shifting sands ahead .....

Untitled by Irina Joanne

OK, let's take a breath before the next round of shifts starting tomorrow and see/feel where we are.

We are on a brave new quest with Jupiter's return to Sagittarius - just keep in mind this is a year-long quest. We don't have to do everything in the first week!

We have Mars - the planet of our action, our initiative, the way we go about getting what we want - leaving Aquarius after six MONTHS. The last time Mars was in Aquarius for this long was in 1971! He moves into Pisces on Thursday where he will stay for about six WEEKS.

Aquarius is not Mars favorite place (neither is Pisces!) - and he had to deal with the South Node there (what we are releasing) and because Aquarius is a fixed sign - this left Mars squaring Uranus in Taurus, opposing all the Leo energies (including the North Node of where are heading) and then squaring all the Scorpio we have been working through with Venus! This has been challenging us since May. Although Mars can still perform in Aquarius, he isn't fond of Aquarius penchant for - over-thinking, digging in too doggedly to a mental position, detaching - Mars wants to just go for it. And Aquarian energy does not work like this.

Now, he (as us) moves into Pisces. This would be a great time to rest if we can rest. If our life is not set up to rest for the next six weeks (Mars is going to really, really want to nap!) and I know mine isn't, and yours probably isn't either, we are going to have to be careful we don't slip up and sabotage ourselves by - zonking out, drifting off purpose, totally losing our boundaries, escaping with another glass of wine, going on a shopping marathon, taking action based on what we are seeing through our rose-colored glasses, vegging out with too many Netflix marathons, letting things slip away.

Maybe we should put a rubber-band on our wrist and snap ourselves awake every hour!

We are going to have to muster whatever reserves we have to stay on top of things for the next few weeks. AND we are going to have to prioritize rest and escape somehow, too.

We are NOT going to push because Mars in Pisces can't push. It will be like pushing jello up a hill - nice for the guy behind us who isn't pushing and gets a delicious strawberry dessert tossed at him that he didn't have to work for - but not so nice for us; the ones doing all the work. On the other hand Mars in Pisces is excellent energy to go within, to meditate, to make art, to heal, to work with our intuition, to work with our dreams - this is the energy of the spiritual warrior and having this compassionate energy during the holiday season is a very, very beautiful thing - a gift to us.

Mars in Pisces won't be squaring Uranus and Venus and the Nodes anymore, but he will be squaring Jupiter (freshly home to Sagittarius) and these are our two BIG unlimited energies. And Mercury is stationing retrograde in Sagittarius, too, so our thinking is surely going to be more optimistic, obviously a good thing, but also more unrealistic and more over-the-top.

This can get us so caught up in what is possible, some far-out-there dream that we toss the baby out with the bathwater - and it's pretty freakin' cold out there for babies, we jump from that plane (adventure!) without checking to see if our parachute is working or if we are even wearing a parachute.

We party like it's 1999 ... and it ain't 1999 no more folks.

Think rubberband. Think wrist.

#kidding #notkidding

The day after Mars finally moves out of Aquarius we have Venus stationing direct (25 Libra) and Mercury stationing retrograde (13 Sag). Now all three personal planets have changed sign or direction within just two days - how often does this happen?! Friday is a very big day, but big things don't always happen when energies are exact. Sometimes they happen as the energies wax or wane. I would still expect Friday to be a big day.

We have been going back and forth through Venus over relationship/financial/resources/self-esteem situations since early October. We have made decisions and had to deal with other people's decisions - maybe multiple times (!), we have weighed things out, we might have had to let something go (relationships, money, power). Things have been up and down and out of balance.

This energy will shift forward and we will regain some balance now. We are following up on decisions that we made a few weeks ago and again asking ourselves - What do I really value? What do I want? What do I need? Have I been too focused on what isn't mine?

And because Venus is STILL squaring the nodes - remember they moved into cardinal signs, too - we are STILL making decisions - and yes, some of this is out of our hands -  and these decisions are going to impact us for a long time. The North Node in Cancer - which I am going to write a big post about - is asking us to root ourselves in our new decisions and grow something from this stronger, smarter position.

Maybe we may have worked ourselves right around in a circle to the same place (maybe not)! Either way, we are different people now. If we haven't totally wasted the last few weeks and that would have been pretty much impossible - our decisions will be better, stronger and smarter than they were in October.

So now we have committed to something with relationships or money and we will know where we stand ... but we are not finished with our work here

because Venus will still be walking degrees she walked twice before until December and because Mercury - it is not a coincidence these stations happen at the same time - now takes some part of this story - the deepest part - remember he is headed back into Scorpio where much of the Venus retrograde took place - backward again.

Venus has shown us what we truly value. Now Mercury says, "hold that thought"..

Something needs a re-view, re-vision, a re-novation, a re-location - think "re" here - with our thinking, with the paperwork, with the information, with the idea, with the conversation. Squaring foggy Neptune it is going to be hard to tell what is real and what is bullsh*t.

And keep in mind Venus (because Uranus has changed signs, too) is moving toward another opposition with "anything-can-happen" Uranus - remember that opposition during the Kavanaugh hearings?! - and the North and South Nodes - because they moved into cardinal signs last week - are still squaring Uranus, only from new positions. We have to stay grounded.

By early to mid-December we will know what we are doing. By the end of December/early January we will be moving full-steam ahead.

(just keep in mind we will never totally know what we are doing and we are never totally full steam ahead plus I can't see your natal chart transit which could countermand all this stuff)

If we can't wait - if decisions must be made and strong decisive action taken, and this could certainly happen - what do we do?

Well, we work with what we have. We have a lifetime of experience that got us to this place. We already know what to do. We already know when something is too much. Just know it is likely, because Mercury is retrograde, we will have to go back over some things and revise them. It's not a time to bet the farm, but most decisions are not that big. Most decisions can be tweaked later and as we move through the remainder of 2018.

We need the time between now and the end of the year to get things right. But we can't just take a powder for the next six weeks or we will sabotage the whole damn thing.We'll wake up in December/January with nothing to move full steam ahead with.

We have to be smart and we are smart. We can make progress during Mercury retrograde and Mars in Pisces it just won't be progress in a straight line.

Straight lines are boring.

xo all

Also keep in mind that next spring Uranus is going to move back into Taurus (this time not just for a few months like he did from May through last week, but for a few YEARS) - so we can't do the Venus/Taurus stuff the same way for much longer anyway - the way we do relationships, the way we earn and spend money, the resources we value, the way our self-esteem connects to our wallet, the way we toss our old crap into a landfill, the way we disrespect the "mother" - this is all going to change. For all of us. Big time.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 12th - Mars finally out of Aquarius after 6 months, Venus stations direct, Mercury stations retrograde - hold that thought!

The Involvement by 7oretta

OK guys, here we go again. We are moving through our second week of adjustments now as even more energies change course.

This week ALL our personal planets (except the Sun) change signs or directions so we will feel these shifts in our individual lives. Keep in mind some things will continue to be undecided - just like the mid-term election results!

Some situations move forward, others grind to a halt.

These are the important aspects I see for the week:

SUNDAY - Ceres enters Scorpio
THURSDAY - Mars sextiles Uranus and then enters Pisces (after 6 months in Aquarius!!)
FRIDAY -  Venus stations direct (25 Libra), Mercury stations retrograde (through December 7th)
SATURDAY - Mercury squares Neptune

On SUNDAY, Ceres (mother issues, nurturing, the seasonality of our lives, compromise, power sharing, division of resources) dives into Scorpio (death/rebirth, power, loss).

More and more I like thinking of Ceres as the ruler of Taurus (sorry Venus, but you will forever have Libra) - this would make Ceres in Scorpio (Taurus polarity sign) in her detriment now. A planet in its detriment - opposite its home sign - has an extremely narrow focus of expression.

What this stirs up will depend on what house (house's theme) Scorpio rules in your natal chart, but collectively, she will activate Scorpian situations/issues around shared finances, other people's money, taxes, loans, inheritances, shared resources, reproduction, sex, intimacy and death/rebirth.

We could face situations (and something could have hit us like a thunderbolt within the last few days as she opposed Uranus) that make us aware of the ways our own power is limited in any of these areas or the ways we are not as safe as we thought we were. Compromises will be made.

During her transit here we will uncover personal sources of resilience and power. Ceres will be in Scorpio until January 25th.

We start the work week with a serious Capricorn Moon on MONDAY. This is the time to focus on work, responsibilities, getting things done. A good day for career and working with authority figures and stepping into our own authority. Work on goals (especially long-term goals), within limits, do what needs to be done, yada yada.

The Moon will hook up with Pluto at 12:57PM EST - this speaks of intense experiences and passionate/deep emotions. Maybe power struggles with a woman/women or pressure from a woman. Obsession. Manipulation. Taboo stuff. Whatever we have going on - we are feeling it.

On TUESDAY, the Moon has a short void from 10:13AM EST to 10:43AM EST then moves into Aquarius focusing us on  - friendships, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, our future, whatever we are doing on the internet, our groups and causes and new experiences - for the next couple days.

A monkey wrench is tossed into that Capricorn situation - goals/authority/career/responsibility - in the afternoon/evening as the Moon squares Venus and then Uranus, although sometimes Uranian squares will resolve themselves almost as quickly as they appear - maybe they will drag the Venus tension (love/money) away with them!

Aquarius is fixed air and the Moon here wants what she wants, but we need to stay flexible.

The week starts to flip on us by THURSDAY when Mars, planet of initiative and action, FINALLY leaves Aquarius - yes, you can begin to exhale now Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio and Leo - and heads into dreamy Pisces. But first he sextiles (opportunity) Uranus inviting us to try something new and different.

Action Mars is not a happy camper in the drifting Piscean waters, but maybe after six months in Aquarius, where he wasn't happy either - he can at least catch a nap once in a while!

Mars is our masculine energy - he (as us) wants to go out and make things happen. Pisces in where we allow things to happen; we go with the flow. With Mars in Pisces, there is just no way to "force things" - stuff will go or it won't.

Mars (our actions) will be working through our emotional intuition now. We'll need to use our inner guidance and work with divine timing.

Our natal Pisces house - is shaken awake and its theme (where is Pisces in your natal chart?) is activated. We are used to just going with the flow here, so Mars moving in could be just the kick in the a** we need to get moving.

Keep in mind Mars is still Mars even though he is wearing a toga and smoking some of those funny cigarettes Michigan just legalized. He (as us) can still get things done.

The key to working with Mars in Pisces (think spiritual warrrior now) - and he will be here through the end of the year -  is to continue to initiate, continue to take action, continue to move forward, but to avoid pushing.

And we will know we are pushing because whatever we are trying to do won't be working.  

Mars in Pisces is also a kind of perfect storm for self-sabotage, so stay moving and AWAKE.

Also on Thursday we have the First Quarter Moon as the Moon (in Aquarius) squares the Scorpio Sun. This is the first tension/challenge to whatever kicked off at the New Moon last week. Maybe Scorpio wants to go all-in and Aquarius wants to step back and detach. When we check to see what the Moon does next for our way through this challenge - we see the Moon moves into a trine with Venus (in Libra) so things will move forward through diplomacy, cooperation, balance, since Venus is retrograde - maybe taking a small step backward. Kindness matters. At 10:58PM EST the Moon will sextile (opportunity) Uranus (in Aries) opening us to change and trying new things. Then the Moon goes void until 11:41PM EST when she moves into Pisces.

This will naturally draw our focus to Piscean themes until Sunday - what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing, art, illusions and delusions, etc.

On FRIDAY we have the biggest energy shifts of the week as Venus stations direct and Mars stations retrograde on the same day!

Venus stationed retrograde on October 5th and since that time we have been going back and forth over what we want/what we really value. The ways we have been too focused on the things that aren't ours. HERE is a post about the retrograde.

Now Mercury (wait a minute Venus, hold that thought!) stations retrograde - and we know how strong planets are at station - and then immediately squares dreamy, fuzzy Neptune.

Venus's retrograde has made clear to us what we want; what we value. Mars into Pisces is giving us a new way of going about getting it (by allowing!) and Mercury - passed that retrograde hot potato from Venus - is charged with figuring this thing out (ideas, conversations, paperwork, daily actions). Mercury will start with the big-picture and then as she moves back into Scorpio - ironing out the intimate details, looking at the stuff that is under the hood, scrutinizing the numbers - then reversing course and moving over this stuff for a third and final time.

A retrograde Mercury brings the usual re-minders. We are doing the "re's" - re-thinking, re-doing, re-viewing, re-kindling, re-inventing, re-visiting whatever is happening in our Sagittarius/Scorpio houses. Collectively - our beliefs, the big picture, Sag themes like travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking and Scorpio themes such as other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction, life/death.

All of this pulls us into mid-December and right around the time Venus starts covering brand new territory.

For now, know that Mercury is going to square Neptune at the very start of her/his retrograde at the end of this week. This speaks of the possibility of a lie, an illusion, a delusion - and by this time we have Mars, the Moon and Neptune all in Pisces! Our rose colored glasses will be wearing rose colored glasses. And Mercury, retrograde in Sag is answering to Jupiter strong in his home sign - so everything will feel big and IMPORTANT.

And maybe it is, but maybe it isn't and either way -

the truth/facts will be hard to come by - whether our future is so bright it hurts our eyes or we are seeing the lights from the oncoming train, is hard to say - just know we will be going back over this stuff for a few weeks. 

We don't know what we don't know yet, but we will know later. Keep moving, Keep allowing. By mid-week, stop pushing so hard - life has your back. When it's over it's ready to begin. Trust this.

I will write more as we move through the week.

xo all

back up your files!

Jupiter into Sagittarius | galloping into our future, starting from an older wiser position, growing younger, shaping the energies for the quest ahead, the ducks start lining up, the dangers of too much too soon, that new door to the left where'd that door come from?

..... by Frozen-photo

At 7:38AM EST Jupiter glides up from the depths of Scorpio and soars into the clear blue skies of Sagittarius. The energy is rising within us. It can be disconcerting and toss us off balance. But it will feel good, too.

We are not the same people we were in October 2017 when Jupiter plunged off the high board into our subconscious - looking under the covers, into our past, behind closed doors, at our bank balances, in between the sofa cushions.

Every journey through Scorpio is a journey of death and rebirth.

After any Scorpio cycle there is a part of us that is NEW. We have transformed. We have explored the depths for the last year and now we are just wanting fresh air, new adventures ... and freedom. 

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign (ruled by Jupiter and ruler of our collective 9th house) - Sag rules travel, freedom, adventure, foreigners and what is foreign to us, immigration, legal issues, the judicial system, higher education, politics, the media, good luck, faith, religion, the church, weddings, optimism, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest  -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and hoping they will go away, overconfidence, impatience and superficial bullshit.

Many of these themes will expand in the collective consciousness throughout the next year. There is likely to be some big news event with these themes over the next few days.

Sagittarius is a fire sign like Aries and Leo.

Fire signs like action - their reasons for taking action are different though. Aries energy wants to climb the mountain, first because it's there and second because there is a competition going to see who can get there first.

Leo energy wants to climb the mountain because they have heard there is a film crew waiting at the summit :)

Sagittarius energy wants to climb the mountain to see what the hell it feels like to climb a mountain and how it feels to reach the top. They want the adventure; they want the quest.

(they could be unprepared and throw their back out 100 yards from the summit, too, then they will turn their convalescence into a party for the sherpas and make THAT the adventure)

Some part of our life can surely use a little adventure. The real gift of Sagittarius is the freedom to be who we really are - how are we going to use this gift?

Just keep in mind this is a year long transit (although with a powerful kick-off that many people could be already feeling) and we are only in the first few hours.

Our view broadens now.

Why didn't I see that thing/idea/solution/twenty dollar bill in my coat pocket before?

Overall this will be a wonderful transit of expansion - Jupiter, the Santa Claus of the zodiac, fat and happy in his home sign - and he hasn't been home in 12 years!

(what was happening in your life twelve years ago? how far have you come? in multiple ways through multiple aspects we are all going home now, too)

We will talk about this alot as we move through it.

Of course, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't remind everyone that Jupiter - the kids should leave the room for this part - like Santa Claus, is entirely made up of hot air. 

It's why we overspend/overeat/over-everything during Sagittarius season.

It's why no matter how thoughtfully we have created that holiday wish list - and yes, I can see your totally adorable swirly thingamajigs, smiley faces and those hearts dotting your i's - we don't always get exactly what we want.

Santa doesn't always deliver.

(Saturn does though and he is home in Capricorn, so will help us ground this thing in something real and practical and tangible AND he will make us work for it)

With Jupiter things can look better than they actually are.

We could fly too high too fast.

Issues could seem bigger than they actually are now, too. Or maybe we are just expecting too much. Problems and delays may cut into our plans - remember Venus is still retrograde and about to pass that baton to Mercury for HIS retrograde IN SAGITTARIUS and SCORPIO (!), so maybe the plans were just too BIG to begin with? Things don't have to be all or nothing. It could feel like it though.

Keep in mind Vesta's seat at the table with Pluto in today's chart, so whatever we are doing - if it isn't something we can devote ourselves to - we are going to need to get up at night and keep the fires burning and if it isn't worth losing sleep over and adding a few gray hairs - if it isn't worth all of that, we are going to need to make an adjustment.  

Our time/resources are valuable. Treat them as such.

We are probably going to be back and forth for a few more weeks - we want this, no we want that or we just don't know what the hell we do want.

That's OK. That's what retrogrades are for!

xo all

If you didn't get those New Moon intentions set yesterday - fear not! After the Moon moves into Sagittarius this afternoon (the Moon is void until 1:59PM EST so not before then) she will conjunct Jupiter - Sag's ruler and the Moon will be waxing (growing) making today/tomorrow an excellent time also!

This is a powerful manifestation portal so set specific affirmations only if you are certain. You don't want to get what you want and then take a good look at it in the bright light of day and say, "what the hell was I thinking?".

I like to set mine with a trust that life has my back. Because life does.

Maybe try some of these:

1. I use the power of my thinking to inspire and delight my soul
2. I am always at the right place at the right time doing the right things
3. I let go and let God
4. The universe protects and inspires my strong and healthy foundation.
5. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
6. I spread my roots far and wide. I welcome the fruits of my labor and the sweet gifts of life.
7. Wealth. Success. I am a money magnet.
8. I am healthy. I am happy. I am grateful.

New Moon in Scorpio | using our power for good, how devoted are we, transformation, deep waters, restoration, huge portal for change, manifestation, what have we learned in the past year? what have we lost?

On Wednesday, November 7th at 11:02AM EST the Scorpio Moon meets the Scorpio Sun at 15 degrees giving us our annual New Moon in Scorpio.

The Moon is trine dreamy and imaginative Neptune (in Pisces) and sextile - opportunity! - the Scorpio Moon's ruler Pluto.

At the same time we have Jupiter trining the North Node (newly minted in Cancer) while both are trining Chiron and Pluto sitting with Vesta (in Capricorn).

Scorpio New Moon's are powerful portals for change and this one comes as we close out - Jupiter leaves Scorpio tomorrow - Jupiter's year long slog through Scorpio's deep waters (#metoo). What have we learned? What have we lost?

The New Moon's trine (brakes off) to Neptune is powerful energy for healing and creativity.

Whatever is birthed now - like one of those underwater births where the baby just slides out (or at least this is how I picture it in my head!) should glide right into place.

Keep in mind this is Scorpio (power/control) we are talking about so you want to be sure you know what you are doing with this energy! Nothing in Scorpio is without some risk and that trine to Neptune could also allow a fast descent. Boundaries dissolve.

The trines to Chiron suggest the potential for deep healing.

Pluto - the ruler of Scorpio and so the ruler of the New Moon - is sitting with devotional Vesta suggesting the power of this New Moon lies in our ability to devote ourselves - time/attention/resources - to what we are creating. It - whatever it is - a project, commitment, whatever we are taking on now -  will need to be honored.

We will have to be vigilant to keep the fire from burning out! We need to be sure it has worth because much is being asked of us to make it work. And of course Pluto is in Capricorn and answering to sober Saturn.

If it is worth it and we work it - this is the energy to move mountains.

With the North Node's move into lunar-ruled Cancer - we are surely going to be feeling everything more intensely for the next year. Here is the starting line.

A couple examples :

EXAMPLE for Virgo/Virgo Rising - this New Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, ideas, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood, so something here is BEGINNING/new. The trine to Neptune speaks of a smooth flow with your 7th house - partners/partnerships. This is powerful energy for life-changing conversations, contracts, communications - just keep in mind what is being asked of you in terms of commitment/devotion.

EXAMPLE for Aquarius/Aquarius Rising - this New Moon is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility, so something here is BEGINNING/new. The trine to Neptune speaks of a smooth flow with your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Keep in mind this is a trine so things will not have to be forced, but will fall together. This is a kind of do what you love and the money will follow aspect. Again just keep in mind what is being asked of you in terms of commitment/devotion.

For everyone - the Scorpio New Moon is an uber POWERFUL portal for manifesting. This one is especially potent for attracting "rewards" based on what we have devoted ourselves to in the past and for those "rewards" to become the bedrock of whatever we are building now. If the thing sitting in front of us is not something we are wanting to continue to dedicate ourselves to (more ashes than rewards!) - THIS is a powerful time for a shift toward something more authentic.

The ladies in Libra at the top of the chart - and remember Venus is still retrograde so going to walk this eclipse degree AGAIN and opposing Uranus - make me think we need to be building something balanced, something attractive, something that creates win-wins, something nurturing that takes into consideration the seasonality of its timing (Ceres) - with Pallas there, something smart and strategic.

Scorpio is uber powerful, so be prepared to commit to what you start now.  Actually commit as if your life depends on it ... maybe it does.

We either do whatever it is we are doing 110% or we don't do it at all. There is no middle ground with a Scorpio New Moon.

And know that sometimes not doing it at all - especially with a trine to Neptune, the planet that rules endings - just letting it go (the idea, the plan, the thing that we used to be devoted to but just aren't anymore) is ok, too. 

It allows a creative void for the energy to fill. It may take some time for life to get us lined up with something else. And that is OK. Saturn is in Capricorn. Time is on our side. If it's not your jam anymore it's not your jam anymore.

You may have to release your place in line, so you can go get into the right line!

This is an important month to set New Moon intentions.

Scorpio is very powerful and this is the energy that rules our secrets. If we don't set this stuff consciously - our unconscious will attract what we already line up with - and this may be a good thing - especially if we have allowed Jupiter to do its job this past year, but could depend on what we have stuffed in there - we don't know what we don't know!

I vote for conscious intention setting now - we just have to be clear on what we want/need or really we have to be clear on what we want/need to FEEL. Because we are very likely to get it.

Set your intentions around that.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a positive frame of mind - always make affirmations from a positive place (positive meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.

Know these things are already yours.


Uranus backs into Aries, Sun trines Neptune, Uranus squares the Nodes | tossed off the fence, kicked onto a NEW path, is this a blue wave or are we drowning

Drowning by madelaines

I sat bolt upright in bed last night

(watching the Julia Roberts mini-series, WTH, can't decide if the Hitchcockian music and that oddball Colin character are great movie-making or what is making my head hurt)

and realized when Uranus backs into Aries today he will be in mutual reception with Mars. Meaning that Uranus will be in Aries, while Mars, ruler of Aries is in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus - making both planets STRONGER.

So, that makes the real question - IS Trump Uranus anymore (his natal Uranus conjunct his Sun and North Node) - in which case he will be strengthened today, in some "disruptive, rebellious" way or is it impossible to BE Uranus when you are President of the United States and now part of the patriarchy

(ie Saturnian? and remember in Greek myth Saturn castrated his father Uranus just as our freedom to be/do anything - Uranus - has certain limits - Saturn).

My head hurts just thinking about this.

Although that could be my head cold ...

(or Julia Roberts).

I wrote about TUESDAY'S energy HERE, but let's see if we can add anything if we look again.

The voting today kicks off with a Void Moon - having gone into a short Void off a conjunction with Venus this morning

(women/the feminine playing a powerful role today and the results of the voting itself indicating that "nothing comes of it" - now we had a Void Moon in 2016 when "nothing came of it" for Hillary, despite having millions more votes, and we had a Void Moon in 2012 when "nothing came of it" for Obama, as Trump has been busy dismantling his entire second term).

In some sense nothing comes of this one either. (?)

The Balsamic Moon moves into dark Scorpio at 8:30AM EST, immediately moving into a opposition with Uranus (still in Taurus at this time). This is uncomfortable, confrontational - change and unexpected situations coming at us from the outside.

We are releasing as we move toward tomorrow's Scorpio New Moon. Let things go.

By 1PM EST, Uranus is squaring the Nodes of Fate in Leo/Aquarius (the king/the people). The Nodes move into Cancer/Capricorn (the mother/the patriarchy) 10 minutes later! Then Uranus moves back into Aries (1:59PM EST) and immediately begins squaring the Nodes of Fate AGAIN- now in Cancer/Capricorn. And at this point he is in mutual reception with, and strengthened by, Mars (exhausted I'm sure from his long journey through Aquarius, but still MARS nonetheless). And Uranus is now opposing Venus (women) and the other ladies (Ceres, Pallas) in Libra!

We can't make this stuff up.

Uranus squaring the Nodes (from two different positions within the same hour and during the United States mid-terms, wth!) adds firepower (and the hands of fate) to whatever is happening now - both in the collective and in our own lives.

It looks like a crossroads - and a chaotic, disruptive 'crisis' that kicks us onto a NEW path.

At the same time, the Sun (in watery Scorpio) is trining Neptune (in watery Pisces).

When trines are formed "the brakes are off" the energies of the planets connected - in this case the Sun and Neptune - there is nothing stopping the energies. This can be a good thing - we are trying to get somewhere and an obstacle is smoothly removed from our path and we can keep going or not such a good thing if that obstacle was the only thing standing between us and the side of a cliff.

Mostly a Scorpio/Pisces trine would be about intimacy and connection. The dissolving of any boundaries. We are IMMERSED.

Is this sounding like a blue wave or like we are drowning?

This is where the "free will" part comes in ....

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 5th - the most activity of any week this year, transitions, more fate-train station stops, MEGA-IMPORTANT week, decisions, pivots, getting more flies with honey than vinegar (if we want more flies), Part l

Tattoo by Pr3t3nd3r

November is going to be a very busy month with lots of important shifts and transitions as major planetary players change signs!

The fate train reaches another station this week in what lines up to be the most important week of the year.

SUNDAY - Pallas enters Libra
MONDAY - Venus conjuncts Ceres
TUESDAY - Uranus retrogrades back into Aries, Sun trines Neptune, the North Node retrogrades from Leo into CANCER and the South Node from Aquarius into CAPRICORN
WEDNESDAY - New Moon at 15 degrees Scorpio
THURSDAY - Jupiter comes home to Sagittarius (first time in 12 years!)
FRIDAY - Jupiter trines the North and South Nodes (Cancer/Capricorn), Venus trines Mars

We are off! I have to write this post in two parts - let's unpack the energies leading up to the New Moon first. 

We start the week with a focus on our relationships. 

On SUNDAY, Pallas (warrior Goddess, strategy, tactics, problem solving) moves into diplomatic and balanced (although indecisive!) Libra - the sign Venus rules and recently backed into, and also home to Ceres right now.

Our interactions with other people/our relationships will benefit by applying the strategy of civility - we cooperate, we develop win-wins. In negotiations - it's time to listen. We'll want to make the other person feel that we are connecting with them. Kindness and politeness become tactics now. Contracts need to be fair.

Think about the difference between saying to someone, when you agree with them - "that's right" vs. "you're right". The second invites connection. This is what we want now. Note - this doesn't mean agreeing when we disagree, that pink-paint Libra likes to pour over problems, but it does mean seeking common ground if there is any!

As our relationship interactions/alliances/dealings with enemies (Libra rules our collective 7th house) become more strategic, the stuff that isn't working for us - the patterns that need to shift - will become more obvious and we will have to deal with them (Pallas is going to move through Libra three times!)

Pallas is going to get to the very end of Libra in mid-to-late February and then turn retrograde and reverse course, so these "relationship patterns/tactics" are something we are going to be back and forth over until August 26, 2019 when she moves on to Scorpio.

On MONDAY, the Moon (in Libra) squares Pluto (in Capricorn) and trines Mars. This is another week that kicks off with stressful Scorpio tension - life/death, taxes, banking, big money, other people's resources/money, loans, inheritances, insurance, sex, reproduction, intimacy, secrets, third party situations, power plays/struggles, obsessions, control, jealousy, manipulations, karmic situations. With the Moon in Libra this will be about relationships and other people. The trine to Mars tells us we are taking action to get what we want.

Venus retrograding through her home sign of Libra, bumps into Ceres, so issues around what and how we are "nurturing" are likely. Do we give too much? Do we give too little? In Libra, balance is the goal now.

We could also be dealing with situations that deal with the 'seasons of our life' - the proper timing of things. 

With Pallas, newly housed in Libra for a long stay, and trining the South Node (still in Aquarius for one more day -!- an Aquarian theme is likely - detachment, distraction, the ways we or someone else didn't show up fully, the ways someone didn't fit in) whatever we are dealing with has its roots in the past.

Trines are "brakes off" aspects. the energies work together smoothly - sometimes so smoothly we don't even notice. So, you won't have to push with this one. Employ a Libran strategy (Pallas in Libra) - we will probably do this naturally - try kindness, civility, diplomacy.

Develop something fair.

Tonight the Sun (in Scorpio) is trining Neptune (in Pisces).

This is 'brakes off' with the dream/healing as long as we are not in total lala-land with whatever we are dealing with. All this water will make whatever is happening now uber EMOTIONAL. Again we won't have to push with this - something just slides into place. Meditation/prayer for clarity is powerful now.

This is powerfully in play on Tuesday also.


Uranus (sudden change, chaos, disruption) retrogrades out of Taurus (our Taurus house that starting shaking back in May will temporarily stabilize!) and back into Aries for his final few months after which Uranus will not be back in Aries for 84 years.

We can expect the unexpected when Uranus changes signs - and today is the mid-term elections in the United States!

Our Aries house - some situation in our life - lulled into an uneasy slumber since May, is awake again. Keep in mind we have been here before so these won't be totally new issues. New situations could be triggered though. We have four months to finish the stuff we have been dealing with since Uranus first went into Aries in 2010. One way or another it's done for 84 years when Uranus gets back into Taurus again in March.

With Uranus in Aries issues around - initiative, fresh starts, our brand, anger management, what we are willing to do to get what we want, independence - are likely to play out. Uranus comes in like a lightning bolt and shakes things up.

Now with three planetary bodies (I am including Pallas and Ceres) in Libra and erratic Uranus now shaking up the masculine (Aries/Mars) and his exit stabilizing the feminine (Taurus/Venus) AND the North Node (collective way forward) moving into lunar-ruled Cancer - our collective feminine energy is setting up for a resurgence when Venus turns direct in a few days.

Uranus is going to continue to square the Nodes of Fate - they change signs on the same day, so they squared from Taurus to Leo/Aquarius and now will square from Aries to Cancer/Capricorn!

The Nodes of the Moon (always retrograding backward) move from Leo/Aquarius to Cancer/Capricorn TODAY. The Capricorn stuff that isn't working is ripe for release. Cancer is our way forward.

We are trying to start something new - the Nodes are moving into cardinal signs, so what are we starting? - but there is still something that needs to break loose/breakthrough/breakup - that square to future-oriented Uranus - before we can get going!

The South Node in Capricorn speaks of breaking away from a boundary, a limit, something that appears to stabilize us, an actual physical structure, the way we have always done it, the things we do in the outer world to stay safe, the way we move through our career/public life, a commitment, a responsibility, a rule, GUILT, the patriarchy (?) - we will talk about this more as we move through it.

The good news for everyone tired of reading - "follow your heart, take your center stage, make yourself proud, take care of the children/your inner child" - I won't be saying that anymore - at least not until the planets start moving through Leo next year!

If you have been reading my blog long enough you might remember when I was writing about - finding our flock (North Node Libra), doing the thing that is right in front of us, taking care of the details (North Node Virgo), following our heart, taking the center stage (North Node Leo) -

now with the North Node moving into sensitive Cancer (ruler of mothers, mothering, babies, home, family, real estate, home businesses) for the next 18 months we will be talking about being more sensitive, more vulnerable, "moving home", mother/mothering issues - our mother's body was our first "home", the home we carry within us, patriotism, history, the security that comes from inside us, needing/creating a space to feel safe.

This is a year and a half journey and we are only at the very first step! But what energetics in play for the mid-terms, huh?! Anyone who doubts astrology need only look up and then out at what is happening in the world.

So Tuesday features surprises and also opportunities.

On WEDNESDAY the Scorpio Moon meets the Scorpio Sun at 15 degrees (right on my ascendant) giving us our annual New Moon in Scorpio.

This one is mega-powerful - maybe the most powerful New Moon of the year. 

I will write a post tomorrow.

Scorpian energy is extremely effective at lining us up with what we are wanting to line up with - so you MUST set your monthly New Moon intentions this week. This needs to be a conscious thing.

With Pluto ruling this New Moon some things will be outside our control, but it won't be a good idea to let our course be determined by our random thoughts and desires. We need to get real with this because life really can make it real for us. And with Saturn in Capricorn whatever we take on now - we have signed on the dotted line - we own it.

Then, after the New Moon and exactly with his own perfect timing - Jupiter makes his move - the one we have all been waiting for - on Thursday coming home to Sagittarius and then trines the Nodes of Fate on Friday!

This week is HUGE. Underline that a few times.

Whatever you are dealing with now is important. Treat it as such.

Back tomorrow!

xo all

Halloween havoc - putting October to bed, good-night October, don't let the door hit ya' ....

halloween by kathrinska
The skies are madcap today with TWO planets moving through tense aspects with Uranus and then changing signs - Mercury moves into big-picture, adventure-seeking Sagittarius (if you think the political climate is full of lies and tall tales already, this could escalate now),

Venus opposes Uranus while squaring the North and South Nodes (exact yesterday) and then backing into her home sign of Libra.

Mercury makes his/her own tense aspect with Uranus before he escapes Scorpio for Sagittarius and keep in mind he is walking degrees he is going to walk again and will be back in Scorpio on December 1st.

The Moon (in Leo) has her monthly third quarter stress-session with a square to the Scorpio Sun at 8 degrees. It's a spider web of transits and aspects.

And it's Halloween. That must mean something.

Hang in there. November has some challenges, but still looks better than October!

With Venus retrograde and squaring the Nodes of fate, many people are making important decisions now, especially regarding financial and relationship/love matters. Sometimes our soul has plans for us in this lifetime that our ego finds challenging. This is a crossroads period. What road are we going to travel now (and who is going with us)? The opposition from Uranus says outside influences will have their say. And keep in mind Uranus is charged with getting us back on track - by whatever means it takes. 

We are jolted awake now. 

2018 has not been a time for sissies.

With Mercury flying into Sag and aspecting Uranus, we might want to fly away - shake off the chains, disconnect from whatever feels too tight, too intense, too deep. With Venus stepping back into Libra we will be taking another look at our key connections/relationships - keep in mind she will be back in Scorpio again, so anything Libra wants to push under the rug in an effort to feed civility and find common ground is going to come up again anyway. This doesn't mean we don't nurture the civility and common ground now though. Our relationships are back in the hot seat - our old/usual ways of relating are not going to work anymore.

The Moon's monthly 3rd Quarter Square (Scorpio/Leo) speaks of tension, the necessity of an adjustment - a need to look within and a need to connect our heart with whatever we find there. This will likely be especially challenging for people with important fixed placements (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). There is a story here of loss, feeling powerless, life altering change AND still that Leo North Node beckons again, with his last powerful blast - what does your heart want? what will make you most proud?

Major new beginnings are coming.

We are going to have to remove our ass from the fence (or Uranus will kick us off) to meet them halfway.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 29th - NOVEMBER is here and we are setting our course for 2019 and into 2020 - boldness, optimism, enthusiasm, choices, surprises and shake-ups with love or money, big news and information, another emotional week, the FATE train is pulling up to the station folks - ANYTHING is possible

tree's dreams by Anna1Anna

Here are the major aspects I see for the week ahead:

MONDAY - the Sun sextiles Saturn, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter (27 degrees Scorpio) and starts walking degrees he/she will walk two more times during November's Mercury retrograde
TUESDAY - Venus (in Scorpio) squares the North (Leo) and South (Aquarius) Nodes of Fate
WEDNESDAY - Happy Halloween! Venus opposes Uranus then retrogrades back into Libra, Mercury moves into Sagittarius and trines the North Node
THURSDAY - Jupiter trines Chiron

We start the week with alot of Scorpio energy at play, so, again expect to be focused on Scorpian themes - life/death, taxes, banking, big money, other people's resources/money, loans, inheritances, insurance, sex, reproduction, intimacy, secrets, third party situations, power plays/struggles, obsessions, control, jealousy, manipulations, karmic situations, Halloween(!).

The Moon in Cancer (Monday/Tuesday) will likely tie those Scorpian themes in with our Cancerian agendas - home, family, structure, stability, mom, real estate, home business, renovations, patriotism.

If there was a decision we needed to make and didn't make last week - this week is probably going to force our hand.

On MONDAY Mercury (news, information, communication, paperwork) will hook up with expansive and optimistic Jupiter at 27 degrees Scorpio. If you have important paperwork to submit somewhere - get it in.

We can see the forest AND the trees now.

We could be working with private information/conversations, financial paperwork, deep research - the stuff under the hood - including buried psychological issues. BIG ideas are possible now - keep your mind open. With Jupiter trining Chiron (exact on Thursday) there is something healing with whatever we are saying/hearing/learning/writing/signing.

With Chiron back in Pisces we are healing the wounds of our past, our past lives and our ancestors.

There is an opportunity here for a healing explanation/clarification and/or good news AND the fact that Mercury is meeting Jupiter on the day he/she starts covering the degrees she will re-walk next month when retrograde is good news for whatever we will be re-viewing, re-vising, re-working over the next few weeks. Mercury and Jupiter will be meeting three times over the next few weeks - today is the kick-off.

Mercury's upcoming retrograde also means there won't be a straight line from A to B with whatever we have going on, so keep this in mind, too.

We are going to be back here in the beginning of December (the first couple weeks of December are going to be important if we have anything important going on now!) and in the meantime, we are going to have to zigzag our way through all of this!

The fly in the ointment with Jupiter (isn't it too cold for these damn things?!) is we have to keep a lid on anything that is TOO much - over-confidence, over-the-top thinking, sermonizing people (thinking we know it all), fanatical thinking, yada yada.

At the same time the Sun (at 4 degrees Scorpio) is sextiling (opportunity) Saturn (at 4 degrees Capricorn). This is hard work paying off with recognition. This is us setting practical goals and seeing them through. Good energy for dealing with authority figures.

There aren't any short cuts here though.

Saturn is in Capricorn, folks, the green beans MUST be in the cupboard or we don't eat. If our ancestors hadn't filled their cupboards by November, Scorpio season - the season of death - they had to go outside and kill something or pull some root vegetable out of the ground. We probably won't need to shoot a squirrel for dinner (I hope so, for our sake, and, for the sake of poor little Rocky), but it's not the season of picking a tomato from the garden and just eating it. We have to dig.

On TUESDAY, Venus's retrograde journey (as us) through Scorpio brings her (as us) to a crossroads with the Nodes of Fate. Here we are with whatever Venus issue - the relationship, love, money, resources, values, self-esteem - we have been working with since Venus stationed retrograde in early October. There is kind of a "day of reckoning" feel about this energy - like a splash of cold water in our face.

And then tomorrow she is going to oppose "anything can happen" liberating Uranus - the ruler of the South Node! This will connect back to events from last week's Full Moon in Taurus (October 24th).  

Events could take a dramatic turn now. There is a fated "turn of the wheel" with whatever is happening, so know everything is going to be alright, even if it feels like/seems like it isn't. Even if it seems like we cannot handle what is opposing us.

Relationship/financial tangles are going to feel very different by the end of the week when Venus has settled into Libra - the situation may not work out exactly how we had hoped, but 1. we will feel better about it, maybe even relieved, quickly  2. the story hasn't all played out YET and 3. contacts with the Nodes of Fate are ALWAYS moving us in our best possible direction - trust whatever unexpected stuff comes up now.

Remember that North Node is in Leo for ONLY a couple more weeks - this is it.

We are going with our heart, with what we want to create, stepping into the center stage of our own life, taking care of the children/our inner child, making ourselves proud.

We are releasing the Aquarius crap that we no longer need - the distraction, the alienation, the fear of being ostracized, the hiding out in the audience, the detachment, the over-thinking, the intellectual bullshit.

What does our heart really want??!! Venus has been working through Scorpio to show us what we really value - so what do we really value?

It is decision time. This doesn't mean we have to know exactly what we are doing or exactly where everything is heading - we are never going to know this. This is the Age of Aquarius - uncertainty is a certainty now. With all the Sag/Jupiter energy this week, we are going to need some faith.

The Moon goes void at 10:31PM EDT and then moves into Leo at 10:42PM EDT pulling our emotional focus toward Leo themes (or your natal Leo house theme) - creativity, children, our projects, recreation, romance, sports, that thing we are proud of - for the next couple days.

On WEDNESDAY, the energy SHIFTS big time as two planets move into new signs.

Venus backs into Libra - focusing that Venus retrograde situation on our relationships/justice/balance/the other people in our lives (including competitors). She comes up from the Scorpio darkness and into the harmony and civility of a sign she RULES. Even moving backward she is strong here.

Where is Libra in your natal chart - what is that house's theme? The Venusian re-view moves there. At the same time she is going to oppose Uranus (in Taurus and answering to her).

That opposition to Uranus tells us to expect the unexpected. Liberating surprises (Uranus) with love, relationships and money (Venus) are possible now. Women will surprise us. Old loves and financial situations could show up again. Break-ups and breakthroughs are possible. If a purchase has been in the works for a while now - this could be when money changes hands. For impulsive purchases - watch your wallet!

There will probably be a woman in the news that has the collective's attention this week.

Venus/Uranus takes us back to mid-September - what was going on then?- and forward to mid-December when things will be reaching some kind of culmination.

Also on Wednesday, Mercury - the ruler of our minds, thinking, communication, the process and physical means of getting things from point A to point B, our local environment, our siblings, our pets, paperwork - comes up from the depths of Scorpio and flies into the "sky's-the-limit" space of Sagittarius. This can be disconcerting.

The scope of information available to us broadens. All the little details we have been immersed in during Mercury's transit through Scorpio fade from view a bit.

It's like we have applied a wide angle lens to our camera. There is more to see (know) but less to specifically look at.

Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter) is optimistic energy. So those big bodacious ideas will carry us further now.

People will be thinking and talking BIG. Making BIG plans. Using BIG persuasive, language. It's a good time to sell your "whatever it is", but also a good time to be sold a bill of goods. Keep in mind that words and information could mislead us as our focus moves away from those pesky details and onto the larger landscape.

Sagittarius isn't Mercury's favorite place because Mercury likes precision and focus and Sagittarius is rather boundless and stretchy and with Mercury there our thinking/ideas/beliefs can kind of be all over the place.

Sagittarius is the great teacher/sage. The archer rules wisdom and philosophy. This is a good time to take something we are interested in to a higher level. Sagittarius rules our collective ninth house (plus the house in your chart with Sagittarius on the cusp!) so communications and information could focus on 9th house themes - legal issues, foreign issues, higher education, travel, religion, weddings, politics, the media, marketing.

Keep in mind Mercury is set to go retrograde in a couple weeks and is walking degrees she will walk two more times - so whatever we have going on will be subject to re-views and re-visions.

Immediately Mercury is going to trine that Leo North Node - this is our thinking and OUR WORDS influencing our outcome. PAY ATTENTION. We could hear just the thing we need to hear, the right book falls into our lap, we could say just the right thing at just the right time.  This is where life is conspiring to get the paperwork/the manuscript/the idea into the right person's sights. 

We can see how this week's energies are working together to get us where we need to go.

On THURSDAY, the trine we have been building toward between Jupiter (still in Scorpio but with bags packed for his home sign of Sagittarius) and healing/hurting Chiron in Pisces, is exact.

The truth is healing. The big-picture is healing. Adventure is healing. Optimism and open-mindedness is healing. Humor is healing.

We will talk more about this week as we move through it.

Big energetic shifts are coming mid-week. xo all

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Venus meets the Sun - a karmic crossroads, the light falls on a new chapter, fate is playing its hand

B by la-child

On FRIDAY, Venus (retrograde in Scorpio) meets the Sun at 3 degrees kicking off a new Venus chapter - this one steeped in Scorpian themes - financial, sexual, life/death, our resources, other people's resources, the ways and things we merge with other people. Here is the Sun shining a light on the money/relationship/values/self-esteem issue we have been re-viewing/re-vamping since Venus stationed retrograde in early October. Venus last met up with the Sun on January 9th at 18 degrees Capricorn, so there could be a connection to that date, our Capricorn house theme or the collective Capricorn themes of - security, stability, sobriety, our structure, goals, authority, career.

So, we are deep in the dark of Scorpio and someone has turned on the light! 

At the same time the Sun is having its monthly moment of awkwardness inconjuncting (that rock and a hard place) the Gemini Moon. There is no easy solution to an inconjunct. With the Moon in "let's make everything more complicated" Gemini there could be new information which leads to more questions/choices.

We are likely tasked, at this time, with making some kind of decision. With Venus retrograde and poised to pass the retrograde baton to Mercury (Gemini's ruler) in November, I would expect there to be some later course corrections, reviews and reversals. The stuff that is set into stone isn't really set into stone. That doesn't mean we don't make the effort though.

The inconjunct pretty much assures we are not totally comfortable, but there WILL be some kind of fresh beginning brewing in the depths of Scorpio.

We are at a Karmic crossroads - through around Halloween when Pluto starts descending into his underworld for the first time since 1770 (the time of the Boston Massacre) and then in the days after Halloween (also the time Venus backs into Libra) until around November 8th when Jupiter moves home to Sagittarius (the sign that rules legal issues, immigration, what is foreign, our higher thinking, adventure, boldness, religion, etc) - so the next two weeks are HUGE.

The stories in the news will matter. Pay attention.

The stories in our own lives will matter. The people we are dealing with now, whatever we have going on - is very important.

Fate is playing its hand, so some things will be out of our control, but we have a hand to play, too.

On SATURDAY the Scorpio Sun will sextile serious Saturn. The Moon is in airy, thinking and creative Gemini. This is excellent energy to apply creative thinking to our goals, deal with authority and our responsibilities, attend to career matters, write something, sell something, yada yada. There is a square to mystical/dreamy (and unfocused Neptune) in the late afternoon EDT, that could make for some confusion. Get the practical stuff attended to earlier in the day.

The Moon goes Void at 12:37AM EDT off a trine to Mars - good for taking action, not so good for falling asleep!

On SUNDAY we wake to a Cancer Moon focusing us on home, family, real estate, mother, security issues for the next couple days. The Moon is working well with both Venus and Uranus today so a good day for pretty much everything that makes a nice weekend - love, connection, friends, change, breakthroughs. Enjoy it.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 22nd - the Full Moon in Taurus, the surprise that isn't really a surprise, we either own it or we don't, our karma and destiny is knocking, change is good, major turning point, life has your back, game on

Fairy tale about a girl who became a tree by laura-makabresku

Hopefully you took advantage of the dreamy Pisces weekend because this is another BIG week.

Here's some of the major action this week:

MONDAY - Mercury sextile Pluto
TUESDAY - Sun enters Scorpio, Sun opposes Uranus
WEDNESDAY - Full Moon in Taurus, Sun squares the North/South Nodes
FRIDAY - Sun conjuncts Venus

There is alot of Scorpio energy at play this week so many of us can expect to be focused on Scorpian themes - life/death, taxes, banking, big money (we will almost certainly see some lottery winners this week!), other people's resources/money, loans, inheritances, insurance, sex, reproduction, intimacy, secrets, third party situations, power plays/struggles, obsessions, control, jealousy, manipulations, karmic situations, Halloween(!).

On MONDAY the Moon is in Aries and will be for the next couple days - this is especially good energy for independent work - or connecting with others in ways that require our courage (submit something to a higher up, go on a job interview, apply ourselves to something we have been procrastinating out of fear), taking action and getting things moving. Tempers are short during Aries Moons so keep that in mind. Today's Mercury/Pluto sextile at 18 degrees Scorpio/Capricorn makes it a good day to clear clutter (including mental clutter). Ideas can be transformed. Healing conversations (and the right info coming in) are possible now. Work from the bottom up. Dive in.

The Moon goes void on TUESDAY at 2:18PM EDT until 10:33AM on WEDNESDAY when she moves into Taurus.

I am not going to write a day-by-day this week because Wednesday's Taurus Full Moon encompasses everything - other than to say the Moon will turn void again on FRIDAY from 10:40AM EDT until 3:41PM EDT when she moves into Gemini - giving us an uber BUSY and communicative weekend.

So, don't start anything new or send anything out into the world you want "something to come of" during those Void Moon periods on Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning or most of Friday - the Moon needs to connect with other energies to make things happen and these are the times she is flying solo.

OK - let's talk about the Taurus Full Moon - because it's HUGE. This is when the changes promised by Uranus's move into Taurus back in May will really begin to unfold!


On WEDNESDAY at 12:45PM EDT the Scorpio Sun will oppose the Taurus Moon giving us the Full Moon in Taurus. The Moon will conjunct Uranus retrograde while the Sun will be conjunct Venus retrograde and the whole thing will be squaring the North Node in Leo and South Node in Aquarius. The Moon trines Saturn in Capricorn.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and rules the 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't. She rules finances, love, stability, security and comfort. She rules our values and also represents Mother Earth. Taurus energy is nurturing - it brings us back to ourselves.

It also represents fear based thinking when our security is threatened (real or imagined) focusing us on all the reasons something we want to do won't work or all the reasons we can't have what we want. Taurus energy is stubborn (like the bull) or passive (like the cow).

We either own it (whatever "it" is) or it doesn't belong to us.

Like all Full Moons, this is a Sun/Moon opposition. The Sun is in deep, dark, transformative Scorpio and the Moon is in earthy, grounded Taurus. Full Moons represent fullness, peak power, endings - that moment of our breath when our lungs are full just a second before we begin to exhale.

Oppositions are just what they sound like and often at a Full Moon we might find ourselves working with the polarity

(and speaking of Polarity - warning shameless plug ahead - have you seen my lockets?)

of the two energies involved. With Scorpio, some transformation comes to light (Full Moons bring things to light) maybe we have to surrender, there could be a loss of control - with Taurus, we turn toward the present moment - what already exists. We take solace in what brings us comfort - nature, food, touch, our physical senses.

So, all of that applies to every Full Moon in Taurus which happens around this time every year. There are also some energies that apply specifically to the Moon this week:

1. The Moon conjuncts "anything can happen", unpredictable, disruptive and retrograde Uranus. So expect a surprise with whatever is coming to light, reaching a culmination/peak. With Uranus retrograde and opposing Venus retrograde - and with Venus ruling the Full Moon as ruler of Taurus - the "surprise" will be something we can see coming. We've seen the writing on the wall with this. Venus opposed Uranus back on September 12th, so there could be a connection to that date with whatever is happening now.

2. The Moon opposes not only the Sun (like every Full Moon), but also Venus, retrograde in Scorpio, and ruler of Taurus, so ruler of this Full Moon. The Uranian "surprise" will most likely involve a Venusian theme (love, relationships, money, resources, values, self-esteem, women, beauty) or the themes of your Scorpio/Taurus natal houses (the Full Moon polarity themes in your chart). The Uranian opposition to Venus (exact on Halloween) at the time of the Full Moon also indicates a need to do something different. 

3. The Sun/Moon are squaring the karmic North (future) and South (past) Nodes in Leo/Aquarius. There is something fated here - a major turning point. Squares indicate tension/stress - the need to "turn a corner" and keep in mind that like the Uranus/Venus opposition - we have been here before. This aspect's karmic significance is enhanced because the ruler of the North Node (the Sun) is opposite the ruler of the South Node (Uranus). This is cause and effect. We did that and now we get this. Riches earned in past lifetimes (or by our ancestors) can provide an unexpected "harvest". Open your arms.

4. The Moon is trining (brakes off) stable and sober Saturn in Capricorn. So whatever Uranus is throwing at us, Saturn's smooth trine assures us that we aren't going to fall like Humpty Dumpty and break into a million pieces. Life has our back here. The change is good. It is leading us to something lasting and stabilizing. Saturn speaks of making the responsible and "best for you in the long run" move now. Work the solution. Yes, there is work in here somewhere. Even for those lucky lottery winners.

This Moon's chart is a powerful Fixed Grand Cross. Something that has been kept too tightly bottled up is ready to EXPLODE. There are oppositions and squares and that trine to Saturn that shows us the way through.

Looking ahead the energy from around October 29th - as Pluto conjuncts the ecliptic at 18 degrees Capricorn and starts descending for the first time since 1770 (the time of the Boston Massacre that led to the American Revolution) the lord of the underworld is literally returning to the underworld (!) - through November 8th when Jupiter comes home to Sagittarius - is HUGE. And yes, those dates include the important United States mid-term elections! Could we be in another battle for the soul of a divided nation?!

We will talk through all of this later this week, but I wanted to get the Full Moon up on Sunday night.

It is game on people. 

For the collective and in our own lives, too. We've got this thing.

xo all

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | October 20th-21st - good vibes, harmony, peace, wetsuits and access to all that nice Pisces mojo

Some One by arayo

That Mars square Mercury with Mercury trining Neptune is still in play and we need to WATCH OUR LANGUAGE. We don't want to speak out in anger or impulsivity or with forceful demands and make "the best speech we will ever regret". Just sayin'.

Mostly though the energy this weekend is all about Piscean harmony.

The Moon moved into dreamy Pisces late yesterday afternoon and today she makes nice with Saturn (sextile), then Venus (trine), then Vesta (sextile) and finally she conjuncts Pisces ruling planet Neptune for their monthly love-fest.

This is a great weekend (the good-vibes continue on Sunday when the Moon trines co-ruler Jupiter) to relax and unwind. The energy is especially ripe for imaginative work, meditation, music, healing, day-dreaming - offering compassion and forgiveness and connecting with other people, animals and ourselves. If we can be in or near water at some point all the better.

(I am closing my pool - finally - and that will do. Yes, it's cold here and has been for weeks. No, the pool is not heated. And yes, it's kind of green and freezing and I will be trying not to fall in when doing the final vacuuming - because it wouldn't be the first time. The pool has a dramatic slope since we buried an above-ground pool in the ground and I usually vacuum it from inside the pool because the suction tends to get stuck and toss me off-balance if I am standing on the edge. Maybe I should wear a scuba suit? Where did I put that wetsuit anyway??)

If we can't find something to feel good about this weekend, our sensitivity chip has probably been burned out from all this Uranian electricity (the kind that feels like anything can happen at any time) and we need to connect to something stable - hug a tree, pet a dog, eat some hearty soup, walk the earth in bare feet - now, where did you put your scuba suit? And are those things warm anyway?

Bottom line. Relax. Don't feed the bottom feeders. Let yourself rise like that cream on top of your morning cup of joe.

The Moon will go void on Sunday night at 7:47PM EDT and then move into Aries at just about midnight.

Next week features a powerful, change-maker Full Moon in Taurus (you might be thinking - Taurus, change? remember that's where erratic and unpredictable and disruptive and and retrograde Uranus is hanging out!) so we are going to have to stay flexible folks.

More on that in the next post. Let's not look too far ahead - enjoy the weekend ....

xo all

I hope I don't trash-talk Pisces energy too often. Neptune sits on my ascendant and that slippery Piscean slope toward the great abyss (escape!) is all too near and dear to me, although I am fortunate enough to have sober Saturn sitting on my Aquarius Sun to keep me anchored in reality (most of the time). #kidding, #notkidding "Escaping" reality this weekend is exactly what the energy calls for - just make it a safe and healthy escape.

Mercury Trine Neptune, Mercury Square Mars | avoiding hotheads and raging drivers, letting information reveal itself in its own good time, probably not the best time to announce any sherlockin', don't shoot the messenger, don't get shot, keeping a cool head, forgive, be compassionate, step back, let it go, let it be

Sherlocking by iNeedChemicalX

While we slept Mercury moved into a sweet trine with dreamy Neptune. I woke at five, then, what felt like ten minutes later, checked the time again and it was seven. The morning could feel something like that. Great for imaginative work, meditation, prayer, healing.

Your intuition can be counted on. Boundaries will be thin.

At 10:23AM EDT Mercury moves on to a testy square with Mars. Communications/information could be stressful. Mercury wants to dig in deep, to uncover the truth, and Mars, tired of plowing through airy Aquarius by now but also having spent a great deal of time (since last May) working through issues of freedom and liberation, is having non of that. 

Arguments are possible. The more intense and URGENT something feels the more likely we are to screw it all up. Take a step backward.

The way through today's tension is this morning's dreamy trine (brakes off). Conjure up your Neptune. Be patient. Be compassionate. Be forgiving. Put yourself in the other's person's shoes - you are there anyway. Let go of what you are clinging to so stubbornly - especially any ideas you are totally RIGHT. Release. Just be.

The information/answers we need will come to us in their own time (thoughts really are living things) - this isn't the time to dig and push for them. If we are struggling to find the right words we aren't using the trine. Trines are times when the brakes are off. The energies flow smoothly. If just the right words flow from your mouth now you know you are using that trine - if you are struggling to speak, take a breath and go inside. Life is an inside job today.

If we are the ones looking to divulge someone else's secret, this could backfire on us now. Look within. What are you really doing? In Scorpio, Mercury can discover all kinds of muck, but he/she is also thinking about the ways to put the information to use - to manipulate, to gain power. If anything like this applies to your situation, know this stuff will all come out in its own time.

You don't have to toss yourself/ your reputation on the pyre, too (in other words don't connect yourself with any crap you don't have to or later on when other people think about the 'crap' they will think of you, even though you were just the messenger).  

Yes, messengers get shot under these skies - just sayin'.

This also would not be the best time to submit a mortgage application for example - save the deep disclosures - which yes, includes financial information, for after this square has waned (a few days, if possible).

The Moon goes void from 8:27AM EDT to 4:20PM EDT, so this is not a good day to start anything new. Nothing will come of it anyway. Keep this in mind with any arguments/urge to divulge something that isn't ours to divulge or if anyone is pressuring us for information. Nothing useful will come of their/our manipulations anyway. So don't force anything. Let it be.

xo all

Here is more info from the WEEKLY about today's energy (note this was in play for most of this week and will take a few more days to unwind itself):

"The fixed square will mean no one is going to want to bend and arguments/disagreements are more likely. Mars/Mercury is a restless mind, a fast talker and words have the potential to hit us - and other people - right over the head.

We might want to be the first to think of something, we want to "win" the conversation - communications are pushy. Words can start wars now so think before you speak. Walk away from any loud mouth idiots. Don't fight with your sibling or neighbor. Did I say back up your computer? Back up your computer. Drive safely.

The good news is that trine (brakes off) to Neptune shows us the way through the Mercury/Mars minefield.

Neptune says - release your grip, use your intuition, use your imagination, reach for peace, offer forgiveness and compassion. Meditate on it. Pray. Talk to a spiritual counselor. Go inside. Let go and let God."

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 15th - important conversations and mind-changing information, disruption, the rising feminine won't go away, we are re-evaulating what matters, power imbalances, arguments, forgiveness, compassion, if we get through this week without burning any bridges we didn't want to burn we are doing pretty freakin' good plus a peek ahead to later in the month and the change we have been waiting for

*** by ankazhuravleva

MONDAY -Mercury conjuncts Venus (retrograde), Mercury squares Black Moon Lilith
TUESDAY - Sun opposes Eris
WEDNESDAY - Pluto squares Ceres
FRIDAY - Mercury squares Mars and trines Neptune

Lots of Mercury action this week - so expect to be BUSY with lots of conversations, information and ideas. Mercury is good for thinking things through, figuring stuff out and getting organized/getting paperwork done. The squares indicate potentials for tension,  communication problems, misunderstandings, arguments, computer/transportation/sibling/pet issues and also the potential for some NEW information to come in and totally change our thinking about a situation! Remember squares give us something to push against and move us all forward.

This is another challenging and exciting week - stay grounded, keep a cool head.

We spend much of the work week with the Moon in Aquarius so don't let yourself be drawn into other people's drama (we will have enough of our own to work with!). Back up a bit. Also back up your computer. Right now.

On MONDAY the Moon in Capricorn is going to sextile Venus (retrograding through Scorpio) - this creates an opportunity to meld Capricorn (business, goals, authority, responsibilities, structure, paternal issues) and Scorpio (finances, intimacy, reproduction, death, rebirth, sex, other people's money, loans, taxes, inheritances) themes and get things done.

On the same day Mercury will catch up with Venus at 8 degrees Scorpio.

This is when some information could come in or an important conversation could occur regarding our Venus retrograde (love, money, our values, self-esteem) situation.

With Mercury and Venus both also squaring Black Moon Lilith (the no-holds-barred feminine energy) communications/information could be intense and possibly controversial/disruptive. We could be going deeper with something - taking a second look. Venus and Black Moon Lilith squared each other back in mid-September so maybe something from around that time is reactivated. A relationship or financial situation from the past could come back around again. Remember Venus retrograde is getting us in touch with what we really value. We are re-evaluating things. Words can be profound now. We might be going back over old contracts and agreements.

Keep in mind we are heading to a kind of cross-roads with whatever it is we are going through around October 25th-31st when Venus will oppose Uranus bringing sudden changes and unexpected situations. Both planets will be in a Grand Cross with both the North Node (in Leo) and the South Node (in Aquarius) so whatever is going on will have the mark of FATE stamped clearly upon it.

On TUESDAY the Sun (in Libra) is opposing Eris (in Aries). This feels alot like yesterday's Black Moon Lilith energy and whenever we have a week with multiple aspects that kind of feel like the same thing we know it is IMPORTANT. This is more disruptive energy coming to light around power dynamics, the outsider vs insider energy, repressed feminine potential. This will likely play out within partnerships and the themes of our Libra/Aries natal houses.

The Moon goes void at 5:49PM EDT until she moves into Aquarius at midnight turning our focus to our groups, causes, the internet, technology, freedom, original projects, astrology (!) and the ways we work in tandem with other people toward joint goals - for the next couple days. People could be more distracted and detached. Let's give each other a little space.

On WEDNESDAY we have Pluto (in Capricorn) squaring Ceres (in Libra). This feels similar to the October 8th New Moon we talked about HERE. Power imbalances within relationships and with the ways we nurture others, the nurturing we require of others and releasing what has fallen out of season are ripe for transformation. The square speaks of tension/stress and possible extreme weather.

The Moon goes void at midnight until 3:36AM EDT when she moves into dreamy Pisces making us more sensitive and compassionate for the next couple days. The Pisces Moon is the time each month to focus on our imagination, healing, meditating, music, being in or near water. Keep in mind boundaries will be thin. Things could reach natural culmination points. Be aware of your addictive tendencies, any potentials for self-sabotage (and escape hatches) because that stuff tends to get activated during a Pisces Moon. This continues throughout THURSDAY.

On FRIDAY the Moon is void most of the day (8:27AM to 4:20PM EDT) so this is not a good day to start anything new or send anything out into the world we would like 'something to come of'.

Mercury (in Scorpio) is going to square Mars and trine Neptune.

The fixed square will mean no one is going to want to bend and arguments/disagreements are more likely. Mars/Mercury is a restless mind, a fast talker and words have the potential to hit us - and other people - right over the head. We want to be the first to think of something, we want to "win" the conversation - communications are pushy. Words can start wars here so think before you speak. Walk away from any loud mouth idiots. Don't fight with your sibling or neighbor. Did I say back up your computer? Drive safely.

The good news is that trine (brakes off) to Neptune shows us the way through the Mercury/Mars minefield. Trines are easy to miss though - so much easier to see the problem than the solution, right? - so we will have to reach for it.

Neptune says - release your grip, use your intuition, use your imagination, reach for peace, offer forgiveness and compassion. Meditate on it. Pray. Let go and let God.

Back with some dailies and the weekend stuff I didn't finish.

xo all

Think about where we are and how the astrology is playing out through us.

Mars is moving full steam ahead now - flying toward an unknown future in Aquarius. Venus is moving slowly backward, pulling our energy back into ourselves. We are beginning to feel more intuitive, more interested in whatever we are digging our way through, more passionately connected to whatever we have going on now.

This is all playing out through a situation involving something of GREAT VALUE TO US.

Venus retrograding through Scorpio is very, very personal. This is why the collective stories in the news now are greatly triggering all of us.

When Mercury meets Venus on Monday - both in Scorpio - this is IMPORTANT.

Pay attention now.

Information/clarity is delivered. 

Venus is still squaring both Mars and Black Moon Lilith, so the information can be challenging as well as exciting. Mars is trying to move forward and Venus is like, hold up there bub, we have something back here to deal with.

Now, next week on Tuesday - and remember you can experience/feel energies as they build and unwind and not always most dramatically when they are exact - but on Tuesday, the Sun is going to ingress into Scorpio, too - joining Mercury and Venus and Jupiter. And when the Sun gets there he will oppose Uranus (shining a light on sudden, unexpected change, liberation, the unexpected) - just like Venus did on September 8th and Mercury did on October 10th. This is three of our four personal planets in the shadow sign of power and life and death (Scorpio) opposing change-maker Uranus (in Taurus) within just a few weeks!  

This is why we have been feeling such extreme uncertainty and unsettling change. We are not in Kansas anymore.

The stuff that has been stuffed is coming up to be healed. And the energies are once again bringing us back to mid-May and the relationship energies that came up then and how we dealt with them back then.

And on the 25th we have the Sun connecting to Venus retrograde at 5 degrees Scorpio - in an exact t-square to the points where the North and South Nodes were at the eclipse last July - so mark October 25th on your calendar! We also have a Full Moon in Taurus that day conjunct Uranus retrograde - so opposing the Sun and Venus retrograde! Whah!

THIS is the change we have been waiting for! Are we ready for this? xo again