today's astrology forecast | wednesday, february 14th, 2024 - mars meets pluto, use power and influence wisely, no dark alleys, new chapter with a new landscape, start something you've been afraid to do, intense valentine's day

weekly astrology forecast | February 12th to 18th, 2024 - energy and drive in new directions pushes situations forward fast, unexpected words or news, intense emotions-actions-and attractions, the heart of february's radical energy is now

huge change is seeded in february as authority and security drifts, the potential for real and figurative lightning strikes increase, there is a need to not rush the revolution as we head into next week's big energies

New Moon in Aquarius | February 9th - shocks, disruptions and changes of direction, breakthroughs, break-ups, the king's surprise, the road less traveled, the year of the wood dragon kicks off with a bang