Neptune Stations Retrograde | our dream, our faith, our compassion under review

into the sea by aimes likes to take pics

The planet of our dreams, our imagination, our compassion - will station retrograde today. She will move backward from 12 to 9 degrees Pisces between now and mid November when she will station direct and begin to move forward again.

Neptune's retrograde (unless we have a strong Neptune or Pisces or its backward walk touches sensitive spaces in our chart) is sometimes a more subtle energetic shift. But this year since she is part of both of 2016's strongest energetic alignments - the Neptune/Saturn square and the Mutable T-Square and our collective south node - what we are releasing - is in Pisces (Neptune rules Pisces), we will all feel this one.

If we have any planets or points in our natal or progressed charts from 12-9 degrees Pisces (and other mutable and water signs) we will feel this transit most strongly.

Neptune rules the ocean, the seas, sleep, our dreams (both the dreams when we are sleeping and the dreams when we are awake), the unconscious, the subconscious, our inter-connectedness, flow, imagination, compassion, meditation, medication, illusion, deception, lies, addiction, alcohol, exhaustion, escape, baptism, sacrifice, spirituality, detox, faith, psychology, mental health, mental illness, intuition, mysticism, fantasy, the ethereal realms (things that cannot be seen, touched, tasted or heard with our five senses), art, dance, music, film, chemicals, drugs, poison, ghosts, victim, martyr, saint, religion, Christ-like, fanaticism, hospitals, healing, research, confusion, retreats, release, isolation, orphans, nursing homes, retirement, our feet, vision, karma, hidden enemies, what is hidden, what we do in secret, lack of boundaries, the 12th house of our charts (things we do last, things that are put away, our subconscious, our undoing, all the things above), the house that holds Pisces in our charts.

At first glance this might look like a list of unconnected things - but when you look closer can you see/feel the connections? Even as we look for the connection we are using Neptune!

Something here is up for review which means situations, people, circumstances will come up that will re-focus our attention on one or more of these areas over the next few months.

This will be a time to reflect, re-do, re-evaluate, re-examine, release or re-visit what we are working with here. Neptune always turns us inward.

Remember when a big energy shifts like Neptune does today we will literally be "off" so things can just feel "off" - let's not push where we don’t need to push. Instead let's stay alert to the signs and feelings around us and take our cue from them. We might require extra (or less) sleep, more (or less) time alone or more (or less) meditation time. I would stay away from mind altering chemicals.

(last weekend's shooting in these days leading up to the exact Neptune/Saturn square - the Paris shooting was in the days leading up to the last Neptune/Saturn square - had (and will produce) many Neptunian elements - happening in the night, the nightclub where likely music, dance, alcohol and drugs were present, Florida sea, fanaticism, confusion, hidden enemies, secrets, hospitals, connected-ness, isolation, faith, victim, mental illness, compassion)

Back tomorrow with the weekly post. xo all

Mercury into Gemini | information overload

ideas by bucikah

A couple people told me recently that Mercury retrograde, has felt to them, like it never ended.

Probably because 1. Mars is still retrograde and 2. Mercury in Taurus can feel a bit bogged down, as words and information are examined more carefully, even as we are moving forward.

Mercury (communication, local life and travel, transportation) moves into his home sign of Gemini today. We will feel a difference in the week ahead as information and communications switch from turtle pace to rabbit.

Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow. We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be rather chatty so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable.

(Gemini is a big player in this year's collective story via the Mutable T-Square and Grand Cross and Donald Trump - Gemini Sun. Mercury, Gemini's ruler and also the ruler of Virgo - our North Node path forward and host of Jupiter right now - is a big player this year, too. Hopefully this transit will help us make decisions about our next steps!)

Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be unreliable.

But easy, adaptable conversations suitable for the moment can pull everything forward now.

With Mercury's long slog back and forth through Taurus we went over and over a few important details. Now fresh information and conversations will come in and expand whatever we are dealing with.

This can be stimulating if we've grown weary of Taurus's scrutiny and demand for truth or like information overload if Mars retrograde has us drained and exhausted or both. xo all