Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius | all rules out the window, the gift of uncertainty

let the sky kiss your feet by pretty as a picture

I've been awol only a few days and the entire skies have shifted! I will work through all the changes in the week ahead and we can see/feel which transits are impacting us.

On Friday, Saturn stationed retrograde (thru August 13th) at 16 degrees Sagittarius. Since Saturn is the development of self-discipline via challenges, struggle, hard work and restraints having him ease up on us a little is very likely a good thing. Do I hear a hallelujah?!

It's kind of like dad is going on vacation and we are left with the irresponsible babysitter who snap-chats her friends while we climb on the roof to get a better look at the clouds. Yes, this could be dangerous. Without dad setting limits and telling us what we can't do - we could fall off that roof and break our arm.

It could also be our chance to do something we've never done before!

Some kind of limit - where is Sagittarius in your natal chart? - is removed. What we do with our new found 'freedom' is up to us. All possibilities are on the table (or I should say roof) while dad parties in the Bahamas.

Astrologer Steven Forrest says (I'm trusting my memory with this, hopefully it's not too swiss-cheesy tonight) - Saturn in our natal chart is the area we must learn to walk our talk and walk it all by ourselves. It's the space where any lack of self discipline can quickly lead to our undoing. It's the space where we make peace with solitude and develop patience.

Saturn rules structure. During his retrograde we will be going back and retooling and shoring up the physical structures in our life (including our bodies). Saturn rules time. Time is on our side now. We just need to trust this (patience people!). Saturn's retrograde offers us the time to "re-make" the structure of something before it is too late. It's a time to reconsider rules and obligations. We can truly do it differently this time.

Since Saturn moved into Sagittarius in 2015 (through the end of 2017) our beliefs and commitment to our dreams are being tested. Saturn has been parked between us and our big picture beliefs and dreams for over a year now, making us work for every thing. If we no longer fit in the space we are occupying or holding on where our heart is no longer invested or if we are truly needed elsewhere - life will find a way to end the dream/situation for us during this transit.

Time has sped up.  

Planet Earth needs all participants fully engaged now. There is no sitting this one out. 

Saturn might take certainly with him while he backtracks, but he leaves us with the gift of uncertainty. When nothing is certain nothing is out of the question either. 

"Instead of asking, 'What would you do if you knew you would not fail?' 
ask yourself, 'What's worth doing even if you fail?'" 

Brene Brown

Note - a whole big chunk of life is about to slow down (five planets are retrograde next month) for all of us, if we need to get something done before late summer or early fall, let's get it done. Also with the planet of "no" (Saturn) taking his siesta we might want to think twice before we say "yes" now.

you can lead a horse to water ....

girl and the sea by liquid sunny day

I am out of town for a few days. Right now we have five planets in water signs - so some space in all our lives is probably feeling "all wet", "washed up", "under water", "like a fish out of water", in "troubled waters" or "uncharted waters" or maybe "mouth-watering" - damn the water idioms are just too good and too many!

We have Jupiter and Pluto in stable earth signs. There is solid ground under all this wetness. 

Tomorrow the Sun (in Pisces), Moon (in Leo) and Mars (in Sagittarius) will form a Grand Trine. This will give all of us some oomph, and courage if needed, with whatever stories need to be heard and whatever narratives we need to finally put to rest.

It also feels like a good time to have a good time, so let's use that for the weekend.

Jupiter is the king of the cosmos right now and sitting uncomfortably in tidy Virgo, we might be feeling like our house is falling apart when we are simply rearranging the furniture. Let's keep it all in perspective and just take care of the things that are right in front of us now - nothing ever seems quite as bad, (or quite as good dammit), the day after and as the Sun moves into firey Aries on Sunday our 'day after' is coming.

I'll be back to write about that next week (plus the Full Moon eclipse!) - xo all