New Moon in Sagittarius | November 26, 2019 - the new adventure, a wise beginning with some surprises, adjustments, agreements reached, win-wins, healing, expansion, learning and more than a little luck

On Tuesday, November 26, 2019 at 10:05AM EST, the Sagittarius Moon meets the Sagittarius Sun giving us this month's New Moon and...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 25, 2019 - love and money vulnerabilities are triggered, the revised dream is moving forward, New Moon brings new strategies to expand our reach and get lucky, third time's the charm and here we go

SUNDAY - Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mars opposes Uranus MONDAY - Venus into Capricorn TUESDAY - New Moon in Sagittarius (4 degrees)...

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 24, 2019 - risk and reward, love expands, what we want wants us right back, a silver lining with any break now

The Moon, in Scorpio now so nurtured through intimacy/depth/merging, meets Mars at 6:36AM EST (passion, initiative, conflict),...

Today's Astrology Forecast | November 23, 2019 - a light shines on something healing, taking transformative action, good date night, keep a cool head and drive safely

The Moon, in partnership-focused Libra and so nurtured through other people now - squared Saturn while we slept and squares Pluto...