pulled by our visions : the Following - time is the means | part IV

See Part I, II and III.

If time is the means and always the means that takes us where we need to go, then being able to feel life's nudges and guidance takes on a whole new importance.

This doesn't mean we sit back and wait for some miraculous something or other to come our way (it's kind of the opposite of that actually although we always stay open to the miraculous something, of course!) - it means when we choose to move we make the conscious choice of action and we pursue it with an earnest steadiness of purpose

(earnest is my new favorite word by the way and yes, I realize it means I have been spending way too much time with Olive - I am always on the lookout for ways to work it into conversations so others will pick up on it - imagine a world full of people seeking earnestness!)

and then we make ourselves at home with what we have created, learned and attained.

(not obtained, outcomes are never guaranteed here on Planet Earth - only growth!).

Are We Having Fun Yet? | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 23rd

Last week was a zinger with reverberations probably until Pluto goes retrograde in the middle of April and at least until the Lunar Eclipse on April 4th.

(yes, we are in eclipse season now, buckle up)

Twice a year we have these eclipse cycles that break things up and release the stuff that needs to go in order to move us all forward. These have been on our South Node (past), so they will be about letting go. Stuff will surface now that had disappeared or been out of sight or hidden. Sometimes this stuff will flare up and then die back down - but it gets our attention and we have to deal with it before it goes.

April's eclipse will be about our relationships culminating last fall's New Moon in Libra. 

For the week ahead - we begin with the Moon and Venus in Taurus. Monday's void Moon is a great time for comfortable, practiced action. Taurus is super grounded so make some time to get out in nature and make physical contact with others.

Solar Eclipse New Moon | Spring Equinox | Astrology Forecast for Creatives March 19-20th - Part I

Eclipses are about endings. Solar eclipses can only happen at New Moons and New Moons are about beginnings. Tomorrow's energy is supercharged because the Eclipse takes place in the final degree of Pisces; the last steps of our hero's journey and the New Moon kicks off the new astrological year with the Spring Equinox (the first steps of our hero's journey).

This is a major system reboot for all of us.

First the ending. Pisces is a water sign, ruled by Neptune. How does water end things? Water dissolves. Water washes away. Water erodes. Water suffocates. Neptune rules spirituality and dreaming. Neptune rules creativity and inspiration. Neptune rules illusion and escape. Neptune rules water and the sea, drugs and hospitals.

What is ending in your life now? 

whiskey : keeping the Irish from ruling the world since 389AD - happy st. paddy's day

Venus comes home to Taurus today and millions of people celebrate the luck of the Irish with some soda bread and maybe a pint of Irish whiskey.

There is nothing in astrology more grounding than Venus in Taurus.

We have that now.

Let's call a time-out, kick back tonight with some corned beef cabbage and count our blessings!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! xo

The Only 3 Three Things That Matter | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 16th

We have the final face-off between Pluto (in Capricorn) and Uranus (in Aries) tonight. Yes, tonight. And no, it's not happening in Vegas and you don't need a Pay Per View ticket (do they still do that? probably not).

We are all invited.

And this doesn't mean the energy disappears tomorrow because these are slow moving planets and we won't have them safely out of each other's range to land a good left hook for a couple years.

(yes, I said years, forget I said that, I know it sounds exhausting, let's just get through this week)

They peak now for the final time.

why we might just need that tinfoil antenna - time is the means | part III

See Part I and Part II

So many times I've been the girl standing at the crossroads, getting sunburned and wrinkled, trying not to make a mistake. Sometimes a decision came quickly and I would move toward something I really wanted to do. But not often. Unless I stayed busy and let the decisions work themselves out (which works until it doesn't), I struggled.

I could never just relax.

As I get older I've started to embrace the thinking that we can't really get on the wrong road.

And this doesn't mean we can't get on a road littered with potholes and sticker bushes and maybe even fire breathing dragons - it just means the other road - the road not taken - very likely had its own kinds of roadblocks and setbacks and boulder slinging orcs!