Upcycled Table Legs to Picture Hangers Tutorial - when good legs go bad

I snatched up some amazing old table legs and spindles recently with plans to put them in my garden,

but I decided a couple needed to end up indoors so they would last longer!

These are super-simple - just add back hangers and cup hooks and you are all set.

(my camera has been very temperamental lately so my pics are kind of blah, but the spindles are actually pretty cool and simple and add a touch of handmade whimsy to store bought frames)

I think a simple picture grouping with these hangers over a couple frames (not too many) could be amazing. 

Note - I tested these with my lead test kits I use for vintage - if they test for lead you might want to seal with varnish or pass them by especially if you have small children ...

2nd Note - A good feng shui tip for vintage is that old things can carry the vibration of their previous adventures so it is always good to keep them in bright sunlight for a day or two before bringing them indoors

and definitely give them a good "salt wipe down" - rock or sea salt pressed onto a damp cloth and wipe all surfaces. A lot of time the energy around old things is very stagnant because the previous owners let the things sit and that energy needs to be wiped out before you bring them into your life!

Also I should add that I have brought my computer back to my desk today and am 'sitting down' again - I was a lot more productive last week, but not in the way I had hoped ... more on this later ...

received this note from the universe today and thought I'd share it ....

Cat , please help spread the word. Here are the top 10 ways people give away their power:

1. Asking others what they should do.
2. Thinking God decides who gets what.
3. Worrying about how their dream will come true.
4. Thinking they have dues to pay.
5. Attaching to unimportant details and outcomes.
6. Believing in soul mates.
7. Thinking karma or spiritual contracts are absolute.
8. Fear of anything, especially falling in love.
9. Waiting for their ducks to line up before acting.
10. Choosing to be unhappy.

Understand the truth, little bird, and you will soar.

The Universe

*don't shush your inner voice print by emily mcdowell draws