1. Annie Leonard's The Story of Cosmetics - a must see!
2. On Perfect Timing - when things aren't happening fast enough at Tiny Buddha
3. Time Management Tips for Shop Owners at the Ecoetsy team blog by Greenearthgoodies
4. The Awareness of Pain and the Pain of Awareness at BlissCick

6. Cowboy Up! break away from the other artists at the Art Biz Blog
7. Too Smart for Your Business at Awake at the Wheel by Alexis Neely
8. Getting Unstuck - solving the perfect problem by Seth
*courage poster by lillebarntoo*
today the Blog reader-lazy girl summer version made it only to read Annie Leonhard´s "Story of cosmetic" !
..really a must! have to link this thank´s!
I was feeling lazy too, couldn't decide which to read. I'll be back with coffee.
Yeah- if summer is calling our name I think we need to listen and unplug ...
thanks for the link to the launch coach. i always get something out of his articles and pricing is really on my mind today.
just officially closed my painting shop (thanks for always supporting me, cat), so now i can really concentrate on green post(the work i CAN sell) and take it to the next level like i want. so, i realize i need to expand my vision of where to sell and who to sell to. maybe my own website, maybe start doing some shows?
hey, 8 out of 10 is still really good :)
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