Mercury Square Pluto, 3rd Quarter Square Moon | power struggles, facing the truth, words are power, news and information, honoring ourselves, hard to cooperate, growing ourselves up, eating the damn apple

autumn by Art-de-Viant

The sensitive Cancer Moon (people with planets/points around 9 degrees of the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - will feel this most strongly) reaches its third quarter square of the month with the Libra Sun.

This is tension/stress. The 3rd quarter Moon is a time of crisis. Summer squares autumn.

This is about the themes of our Cancer/Libra houses or the collective Cancer/Libra themes of relationship insecurities, relationship imbalances, what is fair, what is just. Think about those Libran scales and look through the lens of Cancer (peeking out of her shell - is she safe here?).

The resolution will come through honoring ourselves - our safety, our security, our self-nourishment - AND coming into balance with the other person's position - compromise, cooperation, diplomacy.

Have we been neglecting our own needs/wants to stay in relationship with someone/something? On the other hand have we been unrealistically looking to someone/something else to mother our grown-up selves? Cancer is both the mother and the baby.

Saturn is opposing the Moon now, so we could feel like giving up. Let's not turn a corner into a dark alley just to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

We also have the exact square between Mercury and Pluto today - this one has been in play for a couple days and will take a couple days to unwind itself.

Mercury (communications, information, thinking) from 18 degrees Libra is squaring Pluto (power, life/death, big money/finances) at 18 degrees Capricorn.

Whatever we are thinking about/talking about - will be INTENSE, powerful, deep - maybe bitter.

With Pluto (ruler of that murky Scorpio 8th house) there are secrets and back door deals.

We don't know what we don't know. We can't see what we can't see. It is safe to assume we are not getting the full picture.

Mercury in Libra wants to just push this whole mess under the bed, slap on some lipstick and pretend everything is a OK. That isn't going to work now. Pluto rules Scorpio - the sign that follows Libra. The guy is dragged out from under the bed, the pretty lipstick gets smudged, the angry husband shows up with a shotgun - everything is clearly not a OK.

Some examples of how this energy is playing out with people I know - 1. someone is being audited this week. Mercury (which rules Virgo as well as Gemini - the details, the paperwork, the dotting of the i's and crossing of the t's) squaring Pluto (the tax man, power, other people's money). 2. Someone else is dealing with bankers - this is a similar dynamic and again there is a certain innate unfairness and imbalance (Libra) built into the situation because one side has the power.

3. Someone else is dealing with the reading (Mercury) of a will (Pluto) in a complicated family situation with power struggles. 4. I am dealing with Olive's (Mercury rules Virgo and Virgo rules pets) life/death (Pluto) health issues and surgery again.

All kinds of buried crap is hitting all kinds of fans this week (last week and next also).

This is the stuff coming out from under the bed - I hope for you it's just a few dust bunnies and there aren't any real monsters under there. Are there real monsters? Here's where we need to put on our big girl pants and assure our seven year old self we can handle this.

So what do we do?

Don't pour pink paint and pretend everything is OK. That paint is going to chip and we will be right back here again with an even bigger mess - and there won't be enough paint to cover this anyway.

Whatever it is we are afraid to look at - LOOK DEEPER. The expression - "the truth hurts, but the truth will also set you free" comes to mind here. 

Don't allow someone to manipulate you into something you don't agree with/something that takes away your security. Maybe we need to channel our Black Moon Lilith who is hooked up with Mars today - the powerful are not the only ones with power now.

Don't manipulate someone else and call it persuasion. Keep it real.

We need to be smart and tactful. We need to see/feel the other person's point of view (maybe that is the space where we need to look deeper?).

We may need to stand up for ourselves and we definitely need to take care of ourselves.

Situations will likely have an undercurrent about power and control (maybe life and death or could feel like life and death - which BTW is hard on our physical bodies which can't tell the difference, so take care of yours) and there won't be easy solutions/compromises.

Words are powerful now. We could burn the whole place down with our language today, so be careful.

This is excellent energy for research, delving deeply into some information, journaling, therapy, working out a puzzle, getting to the bottom of a legal matter.

xo all

An example now with the Kavanaugh story playing out in the U.S. collective is understanding HIS-story. Yes, I know we have thousands of years of understanding HIS-story. But LOOK DEEPER.

I was reminded yesterday by someone's Facebook post about the 80's classic Sixteen Candles that "rape in the 1980's wasn't something done by acquaintances at house parties" - remember the scene where the very drunk girl was handed from one boy to another (weren't they the hero boys in the film or am I remembering this incorrectly?) like a sex doll. In the movie, this was all a joke and good, clean fun. We are reminded this was the culture at the time. It's not an excuse. But it does allow us some way into HIS-story if we need one. And we do. Need one.

Because we carry all these archetypes within us.

And we have reached a point in time where it is just too painful to continue on in an un-integrated state. It is no longer possible to just stuff our own fear. It is no longer possible to just ram things through. The polarity within us just stops us dead in our tracks. We must face it directly and resolve the "split" within us in order to be able to move forward at all now. This is why we are feeling more "prevented" and "opposed" than ever. We can push the blame onto the other person or the situation for a time, but it won't stay "pushed" for long now before it pushes back!

Note - this doesn't mean I think Kavanugh should or will be appointed to the Supreme Court. No, I don't (hell, no) and the astrology looks like this storyline is definitely not wrapping up in week. Venus is going retrograde this week, to dig something up in Scorpio (!), and she won't be hitting new degrees until 2019.

And yes, I am being totally triggered by all of this, too.

Looking at 80's culture (and how it has evolved) is just a tool I can use to help integrate the part of me that - wants what it wants, that feels entitled to it, that played by the "rules" at the time (that aren't the rules now) and didn't get my "pay-off", that is foaming at the mouth angry.

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 1st - women not taking any sh*t, compromise needed, words are uber powerful, if you don't want to burn something down better hold your tongue, if you do want to burn something down this would be the time to speak up, secrets spill, possible bad news, get to bed early

toxic city 03 by Art-de-Viant

We start the week with Pluto direct (18 degrees Capricorn) after his five month retrograde (since April 22nd).

He will move forward until April 23, 2019 when, at 23 degrees Capricorn he will again station retrograde

(my besieged 21 degree Capricorn Mercury needed to lie down today upon realizing this (!) since I am getting FIVE passes of Pluto, except with Pluto the lying down could be in a big old wooden box, so I probably shouldn't even joke about this).

Pluto is retrograde for almost half the year - imagine what Scorpio (rising, like me) people could do if their ruling planet wasn't retrograde almost half the year. I imagine how nice it must be to be a Leo rising with your ruling planet (the Sun) never stationing retrograde, but then think about those Gemini and Virgo risings who must feel like they pretty much have to do everything twice! Ugh!

In October, Pluto is going to cross the ecliptic from North to South for the first time since 1770 - Pluto literally returning to the underworld AND at a time when Jupiter (in Scorpio) is answering to him AND when Venus is retrograding through Scorpio and answering to him. Also interesting that Pluto stations direct - in mythology Pluto is the rapist of Persephone (Ceres' daughter) - the same week Venus (ruler of women) stations retrograde - while the United States is embroiled in the Kavanaugh nomination mess.

But first Mercury is going to have a conversation with Pluto this week - likely one we aren't going to like, so let's take a look at the week ahead.

Here are the major aspects I see:

MONDAY  - Mars conjuncts Black Moon Lilith (in Aquarius)
TUESDAY - Mercury (in Libra) squares Pluto (in Capricorn)
FRIDAY - Venus stations retrograde (in Scorpio)
SATURDAY - Mercury opposes Eris
SUNDAY - the Sun conjuncts Ceres (in Libra)

So, this looks like another stressful, intense week for many of us. Remember we are all in this together - we'll get through this.

On MONDAY, the Moon enters Cancer at 2PM EDT ending a more than 24 hour void. In Cancer, we could find our focus turning to home, family, home business, mom, country, yada, yada for the next couple days. We will want to hunker down, maybe even hide out. Everyone will be more sensitive. Keep this in mind.

At 4:29PM EDT, the Cancer Moon sextiles unpredictable Uranus (in Taurus). We want to do something different. A change of pace is required. Opportunity comes from doing something else. At 7:18PM EDT the Moon opposes Saturn. There are limits, responsibilities, emotions get repressed, people become more inflexible.

Todays' big news, Mars (in Aquarius) once again - yes, another repeat - conjuncts Black Moon Lilith (the angry outsider). We last had these two meet on August 10th. This is the uncontrolled masculine and the outsider feminine together. This is the volatility of the male/female power imbalance. Sparks will fly. We might struggle against some kind of domination as we are, once again, reminded of all the ways we don't quite fit in. We are older and wiser than we were on August 10th, but a cotton sheet will still feel like a lead blanket. We might need to run screaming into the woods with this one ....

On TUESDAY, we have the last quarter Moon at 5:45AM EDT, when the Cancer Moon squares the Libra Sun. This is a crisis point in the Moon's monthly cycle. The square to Libra speaks of the need for balance, justice and compromise. This isn't about us giving in or pouring pink paint over a problem, but to work with Libra we do need to acknowledge there are two sides to every story.

At 8:18AM EDT then Moon will trine (brakes off) a seductive Venus (in Scorpio). This is women getting along with other women. This is being social and what we want and what we need coming together. This is that balance we were seeking early this morning, so I guess we get it. It might be subtle though. By 2:48PM EDT the Moon has moved on to a compassionate, imaginative trine with dreamy Neptune. We have a Grand Water Trine going on now making everyone more sensitive, but also more sensitive to each other. Our boundaries are thin. Addictions attract. Escape hatches open.

The big news Tuesday, and this is exact on Tuesday, but in play all week is Mercury's square to a newly direct Pluto. This speaks of powerful conversations/communications. WORDS ARE POWERFUL. We, and other people, can be very persuasive, but equally manipulative (what is the difference exactly? I guess whether we are the one doing the talking or someone else is!). Secrecy. Obsessive thoughts. Paranoia. Jealousy. Possibly bad news comes in. This could be relationship vs career stuff. Our words can be misconstrued. Things could feel like life and death and they might actually be about life and death. Information could be used to gain power over other people now. We might discover something someone in power has done wrong - this could be a big news theme in the collective, too. Secrets get spilled. Some people's motivations will be deeper and darker than we expect - check your motivations before opening your mouth folks! People will be audacious. Yes, audacious.

Stay frosty.

Watch your language, but if you actually want to burn the house (your job, your marriage, etc) down with your mouth this would be the time.

Again this week's themes of "who has the power?", "who is in control?" are in play.

This is good energy for research, investigations, writing a mystery novel (get working on that one, will ya') and getting to the bottom of things. 

Then at 10:10PM EDT the Moon moves into her monthly opposition with Pluto - what else can happen?! Best to avoid emotional entanglements. Just stay home and go to bed. But then, of course, because what else,  just a few minutes later the Moon will square Mercury making our minds restless, maybe preoccupied with the past - it could be hard to fall asleep.

OK, so we get to sleep by 8:30PM EDT on Tuesday.

We wake on WEDNESDAY to a Void Moon until she moves into Leo at 5:12PM EDT. Wednesday would not be a good day to start anything new or push anything important out into the world (unless it is your tax return) because nothing will come of it. And if you don't believe this, keep in mind, Obama started his second term - yes, the one Trump has been busy dismantling - on a Void Moon. Void moons are good energy to work on things already in progress - we can often get alot done.

The Moon's move into Leo will turn our focus to Leo themes - children, self-expression, creativity, fun, recreation, romance - for the next couple days.

At 7:29PM EDT the Leo Moon will square Uranus (in Taurus). We will be feeling more impulsive and independent, and so will other people - not such good energy for interacting with others. Expect the unexpected.

OK, so on Wednesday night we go to sleep by 6:30PM EDT.

On THURSDAY the Leo Moon will oppose Mars (in Aquarius, for what seems like forever) at 5:31AM EDT. This could make for a challenging morning.

BUT by 12:19PM EDT the Leo Moon is sextiling (opportunity) the Libra Sun. This last sextile between the Moon and Sun before the New Moon is excellent energy for creativity and collaboration. This is a good time for business and meeting people. Good for romance, activities with children, putting something out there you can be proud of.  

Actually if you are pushing something out into the world this week - from now until Venus stations retrograde on Friday at 3:05PM - it is pretty much all systems GO (keeping in mind I can't see your natal).

OK, back later in the week with the rest of that Venus retrograde series and to finish out this week. See Part I about Venus retrograde HERE.

Whatever this Venus retrograde will be about for you - you know it, it is already in play.

xo all

Think wine, hot baths and "this too shall pass" this week

Weekend Astrology Forecast Creatives | molehills into mountains, the feminine energy vs the power structures, fresh air and fresh ideas, sleeping in while a sleeping giant wakes up plus some astro on the Kavanaugh nomination

Nina by Bird Sophie Black

At 1:20PM EDT on FRIDAY we have the Moon (in Taurus) trining Pluto (in Capricorn). We get this aspect once a month during the Moon's transit through Taurus. This is powerful emotional energies. Great for intense experiences that leave us feeling nourished. In earth signs this is stable energy as something solid moves forward or clicks almost silently into place.

At 6:36PM EDT the Moon moves into her opposition with Jupiter (in Scorpio) - this is probably not the time to make a large purchase because we could be feeling very self-indulgent and make a bad financial move. Our emotions are over the top, too. We are nurtured - and challenged(!) -  by things that are outside our comfort zone or go deeper than we want to go. Mountains will be made from molehills now, so keep that in mind. Good energy for business, but probably not so good for a Friday night date. There is a feminine energy vs the power structure struggle with Taurus/Capricorn here, too.

Also today Chiron (retrograde in Pisces) sextiles Juno (in Taurus) at 29 degrees. With Chiron back in Pisces we are returning to a past wounding/loss/addiction. The opportunity of the sextile, which is gentle, comes through partnership/commitments/contracts - maybe someone who understands us, a commitment that is encouraging, an acknowledgement of our pain makes a difference now.

With Chiron in Pisces the healing comes from letting go ....

The Moon goes Void off her opposition to Pluto and stays void until she moves into Gemini on SATURDAY morning at 9:36AM EDT. The Moon in Gemini will turn our attention to conversations and communications, to words and writing, to ideas and information- for the next couple days.

We will be busy and mentally active. Lots of errands. Lots of texts. Activities could involve our local neighborhood and our siblings. Computer and transportation issues could have our focus, too.

The Moon will trine Mars (and then form a Grand Air Trine with the Sun (!) on Saturday night - great for creative work, writing, communicating. Try to take advantage of this time period, we don't get this kind of energy very often! Open the windows and bring in some fresh air. Open your mind and bring in some fresh ideas. Good date night for conversation and being out and about.

On SUNDAY we have another long Void Moon (sleeping it off or maybe we are just all talked out?!) starting in the morning and lasting until Monday afternoon!

And Pluto stations direct (the sleeping giant awakens) - will write a post about that!

xo all

A couple people have asked me about what the astrology says about the outcome for the Kavanaugh hearings. The story captures the zeitgeist of our times. I believe these souls are playing out the collective energies for all of us (and the energies are unfolding in our own lives, too).

It's like we are watching a play about "what is happening while we are watching the play".

The astrology was uncannily perfect yesterday - even the Moon's waning inconjunct; the rock and hard place between the Libra Moon and the Taurus Sun - with Venus (ruling Libra) rubbing up against Venus (ruling Taurus) and the GOP having all their questions asked by a female prosecutor!

All the wounds from centuries of patriarchy (the masculine by male entitlement, the feminine by dis-empowerment) are coming up to be healed/released.

I don't have Blasey-Ford's birth information, but Kavanaugh's chart has Jupiter hitting his natal Neptune (1st house) and opposing his natal Pluto (7th house). Neptune here is self-sabotage, stuff from the past, addiction, illusion, self-deception - that banana peel just laying in wait for his foot. Jupiter ruling legal issues/courts. Pluto ruling power and manipulation. He would believe (Neptune in the 1st) he is going to win - but then maybe Neptune pulls the rug out from under him. And he is one of the 1960's babies born with that Uranus/Pluto conjunction so Uranus provides unexpected situations and plot twists when Pluto is activated - he looked like a shoe-in just a few weeks ago and even as I write this people seem convinced he is going to get in. That 7th house Pluto would give him powerful allies. He does have transitting Jupiter at the top of his chart - so a peak career time for him, but that Neptune looks like a major loss to me and it gets multiple hits.

Also his best transits are waning so it looks like he missed his moment. Maybe if he does gets in he doesn't get to stay somehow or doesn't perform/vote the way he is expected to. I don't know. It looks like the chart of someone having a public loss created by something in the past, an addiction or self-sabotage. He also has some natal transits that makes me think this seat opened up for him through some kind of deception. I guess we will see ....

Neptune is set to be a HUGE player in 2019. He will square Jupiter multiple times and sextile Saturn and all three planets will be powerful in their home signs!

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast, September 27th | a BIG spotlight on our way forward, a rock and a hard place, a need to adjust, counselling conversations, solid commitments

Where the wolves are by Alexandra Sophie

The Moon entered Taurus while we slept likely focusing us on Taurus themes for the next couple days  - our money, our resources, what we own, our values and self-esteem.

The early Moon in Taurus (Full Moon in Aries on Monday) is this month's waning inconjunct (the rock and hard place of the waning Moon's cycle)- Libra Sun inconjunct Taurus Moon. We can use the Taurus Moon to steady ourselves in this moment. What do we have right now? What is right in front of us that we can touch? What do we want right now? What can we do about it? The Moon is squaring both Mars (sitting on the South Node - another threepeat!) and the North and South Nodes and is very active today.

Mars on the South Node of Aquarius - for the third time since he went into Aquarius in May (what has been going on in your life since May?!) - there is an earlier post from June 8th - HERE. Whatever has reached a boiling/turning point during this LONG Mars in Aquarius cycle is most likely feeling very in our face. This is us releasing the argument/the trauma/the distraction/ the need for chaos. The good news - Mars will be moving off - only one degree, but still moving off - this sensitive point by Saturday. Right around the same time Pluto is waking up - we are moving forward!

This is all about relationship dynamics and synchronistically begins to unwind with the Sun in Libra - the ruler of our 7th house of relationships - and just before Venus, ruler of Libra, begins her big relationship chapter next week.

Think about those Libra scales. Why is Libra the only sign whose symbol is an inanimate object - maybe because the way we see/experience other people is a projection from us and not real? Think about how scales work. One side needs to equal the other side for the scales to be in balance. In relationship we are on one side of the scales and the other person is on the other and we have to balance each other for the relationship to be in balance. And this is within any relationship - it doesn't have to be romantic.

Libra is the harmony and cooperation between those opposing forces when they are in balance. 

In order to do Libra right we have to do Aries right (Libra polarity sign) Aries is about - who am I?, what do I want? - so, we enter Libra (relationship) through Aries and our self-definition (who I am). So let's say we are interacting with a person who doesn't balance with us - we adjust. Maybe through Libra we offer diplomacy, compromise, etc.

Maybe in order to stay in balance - and you can imagine those Libran scales with you on one side and the other person on the other - because we haven't done our Aries work to know ourselves - we put some parts of ourselves away (I don't really need someone who yada, yada - you can fill in the blank). Imagine us pulling off our right arm to stay in balance! Or imagine those scales the other way around with us feeling unworthy of that other person's love/attention/time. So we have to add weight to our side of the scales - we over burden ourselves (let me do this and that and the other thing for you), we puff ourselves up artificially, sometimes we even put on actual weight.

And then we move into Scorpio (like Venus is now) from this unbalanced position (where things are only balanced because we have cut off our arm or added an extra arm!) - we go in deep, we merge our bodies and money and intimate emotions - and then we are totally screwed. Except we are never totally screwed (Scorpio does rule sex though and those issues are about to be magnified) because we get all these transits and make all these free will decisions that will shake our stuck sh*t up. Taurus is the polarity point for Scorpio - so we have to know in Taurus (2nd house) what we own, what we value, again who we are - BEFORE we get into Scorpio where we merge our stuff with other people. But we aren't perfect and we don't always know and sometimes even when we think we do, what we know/value changes, so here we are on planet Earth exploring this stuff ....

Anyhow, back to today - we also have Saturn conjunct Vesta (2 degrees Capricorn) and Mercury conjunct Ceres (9 degrees Libra) and the Sun sextile (opportunity) the North Node in Leo.

So, even though we are walking through this month's waning inconjunct we have what we need to handle it!

The Sun sextiling the North Node is like a beam of light being shone on our journey ahead. Watch for synchronicities indicating you are on the right path and universal hints that tweak whatever you are doing. Mars is in Aquarius and the North Node is in Leo - we have to be ourselves. We have to shine from our own center stage. We have to do what makes us feel proud.

Mercury (communication/ideas) hooking up with mama bear Ceres in diplomatic and balanced Libra speaks of someone being HEARD. We speak, they listen. They speak, we listen. This isn't really about deep conversations and we could be making connections at a superficial level - but that level is skipped at our own peril - think of those Libra scales!

Saturn (duty, responsibility limits, rules) conjunct Vesta (devotion, keeping the fire burning) in his home sign of Capricorn is about rules and responsibilities. If we commit to something now we are committed (hopefully not in a straitjacket kind of way). This could also be the old boys being the old boys ...

I don't think we could ask for more perfectly timed energetics for Christine Blasey Ford's testimony and Brett Kavanaugh's rebuttal. This story is a zeitgeist - this energy is playing out in our lives, too. I haven't looked at her chart, but remember his having some slippery Neptune transits - lies, illusion, alcohol, memory loss from alcohol fits, too, self-sabotage - any stuff from the past that has been lying around like a banana peel just waiting for his foot ....

Knowing these three major aspects plus allowing that Taurus Moon some comfort and downtime should give you something to work with today!

xo all