Jupiter and Venus trine Neptune, Mercury trine Mars | smooth seas may not create skilled sailors but they might make for a nice afternoon in a boat

Splash of Color by thillyLiv

Today, we have Venus in Cancer trining (brakes off) Jupiter, retrograde in Scorpio, at 15 degrees. We also have Mercury in Gemini trining Mars in Aquarius at 5 degrees and tomorrow Venus will perfect a trine to Neptune (in play now) in Pisces, at 16 degrees.

With Venus (love, money, women, beauty. our resources, values and self-esteem) in Cancer (home, family, mom and apple-pie) joining the Jupiter (expansion, luck) and Neptune (imagination, idealism, compassion, forgiveness, spirituality) party and forming a Grand Water Trine we have a beautiful flow of energy for the next couple days.

This is expansion, luck, beauty, love and imagination. This can bring healing and increased intimacy. With Venus in Cancer this is a good time for resolving home, family and real estate issues and healing situations with your mama and your matriarchal inheritance.

Remember our water houses are ALWAYS in trine and working together, but RIGHT NOW, home to the powerful energies of Venus, Jupiter and Neptune all lined up the way they are - they are SUPER dynamic.

All this water means our intuition - and emotions - are greatly magnified now (also actual water issues - flooding, I think we are having the biblical 40 days here, etc).

EXAMPLE for SCORPIO/Scorpio Rising (using whole signs) - this Grand Water Trine involves your 1st house (Jupiter retrograde at 15 degrees) of yourself, your 5th house (Neptune in Pisces at 16 degrees) of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation and your 9th house (Venus in Cancer at 15/16 degrees) of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. This is excellent energy for bigger thinking or exploration around a creative project you are personally involved with to create expansion and luck. You could have something fall into place with any of the themes mentioned above. You (1st house) could fall in love (5th house) while traveling (9th house), yadda yadda. You won't have to push (or manipulate dear Scorpio!). This doesn't mean some action won't be required on your part, but it will be a logical next step kind of thing. There is synergy here.

There is always the possibility, if we are un-grounded or ignore all boundaries, to take something too far because there isn't anything stopping these energies.

Our addictions, compulsions, lies, illusions, spending could go off the rails. Keep these things in mind.

At the same time we have Mercury, freshly minted in his home sign of Gemini, trining Mars (in Aquarius) - this could be a new idea we can take action on. Our minds should be razor sharp.

We might have to make a fast decision or make a quick move. With Mercury and Mars tag-teaming, we can speak with confidence now. The Venus/Jupiter/Neptune should help soften any pushiness.

All in all this should be good energy for harmony between people! Prayers we collectively make good use of it. Water signs can make us more emotional, so maybe have a box of tissues handy folks.

We have an inconjunct on SATURDAY between Mercury and Saturn - rock and a hard place - so something unresolvable here maybe between information/communication/ideas and authority/security/responsibility/time/limits. With both planets strong in their home signs some things just can't be resolved right now. A heads up that Mercury will be very active next week with news and information and with Neptune and Jupiter uncooperative - facts will be elusive and possibly illusive.

xo all - here's hoping for a lovely weekend for everyone - another rainy one expected here

Another heads up that we have an all-day Void Moon on Monday. Maybe take the day off and save the big moves for TUESDAY.

Another heads up - and all this "heads up" is again making me think of what is happening to our world with so many people walking around looking down at their phones all day and not up at the possibilities - that we are going to be doing alot of backtracking and "cooling our jets" this summer (and busy work that might not amount to much in the end if we are determined to push our way through) with all the retrogrades and eclipses as our old vision of our future morphs ... again.

Mercury into Gemini | fresh information comes in, who do you want to talk to, choices and changing viewpoints, giving life permission to not make any sense for awhile

Consume by bypolar-bear
Mercury (communication, ideas, local life and travel, transportation, sibling issues) moved into his home sign of Gemini last night.

We will feel a difference in the days ahead as information and communications switch from turtle pace to rabbit.

Increased choices, conversations and ideas will start to flow.

We won't put everything to use, Gemini can be rather chatty, so some stuff will just move in and out, but the change in momentum will be noticeable.

Keep in mind with Gemini there are more questions than answers and the information might be unreliable.

But easy, adaptable conversations, suitable for the moment, can pull everything forward now.

With the Sun and Mercury both in Gemini this is an excellent time to catch up on our communications. Who would we like to talk to?

Ask questions. It is best in Gemini season to maybe suspend judgements for awhile (Geminis make the best - and funniest - cynics) and approach situations with curiosity. 

Fresh information and conversations will come in and expand whatever we are dealing with. This can be stimulating if we've grown weary of Taurus's scrutiny and demand for truth.

Gemini energy talks. It listens. It questions. It perceives what isn't said at all. In short, it doesn't miss a trick. With so much to see and so much to do and so much to communicate - there is not a moment to waste on any of those roses we were smelling last month

Gemini (the twins) is the sign of duality - of black and white, of feminine and masculine, of truth and lies. Nothing will be totally one way or the other or quite what is seems now. We will be faced with dilemmas and changing viewpoints. In the end contradictory thoughts and things can come together with this energy.

We all have ideas about how things are supposed to look and work that we've carried since childhood (and before). We have these beliefs and then we, subconsciously, look around for the things that support these beliefs and that's what we notice. Then our beliefs gets reconfirmed and strengthened. Even though these beliefs are no truer than someone else's beliefs that reflect the opposite thing.

With the Sun in Gemini and Mercury home until June 12th, all of us are burning Gemini fuel - we can give ourselves permission to embrace a more wide open receptive state. We can move against the beliefs we've been strengthening since childhood if they no longer suit us. We can give life permission to not make any sense for a while.

If we are confused we are probably doing something right.

See what house holds Gemini in your natal chart - this space will be communicating with you now! What is it saying?

xo all

Today, Mercury - within hours of coming home to Gemini - is going to sextile (opportunity) Chiron in Aries. Talking about what hurts can be healing. 

We could make a connection now between some early traumatic experience and our current behavior/situation.

Chiron is freshly minted in Aries, too, and we haven't had this energetic connection in these signs since the late 1960's/early 1970's.

With Chiron in Aries encouraging us to take a hard look at ourselves, to do things for ourselves and stand on our own two feet - there could be a conversation now or information that comes in that allows us to see how our own survival instincts (or any lack of courage, passion or initiative) that we were smart enough to develop as children and that helped us when we were younger may no longer be something we need to carry. Is this energetic still working for us?

Talk about it. Write it down. Actually read the book that comes to your attention now.