new moon solar eclipse may 9th - it's taurus time

wish / new moon polarity locket
Tomorrow's solar eclipse new moon in the earthiest of earth signs makes this an especially powerful time for makers.

(this solar eclipse marks the end of a 19 year cycle - if you look back at where you were then and what was happening, you could find some interesting connections with what is happening in your life today)

Taurus is ruled by Venus the planet of flourishing, creation, expression and love - Venus is just in Gemini so we will likely have a strong need to share our creative babies (and beauty and love) with others.

This is the time to be seeking fertile ground to stand on - are we depending too much on unstable structures, how can we take our power back and claim more of our own energy for our own life. What nourishes us?

Taurus rules accumulation, the physical senses, grounded-ness, building, reliability, self-worth, stubbornness, the throat, chin and neck, the voice, vocal chords and that all-important little thyroid.

Some things you could be affirming now (new moons are an excellent time to focus) -

I easily create financial independence in a happy way. (money, accumulation)
I am clearheaded with my money and use my resources in ways that are in my overall best interest.
I easily find myself living in comfortable surroundings.

I easily find the time to cook, savor and appreciate healthy meals. (physical senses).
I enjoy and appreciate my life.
I easily build solid foundations that I can depend on in every area of my life. (groundedness)
I keep my word and am a person others can rely on (reliability) and I attract reliable people into my life.

I define what is important to me and easily find myself living with those values. (self-worth)
I easily express my views in ways that do not leave others out of the conversation. (stubbornness, resistance)
I enjoy perfect thyroid health (YES PLEASE).
I sing on-key (it will take a new moon solar eclipse to make this happen)

This solar eclipse leaves Saturn alone in Scorpio - if you are a fixed sign (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus) and especially a 2nd decan fixed sign (which I am and quite a few people in my immediate life) there could be some changes in the 2nd/8th houses (possessions, values, finances) - others will feel this stuff, too.

xo all

maybe what seems like it's in the way actually is the way part II - the why behind the what

cork ring by olive bites
When I sit down to do some kind of work (noun) and I feel a certain tightness in my chest or neck I know that I have taken all the fun out of this for myself and just left myself with the work part (verb).

Maybe because this particular thing was never something I really wanted to do in the first place or maybe I have done this particular thing a million times before or maybe it just seems thankless or unimportant or there is something else I would rather do - it doesn't really matter.

The tightness though - the indication that we have pulled away from our purpose, that we are tugging a little too tightly on that line that tethers us body to soul - does matter.

(this tightness is probably the very first indicator of the inflammation that leads to disease, too - we have literally outgrown ourselves; alot of new-age gobbledy goop is fast becoming new-age science)

This does not mean that I should stop doing what I am doing (although it might) - it does mean that I am focused on the what and not on the why.

Let's say I take a job at a grocery store stocking shelves - the what is that I am stacking cans on shelves - making sure the labels line up, making sure that things are in their proper places, making it easier for other people to find the things they are looking for. The "what" - the doing part - is important. These cans have to get on these shelves and someone's hands have to put them there.

But in another way the "what" is totally irrelevant because there are a million other things I could be doing. It's the why behind the what that really matters. It's the why behind the what that our soul cares about. The vibration of the why is what we line up with.

Our own perspective is the only one that matters here. What we do simply provides us with the means to be who we are. We are not our job; we are not our doing (we are a human-being after all) - our job; the doing, is just a vehicle through which we get to experience who we are.

If the stacking shelves is an underemployment situation for me and I am often annoyed by it (not good since I will focus on the annoyance and I will line up vibrationally with more and more things that annoy me) - I can move into a better vibration by allowing that I have created this place for myself as part of my spiritual journey. This work is simply a context to be who I am.

Who am I being when I take care of myself and other people by earning income? Who am I being when I help busy people find what they are looking for faster? What aspect of myself am I expressing when I pay my bills or buy someone a gift with money I have earned?

Look at what we are doing with our money - maybe this is who we are.

Next Up - maybe what seems like it's in the way actually is the way part III - growing where we are planted