weekly astrology forecast | April 8th - 14th, 2024 - Eclipse week plays out, reality checks around what we have been avoiding or hiding, a light on what we need to do now

the astrology of the BIG solar eclipse in aries conjunct Chiron | April 8th, 2024 - very old wounds, triggers and healing blockages are eclipsed out, cosmic reset to improve our drive, motivation and ability to initiate, the United States wounding of 'the other' and need for roots comes full circle

deep iN THE ECLIPSE SPIN CYCLE now .... mercury stations retrograde - slow down, venus catches up with neptune and then moves into aries, the sun meets the north node shining a light on a new, more authentic path forward

weekly astrology forecast | March 25th - March 31st, 2024 -lunar eclipse in libra and then into the eclipse spin cycle we go, unexpected opportunities this week