Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 30, 2020 - overblown words/ideas, confrontations, differing points of view, adjusting, working the process

The Moon continues her journey through fiery and hopeful Sagittarius - trining Mars at 10:01AM EDT (go, go go - we are fired...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - strutting our stuff, expanding our reach, recognizing an opportunity, seizing the day, adjusting to old rules and strategies

The Moon moved into optimistic Sagittarius at 3:25AM EDT - nourishing us through the big-picture, adventure, expansion, travel,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - decisions, commitments, getting stuff done, what we have been avoiding, fated choice points, moving forward

Our deep and probing Scorpio Moon makes all smooth aspects today - she trines Mercury at 5:04AM EDT, sextiles a retrograde Jupiter...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | July 27, 2020 - August 2, 2020 - finding the solid ground, bursting bubbles, challenges and opportunities, covering fresh territory, a long story kicks off, changes and shake-ups

Here' s a look at the aspects in the week ahead (minus the Moons, other than Monday): MONDAY - Jupiter sextiles Neptune, Venus...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Sunday, July 26, 2020 - the one where things start out smooth and easy and then get heavy and complicated, the galactic year begins

The Moon is in Libra now - nourished through relationships, balance, fairness, peace. She will trine Venus at 6:44AM EDT and...

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Covid-19

Let's try something different this week. Let's look at the charts of a couple people (whose charts we can access) who have contracted...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, July 24, 2020 - getting it done and out, making it work anyway, it feels good to get organized/clean things up, comforting words, letting go/saying good-bye

The Moon in practical Virgo is going to oppose a retrograde Neptune at 6:22AM EDT, then goes on to trine a retrograde Jupiter...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 23, 2020 - getting our act together, small things creating big changes, comforting and realistic words/news, something about smother/mothering, something needing to be released

The Moon is in Virgo now - nurturing us through practicality, organization, dotting our i's and crossing our t's, being of service,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - Void Moon, the king comes home to his castle and calls his lawyer, brainstorms and lightning bolts, getting fired up, getting some sun

The Moon , void in Leo, until 7:40PM EDT when she moves into Virgo will make no aspects until she trines Uranus at 1:16AM EDT...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - taking action, making changes, painful conversations, widening our focus, making today count

The Moon has moved into fiery Leo now - our focus turns to our creative projects, children, romance, recreation, our heart, our...

New Moon in Cancer | July 20th, 2020 - a second chance, endings and new commitments, the one that's like a New Moon and a Full Moon happening at the same time, the one where the porpoises spring from our fingers

On Monday, July 20, 2020 at 1:32PM EDT, the Cancer Moon meets the Cancer Sun at 28 degrees giving us another New Moon in Cancer...

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of the death of Jeffrey Epstein - Saturn's final stoplight, Pluto on his mind and the revenge of Juno

In July 2019, Jeffrey Epstein, a previously convicted sex offender was re-arrested and charged with sex trafficking by federal...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, July 17, 2020 - communication, errands, small stuff, finishing up, going with the flow

The Moon finishes up in Gemini today - she met Venus at 2:40AM EDT and later (5:15PM EDT) will go void off a square to a retrograde...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 16, 2020 - getting busy, making adjustments to what we call nurturing, staying curious, finding a new way through

The Moon is in multi-tasking/curious/chatty and information hungry Gemini now - there is enough to keep everyone busy like it...

Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - making the most of this powerful day

Heads up - the Moon is making some EXCELLENT aspects today (tomorrow, too). In Taurus she will sextile a retrograde Neptune...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - hurt feelings, powerful endings, brave and deliberate action, intuitive knowledge, keep moving

The Moon, in Taurus now, sextiled Mercury (in Cancer) at 12:55AM EDT (emotional agreements around money, resources, what we value,...

Astrology Forecast for the Week of July 13th - July 19th, 2020 - self esteem crisis, avoid over-reactions, power struggles, endings, stuff coming to light, let go or be dragged, eyes wide open

OK, here we go. Another week of life on planet Earth. Are we still on planet Earth?! Are you wondering about that, too :) This...