Proof Positive that Positive Thinking ALONE Won't Get Us $5000 A Week For Life

A friend emailed me recently and while we were catching up she asked, "why all the positive thinking stuff on your blog lately?"

I didn't think of this as my recent subject matter, but we all know how scattered multi-faceted this blog is, so it did get me thinking.

I am more about "focusing on what we want" (in particular how we want to feel) these days than positive thinking -

although if we are more naturally inclined to doom and gloom, the sky is falling, Wednesdays are for whining kind of thinking and can evolve just that - well, things will certainly be shaken up for us in big ways.

(I still miss Wednesdays ... sniffle)

I don't think, as Marianne Williamson says "pouring pink paint over our problems and pretending that they don't exist" works either. The stuff we push down always bobs to the surface sooner or later -

although maybe this stuff that is bobbing to the surface is like an inner tube in a fast moving river and actually there to save us and the only reason we think we are drowning is that we are clinging to a slippery rock afraid to let go and reach out for it.

Besides I learned long ago that positive thinking alone is not a sure thing to getting what we want.

When I was a kid I was afraid to go into the bathroom because I always thought something scary was lurking behind the closed shower curtain.

(I admit I still peek behind one now and then ... or maybe every time I go in there)

My mother, being a highly creative and highly frazzled mother of 3 children under the age of 5 would ask, "why does it have to a monster in there Cathy? why can't it be something good? does everything we can't see have to be something bad?"

She started asking us what good stuff could be hiding in the shower. "An ice cream truck!", "A fairy!", "A treasure chest!", "A library!" we shouted, my little brother stopped us in our tracks with "Bozo" (we were old enough to know that clowns could be scary, too) - finally my mother clapped a halt to our shouting with a decision.

"No", she pronounced solemnly, "the best thing would be ... the Publisher's Clearing House guy with the balloons and the check". We all cheered.

From that day forward we pretended the Publisher's Clearing House crew was hiding in our shower ready to spring a $10,000,000 check on us.

It kept us from being afraid of the closed curtain (sort of) but if having 3 kids thinking about that an average of 3 times a day each for, I don't know, let's say 5 years, which would create (grabs my calculator) over 16,000 positive thoughts of a Publisher's Clearing House check didn't draw that guy to our front door

I am pretty certain positive thinking alone is not totally a sure thing.

(of course I am not totally sure my mother ever actually mailed in an entry form)

new moon, new year - 2013 here SHE comes!

calendar by anna newell jones
On Friday we have the first New Moon of 2013 and it's a goodie! Now this new moon is in the sign of Capricorn and Capricorn is the sign that is all about hard work.

Oh no, you are thinking - "not more hard work, Cat, I can't work any harder".

Don't worry- this is the kind of work that pays off, not the kind of work that gets you clean dishes for about 32 seconds until someone lays a coffee spoon in your clean sink.

This is the work that matters.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn who is kind of the daddy of the universe (well, the sun is kind of the daddy actually, but Saturn is that stern daddy energy). When daddy (ego) is in balance with mommy (the moon/soul) all is right with the world.

When daddy has too much power (like the patriarchal society we had been living in) our drive for power, wealth and control overwhelms the emotional needs of the Moon (soul). It can create a society of greed where too few have too much and stuff gets clogged up - the energy just doesn't flow well - which is part of what we have been dealing with on this planet.

But Saturn is also the awesome and amazing daddy who shows us that hard work pays off, who gives us something to push against and teaches patience and commitment -

his is the gift that keeps us on our path.

Saturn doesn't promise success of course, our journey on planet Earth doesn't come with any guarantees, but he does promise self-esteem.

He's how we earn the stuff that we really get to keep.

(and if you are in your mid-late 20's or mid- late 50's you might find it helpful to study Saturn because he is about to kick your ass)

Anyhoo, a new moon in Capricorn usually just kind of reinforces this power, wealth, control mindset back to us, but it is a brave new world and this new moon is different. The feminine energy will not be held back any longer.

2013 is also a 6 Universal year bringing balance, peace and harmony - this is all about the heart chakra and balancing heaven and earth - bringing our ideals and practical matters together

(for many people this will be  the year when the doing what we love and the money will follow will fall together).

We need the balance of the inner and outer work to create this - the inner work to allow and the outer work to create.

This is a rebuilding year - 6 always brings more responsibility (especially when it comes to family and health) - it brings relationships, community building, love and romance - all good stuff for the planet. Balance and love will be the planet's vibration this year.

(this doesn't mean everything will be all roses and chocolate because vibrations bring up anything that is not of that vibration so we can look at it and deal with it)

The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto, Juno and Venus are all in Capricorn at this New Moon so it is really empowering us to take charge of our lives. It's a time to breathe deeply, ground and center ourselves - move from our hearts - we are setting the foundation for the next 12 months. 

Jan Spiller has the New Moon Wishes Reminder HERE that you might find helpful. Voicing and putting our intentions on paper at any New Moon is powerful.

To everyone who left a comment or emailed me about our upcoming 10th house exploration (we are also going to look at north and south nodes) - we will do this anonymously - I will contact you or you can contact me with your birth date info if I don't already have it - if you know the time (and time zone) of your birth that works best!

xo all