This is a BIG week. Yes, I would say it is.
We are coming off the New Moon in Libra opposing Jupiter and right out of the gate the energy starts playing out. Here is the week some rock solid progress can be made. Here is the week that OLD GOLD can show up. Keep going. Don't give up. Take care of yourself. Rest when you need to.
Let's unpack this potentially FORTUITOUS WEEK! Just keep in mind the expression about not looking a gift horse in the mouth (is that how it goes) - if things don't show up exactly as we were hoping. We will be back mining for old gold again in a couple weeks, so we want to be GRATEFUL for whatever comes our way now. Powerful truths are possible, too.
Let's dive right in!
MONDAY/TUESDAY - Venus trines Pluto (retro), Mercury retrograde backs into Venus, Sun opposes Jupiter (retro)
WEDNESDAY - Mercury (retro) trine Pluto (retro) - 2nd of 3rd
THURSDAY - Mars trine Saturn (retro), Venus enters Libra, Ceres enters Virgo
SATURDAY - Venus opposes Jupiter (retro)
SUNDAY - Mercury stations DIRECT! (opposing Neptune), First Quarter Moon (Cappy)
On MONDAY/TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY - So, now, the Sun, doing what the Moon did Sunday, opposes that retrograde Jupiter. We talked about this in the New Moon post HERE.
A light on the old gold. Maybe an old opportunity comes back around. Expansion. An ending of something that has become too big to handle. This can also be where what we have been OVER-DOING/exaggerating is illuminated. Sun/Jupiter - even the pesky opposition - should FEEL GOOD. This is an elevating aspect, can bring rewards for past good deeds, brings confidence/happiness.
Plus - this is happening while Venus is meeting Mercury and both are trining Pluto.
The chances are high the NEWS WILL BE GOOD. The illuminated 'whatever-this is' BENEFICIAL somehow. Trines are smooth flow - the brakes are off. Whatever is happening should move in a positive direction without alot of pushing from us. Mercury/Venus speaks of us hearing what we want to hear (as in good news) or saying things that other people will. Mercury is still retrograde for a couple more days, so this will be something that has come back around. Say it again. Reach out again. Make changes/corrections. Try again.
Venus/Pluto is empowering/transformative. Sexy. Something is falling into place. Venus is finishing up in Virgo, so maybe we arrive at an important SOLUTION. This might have to do with our daily obligations, our work, our health, our pets, the theme of your natal Virgo house. Small is big with this one. This is an Earth trine, so brings real things we can hold in our hands/take to the bank. Pluto is retrograde, too, so this will also have its feet in the past. Venus/Pluto and Mercury/Pluto can also bring out secrets - financial, relationship. I hope there are no skeletons in your closet looking to be shaken loose. Manipulations are highly effective now, but never recommended due to their tendency to bite us in the ass later.
After meeting up with Venus, Mercury trines Pluto - for the second time. This time with both planets retrograde. We had this back on August 22nd, so maybe we are re-looking at something from that time frame. Information can be intense/precise. Words are powerful. With Mercury in Virgo, now we can see the problem AND there should be an answer/solution. Even with challenging news we aren't just left hanging out to dry.
The Moon in Libra is making her trines to Mars and Saturn - more smooth flow. The only tangle in the first part of the week is the Moon's square to Pluto at 12:21PM EDT on Tuesday before she goes void until 7:15 EDT. Here's that power struggle we talked about in the New Moon post.
On THURSDAY, Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius. An air trine. Good for the flow of ideas and conversations. We are tapping into the collective. This busy/busy, two things at once or doing everything twice thing we have going on is somehow paying off. Authority will be supportive. Saturn is retrograde, so we might be returning to an old responsibility, goal, limit, structure, authority. Revising a business, our reputation, etc. Good for group activities, too.
This is also the day Ceres moves into Virgo - nurturing/change of life situations/things that are outside our control benefit from small steps in a healthier direction. We will talk about this as we move through it..
This transit (until October 23rd) makes Libra Suns and Risings, who are already naturally attractive, even more so - both physically attractive and more able to attract what they want/need. Everyone's Libra house gets more attractive, too (what house was Libra in when you were born? what is the theme of that house? Where is Venus in your natal chart? This area of life gets more attractive, too, as transiting Venus grows stronger in her home sign).
We will be attracted to what we find 'beautiful'. We will be attracted
to what we find 'just'. We will be attracted to what we find 'peaceful'.
And these are the qualities people will find attractive in us and our work in the world. These are the qualities we'll want to bring to the table (and yes, flowers, flowers would be a good thing to bring to the table, too) to attract whatever we are wanting to attract now.
If our relationships have felt too nit-picky/critical/austere - things will improve under this transit.
The potential for peace increases as we move from critic (Virgo) to diplomat (Libra). The potential for people pleasing increases, too, so balance is the key
now. Making life too much about the other person is Libra's shadow side.
It's easier, or I should say, ahem, lazier (although I am not blaming anyone because I think we are all tired and Venus has just moved out of her opposition to draining Neptune), to just give in to something to
have "harmony" than to work out the win-wins or half-assed win-wins that are sometimes required. We need to honor ourselves as well as the other person.
In Libra, there is power in groups and alliances - but the emphasis (for now) is on the shared human experience of connection rather than on what might emerge later. It's not the time for thinking about how it will all play out, what we are getting or giving. There is Scorpio season for that. It's just the time for the experience. We come into real
harmony when we can see each other clearly. We don't have to always
agree with each other. Agreeing isn't step two or even step one hundred
and two.
These days, it's easy to forget that ...
On SATURDAY, Venus opposes Jupiter retrograde. More OLD GOLD. Also relationship DRAMA possible. Venus in Libra shifts the energy of relationships, money and self-esteem
to a social level. If you look good/sound good, you must BE good. Libra gets a bad rap for pouring pink paint on problems and for being superficial, but without Libra's beauty, balance, diplomacy and tasty sugar coating, life would be
pretty un-freaking bearable. Opposed to Jupiter this is all on steroids. Relationships are more HOPEFUL. Balance can RETURN. Maybe something overblown is ending and we can breathe. Fingers crossed on that one.
NOTE - the gold-mining isn't over until after October 12th when Mercury direct opposes Jupiter for the final time!
On SUNDAY, good news - MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT. He is opposite Neptune - although the opposition never quite perfects, so the bubble isn't bursting just yet and things can be confusing! It will take Mercury a couple days to get up to speed, and we will be covering old ground for awhile, but we are moving on, plus now Mars gets a direct Mercury in his home sign to answer to - that will have to make a difference for all of us. Mercury is in the grounded energy of Virgo, soon to be back in the relationship/balance focused energy of Libra.
I hope we fixed whatever we had the opportunity to fix!
Until Venus comes home to Libra, alot of the sky is answering to Mercury and he is STILL retrograde this week, so keep that in mind. Nothing is full steam ahead and anything we have over-done/over-committed to can be 'in the limelight/in our face'. Any week with multiple personal planets chatting with Pluto will be INTENSE. The aspect itself though is smooth/not jagged, so there should be ANSWERS/solutions to whatever he is digging up. There isn't alot of escape this week, so we are just going to have to roll with things. Keep your ear/eye/basically anything you can stick out there - open for that OLD GOLD. What did you miss the first time through? Maybe this is something that can now be fixed and then BOOM it's Easy Street for you. :)
xo all
photography by the amazing fae-photography