The Astrology of January 2020 | the month this sh*t gets real (realer?, realest?)

We spent most of 2019 in energies building toward and preparing us for 2020 - which is a massively important year (and one that...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 30, 2019 - the eclipse spin cycle, letting go, culminations, contracts revised, new information, big ideas, courage is healing

An important week - let's unpack it. MONDAY - Sun conjunct South Node/opposing North Node, Mercury trine Uranus TUESDAY - Sun...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, December 28, 2019 - independent work earlier in the day, good date night, words get weighty, another brick in the wall as the eclipse spin cycle continues

The Moon moved into humanitarian Aquarius late last night (take a breath and a step back) and squared Aquarius-ruler Uranus at...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, December 27, 2019 - a light shines on something real and positive, our new life is going to cost us our old one

We are in-between Eclipses now and our Capricorn Moon, coming off that powerful Eclipse on Christmas night and off a dreamy...