the astrology of luigi mangione and brian thompson | the united healthcare ceo murder - intense connections, death, delusion, revolution, asteroids toro, hybris and hidalgo, the past becomes the present and the future reaches back to us to start a conversation, start a fire, speak about things we don't see coming

I was going to write about this as part of an 'end of the year wrap up', but decided to give this its own post since the astrology is so interesting.

In the early morning hours of December 4th, 2024, a masked gunman shot and killed 50 year old United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson outside a NYC hotel. Five days later, the gunman, identified as 26 year old Luigi Mangione was caught in Altoona, Pennsylvania when a McDonald's worker recognized him from surveillance photos that had been taken by security cameras and shared with the public. 

Luigi (birth time not known so we won't know houses or angles) is a Sun/Mars Taurus with a Virgo Moon. Both Venus and Mercury - the rulers of his lights - are in fiery Aries as well as his Saturn. So, he would be a pretty Mars-y person - active, passionate, masculine, competitive, maybe impulsive/restless/violent - with the transiting North Node EXACT on his natal Mars the day of the shooting. 

Luigi's 15 degree Taurus Sun (powerful middle fixed degree point) is EXACTLY opposing his 15 degree Scorpio (death, transformation, power) Chiron (wound). It has been reported that a back injury/surgery started him on a path to this murder (the victim was also shot in the back and there could be other connections to the words 'shot in the back') and that is certainly possible with this chart. Luigi's natal Sun is also EXACTLY conjunct asteroids Hybris and Toro and we will get to them in a moment. Luigi's Taurus placements which include a 17 degree Mars, would have all been stirred up this past summer/fall with Mars/Uranus/Algol (sudden action/violence, losing our head). 

Brian (birth time not known so we won't know houses or angles either) is a Sun in Cancer with a possible Aries Moon. This would put the rulers of his lights in Aries and Leo. If his Moon is in Aries - we can't know for sure without a birthtime because the Moon changes signs this day - it would be very early Aries and conjunct the transiting North Node. Brian would also be a Mars-y person with a Mars in royal/leader Leo at 19 degrees. His North Node was at 19 degrees Sag and his South/Venus/Hybris at 17-19 degrees Gemini, so tightly conjunct the Mercury/Jupiter opposition at 17 degrees Sag/Gemini that was exact that day. Brian is a kind of scapegoat here (you will see where his Neptune comes in and he was having his Chiron return and that first shot hit him in the leg - Chiron was wounded in the leg by an arrow) - a stand in for every royal/leader who has been stabbed in the back/shot in the back by a rebel or through a rebellion and this whole event was hitting his natal Hybris, too. 

(if Brian's Moon is at or near 0 degrees Aries, I cannot be sure without a birth-time, but I suspect it could be - this type of event could be part of, not only, Pluto into Aquarius, but also the upcoming seeding of 0 Aries by Saturn and Neptune)

They both had multiple transits going on as they surely would and here's the part I found particularly interesting -

the chart for the EXACT moment of the shooting shows 7 degree Sagittarius rising in NYC. 

7 degrees Sagittarius is EXACTLY Luigi's Pluto and EXACTLY Brian's Neptune. 

This is an overwhelming and deep connection and speaks of a past-life involving these two or a past-life connection to the STORY/event. In this life, the Pluto person (Luigi) could have trouble seeing the Neptune person (Brian) as a real person. The Pluto person's relationship with the Neptune person could be totally illusory and delusional. And think about what these outer/generational planets represent that applies to this tragic event - death, power, healthcare, mental health, power struggles, confusion, deception, what is behind us that we don't see coming, etc.

At 6 degrees Sagittarius at the time of the shooting and so tightly conjunct the ascendent of the event PLUS Luigi's Pluto and Brian's Neptune - is asteroid Toro (bull, stubborn, strong, brutal) and at 8 degrees Sag is asteroid Hybris (hubrisarrogance, lack of restraint, extreme behavior outside the norm that leads to a downfall) - the two asteroids - and the ONLY two asteroids - who are EXACTLY conjunct Luigi's Sun in his birth chart are also the ONLY two asteroids very tightly conjunct and sandwiching the ascendent of the event chart! 

WTH folks. 

(and Jupiter retrograde, the ruler of the U.S. chart, and part of the Jupiter/Mercury exact opposition that day is tightly conjunct Brian's natal Hybris/hubris, too, and his South Node)

Also note on the day of the shooting Mars was EXACT on the North Node of Fate of the United States - strong and still and about to start a journey BACKWARD that 'brings the war home' (see my series of posts about this) - so this story is about more than this story.  

Were these people born for this moment to start this conversation/fire .... I don't know. But the possibility was always there. 

I do not add asteroids often. I only use asteroids when they are exact to the degree or within 1 degree and only in conjunctions (conjunctions because I haven't researched other aspects and also to keep my head from exploding), BUT if we stretch our 7 degrees just one more degree and reach 5 degrees Sagittarius - we find something else interesting - asteroid HIDALGO 

Named for a real-life Mexican freedom fighter, advocate and revolutionary. There is also a connection through Hidalgo, via the Spanish naming of the asteroid, to something about powerful fathers/being the "son of" something/someone, maybe to the idea of living 'up to something'.  Luigi had almost the same degree Sun (son) as the 'real' Hidalgo. 

AND when we look at 7 degrees Sagittarius in the United States natal chart - the degree of the ascendent of the crime chart, Brian's Neptune and Luigi's Pluto, we get - the United States natal HIDALGO! 

In the United States 12th house, so connected to what is BEHIND US and conjunct the United States ascendent.

This is the astrology that has created this kind of 'robin hood' energy around the crime that some people have connected to. Luigi's natal Hidalgo is conjunct the United States natal ascendent and Brian's natal North Node of Fate.

Hidalgo is an unusual planetary body. Firstly, because the name comes from an actual person, and astrologer Zane Stein who has done alot of work on the centaurs in charts links Hidalgo to the astronomy of both Pluto and Chiron - death, transformation, power and the wounded healer energy. 

Crazy fitting to our event. And, our times, as Pluto in Aquarius not seen since the United States Revolution, gets started ...

I just wanted to put up a quick post about these asteroids. Maybe we will look at these charts in more detail later. 

NOTE - the Mercury/Jupiter opposition that perfected the day of Brian's murder with both planets retrograde repeats on December 26th with Mercury direct. On December 26th, Mercury will be on the degree of the Sun of the event chart and Hidalgo will have moved to 7 degrees Sag, the ascendent of the event chart - this could mean more info coming to light around Christmas, but with the original chart's shooter represented by Gemini and with all of this opposing the U.S. natal Uranus, we might see another attack or another person brought into the mix. 

7 degrees Sag was so familiar to me it was making my head hurt when I started writing this, then I remembered it is the degree of Biden's Juno and tightly conjunct Kamala's Juno which we talked about often before the election. I knew we weren't through with that Juno (!) ... and it's also closely conjunct the 9 degree Sag New Moon that launched the cycle the crime occurred in. 

xo all - back with a post to wrap up 2024! 


libramoon said...

Catherine Ivins said...

So beautiful and moving Laurie - thank you again for sharing!! xo