Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, November 2, 2020 - the calm before the storm



The Moon moved into 'busy and communicative' Gemini early this morning (EDT). We are nourished by words, communication, errands (nourished by errands she says, yes, that!), by keeping things light, by making it funny. Stay flexible. Keep your mind open. I have an extremely funny family, many with Gemini Moons - they keep themselves up on the surface of conversations to most easily zing those one-liners. With the Sun in Scorpio and important things going on, this might be annoying, but I think today it is just what everyone needs. She makes a nice trine to Venus (in Libra), who's doing her part to help us smooth things over, making this the best way to handle other people now, too. 


Keep things light.

xo all

today's a good day for Americans to text family and friends - "I will love you no matter what tomorrow brings. We don't have to agree with each other to love and support each other". Or something like that, but more funny/clever. Cue the dancing kittens.

photo by the talented saratheresee

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | November 2nd - November 8th, 2020 - another brick in the wall, mental pressure, thinking things through, the winds shift, changing our mind, alien babies



Twists and turns ahead, with reality checks, battle lines clearly drawn - unless we are smart enough and lucky enough to avoid them (or use a pencil with an eraser). Luckily for us we are blessed with Venus in Libra now - strong and balanced - and with Mercury and Uranus answering to her.  


Compromise, cooperation, fairness, being able to see other people's points of views ARE possible.


SUNDAY - Mercury (retrograde) squares Saturn, Venus opposes Chiron

TUESDAY - Mercury stations direct, Pallas inconjunct North Node

FRIDAY - Sun conjunct Juno

SATURDAY - Mercury (directs) squares Saturn, Mars inconjunct the Sun/Juno

With our Halloween Full Moon in Taurus (on Uranus) kicking (or preparing to kick over the next two weeks, think: leg bent, boot on) a MAJOR DOOR closed/open. BOOM! If a door closes, another door opens - it's our job to FIND it. If a door opens, another door closes - it's our job to LEAVE IT SHUT.


This week is all about Mercury - information, news, our thinking, our words and again, Venus, our relationships, our resources/money, balance, fairness. Keep in mind Mercury is in Libra, so we are literally channeling our Venus - what does she need to say THROUGH US? Where is Venus in your natal chart? 


How is your Venus best able to handle this week's pressure? 


Maybe mark these squares with Saturn as your opportunity to STOP AND THINK. There could be a FINAL and challenging conversation this week. Then we are back to square one with something here. Have faith that new situations are gestating. Pregnant with possibilities - that's us. Even if we are feeling more like we might be carrying one of those alien babies that tears their way out (yikes) and then Ripley has to battle for, what was it, four/five sequels? With that Full Moon on Uranus we can expect the unexpected.


 (this relationship stuff/Mercury's Libra-Scorpio degrees are precisely where Venus retrograded two years ago - what was happening in the fall of 2018? what has changed, and yes, I know THAT has changed, but maybe what else?)


SUNDAY - A retrograde Mercury (in partnership/balance/fairness focused Libra) squares "the man" Saturn (home in Cappy for just a few more weeks) at 26 degrees. 


We first had this square back at the end of September, so something from that time could be revisited. If you have anything in your natal or progressed chart in the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn - near this degree you will probably feel these squares this week (plus Mercury's station) the strongest. 




Our communication/ideas/sibling issues/commerce/transportation issues/Libra natal house issue hits the Saturnian wall/rule/limit/authority/responsibility. With Mercury still retrograde this is probably not a new issue. Maybe we've been here before. Heard/said these words before.

Mercury/Saturn is a tongue-tied aspect. We could say the wrong thing now or misinterpret what someone else is saying - keep this in mind. This makes me think we need to know what we are talking about. It makes me think of loose lips sinking ships and tight lips making our heads explode. It makes me think of censorship.

Trouble with authority. Trouble with rules. Trouble pushing our own agenda forward via language. Maybe stop signs involving a lack of credentials.

And remember we are Saturn, too - it could just as easily be a younger person/newer idea wanting to speed past us that we are putting the brakes on. We could be stopping ourselves because we just don't know what the hell to do or say or think. We could hear a "NO" now. We could say "NO" or be the one making a firm decision. 


Facts could be delivered that might not be to our liking, but keep in mind this is NOT the final square just yet. Mercury is all about movement - so, are we staying or are we going?


Millions of people are going back into lock-down. Millions of people are heading back to the polls fearing/burdened by what we think we know. Millions of people are at odds via old and imbalanced situations with their partners/authority. This is how the patriarchy ends - and I know that's not what it looks like - it looks like patriarchal power is being cemented. Because that's also happening. This is a planet of polarity. The South Node is in Sagittarius - we are confronting our lack of faith in life, folks. And the way we see/perceive what we believe. We are in grad school now, this isn't easy stuff.

At the same time Venus is opposing wounded masculine Chiron in Aries (and remember from his/her perch in Libra, Mercury is answering to Venus - so is Uranus, Venus is very powerful right now) opposing wounded masculine Chiron in Aries. This pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps is getting old. Plus who has bootstraps anymore? Relationship, financial, self-esteem issues are triggering older woundings/fears that we are probably only unconsciously aware of. We might feel all alone/unlovable. Or there is not enough money. Or maybe no matter how hard we try to be fair or cooperative there is still this HURT. Hopefully we are finding those supportive relationships - or allowing what we have to be more supportive - there is something here about the space we speak to in others being the space that responds/replies/reacts to us. Shoot for high ground/speak to their high heart. Hopefully well-timed financial resources come in, too. Is that possible? YES. More likely than unlikely I think. Venus is our most benevolent/beneficial energy and she is impacting multiple other energies/multiple spaces of our chart/our life! Hang in there. This is a process and she has multiple squares to Mars ahead of her yet.

TUESDAY - At 12:49PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Libra. A CHANGE of direction. What was heading that way is now heading this way. Our thinking can change. Our health can change. Our day-to-day situation/habits can change. Our relationships/other people can change. Mercury is conjunct asteroid Haumea (Hawaiian fertility Goddess - what is needing to be born through this change of direction?). In a way, with this week-long square to Saturn - this is us moving past the frustration/tension, but today can be cray-cray.

At the same time Pallas in inconjunct the North Node. Rocks and hard places. Making practical adjustments (maybe to authority, to rules/limits)  to get where we want to be. Keep in Mind Mercury is the ruler of the North Node, so this is likely all the same thing as his station. Adjust. Small steps. Keep things light/local. Pallas is in traditional Cappy, what worked last time?


Venus is inconjunct Uranus. Breakdowns/breakthroughs/breakups in relationships/finances. Changes creating imbalances. Disorder/chaos interrupting the fairness of some situation. Keep in mind inconjuncts are rocks and hard places. There are no real winners, but they don't have to be lose/lose either - adjust both sides. Keep moving. 

Mercury tends to be confusing/mayhem-producing (even sometimes dangerous) at station - he is the trickster after all. The last time the U.S. election had a stationing Mercury was in 2000. We went to bed (here on the east coast) thinking Gore had won, woke up to a contest too close to call. Weeks later the Supreme Court ended the Florida recount and the state of Florida - governed by the brother of the winning candidate - declared George W Bush the winner (a continued, although unofficial recount later showed Gore had actually won Florida). The Moon will be in Gemini passing over Trump's North Node, Sun and Uranus and Harris's North Node, Ascendant. She will square foggy and confusing Neptune around dinnertime. It's almost certain we won't have a clear answer right away or that we come to the wrong conclusion first. 


FRIDAY - So now Mercury is back squaring Saturn - this is in play all week - but, Mercury is direct now. The final/final. What do we know that we know. There could be a breakthrough here. Or maybe our authority is challenged. Or maybe we face a difficult limiting choice. Take your time with important decisions now. Think things through. One door closes for another door to open and the Full Moon spoke of us being more liable to notice what is ending.

SATURDAY - the Sun meets Juno at 16 degrees Scorpio. 3rd Quarter Moon in Leo. 

With the Sun in Scorpio (deep/intense) and the Moon in "let's make something/go have fun" Leo - the square is likely to be about lightening up, letting go of our need to control the situation. With the Sun meeting Juno at the same time this can be about partnership transformations. Getting to the bottom of things. Intense conversations. Intimacy. In Scorpio, Juno can raise issues of abandonment, infidelity, inequality or lack of commitment. She starts a new solar cycle in this intimate/transformative sign and can show us the way to move toward a new kind of relationship - one based on mutual respect and on continual renewal. This can also be about a completion/ending.


There's some other stuff we'll talk about in the dailies. 


Keep in mind there will be some havoc before we reach the mid-late November light at the end of the tunnel. Make some room in your schedule. Take care of yourself. Get enough rest/water. Ask yourself, "what would someone who loves themselves do in this situation?". 


Do that. 

xo all


photo by the talented photoflake

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Friday, October 30, 2020 - preparing for the emergence of something powerfully disruptive



The big story today is the Moon. In Aries we are nurtured by taking action, doing something physical, moving our bodies - she squares Pluto, then Saturn and finally goes void off an opposition to a retrograde Mercury at 12:12PM EDT. She's void until 5:18PM EDT. We talked a bit about this last night. 

These squares can be STRESSFUL. And again all this cardinal energy (wanting to start) with a retrograde Mars and Mercury (needing to stop) - making maybe people antsy. These Cappy squares can be depressing because we are literally being depressed, and if we are sitting still, literally SQUASHED. 


So move your body. Change your immediate environment around. Give yourself some time alone or do something different if time alone is your standard these days. That will help. Know there is a door/escape hatch out of this mess for all of us, no matter how deeply in the mud/weeds we find ourselves. It's COMING.

That Mercury square looks like an old ARGUMENT. Mercury is in Libra, so we have the ability to be kind/fair here (not an asshole), but we are going to have to reach for it. Use the void Moon this afternoon to chill out/cool off. 

Tonight the Moon will be in Taurus; the sign of her EXALTATION. Think comfort. Plan ahead - give yourself the time/space to take care of yourself. Get yourself some ice cream. Know the Moon will meet up with Black Moon Lilith (recently moved into Taurus herself), so if you feel like ripping someone's head off or doing anything you need to not do, know BML is active within you, asking you to let her out (LIBERATION!) - which is something we will need to do without ripping anyone's head off or tearing out the shrubbery.

Take care of yourself today. You are preparing for the emergence of something powerfully disruptive. And now that you KNOW that - what will you do with this information?

xo all

photo by the talented Dark-Indigo


Last night's part II of the Full Moon post was a re-write because I lost the first copy as Blogger was acting up and still is. I am going to add some info to each of the sign's today, so it could be worth a re-read tonight.

FULL MOON IN TAURUS | OCToBER 31, 2020 - part II - what's going out with a bang? through the signs



We dug into the FULL MOON chart in Part I HERE 


Let's back up a bit. 


The Moon is void on Friday, October 30, 2020 from 12:12PM EDT until 5:19PM EDT. She has gone void (from her perch in Aries) off an opposition to a retrograde Mercury in Libra. This speaks of a disagreement between us and another person, maybe about an old issue. We've heard this/read this/said this/thought this before. So, there's this kind of tense/frustrating/antsy/maybe angry (imbalanced) news or information and then the Moon goes void. Whether we stew in it or not is up to us - Aries is usually more of a 'shake it off' kind of Moon. 


By Friday night (5:19 PM EDT) the Moon has moved into Taurus - a sign she loves. She meets up with Black Moon Lilith (our rebellious feminine energy) at 1 degree, so there is maybe something here about what we have hidden/swallowed to stay safe/stable, maybe to have a roof over our head and food on our table. Our emotions can be primal/instinctive. BML is the motivation within us that we expect to be punished for/abandoned if we use it. The stuff we see happening in the world is also happening in our own homes and our own bodies.


It's not until 10:49AM EDT on Saturday morning that the Moon makes her next aspect. She opposes the Scorpio Sun (Full Moon) and then just five minutes later, she meets up with Uranus. We can expect the unexpected here (not totally unexpected), surprising results, unintended consequences, accidents are possible, so stay focused. 


With the Full Moon bringing things to a conclusion - something could go out with a BANG. 


Uranus is retrograde, so this isn't totally new/new, we can have seen this coming and this can also be US making some kind of unpredictable/liberating change. Full Moons are the best times to end stagnant situations as long as we realize this is going to be EMOTIONAL. 


Collectively this will be about our money, our resources, our self-esteem, our sense of security, the skills/abilities we take for granted, something that brings us comfort. 


The changes could focus us on what we are losing. 


Whatever comes to light/whatever concludes could feel de-stabilizing, even if that is the whole point of the thing (coming unstuck because, well, this is Taurus, fixed earth aka mud!) - keep this in mind. 


After opposing the Sun and moving across Uranus, the Moon is going to sextile Neptune, then trine the Cappy planets (remember on Friday she squares them, so now we get the smooth trines AFTER the change/unexpected) - Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. All positive aspects and her final aspect is that trine to stable Saturn. This tells us the Full Moon surprise/disruption/culmination that will play out over the next couple weeks is stabilizing in the end, supportive in the long term. Patience may be required to get to the good stuff, but it's out there.


If you have something that needs to end/that you need to stop doing - this is a powerful time to end it. If we don't make needed changes, or if we go off impulsively and do something totally destructive - that rocks our stability - we could come to regret our inaction/action in a couple weeks.


I don't usually do a "by sign" - because we can get a better feel, I think, by looking at the collective influence and I'm always afraid people will skip ahead to their sign, which they may or may not connect with, and miss the big-picture stuff which they almost certainly will. But here goes, let's take a quick peek, check your Sun and your rising and if you know the exact house for 8-9 degrees Taurus - this may or may not line up with your rising sign - find that house number and read that, too.


ARIES | Aries Rising (this is also a collective forecast) - the Full Moon is happening in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. This is about a change in the way you make/use money, the things you hold onto, what you value. Mars is retrograde in your sign - you are changing and the things you want/the way you go about getting them is changing, too. The ruler of this lunation is in your opposite sign of partnership. Have you been overvaluing/undervaluing yourself? More win/win less me-first.


TAURUS | Taurus Rising - This is YOUR Full Moon Taurus and happening in your 1st house of yourself. Something about your physical self, maybe your habits, your stability is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this (could be through a relationship/partner), but it is ultimately liberating. Happening in your sign, this is another wake-up call for you. What is coming to light about yourself? What are you discovering? This can be a crisis or an opportunity. Your journey is changing and you are the one changing it.


GEMINI | Gemini Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Maybe something you have been avoiding looking at or just suspected comes out and brings an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Keep in mind with Uranus in your 12th house for the last couple and next couple years - you are moving through a lot of unfinished business, your self-sabotaging crap is coming up, you are learning how to end things with integrity.


CANCER | Cancer Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, your tribe, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT maybe bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Why do you associate with the groups/people you do? Does something here need to change?


LEO | Leo Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement, goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. An opportunity to really get how much you are worth and what you really value is coming.


VIRGO | Virgo Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Maybe you think you know something and you find some holes in your thinking/your beliefs. This is a transformation around what you think is possible for you.


LIBRA | Libra Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, death, rebirth, sex, reproduction. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT (maybe through something you haven't wanted to look at) bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. You have Venus - ruler of this Moon - and Mercury in your sign, so unexpected events have a greater impact. What is out of balance here? What are you doing about your debts? Who has done something for you and you owe them something?


SCORPIO | Scorpio Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnerships. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT (relationship turning point, partner's action) bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Keep in mind your partner is going through big changes, most of which you are a major catalyst for. They are mirroring your own need for freedom/liberation.You can get married or break apart. Your partner can offer you something or take something away.


SAGITTARIUS | Sag Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 6th house of your day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Stop doing what is draining you. have you taken on too much? You are about to find out. Take care of your health Sag!


CAPRICORN | Capricorn Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. Saturn is past Pluto in your sign (past the death), but leaves your sign for 28 years in just a few weeks, so if you need to get moving with some goal you best get on it - especially after the Scorpio New Moon in 2 weeks.


AQUARIUS | Aqua Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate, renovation or a home business. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. More changes on the home front for you my dear. But we know that's really where your heart is anyway!


PISCES | Pisces Rising - the Full Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. Unexpected news, fast decisions/answers. Something here is subject to an unexpected (although not totally unexpected) JOLT bringing something out into the light or to a disruption/conclusion. The change will be either self initiated or outside events conspire to force this, but it is ultimately liberating. If news of a new opportunity hits be ready to grab onto it.


Keep in mind every ending is also a beginning and in just two weeks we will have a New Moon in powerful Scorpio with both Mercury and Mars direct!

xo all


Back with one final Full Moon post where we'll look at the U.S. election and factor in next month's Eclipse!