impact, creating tension (now the Moon is in the sign Mars wants to be in and Mars is in the sign the Moon wants to be in, so there is this tension, but also a way through the tension - yes, the tension can be cut with a knife, but we also have the knife - if we give Mars some Scorpio - our actions the access to passion/probing, and the Moon some Taurus - our emotions access to comfort/nature/stability). 


Keep in mind, the dailies are about transiting planets interacting with other transiting planets - the background energy we are working with. When the Moon opposes our natal planet - and if we have natal planets in Taurus, she will over the next couple days - we will feel that more strongly, as she pulls against the permanent vibrational resonance imprint that is somehow embedded in us at birth. This weakens the opposed planet's natural function. Lasts just a few hours. Traditional astrology deems oppositions as 'negative', but sometimes an opposition provides a much needed balance and Scorpio can be a hugely regenerative Moon.


The Moon trines Mercury and Vesta at 1:31 EDT - while they trine each other - forming a Grand Water Trine for a few hours. 


All our water houses connected, in flow with each other. 


Maybe with Vesta involved our focus narrows to that thing that is keeping us up at night/what matters right now. We are talking about/thinking about deeply personal things. This is a mix of home/security/the past/mothering (Cancer), the dream/art/our intuition/forgiveness/inspiration (Pisces) and intensity/intimacy/what's hidden (Scorpio). Grand Water Trines can make us feel nostalgic, pull the past into the present.

This is also the day the Sun squares Chiron, which we might experience as a blow to our ego - the Grand Water Trine will help, provide an emotional balm for any hurt/wounds. 


The Sun shines a bright light on precisely what we need to turn our attention toward in order to heal it.


With Chiron in independent Aries we have a personal responsibility for our own healing. To act on what we know/use what we have. To do our best to share our gifts, even those with their roots in a painful past, maybe most especially those gifts.

xo all

artwork by the talented Andreea Chiru

weekly astrology forecast | July 4-10, 2022 - our thinking and actions change, a slow down, working with very old wounds, preparing for the future coming at us like a freight train


Following the fireworks (not just the 4th of July kind with that Mars square Pluto!) - the energies shift.


Soften. Become slower, more deliberate. Both Mars and Mercury leave their home signs - Mars for Venus ruled Taurus (on his way to his big pow-wow with both Uranus and the North Node at the end of July and beginning of August that will change our world, both collectively and personally, yes, again!). Mercury moves into Luna ruled Cancer.


We trade anger/passion for determination and physical/practical effort and mind chatter/info overload for a mental need for comfort and security.


Next week, we have a BIG Full Moon on "power is cemented, power is destroyed, time runs out" - 21 degrees Capricorn plus the U.S. Pluto return part two, and the month just kind of builds and builds from there until we reach the end of the month's world changing BLAST OFF into the future - big post coming about that this week.


In the meantime squeeze whatever you can squeeze in terms of comfort and 'what feels good' out of this week. Stop/smell/appreciate the roses when you can, thorns and all. If a hard conversation needs to be had, don't put it off until the end of the week when Mercury squares Jupiter - things can get bigger/hotter and more emotional than we intended.


Let's unpack the week! 


MONDAY - Pallas into Gemini 

Wise Pallas moves into smarty-pants/dualistic Gemini. New strategies, more than one way forward. We need to stay mentally flexible. This is a good transit to learn/teach - keep in mind she is answering to Mercury, who will cover a few signs during Pallas's time in Gemini (through September 6th), so it will pay to keep an eye on him/her. With Pallas in Gemini - solutions will come from communication, learning, teaching, trying multiple routes/methods, staying open to new ideas. 

This is also the day the Virgo Moon will sextile  (opportunity for growth) the Cancer Sun at 12 degrees. This month's Waxing Sextile. Virgo/Cancer. Small adjustments make things more comfortable/safe. Practical solutions are needed for home/family issues. Small fixes and small improvements create big changes. Do it one step at a time.

TUESDAY- Mars into Taurus, Mercury into Cancer, Mercury sextiles Mars


Mars falls into Taurus, Mercury flies into Cancer (for only two weeks!). They make nice with each other as they settle in. It is unusual to have two planets leave their home signs within minutes of each other, so I think we will all be feeling this one. 

Mars, after a few weeks of being king of his domain/the man coming out on top falls into Venus ruled Taurus, the sign of his detriment. Things tend to slow down when Mars ingresses into Taurus. If we are ready for this time to "stop and smell the roses" - if we have done our "starting" and are now ready to work with what we have accumulated - this is the time the run turns into a walk. Have patience. Our actions will have a more deliberate focus. Will need to be more practical. Hands on. Make sense/cents.

Mars in Taurus will wake up our Taurus house - a space naturally inclined toward doing the same old, same old and where we can get a bit "set in our ways" - although with Uranus here the past couple years that 'steady as a rock thing' has been more like a landslide. Taurus Suns and our other Taurus planets will get a visit from Mars sometime over the next few weeks, so they get some revitalizing energy and a WAKE UP call. This is a physical transit - tired muscles feel good. Balancing the books feels good.

At the same time - Mercury leaves his home sign of fast-paced Gemini for home/family/security-oriented Cancer. We will be feeling what people are saying now. Our own words will be impacting other people emotionally, too. When Mercury changes signs, we can simply CHANGE OUR MIND - so can other people. With Mercury in Cancer, words come from the gut and are taken personally. They can be soothing or they can be painful. We can all be more moody. Keep this in mind with communications (and when our own thinking gets overly emotional). Our thoughts/conversations can turn to home/family/mothering situations now. It's a good time to remember how much home and family mean to us. Mercury will only be in Cancer until July 19th.


As Mercury and Mars enter Cancer/Taurus - they will sextile each other. Our thinking and our actions are on the same page. Together via a smooth aspect at the beginning of their transits is a good indication of their ability to work well together over the next couple weeks. Mars in Taurus is about taking deliberate action with real-world things. This is about using what we already have/growing things over time. Being practical. Mercury in Cancer is onboard with this, ready to slow down and feel our way through things. A slower Mars can also aid a more emotional Mercury - give us a chance to think things through/not act too quickly when we take things too personally. Since both signs have connections to food, it's a good time to improve our diet with something more self-nurturing, maybe more plant based or more home cooking, less eating out, etc. Also a great time for walking (Mars) our talk (Mercury).

WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY - Venus sextiles Chiron, Sun squares Chiron

The Sun in Cancer's square to Chiron can activate old wounds around home, family, parents, our ability to be ourselves or take care of ourselves. We can be more sensitive to criticism. The way through this tension/frustration is Venus in Gemini. The power of love, new possibilities, communication, intellect, keeping things light/flirty, not taking things too seriously will all help. The Sun/Chiron pain is intended to create change and that's what Venus in Gemini is all about. Stay flexible. The wound won't vanish, but maybe we can see/feel the situation differently.

SATURDAY - Mercury conjunct Black Moon Lilith squares Jupiter


Now Mercury is doing what the Moon did at the New Moon (beginning of last week) and the Sun did at the end of last week. Our emotional words are infused with old pain and exaggerated/enlarged. Maybe to spark new action or to engage with us to broaden our scope. Maybe what we care about is shown to us by the words and information that makes us feel angry or shameful or guilty. Jupiter won't let Mercury past this square until the conversation/idea GETS BIG enough we have to deal with it. 


Keep in mind we can also reverse this whole thing and think about the way Mercury/BML is standing in the way of Jupiter's expansion. This isn't necessarily a bad thing - our emotions/need for comfortable words and ideas should be taken into consideration. Jupiter wants to GO BIG. In Aries he wants to START/take action. AND, we've got this square/this problem/this challenge/this opportunity/and also, this EXCUSE. This very old/very deep fear connecting to our very survival. This isn't something we can just dis-regard/plow through, but Jupiter in Aries is direct for only a couple more weeks, the Moon is waxing - we don't want to be sitting still! 


And, even saying all that, squares to Jupiter are still access to Jupiter - and through Mercury can bring good news, faith, optimism, courage (sometimes brings blind luck). It just all comes with a little PUSH. Which isn't a bad thing, and can be a VERY GOOD THING, but just don't believe everything you are told, don't over-promise, exaggerate, get too big a head here because Jupiter is about POTENTIAL, everything isn't always real. At the same time a balanced Black Moon Lilith (when we honor the wisdom of our bodies) gives our words/ideas deeply feminine EMPOWERMENT - keep this in mind now, too.

xo all

photo by the amazing ankazhuravleva

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, June 30th, 2022 - a light on the womb wound, smart strategies that stabilize and give us more power and control


The Moon is finishing up her journey through Cancer. 


Today she trines (brakes off) a retrograde Neptune at 11:27AM EDT, squares Mars at 2:16PM EDT (feisty, disagreeable energy, feeling pressured to act, maybe home/family vs what we want, both planets strong in their home signs) and finally goes void off her monthly opposition (old power struggles, we've been here before) with a retrograde Pluto at 4:13PM EDT. She is void until 8:40PM EDT when she moves into Leo (and mutual reception with the Sun, so a smoother transition than most months). 

This is also the day, the Sun in Cancer meets up with Black Moon Lilith (what the Moon did at the New Moon on Tuesday) and Pallas in Taurus trines a retrograde Pluto.

A light on Black Moon Lilith in Cancer spotlights the ways we don't fit in with family, old/soul memories of being cast out/feeling unsafe. Being shamed for being needy/dependent which maybe has created, among other things, an inability to ask for help or even to help. Stifled nurturing. Awkwardness with mothering situations. Food issues. Mommy issues. Annoyance with people who are, even appropriately, needy. Family secrets/lies can come out. Situations can activate our BML wound or the collective wound of our Milky Way Galaxy of mother-less children. 


Black Moon Lilith is starting a new annual cycle with the Sun. Our old shame/victim stories don't have to come with us into this new chapter if we have compassion for our awkwardness/anger/fear knowing that there is a very old/very real pain at its root - even if we can't remember it!


This is all happening in a square to Jupiter. Jupiter is in Aries. This is the house in our chart that is experiencing ADVANTAGES if we aren't afraid to take confident action/a risk. The Sun/Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is the house that is requiring adjustments to get those ADVANTAGES. Sort of what is standing in our way, something we need to register/CLEARLY SEE/accept so that our advantage doesn't turn into a disadvantage through awkward/over-the-top action because it is based in FEAR or a deer in the headlight/crab into her shell FREEZE. 

We can choose to feel faith (Jupiter) over fear (BML wound).

(yoga/processes to release stuck energies around our bladder, kidneys, adrenals and lower back will help)


At the same time, our wise warrior Pallas in Taurus has reached her exact trine with a powerful (and retrograde) Pluto. 


This is her (our) final aspect before she moves into Gemini next week.

Pallas in Taurus is all about the practical plans/strategies we need to be stable/secure, to grow something healthy, something that lasts. She offers us excellent guidance as to what's practical/wise (hint - it will be the thing that is falling into place). The trine is a smooth aspect, the energies are woven together instead of thrown into a pile/knot or tossed at our head like a football. Pluto is a 'commit or quit' aspect. In Capricorn, he wants us to take something pretty bloody seriously, so we are asked to GET SOMETHING UNDER CONTROL. 


Merge. Purge. Step into our authentic POWER.

Next month, Uranus, the North Node and Mars are setting up to turn our Taurus house upside down, so this Earth trine today, the thing that is falling into place NOW - Taurus/Capricorn, Pallas/Pluto - is likely a chance to smoothly/smartly release what is dying/dead, commit to a stable plan to simplify our life, figure out a way to get a grip on something that is out of control, but not out of our control. These are Earth signs, so this won't be some pie-in-the-sky or abstract thing. This will be something we can hold in our hands/take to the bank. 

We just need to be able to see things as they actually are. Practical plans and actions are EMPOWERING.


Do what makes sense/cents.

xo all

artwork by the amazing Astri-Lohne

the meaning of the astrology of the New Moon in Cancer | June 28th, 2022 - back to the womb, a fresh start driven by big motivations

On Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at 10:51PM EDT - the Cancer Moon meets the Cancer Sun at 7 degrees, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Cancer.

The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, so the New Moon in Cancer is UBER important every year. 


This Moon is about home, family, our roots, mother, mothering, our ancestry, real estate, country, patriotism, home businesses, family businesses, the root of the matter - our emotional security - and, of course, the theme of your personal natal chart's Cancer house -  this is where we get the NEW BEGINNING. The New Moon is an excellent time for fresh starts and new projects. Old behaviors and beliefs can be replaced by more caring and nurturing actions and attitudes.


Let's unpack the chart!


The Moon meets the Sun at 7 degrees Cancer. They are sandwiched between asteroid Lilith, Black Moon Lilith and asteroid Child. The New Moon sqaures Jupiter, at 7 degrees Aries and trines Vesta, at 6 degrees Pisces. The Moon semi-sextiles Venus while Venus, at 7 degrees Gemini, is sextiling Jupiter. Neptune stations retrograde today.

The Moon and Sun are conjunct. Together. On the same page. This is where we start.


The Moon is conjunct asteroid Child (separating, this connection has already happened), Black Moon Lilith (applying) and asteroid Lilith. So, the Moon meets asteroid Child, then is blown-out/re-set by the Sun, then gets a double dose of Lilith, with Black Moon Lilith first followed by asteroid Lilith - we won't be able to miss dealing with her!


The dark New Moon meeting anti-Moon, Black Moon Lilith, can activate our hidden mother/family/inner child wound that has grown dark/dangerous. 


In Cancer this is about being shamed for being needy/needing mothering (tossed from the nourishing garden). Family secrets. Things done in the dark. Lies our inner child absorbed as truth. Hurt mothers who hurt their children or pass on unconscious wounds. This is our inner child feeling unsafe/insecure. Black Moon Lilith is known for her rage/vindictiveness at not getting her way when in fact her darkness is the result of being unjustly judged and unfairly treated by those who held all the power. God's unconditional love not there for HER, not unconditional for HER. She is a point in our chart where our 'temper at injustice' is triggered by transit. Maybe also shows where we showed anger or autonomy and were "cast out".

This is connected to the house of our natal Black Moon Lilith and what happened to us during the nine months we were in the dark of our mother's womb. 


(we can free up ALOT of energy by just being aware of the implications of our Lilith junk - also if you volunteered your chart for a Lilith look, I haven't forgotten you guys and will have them to you this week!)


AND having said that, although Lilith was/is a victim she is now a touchstone in our chart for a dangerous black rage (with fear at its heart) that we ignore at our own peril.


With the New Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith needs/wants/what is beginning can be driven by our Black Moon Lilith shame wound/by what we are NOT acknowledging. This is where the Moon gets tricky and the square to Jupiter can amplify this. If our need feels TOO BIG, if something feels like it absolutely MUST happen, tread carefully now. The square from Mars to Pluto is kind of echoing this, too. Anger can also seem to come out of nowhere.


Jupiter and the New Moon/Sun/Black Moon Lilith/asteroid Lilith, asteroid Child are forming a T-Square with asteroid Hera (of the Milky Way Galaxy spilled milk fame - we talked about HERE) with the focal point the New Moon herself. In our own life this is about a need to nurture our inner child, to KNOW what we want/need to feel safe. To NOT push the child away this time. To acknowledge that Lilith pain point (collectively not being allowed to be needy/to desire mothering), so that we can begin something that is NOT driven by shame. 

The Moon's biggest aspect is her square to an expansive Jupiter in Aries. It makes me think of the mother pushing the baby into the world. We don't want to rip the mother apart/traumatize the baby, but the BABY IS COMING.

How are we going to carry what we are starting (this is as important as the birth itself)? How can this gestation period be the most loving and connecting? How will we give birth? We want 10 finger/10 toes, some things can't be rushed.


Although the Moon's contact with Jupiter is a challenging square, any aspect with benevolent Jupiter can bring confidence, optimism, LUCK. With Jupiter sextile Venus, I would double the LUCK and add bonus points. The fly in the ointment here is Venus can gloss over problems and Jupiter tends to over-do and is partial to rose-colored thinking, too. So moderation is needed now. With our ideals, with thinking we know-it-all, with taking on too much, with overspending or over-investing. To avoid disappointment/burnout - don't take on too much or move too fast.


After the recent Neptune squares pushing us to dissolve the lie, illusion, inflated dream, now we have the Moon's smooth trine to Vesta in Pisces just as Neptune stations retrograde pulling the past into the present. Vesta in Pisces is a connection to a higher power/the spiritual realms. A focus on something bigger than ourselves. An ideal. Now what is keeping us up at night is something bigger than we are. With Neptune stationing retrograde, maybe we are taking a clearer eyed look at an old dream or old ideal.

The New Moon semi-sextiles Venus while Venus sextiles Jupiter, our relationships, our values, our money are pulled into the mix. With Venus in Gemini, there are multiple choices/roads divided. Venus/Jupiter - our two most benevolent planets are making nice, there is something GOOD VERY GOOD here we don't want to over look. And happening at the New Moon pulls the entire 28 day lunar cycle under its spell! This is your Aries house and your Gemini house combining/bringing OPPORTUNITY. Collectively this is new action and those divided roads, multiple choices, the things we attract by being smart/flirty/open-minded and the new, the brave, the independent.


To bottom line this one (in 100 words or more, you know me) - the New Moon is a BIG new beginning for our Cancer house theme or the collective theme of home, family, our roots, mother, mothering, our ancestry, real estate, country, patriotism, home businesses, family businesses. 


Something here is ready to START.


This START is entangled with the energy of our earliest/pre-birth FEAR which is triggered.

If we allow the fear to stop us in our tracks - allow the energy to just clam up/hunker down because Cancer likes to do just that - we might experience this energy as depressing, all this fiery Jupiter watered down/frozen. 

If we go too big/too fast, act on impulsivity, be driven by those entangled/unconscious fears of not feeling safe, we can lose touch with what we really need. We over-do/over-reach. Projects get too big to support their own weight. We can burn-out. If we commit to things we don't really want to do out of FEAR or FOMO, we will most assuredly find ourselves feeling unsupported (and then shamed/guilty for being needy!).

The best use of this Jupiter square/challenge - because the square is an action aspect requiring movement - use it to feed our MOTIVATION, and take our time/great care to grow this fresh, new beginning - because we want a healthy baby and this time in the womb MATTERS/will make all the difference.

The trine to Vesta in Pisces just as Pisces ruler Neptune stations retrograde pulls the past into the present. The Cancer start includes a return to something in our rear-view mirror. This can be from earlier in this life or a past life/ancestral DNA. We can feel nostalgic. What is the old dream that is most simple/stabilizing? Where is forgiveness/compassion/connection still needed? Where is our spirit/the universe/God in all this?

The New Moon speaks of different options, multiple attractions, something being 'split into two' or a multi-pronged approach that will work/that makes a success of what we are starting. We will need courage, initiative. This makes something BIGGER and BETTER. More loving. More secure. This is how we get lucky!




This is a powerful energy to focus our intentions and make affirmations around general Cancer themes : mothers, motherhood, self-care, nurturing, home, family, real estate, home business, family business, food, breast health, stomach and digestive health, gut health, security ... AND around our Cancer natal/progressed house themes.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind, work in an uncluttered space - always make affirmations from a positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing your intention is known.


Know these things are already yours.


xo all 


You might ask yourself what was happening to your mother when she carried you and how you might still be carrying that energy now/how it impacts your choices and actions.