Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, June 18th, 2021 - in sync, creativity, fun social engagements, passionate enthusiasm



The Moon moves into Libra today. We are nourished/nurtured by our social activities, relationships, balance, justice, peace. Now the Moon is answering to beneficial Venus in Cancer (the Moon's sign and pulling home, family and security happily into the mix) creating a nice mutual reception and strengthening both the Moon and Venus for the next couple days. 


Her only aspect today is an opportunistic sextile to Mars (in Leo) at 12:32PM EDT.


Our actions smoothly/easily lining things up to get us what we want. This is a creative/fun-loving vibe. Passion. Enthusiasm. Good for connecting with other people, negotiating, moving forward with collaborative projects. Having a good time. Get out and about.


Next week's Full Moon in reality-based Capricorn will close out this spring's Eclipse spin-cycle (are we wet/dry/wrinkle free?), Mercury will move forward (decisions will be made, momentum will shift forward), the Saturn/Uranus square will unwind a little bit, things will slow down enough that we can catch our breath. 


Then between July 1st and July 3rd, Mars will be reactivating the Saturn/Uranus square and the Saturn/Chiron trine - so our Leo house/our ego (12-13 degrees) will be pulled into BOTH of 2021's important aspects. Mars often acts as a trigger and pulls collective aspects into our personal lives or maybe more appropriately said, pulls our lives onto the new timelines through these aspect portals via personal events and situations, so for some people the first couple days of July might have an important impact on the rest of their year.

xo all

artwork by the talented Zeven Designs

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 - nourished through the nitty gritty, another look at that thing that keeps us up at night, coming home to ourselves


The Moon is in practical Virgo now. We are nourished/nurtured by practical attention to details, taking care of our health/our pets, work, quality over quantity, being of service. She opposed Jupiter at 2:59AM EDT and goes on to trine Uranus at 11:07PM EDT. Good early energy for organizing, working on 'the dream'. Jupiter is within a couple days of his retro station and Virgo ruler Mercury is retrograde until next week, so we might be updating/re-vising something with its roots in the past.

The Sun at 25 degrees Gemini squares intuitive Pallas in Pisces. This is the nitty gritty vs the fantasy. If we have been lazing about and something requires our attention/efforts this aspect will bring tension, but also the push to get something going here. There is a fine line between following an ideal and losing touch with our immediate reality. On the other hand, if we have been running all over the place with a million details/errands, this square can bring us back to our purpose/center/higher self - what really matters here/why are we doing all this? Maybe we need to step outside our official role and be guided by the larger story.

Vesta, at 17 degrees Virgo, is squared by Mercury (retrograde in Gemini) and sextiled by Venus (in Cancer). In the iChing, hexagram 17 is called 'following'. It asks, "how are things flowing and how can we move with them? where are we being nudged and guided?'.

The square to Mercury is the second of three (the first was back on May 8th and third will be on July 8th). Mercury is going back over the information/contracts/communication and Vesta is focused in on what is most important here. Her square, similar to the Sun/Pallas, but on a more practical, day-to-day level - pulls us back to center/what is keeping us up at night/what is worth staying up for. Vesta in Virgo is the best energy for fixing, but she might get overly invested in something unfixable/not worth all this time and attention. So, Mercury moves through here again, asking us to take another look at this. What are the facts here? What needs to be talked about again? What information needs to be re-viewed?

At the same time Venus in home/family/security focused Cancer moves into a smooth sextile with Vesta offering us a way through the square. Sextiles are soft aspects, so we need to be paying attention to feel this one. Vesta is about purity/sacred devotion and this is amped up in the similar energies of Virgo. Venus in Cancer wants what feels like home. Home is a more valuable space. Family is a resource. How does this need for a 'safe place to fall' benefit our Vesta (that thing that keeps us up at night/fire we don't want to let go out)? As adults we make our choice and then we pursue that choice then hopefully we can stop and make ourselves at home with what we have attained. There is alot of retrograde energy right now and a confusing Neptune squaring the Sun - choices are challenging. It's just so freakin' hard to know. This sextile speaks of the opportunity that comes from incorporating Cancerian values - home, family, self-care, security - into whatever we are focused on fixing.

xo all

artwork by the talented Tretyakova Art

Today's astrology Forecast | Tuesday, June 15th, 2021 - creative conversations, making it fun, what our heart wants, just how shiny are we


The Moon is in Leo now - we are nourished/nurtured by creative projects, children, romance, risk, recreation, attention. She sextiled a retrograde Mercury at 12:57AM EDT and goes void at 1:27PM EDT off a sextile with the Sun. She will be void until 11:02PM EDT when she moves into Virgo.


Sextiles are smooth connections/opportunities. This is fire and air so dramatic/passionate/creative conversations/thinking is favored.

The Moon's contact with a retrograde Mercury might speak of a conversation/information that moves a creative project forward/helps us to shine. With Mercury retrograde, this could be something old with a new twist/something we are re-viewing or re-peating. If a choice is required today, choose the 'fun' (maybe slightly risky) option and don't be afraid to stand out/speak up/say or choose something that garners attention.

Luna's follow-up meeting with the Sun is this month's Waxing Sextile at 24 degrees - Leo/Gemini. Here is the space in our New Moon journey (and keep in mind the New Moon was the Solar Eclipse in Gemini) where we need to bring a little fun/creative courage/charisma into the mix.

Keep in mind Mercury is still retrograde for another week and with the Moon in Leo answering to the Sun in Gemini answering to Mercury retrograde - we are still re-vising, re-considering, re-thinking. Today's contact with a lunar Leo asks us to think about what our heart wants/how we want to shine. 


Once the Moon gets into Virgo late tonight (and for the next couple days) we will again have both the Moon and the Sun answering to that retrograde Mercury, so it may be doubly important to stay on top of important details, double check emails before hitting 'send', etc. Life becomes more practical. We will feel better if things are organized, if we are taking care of ourselves and the day-to-day details. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Valerie Andriantsiferana

Weekly Astrology Forecast | Week of June 14th - June 20th, 2021 - the past vs the future, building a new world, challenging changes, break-throughs/break-ups/breaking free, summer calls us home, Santa Claus takes his vaca


A tricky week with multiple challenges. Forewarned is forearmed. The second of three Saturn/Uranus squares will color the week - we talked about the first one and the series in detail HERE. The Eclipse energies are still in play. In another week Mercury will be direct and we will have a solid Cappy Full Moon, so by the 24th we will know what we are doing. 


Hang in there.


Tuesday has some nice lunar aspects in the a.m. followed by a long void Moon. Friday and Saturday have some nice lunar aspects, too (Moon in Libra then, so with a focus on our relationships, being social and balanced). The rest of the week plays out something like this -


MONDAY - Saturn square Uranus, Mars inconjunct Jupiter, Venus inconjunct Juno

THURSDAY - Sun inconjunct Pluto, First Quarter Moon

SUNDAY - Sun into Cancer/Summer Solstice, Jupiter stations retrograde

MONDAY - a retrograde Saturn at 13 degrees Aquarius squares Uranus, Mars at 2 degrees Leo inconjuncts Jupiter at 2 degrees Pisces, Venus at 14 degrees Cancer is inconjunct Juno in Sagittarius

Saturn/Uranus is THE repeating transit of 2021. It is in play all year. They reached their first exact square on February 17, 2021 - we talked about that HERE. Now, we have the second square with Saturn retrograde. The third square is on Christmas Eve!

With Saturn retrograde maybe something around rules/responsibilities/freedom needs to be re-negotiated. Maybe we have to take another look at what we are building/what we are committing to. Saturn/Uranus are about power struggles over what FORM something should take.


With Uranus square a retrograde Saturn, old responsibilities/work/limits/rules can make us feel restricted/antsy. We might want to bust loose or something might be busting loose that feels threatening to our security. Breakthroughs. Break-ups. And breakdowns are possible.


Saturnian aspects are kind of like tests. 


They trigger our natal Saturnian energies. The sign in which Saturn is nataly placed says alot about the way we deal with Saturn issues and the defenses we erect/mobilize to become the individuals we are and help us fulfill our purpose (Saturn does this by differentiating us from what we are not, what we can't be/can't have). Saturn helps us through limits, boundaries/material reality to BE our Sun/more solar. His work is both personal and collective. Uranus is an outer planet - his work is not personal. We can be having a personal Uranus transit, but the transit is designed to move forward the group energy. What happens to us individually is of little consequence to Uranus. Think of the way Uranian Prometheus gave fire to man - every man, not one particular man. Because Uranus is collective and rules change/chaos/the future we can't know what will happen with Uranus contacts. People never had fire before, so couldn't know what to expect with Prometheus's gift. We can't know what will happen with our own Uranian gifts either. That's why this year, with its multiple powerful Uranian squares, is impossible to predict. If we try to figure out what will happen/change, we will almost certainly unconsciously overlook/avoid the thing that IS going to happen/change because Uranian changes us through WHAT WE DON'T KNOW YET. 


Make sense?

Now, something isn't necessarily going to happen today, because this is a long transit through FIXED signs. By next spring we will be through with these squares and know where we stand. We will look at our charts and our Aquarius and Taurus house themes and our natal Saturn and Uranus placement and rulerships and understand what happened. For now though, even when we think we know we probably don't know. Uranus is breaking up our fixed Aqua energies through Taurus - our money, values, resources, self-esteem. Uranus is conjunct Ceres, so pulling in mothering situations, change of life issues, things we can't control, our ability to negotiate/cut a deal/sometimes settle for what we can get.


If you have planets or points near 13 degrees of the fixed signs you will probably feel this one strongest. Keep in mind Saturn is retrograde, so this is the one where we are re-committing, re-structuring, re-building, re-doing. This might connect back to mid-February. This is the past vs the future. What has changed? What needs to? These squares are showing us these rules we live by in order to be taken care of also keep us stuck. The comforts we embrace at the expense of other people are no longer comfortable either. Revolution AND responsibility THAT is the Age of Aquarius. One without the other won't work. This is a process. We don't have to have all the answers right now. We are preparing for something without quite knowing what it is.

This is also the day, and this one will be more applicable to TODAY - Mars inconjuncts Jupiter. This is Jupiter's last aspect before he stations retrograde (remember his time in Pisces was just a sneak peek of late this year/next year, he still has work to do in Aquarius). Mars is freshly minted in Leo. The Leo/Pisces inconjunct might be something about needing to sacrifice/forgive (?) - in order to succeed or maybe we need to trim some physical excesses/ego in order to turn our attention to something higher/more connecting. Or maybe our watery Pisces dreamworld needs some real-world fiery action. There is ego and illusion here, sounds tricky. Inconjuncts are give and take and nothing is perfect in the end, but can be workable. Sort of. Sometimes. 


Venus is also inconjunct a retrograde Juno. Maybe our partnership/contract is out of sort with a home/family situation. Cancer/Sagittarius 'rocks and hard places' are about security/ownership and freedom/expansion. Cancer wants expansion, too, but needs that home base whereas Sag is more oriented to a larger audience. Venus in Cancer can also be a little needy and Juno in Sag isn't really up for filling that kind of role. This is kind of repeating the Saturn/Uranus (Aqua/Taurus), so pulls the energy into TODAY, too. 


Everyone is going to need to take a breath today! And the Moon is in Leo squaring Uranus and opposing Saturn - good grief!!

THURSDAY - the Sun at 26 degrees Gemini inconjuncts Pluto at 26 degrees Capricorn, the Moon, at 27 degrees Virgo squares the Sun

So, now the Sun hits his own 'rock and a hard place' with powerful Pluto and then the Virgo Moon squares the Sun. The Sun in Gemini wants to flit about here and there and Pluto in sober Cappy is kind of grounding him in a more limiting/structural reality - HERE is the work, the responsibilities/the goals. Pluto requires a merging (commitment) or purging (release). The Gemini/Cappy inconjunct might also speak of our words/ideas not getting any traction. Avoid gossip/chit-chat/careless over-sharing. Pluto is the truth that mostly we can't handle, so maybe the less said the more people will strain to hear us.


Then the Moon, from practical/focused Virgo squares the multi-tasking Gemini Sun. If we are running all over the place it's time to focus, take one thing at a time. Virgo is the best fixer, so what needs fixing? This is a square, so the fix won't be comfortable, but something about settling down/focusing on the reality/facts will help. Mercury, the ruler of both Virgo and Gemini, is retrograde, so what have we missed? This is about small steps/decisions in a practical direction.

SUNDAY - Jupiter stations retrograde at 3 degrees Pisces - expansion slows, Santa is taking his vaca. This happens on the Summer Solstice/Sun into Cancer. We will talk about this in its own post!


In the meantime, know this week might be challenging/frustrating. That's OK. All these things are handle-able and we are the ones with precisely the right hands for the job. Inconjuncts are about letting go of tucked corners and sheets we can bounce a quarter on (what is that all about? who does this?) and everything coming together in a tidy little way. Compromise will be needed and things can still be messy. Messy isn't always a bad thing. Tight sheets are highly over-rated and cramp our toes.

Back with some dailies!

xo all


artwork by the talented Alina Dalinina