The Moon in Leo sextiles Venus at 3:35AM EDT (creative, collaborative, what are you dreaming?) then trines Jupiter at 10:21AM EDT (great for presentations, promotions, expanding our reach) and finally goes void at 12:13PM EDT until tomorrow morning, off a sextile to Mercury - so a good closing aspect. The Moon is a happy camper.
Unfortunately, Venus closes in on this week's square to Saturn - bringing tension/frustration and making today somewhat of a mixed bag. Also keep in mind the Moon will be void after lunchtime (EDT) so lots of things can happen that seem like a bigger deal than they actually are and we might find ourselves having to repeat what we do now later on when the Moon is connecting to something.
Squares to Saturn are reality checks. We had this last week with Mercury (news/information), now our relationships/partnerships/what we want/what we have are getting blocked somehow. Feeling the "no". With Saturn on his final approach to the South Node (Saturday) this will be around old responsibilities (we may or may not have lived up to), old authority.
Saturn/Venus can bring up situations where we just aren't feeling the love, aren't shown the money and/or feel the weight or isolation of age and responsibilities.
Since Venus (in Libra) is also squaring the North and South Node - we are blasted with cardinal energy to get us through this crap and in particular whatever is ending!
The past may look more secure/stable from our vantage point today and the future more vulnerable, but that is actually part of the illusion of Capricorn/Cancer right now.
Keep in mind the future has to be mutable (changeable) - this is cosmic law. Our mind (and we have three planets in Libra, an air sign now) wants to know what comes next because it thinks B follows A and sees the world as a linear space. Any situation where the mind can't "see what is coming" looks like chaos to the mind (if your natal Mercury is in a mutable sign this might be a little bit less true for you).
Also keep in mind how the North/South nodes of the Moon work. The South Node (right now Capricorn and this is a collective theme, you will likely have a different South Node in your natal chart, but we all have a Cappy South node in play to a greater or lesser degree now) is a very comfortable space for us even when it makes us very uncomfortable - think of a child clinging to the leg of a cold or abusive parent. This familiarity, which our bodies are designed to crave, can become a problem in a mutable/expanding universe.
Natal bodies (like Mercury last week and Venus this week and the Sun and Mars later) moving in aspect to these stuck spaces create a kind of friction to get us unstuck.
Cancer and Capricorn are both about survival. They are our mother/father energies. Everything feels more intense, plus we have Pluto in Capricorn - very life and death.
At this time the "problem" is the South Node. Capricorn is all about achieving and winning and fighting to gain status and fit in, climbing ladders, meeting goals and having a career. Cappy (Saturn's sign) is all about the outer world. The problem comes in when we are too focused on the outer world that we neglect our inner world (Cancer, the mother, the planet Earth). Jumping from one rung to the next requires we be uber focused on the higher goal or we will fall (notice there is alot of falling now).
Life becomes work, work and more work. We start seeing ourselves from the outside instead of feeling ourselves from the inside. The answer to the North Node problem is the South Node "solution" - coming home, sometimes literally but more often to ourselves, nurturing ourselves, building a strong INNER foundation, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to be seen as more human, doing the more comfortable thing. When we apply the solution to the "problem" the outcome is REAL achievement (what Cappy wants, but doesn't know she wants), authentic progress.
You might notice the answer this year has not been to work "harder". The harder working person will still fall from the ladder, still have the ground shifted - sometimes very sharply if things are very stuck or we are too invested in something that isn't authentically ours. The answer is to nurture yourself, maybe take a vacation, spend more time with family. The paradox of the North/South lunar nodes is that when we do the North Node we get the gifts of the South Node. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable we get the gift of stability and structure over time.
With Venus, who rules ALOT of good stuff (love, money, women, values, self-esteem, beauty) squaring the Nodes - this is something to keep in mind now.
Saturn is direct, but still standing still for much of this week.
If our new direction hasn't been settled on yet, decisions will be made this week. We have likely boxed ourselves in - relied too heavily on something that wasn't stable (and we have had plenty of time to realize this thing wasn't stable, but remember we are craving that familiar thing) - to get to the need to hit these hard corners. What are we going to do? Keep in mind the North and South Nodes - take care of yourself. We can't avoid responsibilities, but this is Libra season - we can get help and be helpful to others (within reason). We can find new ways to achieve balance/fairness/cooperation - and remember we are out of balance 99% of the time anyway, think about how we pick up one foot to move forward - this balance thing is FLEETING.
So, here is a thousand words to say - today is a mixed bag. The Moon is happy, but Venus is not so happy. We may have to make a relationship or financial decision or do something about something that is impacting our resources or self-esteem.
Look ahead. KNOW the future is more stable, more nurturing - even if to our mind we only see chaos and disorder. This isn't a linear journey. Jupiter is in Sagittarius and moving away from that fog-producing square to Neptune. Neptune is moving out of that over-blown square to Jupiter and toward a stable and opportunistic sextile to Saturn - we gotta have FAITH.
xo all
photo by the talented Anhen