Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, December 14, 2019 - taking care of ourselves, avoiding being overly sensitive, stressed and stretchy, when that something dead in the water thing lands in your driveway

Today's Moon in Cancer opposed Saturn at 4:31PM EST, then Pluto at 8:47AM EST and finally goes void at 10:56AM EST off an opposition to Venus. She will be void ALL DAY until she moves into loud and proud Leo at 10:56PM EST. Sunday is a much better holiday shopping day.

We also have a waning inconjunct between our Sagittarius Sun and the Cancer Moon. 

So today feels a little 'stressy', especially early in the day - maybe career/goals clash with home/family, our priorities with our ambitions. Maybe it's a clash of values. The Moon is at home in Cancer, but also very sensitive and security focused.

The void Moon can also make things a little wonky. It can be hard to focus.

Our efforts might not amount to anything - so, it's not the time to start anything new - and we might find things have to be done over again when the Moon isn't void. Purchases could be regretted later.

Time gets kind of stretchy.

BUT with the Moon connecting with the Sun (this month's waning inconjunct - a rock and a hard place, but still a connection) and benefic Venus just before the void, there is still much creative energy available, not to mention our approaching trine (exact tomorrow) between Jupiter and Uranus. Today could be better than the Moon's position would have us expect.

Our efforts can make a difference.

Enjoy your Saturday. Keep in mind our Cancer North Node's need to take care of ourselves.

xo all

Venus/Pluto meeting right on my Mercury in my third house yesterday perfectly suited the 'death' of my twelve year old car. Not good news, but at least it happened as I pulled into my own driveway, so there's that. And now I have to GET to buy a new car. But not today.

Car purchases are big deals for me (and most people, obviously).

A few years ago - well, actually, I guess it was twelve years ago - how is that possible?? - I wanted a hybrid car and the Prius seemed too small for my business and my life.

I started researching the Ford Escape (the word escape even kept appearing in my life and by research I mean one afternoon on the internet looking at reviews). I decided I wanted one.

I wanted a light blue Ford Escape - I wasn't so much thinking about GPS and stereos and cup holders and safety things - I was just thinking light blue. I called all the dealers within 100 miles and none had an Escape that wasn't black or white. They all told me it would take months to get one in my choice of color. And of course, I had procrastinated the whole process to the point that I needed a car right away.

I decided to go test drive a white one and see if I could live with it - I had already owned a white car (we only get so many cars in our life, so why repeat colors is my way of thinking with this) and I really didn't want another white car. I was on my way out the door to go to the closest Ford dealer when hubs called reminding me about going to a friend's house for dinner and that we needed to bring dessert.

So, I skipped the nearby dealer and drove to a dealer a couple towns further so I could stop at our favorite bakery. I was test-driving a white Escape and was on a back road a mile or so from the dealer, and suddenly I spied a light blue Escape sitting in a parking lot; a parking lot filled with new cars; a parking lot that happened to be an overflow lot for the dealer. It was brand new - fully loaded - more than I wanted to pay, of course ... but light blue.

I drove back to the dealer and asked them about the car in the back lot - they looked at me like I was crazy -  they didn't have a light blue Escape in their back lot. I drove the sales guy back there and he was surprised to find that I wasn't crazy (this was a first for me, too - finding out I'm not crazy), checked their records and discovered that the Escape had never been entered in their computer.

Hubs and I realized later that we had the wrong week for the dinner and celebrated my new car by polishing off the entire boston creme pie ourselves.

Now, it isn't like this car saved my life or turned out to be the buy of the century, but do I believe that a whole bundle of little things had to fall into place for me to have that car - YES

(sniffle, I will miss her).

Do I believe that the universe/my higher self/God wanted me to have this car? No.

It wasn't like I saw it and thought, "I am supposed to buy this".

Do I believe that the universe/my higher self/God wanted me to see that I could manifest this car without pushing, without me making things happen myself, that little things could fall into place for me in magical ways when I got clear on what I wanted?  

Yes. And I believe this is what I was supposed to see because this is what I did see.

The problem is I am not usually so clear on what I want.

I am the girl who has sat in indecision growing cobwebs and rust and depression while birds roost in my hair and summer turns to fall

My Sun (plus Mercury and Saturn) is in my third house and one of the things this house rules, being messenger Mercury's domain, is transportation. So, let's see if twelve years older and wiser I can be a beacon (attracting what I want/need) and not a searchlight once again.

I feel much more attuned to what I don't want than what I do right now though ....

photo by the talented BirdSophieBlack

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, December 13, 2019 - flow, connection is energizing, we want what we want, obsession, intensity, creative potential

The Moon in home/family/real estate/home business/family business/mother/mothering focused Cancer will trine Neptune at 10:27PM EST and Mars at 11:24PM EST.

Chiron stationed direct last night so we could have felt/are feeling a wounding around our masculine energy. In Aries, picking ourselves up and moving forward is the way to go. 

Meanwhile Aries ruler Mars (in Scorpio) trines Neptune (in Pisces) - good for taking initiative/action with our dreams/healing/spirituality. We can follow our instincts/intuition. We can offer compassion and forgiveness. We can make art. We can meditate and pray. Our efforts meet little resistance. Connection is energizing.

And this is the day Venus (love, money, our values and self-esteem) on her journey through Capricorn reaches Pluto at 21 degrees. We want what we want. We could be feeling an obsession around what we want. Something is INTENSE. We know what we want and maybe we will see what we are willing to do/give up to get it. With Pluto this is a total commitment/transformation/ENDING. Venus and Pluto starting a new cycle so very near the same time Venus/Saturn started a new cycle means things will be intense as these energies play out over the next few weeks and months. Here is our feminine energy working with authority, power, within the rules.

All of this is happening as we build toward Jupiter's only trine to a retrograde Uranus (lucky break, change of beliefs that hold us back, fast change, liberation - exact on Sunday) looks like something here has its roots in the PAST.

From about 5:30-8:30PM EST we have a Grand Water Trine involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune - this is a powerful creative loop between your Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces houses. What are their themes? What can you do with this?

With Venus showing us what we want or what needs to be transformed or what is dead in the water at the same time we have Mars (our action, initiative, passion) harmonizing with Neptune (our dreams, healing, spirituality, the past) and the Moon in her home sign of Cancer giving us this beautifully creative Grand Water Trine (the lunar aspected trine is brief unless you have planets or points near the middle of Cancer!) - this is a great day to take action on creative projects/family and real estate situations/business/moving a dream forward. 

If you have been looking for some right timing to do something - here it is. This will be most effective if it involves the themes of the houses in play and you feel passionately about it.

Saturday morning will be a little edgier as the Moon reaches her opposition to Saturn/Pluto (authority, power), but keep in mind Sunday's powerful Jupiter/Uranus trine - BELIEVE that life can conjure up some unexpected goodies. It's time we get lucky people!

xo all

I feel the need to toss in, here's my Mercury in Capricorn at work, that trines create smooth flow. This can be a good thing - like that roadblock is removed - or not a good thing - like we drive off a cliff because that roadblock is removed. Use this sh*t wisely.

photo by the amazing Julie-de-Waroquier

Todays' Astrology Forecast | Thursday, December 12, 2019 - the void Moon, creating space for what is truly ours to find us

The Moon (in Gemini) went void last night after reaching her monthly fullness and opposition to the Sagittarius Sun. She will be void all day today before she moves into Cancer at 6:23PM EST - turning our focus to home, family, mother, mothering issues, security, real estate situations.

Jupiter (in Capricorn) approaches his trine (brakes off) with Uranus (in Taurus) - exact on SUNDAY.
This is the only meeting we have between Jupiter (luck) and Uranus (fast change) while Jupiter is in Capricorn, and, in fact, we won't get another trine between these two planets until 2028! It is in play for the next few days.

Here is a lucky break.

Expansive change.

We will talk about this more tonight as we finish up the monthly - in the meantime, keep in mind Venus sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto - softening their hard edges, even as they straighten her backbone/resolve. There is something serious here. It is not business as usual.

Mars (in Scorpio) is trining Neptune (in Pisces) - it's sink or swim, so we want to be SWIMMING. Even if we can't see any land yet. Even if we need to CHANGE DIRECTION - we still need to just KEEP SWIMMING.

Mars (action) in positive alignment to Neptune (our dreams). Jupiter (optimism, expansion, luck) in positive alignment to a retrograde Uranus (innovation, change, the future, another chance).

This is good stuff.

Yes, Venus (as us) is feeling like the cheese in a toasted cheese sandwich BUT she is doing her job here, ensuring we are taking that love/money/values/beauty/self-esteem situation SERIOUSLY. Ensuring we are valuing our priorities.

The Moon is void all day and waning. Take a few hours to catch your breath. Something needs to be released. Mentally/emotionally/physically - what are we holding onto that is keeping us trapped? 

Santa wants to drop a present in our lap and all he asks - well, maybe it's not ALL he asks, he is in Capricorn after all - is we have a little space in our lap to receive it.

With Jupiter/Uranus this situation isn't going to turn out exactly how we had pictured (release beliefs, expectations, grief over what was/might have been), but it could turn out BETTER.

xo all

photo by the talented Santina

GEMINI FULL MOON | December 11, 2019 to December 12, 2019 - reality bites, choices dissolve, seeing the facts, adjusting our thinking, serious commitments around love and money, change is coming

On 12/12 at 12/12 AM EST, the Gemini Moon opposes the Sagittarius Sun at 19 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon.

The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is mutable. It's flexible, adaptable and thrives on change.

Mutable signs are restless and prepare us for the change of seasons. They are the breakdown and break away before the breakthrough.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury.

(who also rules Virgo - Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and the Messenger God)

and Mercury rules our collective third house of day to day communication and language. She/he also rules commerce, contracts, siblings, neighbors, local travel, early education, transportation - stuff that creates movement. Its polarity sign is Sagittarius, where our Sun (and Mercury herself) is, rules the ninth house of the larger world aspects of movement. So big picture thinking and processes, philosophy, higher education, foreigners, long distance travel, etc.

During a Full Moon we always have the Moon and Sun in their polar positions with the Earth in the middle (that's what creates the full moon), so the energy we are working with is the play between the two signs - in this case Gemini and Sagittarius.

Full Moons bring things to a peak, to a culmination, to light or to a conclusion.  

Let's unpack the chart!

The Sun/Moon are squaring Neptune (separating), the Moon is inconjunct Saturn (and Venus/Pluto, so hitting on next month's and next year's big energies), the Sun is sextile Saturn and conjunct Pallas.

Gemini is the sign of the twins and sometimes during peak Gemini energy we can find ourselves mired in two choices, doing things twice or again, seeing double, etc.

With the Sun and Moon moving off the dissolving square to Neptune - it could be these choices we have been mulling over or working our way through aren't grounded/real/based in reality. Maybe a sacrifice has been required. Maybe our "choices" weren't really choices at all. Neptune showed us this last week if we were paying attention. Our real choices narrow and the Full Moon tells us this is a GOOD THING.

With the Full Moon exactly inconjunct (rock and a hard place) Saturn, and Saturn, along with Pluto bookending an uncomfortable Venus (and keep in mind Venus is back where she was in February 2019, so something from that time could be wrapping up/activated) - this could be the part of our Saturn/Pluto story where the money is tight or our self-esteem is taking a hit or we aren't getting the support we need/want, etc

- some reality could be biting us in the ass.

Inconjuncts ask for adjustments. With the Moon in airy Gemini (finally some air at an important Moon!) - we are asked to adjust our thinking. To bring our minds back to reality with some situation. To make a decision, even at a time when decision-making isn't easy!

With Pallas (wisdom/strategy) conjunct the Sun - we are asked to be wise now. 

With Pallas opposing the illuminating Moon we are confronted with the facts.

With Venus squeezed between Saturn and Pluto and back where she was last February (the degree not the 'monkey in the middle' part) - I am kind of picturing her mediating a truce between these big, bad boys as she attempts to soften next month's Saturn/Pluto conjunction by showing us now that - what we want is limited.

If we have been living in lalaland - here is part one of the bills coming due.

If we have been working hard and adjusting to what life has tossed into our lane this past year - here is where we take stock of where we are and what we have and make another decision or here is where we are called to make a commitment.

Either way Venus starts a new cycle with both Saturn and Pluto now - so what we are doing RIGHT NOW around Venus themes (love, money, our values, beauty, women and self-esteem) is uber important because we are getting a fresh start. This is also about the themes of the houses Venus rules in your natal chart - your Taurus and Libra houses.

Take whatever you are starting now seriously. Take the decisions you are making seriously.

The Moon is connecting to both Saturn and Neptune.

Saturn represents discipline, time and rules - he reigns over the material world; the things that give life structure. Saturn tells Neptune to, "sit up straight, obey authority, get a job, to pull himself up by his bootstraps." Neptune rules the metaphysical world. He represents our dreams, our imagination, the things that give life meaning. He asks Saturn to feel, to have a heart, to show compassion, to understand that not everyone at every moment has bootstraps to pull up.

We all carry both these archetypes and they work out their energies and move their stories forward through us.

On their own neither of these big boys would give us a functioning world. They need each other. And individually we need to balance both these parts of ourselves. We need Saturn's structure to bring the dream to life and we need the dream (Neptune) to give our life meaning and purpose.

The ruler of this Full Moon is Mercury (ruler of Gemini). He/she has just finished up a two month journey through Pluto territory (Scorpio) and is now in Sagittarius - the sign of her debilitation.

Mercury is sextiling Jupiter and trining Chiron. So, confronting these facts/hard truths/whatever this is for us - actually creates opportunities for expansion and healing.

Maybe because we stop wasting time/energy and diluting our focus on the wrong things!

Communication/information is key now. Gemini rules youth and youth is a time of great flexibility and newness - it's time to bring in some fresh air. Don't over think this. This is a Full Moon - maybe something needs to end before we can fully get excited about the new stuff.

Mercury in Sag is answering to Jupiter and Jupiter trines Uranus in just four days (this is in play now) - we are moving toward BIG change and the decisions we are making now are important.

More about this in the next post as we finish out the monthly. 

xo all